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Hoi Chummers! Drunkenwillsand here with the Word on a particularly interesting megacorp hopeful.
Why izzit so shiny? Spokesperson supersameface """CORLYS WATERS""" gives a brief rundown of the corporate structure
We gots ourselves a new wizworm CEO by the name of Targaryen.
Oh, and apparently IamtheLAWyer is still alive. And also a suit now. So have fun with that.
go home drunk! your drunk!
go drunk home! yer home!
OK Ignoring the drunken mob's usual raving after drunken's posts, it seems Drunken's correct. Malarys Vanor, mr. 'don't bother casting around me because I'll break your spells before you finish' is still alive. In hindsight, we should have expected that from the runner who can heal pretty much anything short of death.
Chip truth. I wonder what the wizworm did to get him to go corp?
Wait, if LAWyer is still alive, does this mean that he's going to start his pro-bono corner up again?
Drek. Whoever Waters actually is, I think he's given me a fetish for forgettable faces and voices.
What? It's pretty obvious that the saririman is made up, you don't get people that average looking by accident, but even with a monotone voice his speech is amazing. I've saved a copy of the Trideo for private use.
Gonna Ignore that. Drunken, got any more for us?
I'm serious! I'm sure that RSH is going to geek the competition in advertising. Between their speechwriters and Corlys, all they'll have to do to get SINners to buy their merch is to have Corlys ask them to.
Bleh, I did a thing, but I don't think I'll be doing any more. The basic idea was that Malarys was dropped into Shadowrun, he did the running thing for a couple years before getting back into contact with Planetos. After hearing what Malarys's report, Viserys decides to go back to the 6th world for the profits. And possibly to stop an apocalypse or two.
Of course, this idea is very much hindered by the fact that I'm only a passing shadowrun fan, and don't know nearly enough about the setting to go deeper.