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Chainshirt, Breastplate and Fullplate are the best basic armors.And @Goldfish, Muleback cords for every single Mystic and Adept? That's insane! Our Adept count grows really fast!
No, I say that we edit the adept sheet and remove the fullplate. It was never explicitly mentioned in-story anyway.
Give them (and our Mystics) lighter armor. Any preference?
Whichever is heaviest and fits. Breastplate is especially good as it can be segmented besides being reinforced.
The thread is particularly fast these days.Man I miss a day and I suddenly have a dozen pages to go through.
There are... many issues here. Should probably do the PM.
The brown fungus bomb I love, tho. Very ingenious.
It's almost like someone had good reasons to assign everyone and their mothers mithral plate if they could wear medium+ armour.
Yuck, I've always thought of them as green-skinned griffons with draconic heads and brown leathery wings.This is the image I found for them from the 2nd Edition Monster Manual:
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