By Axe, Arrow, and Flame
Twelfth Day of the Eighth Month 293 AC
You turn to Asha and ask if she would like to be in charge, a foregone conclusion if ever there had been one. Asha Greyjoy is nothing if not willing to face challenges from the front while calling out orders to those under her command. "Does that mean I'm in charge of you too?" she asks archly. "'Cause if I am I'm just going to sit back here while you roast the damn things."
"Sensible of course, but not precisely the point of this outing," you reply matching her tone. You pause before adding in a more serious manner. "I will see to it that no one is gravely harmed of life or limb and if you have any questions as you make your plan I am here to advise you."
"The 'life or limb' part would be a lot more reassuring if I didn't know for a fact that you can grow back arms," Theon interjects.
The trio of Scholarum mages, one a grizzled Summer Islander, the second a dragonseed around her thirtieth year, and the third an Essosi man in vibrant green scholar's robes do not seem to know precisely what to make of the banter. They do not have long to stew in confusion however as Asha quickly draws all attention to her, questioning each of them in turn as to their magic, their weaponscraft, and surprisingly their preferences with regards to the plan.
You would not have imagined someone as strong-willed as her being so willing to take suggestions. Or perhaps it is not so surprising after all. The crew chooses the captain on an Ironborn longship after all.
After being delivered near the nest of monsters Asha summons forth the diminutive
storm spirit usually bound to one of her axes, she has one of the mages veil it in a glamour so that it may freely scout the foe... and deliver a handful of 'gifts' into the ragged leaf and bud nests among the stone, vials of alchemist's fire blackened with soot so that they would not glimmer and draw the monsters' attention.
Lost 3 vials of Alchemist's Fire
"Theon, get some oil and rags, I want as many arrows in the air as you can manage aimed at the nests. I want them pissed, scorched, and looking for something to kill..." Asha continued
"That being us," the younger Greyjoy interjects. His excited tone is in marked contrast to his words.
"Not quite, little brother..."
Three flame-tipped arrows arch out from hiding each trailing a long line of smoke, three of the monsters' nests are set alight, the alchemical concoction setting the creatures alight from below as though they had been doused in oil. A cacophony of screeches rises up in response, promising a torturous death... yet they see nothing, for a mage had been holding his hand on Theon's shoulder as he shot and the moment his
veil tore another was woven in its place.
Confused, the monsters look further afield, down the steep side of the hill where it seems that a dozen Naathi bowmen had gathered to shoot at them.... all
shadow and
trickery, a ruse from the simplest spells spun. A cleverer foe would have known the arrows' path does not match, but these monsters know only enough to associate men with bows and bows with arrows.
Eight of the monsters, including those that had been scorched, dive towards the seeming while the others remain in the air like some manner of macabre audience to the slaughter to come. As these bolder horrors come to the lower points in their arc, claws extended, the little elemental fulfills his final task, hurling a vial of arcane
smoke into the chest of one of the creatures before darting away.
Lost 1 Sleep Smoke dose
Three thumps of beasts falling from a controlled dive to a boneless fall announce the end of the ruse and the beginning of the battle proper. Twin spears of light fly out from the mages still in hiding killing two of the main flock, while Theon shoots an arrow with whispered spells in its loosing... one arrow becomes four, pinning the largest of the monsters through both eyes.
As the monsters descend Asha seems to dance among the chaos, decapitating one with the axe in her left while cutting off the wing of another with the one in her right, seemingly caring not at all for the cut on her cheek or another on her shoulder.
The mages are not so so nimble, unable to ward off the grasping claws... and that would usually have been the end of them, pushing you into acting, save for the fact that all of them were covered in conjured
oil. All three of them escape if not unharmed than at last ready and able to weave more spells. Another pair falls as the healer struggles to keep up with the wounds of his fellows.
Meanwhile Theon, protected by his painted lizard with all the ferocity of its kind, keeps two arrows in the air at any one time and rarely indeed does he miss, even when close enough to smell the rancid meat on the monsters' breath. Another pair of horrors falls and the heart goes out of the monsters. It seems they do not have the stomach to fight anything stronger than a child for long.
You put an end to the battle by forcing the remaining monsters into enchanted slumber. You certainly have no qualms about sacrificing
Gained 14 Flying Chupacabra Corpses (4HD CR3)
Gained 9 Flying Chupacabra Prisoners (4HD CR3)
"So?" Asha asks, wiping sweat and blood from her eyes. "How did we do, Your Grace? Are we worth sending off to the other end of the world looking for trouble?"
"I am not sending you to look for trouble, but allies and trade," you say mock-sternly. Allowing a smile to spread onto your face you add: "Trouble will find you all on its own."
"I think you should take a look at this..." Theon interjects with unexpected seriousness. He is standing by the largest of the copses, perhaps considering if he should take its admittedly hideous head. It is not the head however that catches your eyes but what lies around the neck... a collar of rawhide and bone spikes.
"These were someone's bloody pets?" Asha asks incensed.
"Hunting hounds most likely and only that one..." you reply absentmindedly. "This is not the last time Naath has seen of monsters from the south," Though there is no sorcery to the proclamation it weighs heavily upon your mind just the same.
What do you do next?
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OOC: Sorry this was so late. There was a lot of rolling involved.