Part MMDLXVIII: Shades of Death, Songs of Life
Shades of Death, Songs of Life

Eighth Day of the Eighth Month 293 AC

The Lady of House Adjar is gracious as ever as she hands you the small lead case covered in silver filigree spread out like delicate vines over the metal which upon a closer look reveal the draconic characters for 'argent bell'. An artful touch if ever you have seen one, and so you complement it setting off the usual brief round of pleasantries and questions. You learn that Alyneah is in the thick of the fighting having distinguished herself by surrounding and compelling the surrender of a company of Azer half again as large as her own command.

Lost 20,000 IM

Gained Silver Bell seeds

Throughout the conversation Lya is quiet, lost in thought to judge from the way the lights in her eyes grow distant like stars upon a winter sky. When she does speak it is to ask a question you had not expected: "My lady, you said this false silver cannot harm shapeshifters. Can I take that to mean that battles with beings which can innately change from one form to another are not uncommon?"

"It would be an unusual foe to face but not an impossibly rare one." The answer is more curious than bemused, perhaps sensing a profit in the wind.

"If we were to seek out the remains to dead shapeshifters, where might we look?" Lya asks, then hastens to add: "Rest assured, I do not plan anything as perilous as necromancy. I mean to use them to forge a construct of sorts."

"A spy?" the lady guesses. Reading Lya's surprise upon her features she explains: "Most shapeshifters have a true monstrous form and one more palatable, thus I would imagine their remains would be aligned with deception."

Perhaps unconsciously Lya's smile widens at the chance to make smalltalk about scholarly and arcane matters. However, she visibly catches herself from the impulse to expound on the matter, merely nodding politely to confirm the guess.

"Such a thing would be rare enough that you might be well served heading to the Slab and commissioning an expedition to bring back the remains, or if your need is less urgent setting an open bounty. Or perhaps..." She trails off. "A moment, please." A small frown forms on her expression as she communes silently with another, perhaps a hearth spirit or messenger. "Much as I am loath to suggest you leave our fair city in search of business, my suspicion was correct. Beings of air are more mutable than those of stone, thus you would be better served searching for the reagents you seek among the spires of Armun Kelisk."


Unlike much of the rest of the city the Pendulum of Fate has been little changed by the war. Swaying and twisting at the end of its long chain the tavern's great hall still plays host to dozens of sellswords at their ease amid the mismatched floating tables. If anything the tavern looks more crowded when when you had last visited. Perhaps the war had dislodged and carried in its wake more soldiers of fortune. If so all the better for your plans. Not only do you wish to gather the reagents Lya seeks, but also perhaps to tempt more of these skilled ambitious folk unafraid of sorcery into your service.

You catch sight of no fewer than five minstrel's instruments in the room, from a strange spiraled horn to a golden drum covered in a gossamer-thin sheet that looks like it would not even stand being breathed upon much less struck yet nonetheless produces a haunting melody under the skilled ministrations of a tall singer, who besides his blue hair would not even raise eyebrows were he to be seen in the taverns of Essos and Westeros. Even that would merely mark him as a Tyroshi in most major ports. That is what you need most of all, singers and heralds to carry tales of your doings far and wide.

What conditions and pay are you offering for bards?

[] Write in

How do you wish to obtain the shapeshifter ashes for creating Umbral Spies?

[] Launch an expedition
-[] Write in offer

[] Set an open bounty
-[] Write in offer

OOC: Hope the transition back to the Plane of Air works and does not feel forced.
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@bigbow - some more ideas for action figures, to help fill in current gaps in our roster.

The Empire

Myrish/Legion Crossbowmen
Legion Mages
Griffon/Hippogriff Knights
'Mounted' Waymar

Just filling out the missing parts in our army. Also want to start on Waymar's Knightly Order, and get an 'alternate version' of him mounted on his griffon so he can properly lead them.

Captain Moonsong
Khal Rango

These two aren't Companions, but they aren't B-Team either. I think they fit in the 'General Gerold' slot.

The Blackfyres

Blackfyre Standard Bearer
Golden Company Cavalry
Golden Company Commander
Tiamat Spawn

Just fleshing out the GC, since they're kinda like a shadow-archetype villain to the Legion, but right now there's only a bunch of infantry. We could also use the opportunity to make it clear just whom they're propping up as king this time around. Seriously, they're a natural reoccurring villain for the Targaryens, we should take advantage of this.

Slaver's Bay

The Unsullied
Ghiscari Slave-Drivers

I know you kind of turned the Unsullied into a joke, but I personally think that's a waste. They have a reputation in Essos and beyond, and we should do the horror of their existence justice. Have them look like the hollowed out puppet's they've been turned into, their expressions blank and postures uniform, driven on by frothing masters cracking a literal whip on their backs. Mock the regular essosi slavers as cruel and cowardly, but Slaver's Bay should just be visibly ... vile, in a way that any decent person can look at and know.

The Rebels

Westerosi Archers
Lannister Agent

I'm not sure how to go about this exactly, but my idea was to focus the mostly mocking parts on the Usurper and his cronies while portraying the Lannisters as a somewhat more serious threat. They've got real mages, semi-professional troops, ruthless spies, etc. No match for our heroes, of course! It's also another way of needling Robert about how completely helpless he would be without Tywin propping him up in addition to generally bringing attention to that fact.
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To flesh that out a bit, they have:
Abishai of any chromatic colour.
Lesser Dragons in all five colours, blessed by Tiamat to spit Prismatic Spray.
At least one Red Wyrmling.

If you really want a serious enemy to put against your dragon-version Viserys and Dany, get an Aspect of Tiamat.
Might even come with detachable heads for Richard to cut off.
How much per month are we paying Alas and the Oracle weapon crafter we originally hired here?
We don't have the Harbinger up either, but it's in the list. They're also cool, we're gonna be handing out flying mounts in the Grand Tourney, and it won't be long until it is in commission, so I don't see the harm.
Wait, the Harbinger is in the list? Alright, never mind. That said, we're not handing out flying mounts during the tourney. The idea was fielded, but it was ultimately decided that we want to keep all the hippogriffs under our direct control for as much breeding as possible.
How much per month are we paying Alas and the Oracle weapon crafter we originally hired here?
Here you go.

-[] the level 8 NG Sylph Witch with Brew Potions and Craft Wondrous Item
--[] Starting bonus of 700 IM, with a yearly salary of 600 IM.
-[] The two level 6 LN Raptoran Oracles with the Battle and Bones Mysteries (twins) one of which has craft Weapons and Armor
--[] Starting bonus of 400 IM, with a yearly salary of 500 IM.
-[] Offer the level 7 TN Avarial Hunter:
--[] Starting bonus of 450 IM, with a basic yearly salary of 550 IM.
A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover | Page 8483
[X] Although the final sums will depend on their level of experience and skills, we are offering a sizeable signing bonus along with a generous annual salary to acceptable Bards who wish to enter our service. The initial contract will be for one year.

[X] Set an open bounty
-[X] We will pay 500 IM (or the equivalent) for the remains of each Evil humanoid shapechanger.
May I ask what the point of getting bards is? I know the Lyre is ridiculously OP but that cant be the only reason can it? Are we planning on making a College of Bards?