I would say it would be a complete no-sell, but Blindsight sometimes gets fluffed in different ways for different creatures, depending on their nature. "Blindsight" might really be extremely accurate echolocation, which Greater Blink can handle, or hit might be absorption of EM radiation directly through the skin, in which case you are possibly creating a void in its perception by being so absolutely undetectable.

That seems like it can get... really complicated.
Technically yes but with the focus on advancing by class it would have to be a level 20+ posibility.

... I thought that Spectator were a different breed of Beholders and as such they didn't evolve into each other?

I mean, I would be horrified if Xor could evolve further in the Beholder species.

When you've had to appeal to the shrunken adamantine cone hat, well...
Hey, I love that trick! What's not to love? It's just so clever!
It also sometimes comes in handy against enemies who use Dispel Magic (although they can use it against you sometimes, of course. Like all best tricks, this isn't a one-sided advantage for anyone.
?? You are still in the material half the time.

They'd be able to target your square still.
With Greater Blink you can choose to not to Blink back to the Material Plane for a round. If you can cover the distance between you and your target in that time, and the range of their Blindsight is short enough, you should be able to sneak by.
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With Greater Blink you can choose to not to Blink back to the Material Plane for a round. If you can cover the distance between you and your target in that time, and the range of their Blindsight is short enough, you should be able to sneak by.
Not quite: You can also ready an action to blink away from any physical or magical attack. The attack misses automatically unless it also affects ethereal targets (as a force effect does).

Etherealness or Ethereal Jaunt would do it tho.
I have gone quote hunting.
"Dragons?" you ask sharply. "The Golden Company hatched dragons?"

"Called from magic, not hatched. Not proper dragons neither, according to the servants of the Dark Lady. Drakes they call them, the lesser kindred. They can fly and they can kill, they can talk with the tongues of men too. There's supposed to be dozens of them fighting in N'ghai, but I've only seen two of 'em myself." Some shadow of fear or awe enters the sellsword's tone then, even through the deadening enthrallment. "A thousand colors flowed on 'em like oil on water, like the power of the goddess herself..."

Many are the secrets reveled thus under the branches of the Godswood, painting a picture darker than you might have hoped. With the Smith's aid the mortal conspirators, of which Illyrio does not seem to have been the undisputed master, had gained the services of half a dozen mortal mages able to cast spells up to the fourth circle, as well as their own apprentices who are barely at the level of Scholarium initiates.

Of the priests of Tiamat there are four others: two former sellswords who had found in the worship of the Dark Queen the expression of a life time's sadism and two former slaves who were bought among hundreds of others for their bloodlines, though fortune would have it that they heard the voice of the dark goodess and took her into their hearts. So it was that they came to preside over the black altar rather than having their life's blood spilled upon it.

The cause of those rituals is troubling itself, to spin from broken dreams and stuttering hearts a ritual to sunder the chains the Valyrians of old bound their dragons with, to bring into the world once more the true-born children of Tiamat. Here you feel a measure of disdain from the shadow-weaver's thoughts, not over the act itself but the purpose of the goddess. There does not seem to be any grand plan to the Mother of Wyrms' actions beyond bringing such dragons into the world thus leaving the core of the conspiracy to be shaped by purely mortal hands. Alhyra chafes at being hobbled in her plotting thus, though she has no remorse for unleashing three infant crimson wyrms upon the world before a fourth finally deigned to add itself to the councils of the Golden Company.

There are plans for yet more rituals meant to sacrifice far more than the lives of slaves to empower the wyrm and any who would come after, to give them in moments the power they might have gained in centuries. For this purpose are the holy relics of the Jogos Nhai to be sundered, the blood of their princes spieled, though of course to claim the spoils of a war,however gruesome, one must first win said war, something the Golden Company and their N'ghai patrons are still months or even years away from doing, according the captain Blackheart and his most experienced officers. Considering the blow you struck them these past few days those estimates can only grow

Curious you probe for more knowledge of the sorcerer lords of Nefer, discovering that their power does not stand in the battle magic quickly spoken but in the vast wealth of ritual lore preserved though the nadir of magic. Proud though the priestess before you may be she is wary of moving against the sorcerer-lords, knowing that even should she succeed, some lingering ritual or pact could turn that victory to ash.

Of the sword Blackfyre you quickly discover that it is not in fact with the company... and neither is any who claims to be of that line. Find one and you will find the other.
The other priestess is far less composed, though rather than fear at her current circumstances a bright rage shines in her eyes and a fool, a traitor and and a madman she names you. You pay her words less mind that you would the touch of a breeze upon your cheek. After all the breeze may yet herald a storm, but the words of one condemned to death or perhaps more than that are wholly without weight. It is her thoughts you seek and there you find much of what you have feared.

Five and ten of the twisted dragon-mockeries called in this tongue Abishai have been let loose upon the world to work their will, three for every color their mistress bears, some have been persuaded to work with the Golden Company by the blandishments of the priests but others scattered through the world to work their own paths to glory and the favor of their mistress. The demon-caller before you suspects that even those who chose to align themselves with the Company may abandon them after the reversals at Pentos and Sallosh.

Damn it why can't your foes be considerate enough to gather in one place? you wonder, then realize that you had answered yourself. Turning your gaze and magic back upon the sorceress you discover that she has thankfully been sparing in properly calling other demons, besides the ubiquitous quasit, even the foul mage-slayer Hezrou had not been properly present on this world until you had sprang the trap and had the thing emerged victorious it would have been forced back into the Pit that spawned it, by the pact it had been compelled to accept.

At last you ask of these lesser dragons seemingly garbed in the scales of Tiamat herself and find that their forms do not lie for their are indeed blessed by the mother of Wyrms and the very claws of her hand, able to shrug off spell and steel as well as the dragons of old, though they do not posses the same dreadful cunning. By far the most fearsome of their weapons however is their breath which can change from frost to fire from acid to lightning and noxious vapors without warning, and indeed without the creature's conscious control, unless that is their choice is to embrace the chaos of this making fully.

Though the eyes of your foe's memory you watch one of the beasts shine impossibility bright as it spews out in impossible cascade of clashing colors akin to one of the most feared battle-spells of the seventh circle. It is scant comfort indeed to see that the lesser dragon's scales are turned to muted to greys and browns with the sheer exhaustion of the deed, for you know all too well the power a single overwhelming attack can hold, having used that tactic yourself many a time.

When you explain the threat yo Dany her reaction is not wholly what you expect, there is worry there of course, but also an almost predatory gleam in her eye. "That is more than a blessing it is her power, bound in a mortal shell, one that can die arrow, to sword and so sorcery... She is gambling, and stakes so offered can be lost as well. That is why those things have not been sent against us yet I'll bet. A mother of Wyrms she may be but she would much rather send her children to war than fragments of her very being."
Thank you! :)

1. What circle of magic can the other clerics of Tiamat reach?
2. What special abilities have these clerics demonstrated? Just as the ones we've captured are a shadow-weaver and battle cleric respectively, surely the others have their specialties.
3. What magic items are the other clerics, drakes, and wyrmling known to possess? (to plan for battle, not to loot)
4. What abilities does the wyrmling have? Is it being groomed as Tiamat's champion?
5. Are there any Valyrian Dragon Eggs left or have all of them been hatched as True Red wyrmlings? Are there eggs of other True Dragons?
6. Are there any other magical beasts we might want to know about?
7. How regularly do the clerics of Tiamat divine for coming trouble? How do they go about it?
8. Aside from sacrificing the artifacts of the Jogos Nhai to grow the wyrmling into a wyrm over the course of a ritual, what other plans do you have?
9. Is there anywhere in specific you know would have Valyrian Dragon Eggs? Not just a general "in Valyria," but a specific place we could check that hasn't been raided already.
10. What does she know of the Blackfyre and the sword that disappeared with him?
  1. 4th-5th.
  2. None beyond their domain powers, specialized training takes time and effort.
  3. Stat and save boosters are common among the abishai drakes and mages of all sorts as the smith has taught his apprentices crafting. Otherwise things recovered from ruin diving.
  4. All Wyrmlings have but one special blessing from Tiamat, a shadow upon their minds and actions, hiding them from divination and warding them from control that they may not be enthralled. [They were born with constant mind blank with will fall off once they are considered 'young']
  5. Not at this moment.
  6. Not that either priestess knows.
  7. They do it in a semi random fashion though no less often than once per day
  8. They can tell you their own plans, but Timat encourages independent thought among her clergy
  9. Not, really. There is no way to guess what the Doom ruined and what it has not. That said dragon eggs while rare exist as collector's pieces all over Essos
  10. The boy is not unfavored of Tiamat, though she is content to wait and watch for now
So I looked back. Turns out that there aren't nine drakes, there are dozens.
@Goldfish, how come the Wizards and Archivists don't have Quills of Scribing in their graduation kits? Also, why light crossbows instead of double crossbows?
The Wizards do. Our Archivists don't have Scribe Scroll so can't use the Quill.

Light crossbows are less unwieldy and don't have a penalty to attack. Weigh less, too, so they have more capacity in their Haversacks.

EDIT: Don't pay too much attention to their Alchemical supplies, either. All of them need to be reduced significantly. I just dropped those in for now until I have a chance to pare them down.
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Some of them could have. Those sheets under the Scholarium are fairly combat focused.

At some point we will stop accounting for individual scroll production anyway.
Actually, we've made that change this month. Only Lya is currently being tracked for scribing purposes. The rest is mostly being abstracted away via all of our Shaitan enchanters.

We are using them to produce 1250 scrolls this month. Most of them, 1st thru 3rd level, are just being abstracted as "assorted". Basically, everyone in the Scholarium should have the scrolls they need to learn without us specifying every scroll.
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