I agree with all you have said but I am more curious about this. Is this a reference? Also to the credit of the Seven they never fought the Others so they don't know how bad it gets.
Ignorance is no excuse for laziness. When you get to the top your next job is to make damn sure you stay there.

If it only takes one Red Dragon to knock enough shit over to make you fear the toppling of your faith you've done a piss poor job.

Also yes, yes it was a reference.
@bigbow - some more ideas for action figures, to help fill in current gaps in our roster.

The Empire

Myrish/Legion Crossbowmen
Legion Mages
Griffon/Hippogriff Knights
'Mounted' Waymar

Just filling out the missing parts in our army. Also want to start on Waymar's Knightly Order, and get an 'alternate version' of him mounted on his griffon so he can properly lead them.

Captain Moonsong
Khal Rango

These two aren't Companions, but they aren't B-Team either. I think they fit in the 'General Gerold' slot.

The Blackfyres

Blackfyre Standard Bearer
Golden Company Cavalry
Golden Company Commander
Tiamat Spawn

Just fleshing out the GC, since they're kinda like a shadow-archetype villain to the Legion, but right now there's only a bunch of infantry. We could also use the opportunity to make it clear just whom they're propping up as king this time around. Seriously, they're a natural reoccurring villain for the Targaryens, we should take advantage of this.

Slaver's Bay

The Unsullied
Ghiscari Slave-Drivers

I know you kind of turned the Unsullied into a joke, but I personally think that's a waste. They have a reputation in Essos and beyond, and we should do the horror of their existence justice. Have them look like the hollowed out puppet's they've been turned into, their expressions blank and postures uniform, driven on by frothing masters cracking a literal whip on their backs. Mock the regular essosi slavers as cruel and cowardly, but Slaver's Bay should just be visibly ... vile, in a way that any decent person can look at and know.

The Rebels

Westerosi Archers
Lannister Agent

I'm not sure how to go about this exactly, but my idea was to focus the mostly mocking parts on the Usurper and his cronies while portraying the Lannisters as a somewhat more serious threat. They've got real mages, semi-professional troops, ruthless spies, etc. No match for our heroes, of course! It's also another way of needling Robert about how completely helpless he would be without Tywin propping him up in addition to generally bringing attention to that fact.

They're good additions, but I don't know if I'll have the time before DP goes full Festival. I'm finishing a chapter for PD and its taking a bit of work to finnagle it just right. Would you be willing to make a few of them?
Large, regimented horned people.... ostracized weird looking minorities barely tolerated by those around them...

Obviously no Chantry stand-in though, which removes an entire dynamic from the picture you paint. :V

Though maybe not... just put it in reverse. It's the mages who mind the zealots.

...and determine when it is best to... put them down.
I was really just saying "this is like the intro to an awesome RPG".

Seriously, you and your younger brother side-kick arrive at the Big City while its in a full-blown Festival, meet a super quirky guide that literally walks you through the place showing how things such as money work, and quickly another unique, seemingly-important npc (Skarbrand) shows up, with a very typical line like "you here for the fair tournament joust?', gives some basic explanations about what's going on (tournament, prizes, gods), and it ends with a cut-scene of the PC and his brother really just falling into wonder as the day ends.

Basic premise exposed, mechanics presented (there's probably a "the qualifications are over there" or "you can train up here" part), this is just about the point where you release the player to explore the place and rake up some XP and loot through side-quests before the Story Quest, aka The Joust.

I'm now expecting some big cataclysm to happen during it.
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I'm now expecting some big cataclysm to happen during it.

All the devastating things in ASoIaF happen during Tourneys, if you pay attention. Ashford, Harrenhal, Lannisport, King's Landing... really, all the really intense stuff happens there, though to be fair most of them are just politically precarious and precipitate the bigger boom down the road.

Maybe ours will subvert that and just skip straight to the 'boom'. :V

Edit: There's also weddings. Weddings in Westeros never go well...
One minor thing there. We didn't hand out the VS weapons to the faiths yet. We wanted to do all of them at the same time during the festival, as a grand gesture of Viserys specific brand of anti-piety.

...we'll this would be awkward. I thought we gave them all the weapons the day after we made the first batch of steel?

That's why Viserys remarked to the septons to keep the swords with them under guard from thieves here:

"Excellent. I will leave the swords with you, but under guard by the Lawmen for now to guard against thieves..."

I took it to mean from this then that only the seven swords don't have weilder's yet:

@DragonParadox, can you tell us what weapons we made for the other faiths?

I was drawing blanks on what would be appropriate last night and need to know how much VS to deduct from our stocks.

  1. Yss: Dagger
  2. Moonsingers: Scimitar
  3. Old Gods: two handed axe (Minotaur's preferance)

His son and heir, Ronnet Connington - the main character of this omake - is something of an asshole. Known as "Red Ronnet" he was uncooperative with his father's attempts to earn back a degree of influence for his family, and in particular, 80% of his appearances in the book are in some relation to his ill-fated betrothal to Brienne of Tarth. Long story short, Ronald managed to score a betrothal, but Ronnet was having none of it as Brienne was ugly, and makes enough of a fuss that the arrangement is called off.

Seeing he's about 19 during our setting, I'd say this has happened already. The rest of his reputation, we saw from Brienne's point of viee though, so I believe it's clouded by resentment.

As to why I chose them for my omake, I want them to react to real griffons. :V
@Crake, now you're the one writing about kids :V

I'm now expecting some big cataclysm to happen during it.

To be fair... it was rushed, as that's apparently how can I finish any writing at all. Find a premise, then rush to finish it while getting sleepier and sleepier. So generic story patterns come up.

It doesn't have to be a cataclysm though. How about being triumphant and upon arriving back home, finding out that your keep got razed by a wrathful Robert Baratheon Liege Lord :whistle:

[X] egoo
He had not spoken more than a handful of words with them, but they sounded like an important lady, and when they had spoken it had always been to make sure he was keeping abreast of his studies or practicing his deportment for Court. At least she was not such a wicked taskmaster as this!
Why they instead of she? Also, taskmistress instead of taskmaster?

Great omake, I foresee a canon tag.

Eragon's characterization felt a bit weird, tho. I get what you wanted to say, that he is so driven/monofocused that he didn't seem to really have any other interests besides 'work', but by the end I just had the impression he gave the impression of being a laid back sort of bland.
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@Crake, now you're the one writing about kids :V

To be fair... it was rushed, as that's apparently how can I finish any writing at all. Find a premise, then rush to finish it while getting sleepier and sleepier. So generic story patterns come up.

It doesn't have to be a cataclysm though. How about being triumphant and upon arriving back home, finding out that your keep got razed by a wrathful Robert Baratheon Liege Lord :whistle:

[X] egoo


Muse leads where muse leads, no?
Anything else need to be added to the vote before I go to sleep?
Adhoc vote count started by Goldfish on Jan 21, 2019 at 10:18 PM, finished with 182 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Although the final sums will depend on their level of experience and skills, we are offering a sizeable signing bonus along with a generous annual salary to acceptable Bards who wish to enter our service. The initial contract will be for one year.
    [X] Set an open bounty
    -[X] We will pay 500 IM (or the equivalent) for the remains of each humanoid shapechanger obtained legally.
    [X] Although the final sums will depend on their level of experience and skills, we are offering a sizeable signing bonus along with a generous annual salary to acceptable Bards who wish to enter our service. The initial contract will be for one year.
    [X] Set an open bounty
    -[X] We will pay 500 IM (or the equivalent) for the remains of each humanoid shapechanger.
Why they instead of she? Also, taskmistress instead of taskmaster?

Great omake, I foresee a canon tag.

Eragon's characterization felt a bit weird, tho. I get what you wanted to say, that he is so driven/monofocused that he didn't seem to really have any other interests besides 'work', but by the end I just had the impression she thought he was sort of bland?

She's saying that other people find him bland, which is why he doesn't have many friends outside of a small circle of people who are characterized for being willful/adventurous or very curious.

The problem is Joran would be utterly flat, because he's got few interests outside of working to get stronger, smarter, faster, better. He comes off as elitist and boring depending on how highly you rate his skills compared to your peers.

This is very much a view of someone who is trying to be a little lady in Royal Court, thanks to some influence from Rhaella. She's biased to make him open up more.

Also, editing that line a bit, thanks.
The rest of his reputation, we saw from Brienne's point of viee though, so I believe it's clouded by resentment.
Not really. There were several POVs which saw him in action, from Catlyn to Jaime to whoever was there at the Small Council. While him being younger might have changed things, he's clearly a certain kind of character.

Overall, I liked the omake, but I think you could have put more effort into characterizing the Conningtons and explaining why they're here. Maybe Ronnet isn't thrilled, but his dad is trying to slid his way into the winning side's good graces advice we'll as earn some prestige so he sends his sons to get the lay of the land and hopefully make names for themselves as well as earning a fortune in the prizes if they're lucky.
They're good additions, but I don't know if I'll have the time before DP goes full Festival. I'm finishing a chapter for PD and its taking a bit of work to finnagle it just right. Would you be willing to make a few of them?
I can, yeah. It probably wouldn't mesh with the specific style you use, which is why I proposed the ideas to you, but if you want I'll go and give them descriptions of my own.
Maybe Ronnet isn't thrilled, but his dad is trying to slid his way into the winning side's good graces advice we'll as earn some prestige so he sends his sons to get the lay of the land and hopefully make names for themselves as well as earning a fortune in the prizes if they're lucky

I thought it was apparent as to why they came to SD at all. As for not being thrilled, I'll say the stories that reached Griffin's Roost made him eager and this was his idea in the first place.
I thought it was apparent as to why they came to SD at all. As for not being thrilled, I'll say the stories that reached Griffin's Roost made him eager and this was his idea in the first place.

I thought it was apparent. They came enticed by the joust and a desire for adventure. The bonus of fulfilling any familial obligations which needed to be promised, such as getting an "in" with the Targaryens, was sort of implied.

Unless they're here without permission, in which case... heh. Not so implied.
Anathema – Spell – D&D Tools
Small question, could Dany use that against Tiamat-clerics?
I mean, Tia can explicitly revoke this with ease, but from her general "right of the stronger" attitude that goes for most dragons I suspect she hasn't limited it right from the start, so maybe Dany could use it at least once before Tiamat closes the loophole (but that's too late for the cleric it's used against, because one or two rounds against the companions without spells suck).
Anathema – Spell – D&D Tools
Small question, could Dany use that against Tiamat-clerics?
I mean, Tia can explicitly revoke this with ease, but from her general "right of the stronger" attitude that goes for most dragons I suspect she hasn't limited it right from the start, so maybe Dany could use it at least once before Tiamat closes the loophole (but that's too late for the cleric it's used against, because one or two rounds against the companions without spells suck).

I would not consider Dany to treat Tiamat as her deity, nor would she and a Tiamat follower share the same faith.

The thread would call tremendous bullshit if one of her Clerics pulled this on Dany I'm sure.
Thawing – d20PFSRD

A neat weapon enchant to think about regarding the Others. Hardly a world beater, but worth looking at, at least.

Melt ice masses up to Medium Size, 1d6 extra damage against cold subtype enemies, +2 to saving throws against ice-based effects, and the weapon cannot be damaged by cold.

Quenching – d20PFSRD

The opposite effect, applying to fire. Potentially helpful against Ymeri or the Fire Djinn.
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Eagerly awaiting to see what that is.

Great omake.:)

There should really be a constant stream of omakes to go along with your interludes for the next month. There is just so much opportunity and fodder for one-shots and several part series.

I hope this arc ends up being a blast for you, since you can really go full experimental with the format.
Ah, Thoros! You try so hard to be nobility, but in the end we can all tell that you aren't. Valaena, a prim and proper lady?
Time to introduce you to Westerosi courts! Or maybe Lyseni or something.