@DragonParadox, in case you wanted to make a note about this, but the shipyards in SD, Tyrosh and Tolos also finished two small galleons in each city this turn.

What's our trade fleet looking like, now? And I believe we had some unassigned small galleons in the sheets?


Taking a last look at it, I believe you had 3 Medium galleons purchased outright a couple of turns ago to be added to the trade fleet, and we already had 12 Medium and 6 Small Galleons in there.

So it should be at present 15 Medium Galleons and 6 Small Galleons.
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@DragonParadox - are we going to get the rumor post today? I have to admit they're a favorite of mine.

It would feel a little odd today in the middle of the speeches, tomorrow definitely

@DragonParadox Has Teana reached level 11 yet? Administering the Scholarium, teaching, being in four places at once, and that combat she got into on the last expedition we sent her on a couple months ago, etc., should be getting her pretty close to leveling up, if not beyond, I would hope.

Hmm... she has been juggling a lot and there is that combat. Sure she can level.
[X] Speech
- [X] "Citizens of the Empire. Distinguished guests. Naval-men, Legionnaires, warriors. Today, we stand before an ocean larger than Essos. Cities more populous than Volantis and Braavos together. Lands filled by demons, castles in the clouds, and enough dark wizards to feed a God to bursting."
- [X] "You've heard the tales of monsters, fool's gold, and tricksters hunting for mortal souls with twisted bargains. You've seen the specter of ruin come to our lands, perhaps brought by armies clad in molten flame or simple gold plentiful enough to make the livelihoods of all worthless. And of course, there are the plays about the dangers of portals leading beyond this world and the difficulty of closing them - some of which still have more truth than flattery in them! All here know how hard I myself have fought against such things in the past."
- [X] "And yet this was built by our own hands. It was built in the belief that no matter how mighty their armies, even lands of Giants and mighty spellweavers can be turned into profit."
- [X] "Yes, their merchants bargain with sorcery. Their bandits fear neither blade nor bow. Their kings have ruled since before the Free Cities were built, and even their lesser tribes thrive in lands where mortal men would die in moments. But today mankind stands together, without divides to prey upon and with mages to shield our traders. Here stand a Dothraki Khal and a Braavosi Keyholder, sharing concerns and not blades, standing stronger in the face of the inhuman than they could alone!"
- [X] "Both see the danger - but both see the opportunity, coming hand in hand. All Captains here know that the further the port lies, the richer the voyage will be. Beyond the edge of our world, our homes are not just another prize among others: we are called dwellers of a Garden, a place of safety and delights unknown to even immortal spirits. For every myth of cities paved with gold, they have tales of lands where wines worthy of kings are grown. Shellfish for those who dwell in all-consuming fire and have never seen the sea. Cotton and silks for dwellers in a land of eternal stone. And in return, with a little caution and shrewd bargaining as we've all done before, wonders undreamt of by mortals who cannot journey to these crystal palaces. The sorceries they would turn on us, brought to bear against shared enemies. Secrets of stone-shaping to build roads across the world, gems beyond mortal ken, and even art to warm a Dragon's heart - all that and more can be found in the halls of the Shaitan and the Djinn, our allies and trading partners both."
- [X] "So let us raise our cups tonight, not to drink away the worry and the fear of the horrors that can be found beyond this world, but in hope and appreciation of the marvels. And the wealth, of course."

So I really wanted a firebrand moment, but then I realized that this is basically just a project presentation given to a bunch of executives. Shit!
Hopefully we'll be having more great speeches when we go administer our cities directly.
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I wonder how the Ghiscari feel about us modeling our new armies after the lockstep legions. Hell, a good part of what made that a possibility was trainers from New Ghis.
I wonder how the Ghiscari feel about us modeling our new armies after the lockstep legions. Hell, a good part of what made that a possibility was trainers from New Ghis.
Cheated. :V

I'd like to see our Legion go up against the Steel Legions of New Ghis. Now that would be impressive, even if our equipment vastly outclasses theirs.
I wonder how the Ghiscari feel about us modeling our new armies after the lockstep legions. Hell, a good part of what made that a possibility was trainers from New Ghis.

The doctrine is very dynamically different than theirs, but yes, we have the basis for formation fighting infantry from their tactics, and at the very least the routine and discipline was somewhat modeled off professional military of this world, that one being the Ghiscari Legions.

I am sure it burns them. GET IT?
So here are the actions that were unfinished this turn along with the progress made:
Constructing Guard Posts - Tyrosh: 23/28
Establish Scholarium - Tyrosh: 12/20
Construct Training Center x1 - Tolos: 13/20
Establish Scholarium - Naath: 9/20
Start Scholarium Course - Alchemy: 8/20
Fungal Pods: 16/35
Fire Whale Research: 16/18
Construct Specialist Training Center - Stepstones: 4/20
Weirwood Hybridization: 9/25

This is just what's been reported on so far. Still waiting on Deciphering the Golden Egg, Starting the Silver Eye Course and Establishing Public Schools
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Wouldn't slotless make the most sense on Rings?
Most of our people already have one or two slotless rings, so they can wear more rings. I hope we craft tasteful, inconspicuous enchanted jewelry, or all of our people probably look like extras in a rap music video.

I'm also making earrings slotless where possible. To make most boot slots available, we would also need to make everyone's Anklets of Translocation slotless, which I've already started working on.
[X] TalonofAnathrax

@TalonofAnathrax, if I may make a small suggestions for a closing line?

-[] "So let us raise our cups tonight, not to drink away the worry and the fear of the horrors that can be found beyond this world, but in hope and appreciation of the wonders. And the wealth, of course."
I'd like to see our Legion go up against the Steel Legions of New Ghis. Now that would be impressive, even if our equipment vastly outclasses theirs.
I'd actually try to see if they would be willing to negotiate first. They consider themselves the true heirs of Ghiscar over Slaver's bay and have a culture and pride that isn't entirely based around the institution. If we promised them, say, the 'Lord-Paramouncy' of Ghiscar and did the same thing we did in Myr, subvert the key factions and influential nobility, I'm willing to bet they'd actually flip.
I'd actually try to see if they would be willing to negotiate first. They consider themselves the true heirs of Ghiscar over Slaver's bay and have a culture and pride that isn't entirely based around the institution. If we promised them, say, the 'Lord-Paramouncy' of Ghiscar and did the same thing we did in Myr, subvert the key factions and influential nobility, I'm willing to bet they'd actually flip.

This might be giving them too much credit... the Ghischari are characterized by vengeance beyond reason or practicality. Not Dornish "lying in wait for decades until the time is ripe" vengeance, either.
This might be giving them too much credit... the Ghischari are characterized by vengeance beyond reason or practicality. Not Dornish "lying in wait for decades until the time is ripe" vengeance, either.
There also isn't any real canon info on them, besides the fact that they have real legions instead of Unsullied and were convinced to attack Daenerys. Still, it's worth a shot. Unlike western Essos there will be nobody in Slaver's Bay willing to work with us, or not in any meaningful numbers. We're basically going to completely revamp their culture, economy, everything, and framing like 'reconnecting with the actual Ghiscari Empire' will be a hell of a lot easier if we can use a reliable supply of actual Ghiscari rulers who are incentivized to work with us beyond coercion and fear.

Edit: Plus, we should still have that supply of New Ghis trainers, so there's at least a semi-cordial opening.
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There also isn't any real canon info on them, besides the fact that they have real legions instead of Unsullied and were convinced to attack Daenerys. Still, it's worth a shot. Unlike western Essos there will be nobody in Slaver's Bay willing to work with us, or not in any meaningful numbers. We're basically going to completely revamp their culture, economy, everything, and framing like 'reconnecting with the actual Ghiscari Empire' will be a hell of a lot easier if we can use a reliable supply of actual Ghiscari rulers who are incentivized to work with us beyond coercion and fear.

Diplomacy with key figures in New Ghis might work, but it would be an administration based upon fear and blood regardless, since we'd definitely have to kill a significant portion of New Ghis' leadership through assassination and catspaws more likely than not.

I think it would be better to just go in prepared like we did with the Wildfyre. Train up an army of administrators, grain dolers, coin counters. Every scribe or clerk needed to make a large realm run. Then go in and kill everyone with even a little power. Spare the children, or keep the ones in the middle between old and young at court, while holding leverage over their assets with another economic holding like LSC. They will be able to add two and two together and won't go all Sons of the Harpy where they have no local support and the King owns a spy network that would plunge a dagger into your neck before you could even forge your first bronze mask.
[X] TalonofAnathrax

@TalonofAnathrax, if I may make a small suggestions for a closing line?

-[] "So let us raise our cups tonight, not to drink away the worry and the fear of the horrors that can be found beyond this world, but in hope and appreciation of the wonders. And the wealth, of course."
I've changed it a little, but nothing major. "wonders" was getting a little overused.
I think it would be better to just go in prepared like we did with the Wildfyre. Train up an army of administrators, grain dolers, coin counters. Every scribe or clerk needed to make a large realm run. Then go in and kill everyone with even a little power. Spare the children, or keep the ones in the middle between old and young at court, while holding leverage over their assets with another economic holding like LSC. They will be able to add two and two together and won't go all Sons of the Harpy where they have no local support and the King owns a spy network that would plunge a dagger into your neck before you could even forge your first bronze mask.
This has been my preferred plan for every single Free City actually.
Diplomacy with key figures in New Ghis might work, but it would be an administration based upon fear and blood regardless, since we'd definitely have to kill a significant portion of New Ghis' leadership through assassination and catspaws more likely than not.
In that case it'd largely defeat the point. Just like with Daenerys there'll be some amount of Quislings in all of Slavers Bay. What we'd want is the city to openly side with us, even if it's by convincing the army to coup the reigning nobility or something along those lines.
This has been my preferred plan for every single Free City actually.

The other ones it was only vaguely appealing. Even in Lys there existed rational and practical alternatives who could be trusted not to cling to the past.

Slaver's Bay has no redeeming qualities whatsoever, no culture of worth, no one with the foresight to guess that our rule would be more than temporary.