Curious, is a high level Spectator mage something that most beings would fear beyond the natural wariness Farspawn get?
People would fear any high level mage they don't know very well, with only obvious associations overwriting any initial response to such an encounter. For example, if a mage known to one to have mastered spells of the Ninth circle were to appear, but either by dress or verbal affiliation makes it known they are sworn to a Cabal or King, or even the Caliph of the Djinn, that the person has no outstanding bounties or enmities with, then any sense of fear they might feel would diminish greatly, because the restraint of such powers is known due to their acting out of virtue or ethics rather than having some unknown personal agenda. That may not be adamant truth, but people will assume that the motives of a state or organization overwrite that of the mage.

Now, on the other hand, with how rare a high leveled spectator mage would be anywhere on any plane, throughout all the Spheres of Creation, their motive would almost always be completely unknown. Further, being farspawn, a grouping of beings known for their maleficence and insanity, the first reaction from someone would obviously be fear.

There are other factors that play in here. For example, belief in innate superiority or confidence in ones own abilities.

... tl;dr they are way too rare to say much of anything implicit, other then the fact that the most well known Beholder magic users are almost universally insane omnicidal racist maniacs who make denizens of the Abyss seem like polite company.
Curious, is a high level Spectator mage something that most beings would fear beyond the natural wariness Farspawn get?
Yeah, to put it simply, they are beyond insane, and about as dangerous as they are crazy.

Mind, now that I think about it, Lya's capstone is comparable to a Beholder Mage. She too is a high level wizard with an absurd amount of actions.

And people think I overreact.
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Yeah, to put it simply, they are beyond insane, and about as dangerous as they are crazy.
He asked about a Spectator Mage, which Xor is. Not a beholder Mage.
Mind, now that I think about it, Lya's capstone is comparable to a Beholder Mage. She too is a high level wizard with an absurd amount of actions.
Only if she brings several bodies to the same fight.
I think most people are more looking forward to using her multitasking on a strategic scale, I for one don't intend to have several Lya's in the same fight if it can be avoided.
He asked about a Spectator Mage, which Xor is. Not a beholder Mage.

At first glance, for at least a few heart stopping moments, even someone with the relevant knowledge skills would probably flip the fuck out if one teleported in out of nowhere. Siduri was probably vacillating through terror more subtly, but you know, after the recent run of terror inducing events courtesy of us, she's learned to channel it productively into curiosity instead.
At first glance, for at least a few heart stopping moments, even someone with the relevant knowledge skills would probably flip the fuck out if one teleported in out of nowhere. Siduri was probably vacillating through terror more subtly, but you know, after the recent run of terror inducing events courtesy of us, she's learned to channel it productively into curiosity instead.
DP said the mage didn't freak out.

She propably saw the intact eye and stayed calm long enough to actually notice the size and low number of eyestalks.
Because it has been nine hundred years and they have been dead all this time. The circle of life will not just welcome them with open arms at the call of a single spell.


Revive Outsider

You restore life to a dead outsider as with the raise dead spell.
You may restore to life any creature of the outsider type of up to your level in Hit Dice, and the creature may have been dead for any length of time.
Unfortunately the Yi Tish aren't outsiders and thus don't qualify.
I thought they were Devils or did I misread and there were both?
I'm on a few consecutive days of little sleep atm.


I went back and read the updates before that one, and tracked down the vote which is just a list of sacrifices so no direction there, I honestly am not sure what was going on due to severe lack of context now.
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I thought they were Devils or did I misread and there were both?
I'm on a few consecutive days of little sleep atm.


I went back and read the updates before that one, and tracked down the vote which is just a list of sacrifices so no direction there, I honestly am not sure what was going on due to severe lack of context now.
They were regular humans, trapped by devils in the waning days of magic shortly before the doom.
I thought they were Devils or did I misread and there were both?
I'm on a few consecutive days of little sleep atm.


I went back and read the updates before that one, and tracked down the vote which is just a list of sacrifices so no direction there, I honestly am not sure what was going on due to severe lack of context now.
Remember the gear we got from the summoned Gilded Devils?
Yeah, that's it.
Adding Fire Whale gems to our trade goods.
Just because the research is done, don't mean we have access to Fire Whale gems yet, for now the only Whale we have on our side is Baella, now that we have completed the research, we need to convince the Whales of the merit of it, hash out a trade deal, and help them find out what they want to buy with their new income.
I found a ritual that may help resurrect them but it may be a pain to get the ingredient for it unless we could get Yss's help.
Here is the ritual.
Ouroboros Blood Ritual
Source PRG:B6

School conjuration (healing); Level9


Casting Time 90 minutes
Components V, S, M (a gallon of blood harvested from an ouroboros within the previous month), SC (up to 8)

Skill Checks Heal DC 34, 4 successes; Knowledge (arcana) DC 34, 3 successes; Knowledge (planes) DC 34, 2 successes
Range touch
Target one dead creature
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

Backlash The caster and secondary casters become exhausted.
Failure All casters are affected by the ouroboros's ruinous blood special attack. The dead body can't be the target of the ouroboros blood ritual in the future.


The caster uses the ouroboros blood to paint complex mathematical equations on the ground surrounding a dead body (or if lacking a body, in the area where the body was slain).

Upon the ritual's completion, the dead body is restored to life, as per true resurrection. Unlike that spell's limitation, there is no limit as to how long the body has been dead before it can be restored to life in this manner, but bodies whose souls have been judged and sent on to the afterlife (GM's discretion) cannot be restored to life via this ritual. A creature can be restored to life via an ouroboros blood ritual only once through all time.

Here is the creature we need to get blood from Ouroboros – d20PFSRD
Just because the research is done, don't mean we have access to Fire Whale gems yet, for now the only Whale we have on our side is Baella, now that we have completed the research, we need to convince the Whales of the merit of it, hash out a trade deal, and help them find out what they want to buy with their new income.
Bealla should be taking care of that herself and we don't need tons of them. Just a few to garner interest in them.
Bealla should be taking care of that herself and we don't need tons of them. Just a few to garner interest in them.
Still not sure if we have access to any yet, Baella rather need the first batch as proof of concept, we saw that in her interlude, so it's likely we will only get the opportunity to buy them, once Whales that aren't Baella join in the trade.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by egoo on Jan 17, 2019 at 4:03 AM, finished with 259 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Plan "We come in peace. Shoot to kill!"
    -[X] Yi-Ti Bureaucrats:
    --[X] Make them gear bodies for now in exchange for their services. Keep them at arms length from research not related to themselves, government information and other vital areas.
    -[X] Yi-Ti Expedition:
    --[X] Participants:
    ---[X] The Hunters Moon and crew (Moonsong, Theon, Asha)
    ---[X] The Queen Rhaella and crew (Diana, Lothos, various Leshy, six Advanced Druid Seaweed Leshy, Little Valyrians, etc)
    ---[X] Valeana and Dawnfyre
    ---[X] Nuri
    ---[X] 2x Large Galleon, 6x Medium Galleon, 6x Small Galleon
    ---[X] 16x Advanced Druid Creature Lotus Leshy // with our new production run, I want one of them on every ship for buffs
    ---[X] 3x Erinyes
    ---[X] 6x Verdant Wolf
    ---[X] 6x Giant Fungal Darkenbeast
    ---[X] 12x Minotaur Fighter, organised in two squads
    ---[X] a few Bulabar and human shipwrights for repairs on the way, aided by the Leshies Shape Wood spells
    ---[X] 1x Herald
    ---[X] 2x set of Elemental Wyrmlings
    ---[X] 48x Lesser False Ravens for comprehensive scouting (We have several hundred now) // 3 per ship
    ---[X] 16x Greater False Ravens for scouting, spying, and coordinating Lesser Ravens // 1 per ship
    ---[X] 1x 5th level Wizard
    ---[X] 1x 4th level Wizard
    ---[X] 1x 5th level Archivist
    ---[X] 1x 4th level Archivist
    ---[X] 1x 5th level Sorcerer
    ---[X] ask Yrael if he has some Archons who want to come along, especially Codex Archons or maybe a few fighters
    ---[X] Breath Taker and Blight's Bane will be invited to join
    ---[X] at least 32x Triton warriors
    ---[X] as many traders as the Tritons want to send with the expedition
    ---[X] 2x Colossal Advanced Fungal Manta Rays
    ---[X] 2x Whispering Brazier // if we deal with Devils, better have backup communication
    ---[X] 16x Inquisition members to keep a lookout for Devils
    ---[X] 32x unofficial Inquisition members that will secretly monitor the fleet for infiltration
    --[X] Cargo:
    ---[X] 1 million IM in luxury tade goods // filling up a whole fleet with fancy shit is expensive, but so will the profits be
    ---[X] 200,000 IM in gold, for purchases, bribes and tribute // we will most likely need to offer tribute to the Azure Emperor
    ---[X] 300 pounds of Valyrian Steel weaponry
    ---[X] bring a copy of the celestial lore Yrael gave us, as a small glimpse of the great library of SD and as a personal gift to the Jade Emperor (on top of more substantial bribes)
    ---[X] goods to take:
    ----[X] alchemical goods, exotic woods, steel goods, fine clothing and jewelry made in the Stepstones
    ----[X] Tyroshi dyes and pear brandy
    ----[X] pelts and exotic woods from the North and the Wall
    ----[X] Myrish glass wares
    ----[X] Ibbenese wale products
    ----[X] some amount of Tolosi saffron
    ----[X] Nathene silk
    ----[X] sea silk and pearls from the Tritons
    ----[X] exotic fruits and pelts from our holdings near Sothoryos, especially Painted Lizard skins and feathers
    ----[X] gems and rare metals from the Plane of Earth
    ----[X] luxury materials from the Plane of Air
    ----[X] Summer Island goods like chocolate
    ----[X] Fey goods from Braavos and Lys
    ----[X] Fire Whale gems
    --[X] Route:
    ---[X] from SD, go towards the Basilisk Isles and stop there to take up the remaining goods and fresh provisions
    ---[X] sail on for a stop in Vahar, Port Moraq and Zhabad in that order
    ---[X] sail on to Yin
    --[X] Other Preparations:
    ---[X] take all Raise from the Deep scrolls currently in stock, to keep ships afloot if they risk to sink
    ---[X] take the Dragonbane spear along we got from the limp noodle, just in case
    ---[X] take 16 of the water-elemental-spheres the Nereid gave us along, so that the ships can easily navigate the unknown waters
    ---[X] lend one Wayfinder to the fleet for navigation
    ---[X] make a generous sacrifice to Yss and the Merling King for a blessing and Divinations for the fleet
    ---[X] the fleet should be sent off during the festival with much fanfare
    ---[X] if Maelor and Xor are done with their tasks by then, they will go along with the fleet
@TotallyNotEvil, @Goldfish, I think there may be a mistake in our magelings sheets
Doesn't Sculpt Spell require 1 other metamagic feat as a prerequisite?
Hmm, yeah, I see that on our Wizards now. I'd forgotten it was there.

What about giving them another Flaw and using it to pick up Energy Subsitution or Merciful Spell so they can keep Sculpt Spell? Or just get something different? Enlarge, maybe?
Hmm, yeah, I see that on our Wizards now. I'd forgotten it was there.

What about giving them another Flaw and using it to pick up Energy Subsitution or Merciful Spell so they can keep Sculpt Spell? Or just get something different? Enlarge, maybe?
Ah, but only giving them one Flaw was very deliberate: it's so that the nonhumans can take 1 Extra Flaw and not lose a feat.
Hmm, yeah, I see that on our Wizards now. I'd forgotten it was there.

What about giving them another Flaw and using it to pick up Energy Subsitution or Merciful Spell so they can keep Sculpt Spell? Or just get something different? Enlarge, maybe?
Merciful would be neat. It allows them easier capture of enemies and makes it less risky when they duel.