Bad choice, as it achieves little except notifying our enemies.
bad choice, because apparently, Mammon has all the means to exclude the knowledge we actually want from such a book.

We need to, in fact, have him under Mindblank for as long as we can, if we want to get info out of him.
And yes, including the time we'll be actually questioning him.

Azel's room will work perfectly for that, if we manage to keep his mind under a lid all the time before it.
Also can we take the "Little Birds" to the deep? Tell them to wait in a certain place and pick them up?
Well they are all asleep It's not like you can't bottle them, or even just tie them up.
I'm finding it hard to believe that all the Little Birds will be asleep all at the same time.

EDIT: To be clear, we can definitely bottle the Little Birds in front of us. However, that doesn't take care of the Little Birds we haven't gotten yet. We run afoul of any of them and fail to catch them, and all of a sudden we're in a situation where Varys has run away.
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bad choice, because apparently, Mammon has all the means to exclude the knowledge we actually want from such a book.

Interrogate and THEN bookify him. He would still be a good story for the library as his life is rather interesting.

EDIT: Not to mention it is possible to turn him back for a short time for further interrogation.
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@DragonParadox did you see my questions or..?

You can withhold for spoilers. Though I feel crakes awnsers was pretty good.
If in doubt, ask via PM's.
Seriously. It will be less awkward, trust my bitter experience.

Inefficiency detected!
If it's Westeros, I don't care.
The place is too far gone, we need to burn it all.
And from it's ashes, will arise a new order...
*general unwilingness to deal with the place intensifies*
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They are asleep because Viserys cast a sleep spell on them, as far as the ones you have here know, none of the others are expected to come back here before it's time to report to Varys.
I wasn't talking about them, I was talking about the ones we haven't gotten yet.

So say we bottle the ones we just got. Then say we go around the Red Keep messing with Baelish, stealing hairs, getting dragon bone fragments, etc. What if a Little Bird happens to see us in the middle of that and warns Varys? What defenses do we have against that? All it takes is a good spot check on their part and a bad one on ours and we're screwed.
Had a question for ya, I'm going to assume it got swept up so.

Would the average westeros Noble find Varys slaughter of children (like Crake described) unpalatable?

There seems to be a consensus that if that became public knowledge only a handful of people (ned &stannis) would be upset.

Just noticed this

Most of them would find it very unpalatable

@DragonParadox, does Varys expect all three of them or only one or two?

Only one.
How confident are we that we can keep Varys' death or capture subtle? There's still other stuff we want to do in the Red Keep before we have to leave.
How confident are we that we can keep Varys' death or capture subtle? There's still other stuff we want to do in the Red Keep before we have to leave.
Well it's kind of a catch 22.

If we do other stuff before trying to capture or kill him we risk getting noticed by him and losing our shot.

If we try and kill or capture him before we do other stuff there is a chance it will be to noticeable and we will have to GTFO.

It's more of a "Accomplish main mission while we have the chance" or "Do side missions but risk failing main mission"
I... Are we really just going to bottle Varys and forget about him?

Also, as far as god based infosec. Give him to Yss or the old God's. They probably wouldn't mind popping his brain seals.

Also they can probably dumpster mammon's attempts with almost 0 effort.
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They probably wouldn't mind popping his brain seals
That's... a pretty good idea, all considered.
We'll need a pretty fatty meal for Yss tho'...
*inconspicuously takes a snek-cleaver and eyes Tor*

Still need to capture him with Mind-Blank intact.
We need a god who specializes in breaking pacts. Wait hold on guys I have a thought. Syrax. We can ask her as to the nature of protections in Varys.