Alright, I've mulled over our strategic situation a bit and here is what I came up with:
Former Myrish Lands
Myr controlled a lot of territory, but half of it isn't in that good a shape. The Daughters March is economically underdeveloped and got the poor modifier. It's mainly a march sustained as a bullwark against Volantene aggression from the east and marauding Dothraki. So we need to kick the economy there into gear. The other issue is the Eastern Flatlands, which is a far flung border territory with only tenuous control being exerted by Myr there. A lot of magisters have private holdings there, effectively ruling as petty kings, and slavery is the most entrenched in the area while sustaining the people most likely to cause trouble for us. Also, it's both Poor and a Backwater, so the life quality is effectively negative for migration purposes. The place needs cleaning up, lest it become troublesome for us.
At the same time, the Eastern Flatlands border the Golden Fields, which are stupendously fertile lands west of the Rhoyne and the former breadbasket of the Rhoynar realm. While it's likely that Volantis is currently doing some colonization efforts in Chroyane, they shouldn't have done anything in the Golden Fields yet. Volantis isn't hurting for farmland, so it makes more sense for them to focus on expanding along the river first instead of skipping a large area to colonize the Golden Fields.
So I would suggest the following:
- station the 1st Legion under Ser Gerold in the Flatlands
- spend both Gerolds action and one action from SD on enforcing martial law there, getting aid from the Public School bonus
-- this means we are rapidly increasing the Law and Admin ratings of the area at the expense of dumping Life Quality even further
- for geo-strategic purposes and to bleed off population from the Flatlands, establish a colony in Golden Fields with an action from SD
-- this both secures us a strategically important area, gets us access to the upper Rhoyne and curbs Volantene influence in the area
-- use the action from the Flatlands to send colonists towards Golden Fields
-- use Xor and our remaining Lyre to curb the cost of this mass migration
-- we will still need a good deal of actions over the coming months to make the place viable, but that's the price for long-term development
- use the action of RSH and the province action of the Daughters March to start setting up a large-scale farming company to kick the economy a bit
Basilisk Isles
This place is, unsurprisingly, a mess. They have three shipyards, a training center and as much manpower as they can have, while being poor as fuck, resulting in all three provinces loosing money right now. Administration and Law are nothing to write home about, but decendish due to the place being easily controlled from the sea. Overall, they badly need immigrants and economic development. For now though, I think it would be better if we focus on control instead of going right away for the economy.
My proposal here would be:
- set all three provinces on building Guard Posts for now, consolidating our hold on the place and see about getting a few actions from around the Imperium shoveled free to aid those efforts
- after that, start on Messenger Services
- at the same time, send a expedition to Yi Ti, as our best bet to make the Basilisk Isles profitable is to establish sugar plantations there, but that means we need to import sugarcane
@Goldfish, we should build another 4 String Instruments of Building and hire some bards in Amun Kelisk next month, as we could really do with more constructions aids to keep costs in check. Maybe also another set of Titan Tools.
@DragonParadox, should Rhango, now that he is becoming more integrated in our growing realm, become a Hero Unit for military actions?
@everyone, thoughts?