Astral Currents grows by 73% (25% Bonus Growth; 40% New Offices; 8% Regular growth): Total profits 95,2776.1518-2625 = 95,0151.1518 ---> Viserys' share: I807628 M (Approximated to the nearest mark)
This still looks plenty weird. And the frontpage is seriously out of date, since we are still at only 6 offices. Lorath and Ibben from last month are missing.
Going to dig up the last turns income and check this.
This still looks plenty weird. And the frontpage is seriously out of date, since we are still at only 6 offices. Lorath and Ibben from last month are missing.
Going to dig up the last turns income and check this.
85% - Red Scales Holding
10% - Iron Bank of Braavos
5% - Glass-Maker Guild of Myr
A recent founding which has attracted some attention due to the participants of its creation. While no business is conducted yet, this company is supposed to soon offer fast, secure, and reliable communication between Braavos and Sorcerer's Deep and will use this to offer the negotiation of future contracts between those two locations for a fee.
Recently, a part of the company was bought by the Glass-Maker Guild of Myr.
Office in Sorcerers Deep
Office in Braavos
Office in Tyrosh
Office in Tolos
Office in Mantarys
Cargo Moved
11759 tons per month
Formula: 375 IM per office
Current: 1875 IM per month
Formula: 3 IM per ton of cargo moved
Current: 35277 IM
Regular growth: 4d10 - 10 Percent -> Average of 12%
Growth for building new offices: 20% or 1,000 tons, whichever is higher.
7th Month:
85% - Red Scales Holding
10% - Iron Bank of Braavos
5% - Glass-Maker Guild of Myr
A recent founding which has attracted some attention due to the participants of its creation. While no business is conducted yet, this company is supposed to soon offer fast, secure, and reliable communication between Braavos and Sorcerer's Deep and will use this to offer the negotiation of future contracts between those two locations for a fee.
Recently, a part of the company was bought by the Glass-Maker Guild of Myr.
Office in Sorcerers Deep
Office in Braavos
Office in Tyrosh
Office in Tolos
Office in Mantarys
Office in Ibben
Office in Lorath
Cargo Moved
18,579 tons per month
Formula: 375 IM per office
Current: 2625 IM per month
Formula: 3 IM per ton of cargo moved
Current: 55,737 IM
Viserys Share: 45,145 IM
Regular growth: 4d10 - 10 Percent -> Average of 12%
Growth for building new offices: 20% or 1,000 tons, whichever is higher.
8th month / now:
85% - Red Scales Holding
10% - Iron Bank of Braavos
5% - Glass-Maker Guild of Myr
A recent founding which has attracted some attention due to the participants of its creation. While no business is conducted yet, this company is supposed to soon offer fast, secure, and reliable communication between Braavos and Sorcerer's Deep and will use this to offer the negotiation of future contracts between those two locations for a fee.
Recently, a part of the company was bought by the Glass-Maker Guild of Myr.
Office in Sorcerers Deep
Office in Braavos
Office in Tyrosh
Office in Tolos
Office in Mantarys
Office in Ibben
Office in Lorath
Office in Stone Head
Office in Opaline Vault
Cargo Moved
32,142 tons per month
Formula: 375 IM per office
Current: 3,375 IM per month
Formula: 3 IM per ton of cargo moved
Current: 96,426 IM
Viserys Share: 79,093 IM
Regular growth: 4d10 - 10 Percent -> Average of 12%
Growth for building new offices: 20% or 1,000 tons, whichever is higher.
Astral Currents grows by 73% (25% Bonus Growth; 40% New Offices; 8% Regular growth): Total profits 95,2776.1518-2625 = 95,0151.1518 ---> Viserys' share: I807628 M (Approximated to the nearest mark)
Should be:
Astral Currents grows by 73% (25% Bonus Growth; 40% New Offices; 8% Regular growth)
Total Profits: 96,426 IM - 3,375 IM = 93,051 IM
Viserys' Share: 79,093 IM
Whispering Braziers
These magical braziers allow people on the same plane of existence to talk with each other. Each brazier can 'call' every other brazier or a bag of specially attuned sand, allowing easy two way communication between them and to establish a connection to such prepared bags, usually scheduled at a given time.
Cost: 810 IM for basic version, 1620 IM for interplanar version
(Note: All braziers also have a Divination Ward on the room they are kept in.) Current Braziers:
Sorcerers Deep - Interplanar - Dragons Roost - Government use
Sorcerers Deep - ACSEC office - commercial use
Sorcerers Deep - Interplanar - ACSEC office - commercial use
Sorcerers Deep - Interplanar - Planar Terminus - commercial use
Xorn Outpost - Interplanar - Planar Terminus - commercial use
Opaline Vault - Interplanar - ACSEC office - commercial use
Braavos - Sealords Palace - Government use
Braavos - ACSEC office - commercial use
Tyrosh - Archons Palace - Government use
Tyrosh - ACSEC office - commercial use
Tolos - Dragons Palace - Government use
Tolos - ACSEC office - commercial use
Mantarys - Archons Palace - Government use
Mantarys - ACSEC office - commercial use
Henekar - SSE Trade Post - Government use
Crackclaw Point - Dyre Den - Government use
Driftmark - High Tide - Government use
Naath - Wyllas Home- Government use
Basilisk Isles - on board the Valyrian - Government use
Lorath - ACSEC office - commercial use
Ibben - ACSEC office - commercial use
Runestone - Runestone Keep- Government use
Sunspear - Old Palace - Government use
Stone Head/Summer Isles - ACSEC office - commercial use
Volantis - Zherys Manse - Government use
Lys - Archons Palace - Government use
(planned) Lys - ACSEC office - commercial use
Myr - Archons Palace - Government use
(planned) Myr - ACSEC office - commercial use
Castle Black - chamber of the Maester - Government use
Unassigned: 2 regular Braziers
Divination Wards
To counter divination spells, several areas have been warded by a permanent Mages Private Sanctum.
Cost: 2.500 IM Current Wards:
Sorcerers Deep - Bloodstone Keep War-Room
Sorcerers Deep - one Shadow Tower chamber
Everfire Smelter
Using magical flame, tightly controlled, and metallurgical lore, these smelters are capable of smelting ore and producing steel in tremendous quantities without the need for fuel.
A tall vessel of fused stone, roughly 15 meters high, which stands on a a raised platform.
The top is open, with a massive stone lid resting on top, which can be closed when necessary.
Below that are walkways to three shafts, which can drop ore, limestone and coal into the vessel without allowing a reflux of gasses.
Then come three small shafts on the sides, which are open at the bottom. When the lid is opened, air will be sucked into these shafts and thus injected into the melt.
The platform has a front and a back access. The back is used to remove slag from the melt after a batch is finished, while the front is used to pour the finished product.
To this end, there is a large open space where trays of sand can be placed. Thus the smelter can directly pour steel into pre-made shapes to produce raw parts for smiths. Alternative, the tray just has simple shapes to make regular bars.
If a nearly empty tray is placed there, the smelter produces a large slab of steel. Said slab is then moved to the side and stacked on other such plates, either by a crane or two minotaurs. Once the pile is becoming too high to stack further, a small vessel full of molten steel is poured over the edges to fuse the slabs. The next stack is made directly next to this one and likewise fused to it by molten steel.
These stacks thus form one huge, continuous piece of steel, allowing a single casting of Fabricate to affect the maximum amount of material.
The walls of the smelter are not massive by the way, but have many air pockets in them. This is improving the insulation of the vessel and gives the stone more room to expand and contract in response to the tremendous heat.
The fire itself is a 15m high pillar of magical fire, originating in the center of the vessel. Coal is only needed to reduce the raw ore, not to provide any form of heat, since the magical flames eclipse a mere mortal fire by far.
Finally, there is the ring which controls the smelter. It grants the wearer supernatural insight into the profession of smelting and the minor divination in it allows him to always know what he has to do with the smelter to produce material with the properties he desires.
As long as he wears the ring, he can start and stop the magical flames and instinctively knows when to add air or raw materials, in which fractions, when to pour the product and all the other little things. He can make hard and unyielding steel as easily as a more flexible mixture.
Coupled with the ability to make pre-formed parts, the smelter can even mass-produce the raw materials for truly impressive works of smiths.
Cost: 2.000 IM Current Smelters:
Sorcerers Deep - Everfire Dale, used by Everflame Steelworks
Hardening Chamber
A massive magical device which can be used to significantly increase the durability of materials, parts and objects treated in it. The process requires some time, but is otherwise free.
Measuring fifty meters long, twenty meters wide, and ten meters tall, the Hardening Chamber is by far the largest and most expensive work of enchanting performed in Sorcerer's Deep to date. It's skeleton of spell-forged steel, every inch of which is engraved with countless sigils of strength, resilience, and permanence, is sheathed in an unbroken shell of fused stone that has been transmuted so that it shares the properties of diamond while retaining the inky black sheen of polished obsidian. It sits upon a foundation of identically transmuted stone that extends down to the bedrock of Sorcerer's Deep, before delving even further, so that it can sink its inky black roots deep into the ancient heart of the island. It's peaked roof first appears to be crafted from great sheets of mundane bronze, until one looks closely enough to see the sparks of eldritch lightning which crackle along its surface as materials within the Chamber are Hardened. By day this lightning is barely visible, but at night the silvery-blue glow is bright enough to outshine the mage-lanterns which proliferate throughout Sorcerer's Deep.
Massive segmented spell-forged steel doors nearly as tall and wide as the Chamber itself allow entry from either end of the structure. Through purely mechanical means, these doors, designed as a collaborative effort between the Dragon King himself and his Tinker Fey subjects, use a clever, but simple system of counterweights and pulleys to allow a single man to easily raise or lower them without assistance.
Materials to be treated in the Chamber are brought into the structure using a series of spell-forged steel rails which have been embedded into its transmuted stone floor. These rails extend through each of the structure's doorways and into designated loading and unloading zones that have been constructed as part of the complex of buildings meant to facilitate easy use of the Chamber. Sturdy, but otherwise mundane stone warehouses near the Chamber are used to store materials that have not yet been Hardened, or which have already undergone the Hardening process and are awaiting shipment.
All materials used in the construction of the Hardening Chamber have themselves been affected by the structure's magic, increasing their Hardness rating by 5 points.
The Hardening Chamber is effectively an 11th level Wondrous Item of massive size capable of Hardening up to 110 cubic feet of material every six seconds. Metals and minerals require more time and are Hardened at a rate of 11 cubic feet of material every six seconds.
Once loaded with materials to be Hardened, each door is closed and the operator, who must be a mage with some degree of talent, places their hand on any part of the Chamber's exterior stone wall and expends a small amount of magical energy (sacrificing a single 1st level spell slot or prepared spell) to begin the process. Once started, the process continues until all eligible materials loaded into the Chamber have been Hardened. Regardless of the time required, short of destruction or magical suppression, the Chamber's door cannot be opened until the process is complete. The mage who activates the Chamber gains an understanding of exactly how long its current contents will need to be Hardened. Depending on the amounts and composition of these materials, a Hardening session could require less than a minute or several hours.
The results of Hardening are quite pronounced.
Sample Materials:
Old Hardness
New Hardness
Hit Points by Thickness
Paper or Cloth
Leather or Hide
Iron or Steel
Although an object's Hit Points are unaffected, its ability to resist damage increases significantly without negatively affecting its more desirable properties, such as flexibility, weight, or texture.
Sample Objects:
Old Hardness
New Hardness
Hit Points
Rope (1" diameter)
Simple Wooden Door
Small Wooden Chest
Good Wooden Door
Treasure Chest
Strong Wooden Door
Masonry Wall (1' thick)
Hewn Stone (3' thick)
Iron or Steel Chain
Iron or Steel Manacles
Masterwork Iron or Steel Manacles
Iron Door (2" thick)
Hardness essentially functions as a form of nearly unbeatable Damage Reduction for objects, generally only bypassed by Adamantine weapons and Sonic energy damage. If the potential damage from an attack is not enough to exceed an object's Hardness, that object remains undamaged.
A sheet of Hardened paper, for example, could not be cut unless you inflicted at least 6 points of damage on it. A regular human Commoner with an average Strength attribute of 10 wielding a dagger capable of inflicting 1d4 points of damage per attack would be utterly unable to cut or tear that piece of paper, no matter how much they tried. Even a man with slightly above average Strength attribute of 12 (gaining a +1 damage bonus) would find the paper impenetrable.
More practically, wood becomes just as difficult to damage as steel. Ships made from Hardened wood can ram into lesser vessels without fear of damage, while their Hardened sails resist all but the most determined attacker, possibly shedding arrows and ballistae bolts like water, and the rigging, normally vulnerable to being cut or set alight is instead no more vulnerable than a sturdy wooden pole. Glass just won't break anymore, not unless you deliberately work to shatter it, and even then, with a Hardness of 6, a heavy weapon or something capable of inflicting blunt force damage, such as a club or mace, is going to be needed.
Cost: ??? Current Hardening Chambers:
- Sorcerers Deep
Imperial Roads and Bridges
Using the might of the Titan Tools, a great network of toads, bridges and channels is being laid down to tie the growing Imperium together and even link Westeros and Essos with a land route.
- 4 lanes, two with and two without tracks
- all lanes are 3.5m wide, with a surface of shaped crystal for high endurance
- tracks have a 1.5m gauge and the maximum cart width is 3.3m
- a small drainage ditch on each side
- 100m wide
- 15m deep with maximum draught of 10m
- enclosed in 5m layer shaped basalt
- two lanes of untracked road on each side
Length per Day
Cost per Day
21.6 km
169 IM
1.0 km
10 IM
0.5 km
26 IM
Sorcerers Deep - Tyrosh Trunkline
Total Cost
Section 1
62 km
2.9 days
485 IM
Tyrosh-Essos Bridge
27 km
27.0 days
270 IM
Disputed Lands Coast
Section 2
32 km
1.5 days
250 IM
Northern Intersection
Section 3
182 km
8.4 days
1,424 IM
Southern Intersection
Section 4
105 km
4.9 days
822 IM
Disputed Lands Coast
Last Refuge - Essos Bridge
33 km
33.0 days
330 IM
Section 5
41 km
1.9 days
321 IM
Sorcerers Deep - Last Refuge Bridge
50 km
50.0 days
500 IM
Section 6
66 km
3.1 days
516 IM
Sorcerers Deep
This project also requires:
Disputed Lands Bypass Canal
32 km
64.0 days
1,664 IM
630 km
196.6 days
6,582 IM
Northern Stepstones Trunkline
Total Cost
Trunkline Intersection
Section 7
46 km
2.1 days
360 IM
Disputed Lands Coast
The Skulls - Essos Bridge
46 km
46.0 days
460 IM
Section 8
62 km
2.9 days
485 IM
Dark Den - The Skulls Bridge
46 km
46.0 days
460 IM
14 days done
Section 9
46 km
2.1 days
360 IM
Bloodstone - Dark Den Bridge
26 km
26.0 days
260 IM
Section 10
43 km
2.0 days
336 IM
Port Sorrow
Section 11
23 km
1.1 days
180 IM
Sunstone - Bloodstone Bridge
48 km
48.0 days
480 IM
Section 12
34 km
1.6 days
266 IM
Section 13
62 km
2.9 days
485 IM
Dorne - Bloodstone Bridge
72 km
72.0 days
720 IM
Dornish Coast
554 km
252.6 days
4,852 IM
Tyrosh - Myr Trunkline
Total Cost
Northern Intersection
Section 14
342 km
15.8 days
2,676 IM
Myrish Triangle West
Section 15
110 km
5.1 days
861 IM
Myrish Triangle North
Section 16
92 km
4.3 days
720 IM
544 km
25.2 days
4,256 IM
Sorcerers Deep - Lys Trunkline
Total Cost
Southern Intersection
Section 17
392 km
18.1 days
3,067 IM
Lyseni Intersection
Section 18
65 km
3.0 days
509 IM
Coastline near Lys
457 km
21.2 days
3,576 IM
Lys - Myr Trunkline
Total Cost
Lyseni Intersection
Section 19
293 km
13.6 days
2,292 IM
Myrish Triangle South
Northern Branch:
Section 20
150 km
6.9 days
1,174 IM
Myrish Triangle North
Western Branch:
Section 21
140 km
6.5 days
1,095 IM
Myrish Triangle West
583 km
27.0 days
4,561 IM
Westhaven Connector
Total Cost
Section 22
13 km
0.6 days
102 IM
Westhaven - Tyrosh Bridge
72 km
72.0 days
720 IM
Section 23
19 km
0.9 days
149 IM
104 km
73.5 days
970 IM
Saltcliff Connector
Total Cost
Section 24
30 km
1.4 days
235 IM
Grey Gallows - Essos Bridge
48 km
48.0 days
480 IM
Section 25
27 km
1.3 days
211 IM
Trunkline Merge
105 km
50.6 days
926 IM
Grand Total
2,977 km
647 days
25,724 IM
Mirror Vision
These mirrors are echantend with Mirror Sight and Ghost Sound to allow them to transmit the sight and sound of events near specific sending mirrors.
Tyene doesn't have any Knowledge(religion) for some reason, which means that she qualifies for pretty much nothing that advances divine spellcasting apart from human parangon. Human parangon is great, but it loses 1 level of spellcasting.
She'll either get yet another custom prestige class (ugh. 2 custom prestige classes on one character?), or more likely simply continue into Mystic.
A decent route would be to take human parangon for 3 levels just for the skill ranks (and Knowledge(religion) as a class skill), bonus feat and +2 Wis, and then take 2 levels of Church Inquisitor or something.
Still, that isn't actually much better than just continuing Mystic for 5 more levels :/
She could qualify for Mythic Exemplar easily, but it loses a little spellcasting for abilities that honestly aren't worth it.
As for Waymar, I would really like to stick him into Abjurant Champion. It's not bad! He'd have to Wish himself Combat Casting (or retrain it) and he really should be learning Dispel Magic (or get a runestaff) but it would allow him to cast Abjurations as a swift action. Quickened Dispel? Quickened Resist spells? Quickened Shield? Sweet!
Otherwise of course there's Stormcasters from Stormwrack. He qualifies, but it has poor Bab (so he'd be losing 3 points of Bab in 5 levels...) but it has some nice stun effects attached to its spells. Maybe a variant with less spellcasting but full BAB?
And hilariously Waymar just about qualifies for Sacred Exorcist (he'd need a Runestaff and 2 skill points retrained). Sacred Exorcist is great: it gives Turn Undead, which can power Devotion feats Waymar could Wish himself in the dreamlands. It's also 3/4th bab
Waymar should take Stormcaster is DP lets us trade 1/2 spellcasting for full bab. Attaching stun effects to his magic (and thus melee attacks) at level 20? Great! Otherwise Waymar should take Abjurant Champion and get some runestaffs of abjuration spells so he can cast them quickened. Worth it.
Tyene is in a bad place. I suggest either sticking to Mystic, going Human Parangon/something else, or making a new custom PrC (ugh).
Finally getting an inside look at Tyrosh, whether from a magister's perspective or a freedman's. I'd prefer the former since it's something we haven't seen before.
Azema does art and introspection!
Doran Martell plots and has feelings.
Brandon Nightstark - how's he doing?
Thoros has adventures in the Riverlands.
Ser Kennos Kayce hangs out with Ser Richard, discussing murder, chivalry, and monsters.
...Hey, @Deliste, can some super-evil spells permanently mindwipe, say, a tiger-like Rakshasa?
If we are getting tigers, we are getting the best tigers around
but hey, we actually seem to have a genuine shot at getting rackshasa next turn, if summoning them actually works.
True Names are going to increase our chances very significantly.
There are a few ways, none I would trust to stick with an independent agent, nor is it something I've ever thought a particularly good idea. If Viserys had taken Mother Cyst at 1st level then maybe...
I honestly would love to see DP give his take on the Lads. That's half the fun of creating canon omake's, right? In any case Thoros wouldn't nessesarily have to meet them in the omake, but it would give me a firm grasp of his character and how he's changed compared to canon, which would make me a lot more confident writing him.
Dany, Rhealla, Maelor and Aradia will infiltrate the Red Keep to achieve the following objectives, in descending order of priority.
---[] Capture or kill Varys.
Here's the best write-up for them I've done so far.
Each MirrorVision mirrior is a massive 100 foot long by 50 foot high mirror of Mithral-backed fused silica glass, all of which has been Hardened. Upon command, the mirror folds upon itself, then folds again, and again, repeatedly, until you are left with a solid block of fused silica glass and Mithral that is approximately three cubic meters in size. It can be commanded to deploy itself as well, unfolding and slotting itself into a specially designed Hardened steel frame and bracing, which must be built on each site. It directly reproduces sounds recorded on the transmitting mirror's end, broadcasting it throughout the arena, with volume controlled on command. The mirrors can be commanded to form smaller viewing screens, as small as one square meter, though the location where it is set up will need to be able to accommodate the unused bulk of the folded device.
They do not have Viserys on their side and they are infiltrating the Red Keep, going after the spider in his proverbial web with still basically zero knowledge.
If Varys goes down like a chump here then I know I've been robbed of a decent Westeros arc by excess progression in Planar nonsense.
They do not have Viserys on their side and they are infiltrating the Red Keep, going after the spider in his proverbial web with still basically zero knowledge.
If Varys goes down like a chump here then I know I've been robbed of a decent Westeros arc by excess progression in Planar nonsense.
Varys can only win this by not being present at all. He is a muggle, though a hyper competent one with absolutely no morals or scruples, but a muggle none the less, with all the limitations that state imposes. If you expect him to survive, pray that he has already fled.
@DragonParadox, @Goldfish, @Duesal, I've done the final bookings for last turn and the first ones for this turn on the accounting sheet. Could you check up if I got everything?
They do not have Viserys on their side and they are infiltrating the Red Keep, going after the spider in his proverbial web with still basically zero knowledge.
If Varys goes down like a chump here then I know I've been robbed of a decent Westeros arc by excess progression in Planar nonsense.
We are sending 3 highly skilled infiltrators there, with one person who was there previously (Dany) and one who should know the keep very well (Rhealla).
I honestly don't see how this is supposed to be overly difficult for them.
@DragonParadox, @Goldfish, @Duesal, I've done the final bookings for last turn and the first ones for this turn on the accounting sheet. Could you check up if I got everything?
We are sending 3 highly skilled infiltrators there, with one person who was there previously (Dany) and one who should know the keep very well (Rhealla).
I honestly don't see how this is supposed to be overly difficult for them.
Not to mention the level of magic they are bringing to the mission. Aradia can infiltrate any non-hermetically sealed room with ease, and Dany can give the same ability to every using Wind Walk. And that's just touching on the surface of possibilities.
@DragonParadox, @Goldfish, @Duesal, I've done the final bookings for last turn and the first ones for this turn on the accounting sheet. Could you check up if I got everything?
I think you might be missing what we gave Vargor for Sallosh infrastructure, as well as what we recently paid for the various plant creatures. It cost us hundreds of thousands of IM. I can dig each of them up for you if you need me to.
Keep him around to help conquer for a few more months, and then when we can fully turn our attention to it we help him carve out a province for himself in the Plane of Fire.