How many of those entities are truly mortal? Yes, it matters.
Propably still hundreds of thousands?

Slaves, their descendants, all the part-blooded like Tiefling and Irfits. At least in the poorer parts I got the impression that the Efreeti only make up the nobility, not the majority of the population.
The City of Brass is the second or third biggest city in existance, somewhere between Sigil and Dis, how many millions do you guess live there?
The White God Says No.

Also there's a bunch of other reasons why this idea is utterly awful, not least of which being the Outside.
There are a ton of reasons it is a terrible idea.

Im curious as to why you mentioned the outside however. The central conceit of the idea was that dnd-verse has walls strong enough to keep the gribblies out.

Like. In pathfinder you can be a cleric of Azathoth. Its crazy.

He cant even fit in the pathfinder universe.

How so? Wings of Cover is enough to literally withstand anything.
No its not. Its a forcewall. Those can be broken.

Edit: goodness were demanding a lot from snowfire. Sorry man
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I wonder if we will ever encounter any rogue Modrons. The beings of order who broke free from the super strict order of mechanus and fled to avoid being destroyed.

They would provide a truly interesting perspective and Xor would probably love to chat with them.
How so? Wings of Cover is enough to literally withstand anything.

Heh. No it's not. It'll stop anything physical, but only for as long as it's up. And there's far more to the Dresdenverse (which matters) than just Earth. So much more. I'd explain in more depth but it would be a truly immense derail and I have more writing to do.

Edit: goodness were demanding a lot from snowfire. Sorry man

Heh. S'all good. The amount of interest the thread has in this series is a big part of what's kept it going - and the fact that it's almost treated as a subquest by some members is wonderful and super helpful. So really, don't worry about it ;)
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*rolls knowledge religion*

It's theoretically posibile yes.
"Do you remember Yss?"
"Are you kidding? How couldn't I? I mean, I may have invented the fine print, but hell, this guy conned a whole planet to worship him by proxy within two decades. I mean, look at the timescale here. And it was highly contested ground too, let me tell you."
Dude relax. It's gonna take more than talking down an angry mob to get divinity. How many entities is the Brass Sultan in charge of again?
Pretty much what Snowfire said.

We need to evade any sort of external addition to our power we ourselves don't set up.
Eating energy fields is fine, because we ourselves estimate the gains and the risks.

And random prayers to us aren't a good thing, becuase if they keep piling up, eventually they may act to our detriment at the worst possible moment, giving us a sliver of deityhood through sheer pile-up.

Yss is a nice safeguard this way.
We ourselves won't know if we are actively worshipped in secret by millions untill it's too late :/
Fey can take that Mantle.
Only the Knight has to be mortal, for the Lady you can look for any Winter Noble with ambition, I think.
I am pretty sure there is a WOG that says that even the Winter and summer queen were once human. So you may actually need a mortal soul that the mantle moulds to its liking.
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I am pretty sure there is a WOG that says that even the Winter and summer queen were once human. So you may actually need a mortal soul that the mantle moulds to its liking.
The Mothers were mortal once. So yeah.
Huh, learning something new every day.

Then how about a Changeling on the way to full Feyhood? That would be an easier choice than than pushing the mantle on to the next mortal, as it would only hasten a choice already in the making.
Im curious as to why you mentioned the outside however. The central conceit of the idea was that dnd-verse has walls strong enough to keep the gribblies out.

The Outside is a specific concept for the Dresden Files that is best summed as "Corrupting Demonic Far Realms with some Devilish Planning sprinkled on top and a hot throbbing desire to enter the Dresdenverse or any verse they can." The Dresdenverse is basically a bubble surrounded by The Outside, and to get to any other Verse they'd need to travel through it.

Considering how the general response ti the Far Realms IC and OOC is "Nope" that should give you an idea of why Viserys not being from the Dresdenverse is such a big deal.
Huh, learning something new every day.

Then how about a Changeling on the way to full Feyhood? That would be an easier choice than than pushing the mantle on to the next mortal, as it would only hasten a choice already in the making.

Still a massive difference between choosing to accept your Fae side and choosing to become the Winter Lady. But in the end, not the direction I'm aiming for with this. You'll see ;)
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I think even Hell opposes the outsiders in dresdenverse. Nickleheads certainly seem to think so.
Okay, if the Palace ends up built on the ground then I'd be more inclined to have it located in that position by the shadow tower. That's my opinion at least. And how far has the Imperial Road reached? I didn't think it had reached Sorcerer's Deep yet. Azel, the plans are very helpful for later but the map is kept to what Sorcerer's Deep currently looks like, not a few months in the future, I'll edit the map again in the future to show what's happening. Thanks though, I like seeing a snapshot of the future.

EDIT3: NM on that too, I double checked the infrastructure threadmark and the Imperial Road to Sorcerer's Deep is done, I'll add it in then, bit more polished than Azel's yellow lines though :)

And I need to go and dig out the update about the coastal battery cus I'm damn sure that it's next to the village and not where it is on Azel's plan. I know that because I remember arguing that the location in Azel's plan would be a better place to locate it with a larger field of view of the bay.

EDIT: There are so many effing updates that I can't find the blasted thing, anyone got it marked down or something? Or at least remember how long ago roughly it happened?
EDIT2: NM, found it by looking at my post log.

I'm pretty sure the Planar terminal is also mid-construction right? I'll put that in the next map update. Could I get a good description of it though? Its basically platform 9 and 3 quarters right? Just the terminal, with the train going off through a portal along a track into the Place of Fire. I guess it makes a lot of sense to connect it to the Imperial Roads for convenience.
As the one who made the plan where to put the coastal battery, this is where I always meant to put it. There was some confusion about it, but never should it go next to the Minotaurs village.
The only threat around here is you. To yourself. Prepare to eat your heart out.

Unless you abstain from meat. In which case prepare to eat a suitable vegan substitute to the heart which previously inhabited your chest cavity. Which shall be carved out!

An Artichoke is probably most appropriate but a single syllable item would be preferred stylistically.
He gave me a small smile, not that I'd ever seen him even the slightest bit personally affected by a Threshold, and stepped into the warmth of the home. I closed the door quickly behind him. No sense in letting more cold air escape.
Let the warm air escape/let the cold air in. Unless he fears that the climate of Chicago will suffer from a portion of it moving into his property, depending on the scale of his portal work, an option I guess.
The baths had been a welcome relief from the grime of shipboard life, and the joys of washing in a bucket leaving the two Westerosi travelers looking back down King's Street all the way to the docks, making it all the clearer that this was a new city raised from the ground up or near enough as to make no difference
The punctuation here is wonky. IMO the main issue is the comma after"shipboard life". That just totally breaks the flow of the sentence and excessively separates the second part about the bucket from the verb.
How about this?
"The baths had been a welcome relief from the grime of shipboard life and the joys of washing in a bucket. The two Westerosi travelers looked back down King's Street all the way to the docks, a view that made it all the clearer that this was a new city raised from the ground up or near enough as to make no difference"

Lord Baratheon had charged them with, among other things, with figuring out what gods and the mages who claimed to be working miracles in their name could do
Again, wonky punctuation.
Again, the first comma feels a little wonky. Or maybe it's the fact that "with" is repeated twice?
Here's a suggestion:
Among other things, Lord Baratheon had charged them with figuring out what gods and the mages who claimed to be working miracles in their name could do
As the one who made the plan where to put the coastal battery, this is where I always meant to put it. There was some confusion about it, but never should it go next to the Minotaurs village.

This was the winning vote. Relevant bits bolded.
[] Cannons & Loot
-[] Build SD Coastal Defense and Training Ground.

--[] On the cliffs next to the city, on the opposite to the Dragons Roost,
install a full battery of steam cannons (10 cannons, 1 Everflame Engine).
--[] This battery will serve both as training site for new crews and as a coastal defense for SD.
--[] Cost breakdown:
---[] 6,000 IM enchanting / 30 days (will be deducted together with other crafting expenses at the end of the month)
---[] 5,000 IM crafting materials for ritual work (permanent Wall of Fire for the Everflame Generator)
---[] Commission targeting optics and communicators in the Opaline Vault for 8,820 IM
-[] Contact Yrael and explain the situation with Lyceos -- the area is mostly cleared of monsters and you've stripped what treasures that you could find, but your duties called you away from a more thorough search.
--[] Due to their teleport abilities as well as their immunities to fire and poison the Archons are uniquely suited brave the Doom-sundered lands as well as flee if it becomes necessary. Request that Yrael sends a detachment of Archons to loot the rest of Lyceos on your behalf over the next week before more monsters can move back into the ruined city.
--[] Loan out Viserys' Satchel of the Crimson Wyrm and the extra Wayfinder for this.
--[] Give strict instructions that the Archons are not to take unnecessary risks and should flee from anything that looks like it might be a tough fight.

The update talks about a path from the village up to the battery site too.
You can't iterative with natural attacks.

Should be three unarmed and a bite at -5 with Divine Power, not counting Haste.

I'd trade Defending Bone for Fireball. Missing some AoE option.
I didn't think so either, but every where I checked people kept saying that Haste would affect Natural Attacks just like any other attack.

I always forget about the extra attacks from the Monks' Belt.

I really like Defending Bone. The DR isn't amazing, but it lasts 1 hour/level, basically giving the Nagas permanent DR. They do need an AoE option, though. FIreball is boring, so what about Sheet Lightning or Screaming Flames instead? Neither does as much damage as a Fireball, but they each have their selling points. Sheet Lightning can Daze its victims on a failed Fort save and Screaming Flames is scary as fuck and can inflict 1d3 points of Wisdom damage on a failed Will save. Or maybe Scintillating Sphere for equal damage to Fireball, but as Electricity instead?
Planar Train Terminal Sketch
@Destrark, the Planar Train Terminal is also going to be finished by the end of he month, so you can as well include it already. I carefully refrained from adding anything to my sketch that isn't as it currently is, baring the two sites earmarked for the Imperial Palace which are clearly marked as potential sites.

As for the Terminal, have another sketch:
Black - railways
Red - the sender and receivers for the trains, mind you that for now, the only destination possible is the Plane of Earth
Green - Areas for passenger processing and boarding
Light Brown - Areas for cargo loading and unloading, take note that this setup means it's easy to unload goods from one cargo train and load them right back on another that is waiting
Blue - administrative buildings, station entrances and bridges that connect everything
This was the winning vote. Relevant bits bolded.
[] Cannons & Loot
-[] Build SD Coastal Defense and Training Ground.

--[] On the cliffs next to the city, on the opposite to the Dragons Roost, install a full battery of steam cannons (10 cannons, 1 Everflame Engine).
--[] This battery will serve both as training site for new crews and as a coastal defense for SD.
--[] Cost breakdown:
---[] 6,000 IM enchanting / 30 days (will be deducted together with other crafting expenses at the end of the month)
---[] 5,000 IM crafting materials for ritual work (permanent Wall of Fire for the Everflame Generator)
---[] Commission targeting optics and communicators in the Opaline Vault for 8,820 IM
-[] Contact Yrael and explain the situation with Lyceos -- the area is mostly cleared of monsters and you've stripped what treasures that you could find, but your duties called you away from a more thorough search.
--[] Due to their teleport abilities as well as their immunities to fire and poison the Archons are uniquely suited brave the Doom-sundered lands as well as flee if it becomes necessary. Request that Yrael sends a detachment of Archons to loot the rest of Lyceos on your behalf over the next week before more monsters can move back into the ruined city.
--[] Loan out Viserys' Satchel of the Crimson Wyrm and the extra Wayfinder for this.
--[] Give strict instructions that the Archons are not to take unnecessary risks and should flee from anything that looks like it might be a tough fight.

The update talks about a path from the village up to the battery site too.
The minotaur village is on flat land next to SD, the cliffs that this vote is referring are around that area where I put the battery in my sketch.
--[] On the cliffs next to the city, on the opposite to the Dragons Roost, install a full battery of steam cannons (10 cannons, 1 Everflame Engine).

This means that the battery should be opposite to Dragon's Roost, which looking at the map, implies where @Azel placed it and not by the Minotaur village. I think this is probably matter of imprecisely stating where we wanted a thing, though, and then never clarifying it fully until now. Nothing that can't be easily fixed.