I've got good news.

With our recent success in clearing out the Xenarth nest (which will hopefully be repopulated soon with more sacrifices), we gained Bulettes and Advanced Bulettes. Now, DP has ruled them magical and extraplanar (especially considering their origins of being created with demon blood) and therefore valid sacrifices, but for Day of Blood purposes they would still suffer the -50% modifier for sacrifice value.

However, Day of Blood is not the only sacrifice they qualify for. Due to the demon blood used in their creation, DP has ruled that they will be valid for the purposes of Valyrian Steel, and there are no negative modifiers for low intelligence there. We have 7 Bulettes and 9 Advanced Bulettes in the Larder, for a total of 128 HD.

Why does this matter? Because of this:
Speaking quickly, lest the vessel fall into one of its all too common reveries, you also question it on the matter of the many-legged horrors you had recovered from Venthar, whether he can lift the ancient, likely divine, curse and what it would require to do so. The answer is brief and... unsurprising: "Livesss beloved of the Ssspider... that I may know the taste of her magic once more. Give me... her children, whether they walk on two legss or eight, so that her websss might be tangled by their passsing."

Cost of undoing Lolth's divine curse discovered: CR 13 of any combination of creatures blessed by the Demon Queen of Spiders
Before, the spiders were all slotted for Valyrian Steel because the Harbinger, of course, took priority. But now, we have more options thanks to getting more sacrifices, and the spiders can be used to untangle the divine curse without requiring any research time (though we still have to wait for Yss to wake back up).

Now according to this post where I already did all the math for sacrifices needed for the Harbinger's Valyrian Steel, we need 285.54 HD (rounded up to 286 HD). With 128 HD coming from the Bulettes and Advanced Bulettes, only 158 HD will need to come from the spiders. That can be accomplished by using all 14 of the Huge FiendishMonstrous Spiders and 3 of the 5 Gargantuan FiendishMonstrous Spiders, bringing us up to 160 HD.

That leaves 2 Gargantuan FiendishMonstrous Spiders and 3 Colossal FiendishMonstrous Spiders. The Colossal spiders are precisely CR 13. Even if we need a CR 13 sacrifice for each of the spider abominations to be freed from their curse rather than just one for both, we have our options.

I'm not advocating to do this right away, I just wanted to let you guys know that I'd figured out a way to solve this without needing to dedicate research for it. It's not urgent at all, we could sit on this for months and it would be fine.
Good thing that we turned Westhaven into the largest training facility this side of Slavers Bay.
I don't think that counts. I'm sure we can make room for them on Westhaven, but 1000+ Large-sized flying monsters are going to need special accommodations just to keep them all organized and ready for deployment.

Thankfully, the Darkenbeasts don't need to eat.

Giant Fungal Darkenbeast (CR 6)
Large Plant (Augmented)
Alignment: Neutral
Initiative: +4
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Low-light Vision, Listen +2, and Spot +2
AC: 17 (-1 Size, +8 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 17
Hit Dice: 5d8+35 (58 hp)
Fort +13, Ref +4, Will +1
Speed: 5 ft., fly 30 ft. (poor)
Space: 10 ft./10 ft.
Base Attack +5; Grapple +18
Attack: 2 Claws +14 melee, Bite +9 melee
Full Attack: 2 Claws +14 melee, Bite +9 melee
Damage: Claws 1d6+9, bite 1d8+4
Abilities: Str 28, Dex 11, Con 24, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 4
Special Qualities: Immunities, SR 15
Feats: Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative
Skills: Hide +2, Listen +2, Move Silently +2, and Spot +2

Immunities (Ex): Fungal Darkenbeasts are immune to mind-effecting affects (Charms, Compulsions, Morale effects, Patterns, and Phantasms), Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, and Stun. They are also Immune to Disease.

Poison Spore Cloud (Ex): Once per day, a Fungal Darkenbeast can exhale a choking cloud of spores in a 30-foot cone that lingers in the air for 10 rounds. This cloud functions as an inhaled poison. Any breathing creature in the cloud must succeed at a Fortitude save or inhale the spores. A creature that remains in the area of the spore cloud must continue to attempt Fortitude saves against its effects. Multiple spore clouds from multiple Fungal Dreatures require multiple saves from any creature in an area where the clouds overlap.
  • Fungal Spores: Poison—inhaled; save Fort DC 19; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Condamage and fatigued for 1 minute; cure 2 saves.
Poisonous Blood (Ex): A Fungal Darkenbeast's blood and flesh are ingested poisons. Any creature that makes a bite attack against a Fungal Darkenbeast, swallows one whole, or otherwise ingests part of one must succeed at a Fortitude save or be afflicted by the poison.
  • A Fungal Darkenbeast's blood can be used as an ingested poison that functions as described above. However, its blood has a distinctive and largely unwelcome smell and taste, so most intelligent creatures would refuse to eat food tainted with it unless the taste was thoroughly disguised (which requires a successful DC 15 Profession [cook] check). The Fungal Darkenbeast must suffer at least 1 point of damage to get a full dose of poison, and the drawn blood (or amputated flesh) retains its poisonous nature for only 24 hours unless additional living fungal blood is mixed into it.
  • Fungal Blood or Flesh: Poison—ingested; save FortDC 19; frequency 1/minute for 6 minutes; effect 1 Str damage, 1 Dex damage, and nauseated for 1 minute; cure 2 saves.
Fungal Metabolism (Ex): Fungal Darkenbeasts breathe, but they do not eat or sleep in the typical manner.
I don't think that counts. I'm sure we can make room for them on Westhaven, but 1000+ Large-sized flying monsters are going to need special accommodations just to keep them all organized and ready for deployment.

Thankfully, the Darkenbeasts don't need to eat.

Well they don't sleep so they could just circle Westhaven in the sky, there are seagoing birds that do similar that don't have nearly the advantages these do like not eating, not sleeping, photosynthesis etc.
Maps updated to account for the acquisition of Sallosh.

I don't think that counts. I'm sure we can make room for them on Westhaven, but 1000+ Large-sized flying monsters are going to need special accommodations just to keep them all organized and ready for deployment.

Thankfully, the Darkenbeasts don't need to eat.
I don't think that will be that much of an issue, given that we have stables for Large sized horses there. Also, the issue can be addressed locally while the Darkenbeasts are still being produced. The facilities and our military as a whole have a hefty budget just for this reason.
Well they don't sleep so they could just circle Westhaven in the sky, there are seagoing birds that do similar that don't have nearly the advantages these do like not eating, not sleeping, photosynthesis etc.
On the matter of "not needing to eat", I think this is less absolute then the template implies. Even plants need nutrients from the ground after all and these plants aren't rooted to the ground.

So I would assume they need to occasionally gobble up some dirt and will probably still like some fresh meat as a treat now and then. Just so little of both that it's effectively nothing.
Maps updated to account for the acquisition of Sallosh.

I don't think that will be that much of an issue, given that we have stables for Large sized horses there. Also, the issue can be addressed locally while the Darkenbeasts are still being produced. The facilities and our military as a whole have a hefty budget just for this reason.

On the matter of "not needing to eat", I think this is less absolute then the template implies. Even plants need nutrients from the ground after all and these plants aren't rooted to the ground.

So I would assume they need to occasionally gobble up some dirt and will probably still like some fresh meat as a treat now and then. Just so little of both that it's effectively nothing.

Well, thousands upon thousands of men in training produce a lot of waste. They could probably mitigate costs somewhat easily that way.
I've got good news.

With our recent success in clearing out the Xenarth nest (which will hopefully be repopulated soon with more sacrifices), we gained Bulettes and Advanced Bulettes. Now, DP has ruled them magical and extraplanar (especially considering their origins of being created with demon blood) and therefore valid sacrifices, but for Day of Blood purposes they would still suffer the -50% modifier for sacrifice value.

However, Day of Blood is not the only sacrifice they qualify for. Due to the demon blood used in their creation, DP has ruled that they will be valid for the purposes of Valyrian Steel, and there are no negative modifiers for low intelligence there. We have 7 Bulettes and 9 Advanced Bulettes in the Larder, for a total of 128 HD.

Why does this matter? Because of this:

Before, the spiders were all slotted for Valyrian Steel because the Harbinger, of course, took priority. But now, we have more options thanks to getting more sacrifices, and the spiders can be used to untangle the divine curse without requiring any research time (though we still have to wait for Yss to wake back up).

Now according to this post where I already did all the math for sacrifices needed for the Harbinger's Valyrian Steel, we need 285.54 HD (rounded up to 286 HD). With 128 HD coming from the Bulettes and Advanced Bulettes, only 158 HD will need to come from the spiders. That can be accomplished by using all 14 of the Huge FiendishMonstrous Spiders and 3 of the 5 Gargantuan FiendishMonstrous Spiders, bringing us up to 160 HD.

That leaves 2 Gargantuan FiendishMonstrous Spiders and 3 Colossal FiendishMonstrous Spiders. The Colossal spiders are precisely CR 13. Even if we need a CR 13 sacrifice for each of the spider abominations to be freed from their curse rather than just one for both, we have our options.

I'm not advocating to do this right away, I just wanted to let you guys know that I'd figured out a way to solve this without needing to dedicate research for it. It's not urgent at all, we could sit on this for months and it would be fine.
I approve of this. It would leave us with 2 Gargantuan and 1 Colossal to cut apart for the Fungal Pods and thus mass-production of their tasty, tasty poison.
I approve of this. It would leave us with 2 Gargantuan and 1 Colossal to cut apart for the Fungal Pods and thus mass-production of their tasty, tasty poison.
Now the only thing is waiting for Yss to wake up. Unfortunately he'll be asleep from anywhere between 17-68 days as per the rules since we sacrificed a CR 17 Marilith to him, and since the sacrifice was on the Thirteenth Day of the Seventh Month 293 AC and now we're on the Thirtieth Day of the Seventh Month 293 AC, we've completed 17 of those days. It could very well be almost two months before Yss wakes up again.
On the matter of "not needing to eat", I think this is less absolute then the template implies. Even plants need nutrients from the ground after all and these plants aren't rooted to the ground.

So I would assume they need to occasionally gobble up some dirt and will probably still like some fresh meat as a treat now and then. Just so little of both that it's effectively nothing.

Even if that were the case, being outside raw, so little it's effectively nothing means it is a valid tactic.

Plus it would look AMAZING. hundreds of Drakenbeast circling visible by all ships within leagues.
That poison is too potent for DP to allow us to make it ourselves. We might be able to produce a lesser version, but we'll never be able to perfectly duplicate it.

I'm fine with that.
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Since my attempt to go to sleep failed yet again, I started plotting how to restructure our fleets. Here is what I came up with:
Formation Deployment Ship Type Number Manpower Commentary

1st Fleet
Base: Basilisk Isles Large Galleon - Valiant 1 0,5
Former 2nd Fleet, taking over 2 Medium and 8 Small Galleons from Saans Fleet.

Task: raiding shipping between Slavers Bay and Qarth
Medium Galleon 11 2,2
Small Galleon 8 0,4
Total 20 3,1

2nd Fleet
Base: Tyrosh Large Galley 8 4,8
Formerly Myrish fleet, with one unassigned Medium Galley added. Also took over 6 Medium Galleys from the former 3rd Fleet

Task: patrol Narrow Sea and report on Pentoshi fleet movements
Medium Galley 17 6,8
Small Galley 6 1,2
Total 31 12,8

3rd Fleet
Base: Lys Large Galley 4 2,4
Fomerly Lyseni fleet, with 3 Medium Galleys added. Stripped 2 Large Galleons and 1 Medium Galleon

Task: patrol southern seas and report on local ship movements
Medium Galley 10 4
Small Galley 11 2,2
Total 25 8,6

4th Fleet
Base: Tolos Medium Galley 17 6,8
Formerly Tolosi Fleet, having gotten 2 Medium Galleys from the former 2nd Fleet, and 4 sloops and 3 Medium Galleys from the former 3rd Fleet, and 3 unassigend Medium Galleys

Task: keep control of Slavers Bay shipping routes
Small Galley 14 2,8
Sloop 12 0,3
Total 43 9,9

5th Fleet
Base: Basilisk Isles Great Galleas - Valyrian 1 0,5
renamed from Saans Fleet and downsized by reassinging the Galleons

Task: scout coast of Sothoryos, look for good colony sites, potentially as far as Gorosh
Medium Galley 13 5,2
Small Galley 16 3,2
Sloop 5 0,125
Total 35 9,025

Stepstones Toll Fleet
Base: Stepstones Medium Galley 15 6
renamed from 1st Fleet

Task: collect toll
Sloop 5 0,125
Total 20 6,125

Yi-Ti Expedition
Base: None Fey Ship - Queen Rhealla 1 0,5
Made up out of the Galleons stripped from the Lyseni fleet, the Queen Rhealla and the Hunters Moon. Also added the 6 unassigned Small Galleons and 5 Medium Galleons from Saans Fleet

Task: travel to Yi-Ti on a diplomatic and economic expedition, also showcase our strength along the way
Great Galleas - Hunter's Moon 1 0,5
Large Galleon 2 1
Medium Galleon 6 1,2
Small Galleon 6 0,3
Total 16 3,5
So the expedition fleet would be the Queen Rhealla, the Hunter's Moon, 2 Large Galleons, 6 Medium Galleons and 6 Small Galleons, plus all the shiny stuff @Goldfish proposed.
Definitely nothing a random pirate would want to tussle with.
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We can only create CR 6 creatures? @Duesal is this accurate?
I take it you're taking about the Fungus Forge stockpile?

That's just what we can create for free by using all the corpses we've got saved up. If we pay normally we can make any plant creature up to CR 10, though the rarer templates either have to be researched or sacrificed.

Here's the pricing that we use in this quest, btw:
CR 1: 450 Gold
CR 2: 600 Gold
CR 3: 900 Gold
CR 4 :1200 Gold
CR 5: 1800 Gold
CR 6: 2400 Gold
CR 7: 3600 Gold
CR 8: 4800 Gold
CR 9: 7200 Gold
CR 10: 9600 Gold
I take it you're taking about the Fungus Forge stockpile?

That's just what we can create for free by using all the corpses we've got saved up. If we pay normally we can make any plant creature up to CR 10, though the rarer templates either have to be researched or sacrificed.

Here's the pricing that we use in this quest, btw:
CR 1: 450 Gold
CR 2: 600 Gold
CR 3: 900 Gold
CR 4 :1200 Gold
CR 5: 1800 Gold
CR 6: 2400 Gold
CR 7: 3600 Gold
CR 8: 4800 Gold
CR 9: 7200 Gold
CR 10: 9600 Gold

Okay I see what you mean. So question then would we have to do another research action in order to allow the forge to build stronger creatures than CR 10? I dont think CR 10 is enough for creating creature to deal with other problems. *sideeyes Luncan Longfield*
Okay I see what you mean. So question then would we have to do another research action in order to allow the forge to build stronger creatures than CR 10? I dont think CR 10 is enough for creating creature to deal with other problems. *sideeyes Luncan Longfield*
There are some vague plans in that direction, but it's going to have to wait. There are quite a few other research projects that take priority. We're definitely getting to it at some point, though. A lot of us want CR 15 and above plant minions.