It's also not against any forum rules.

We do make a point not to post more than twice, but the main benefit is for the times you're directly replying to a person, don't want to wait for someone else to post, and want to ping them with alerts.

Editing it in after posting won't trigger the alert.
I was always told it was against the rules and even got in trouble with a mod due to it before.... Weird
Well... ten thousand pages of discussion might ward off frivolous moderating.

We had one incident with a user being infracted months after a post had been made one time.

That was confusing.
Well... ten thousand pages of discussion might ward off frivolous moderating.

We had one incident with a user being infracted months after a post had been made one time.

That was confusing.
Also me.
he added as you started to add to it,
Viserys looked from Molly to you.
Second person, I think there was another bit.
Why can't I write short updates anymore?
I'll probably give you part 2 tomorrow

I've also included an additional spoiler'd stat block to show what a Terminator Naga looks like after self-buffing
You can't iterative with natural attacks.

Should be three unarmed and a bite at -5 with Divine Power, not counting Haste.

I'd trade Defending Bone for Fireball. Missing some AoE option.
Wait until Lya turns herself into the entire cast of a harem anime and then you can try and tell me that.
As soon as I realized DP was more or less against polygamy, waaay back when, I was trying to figure out how to make a harem anyway. The PrC solves the issue of "problem-free harem" neatly.
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What ever did happen to the seeker? We still have him as I recall. It has been a while since we messed with that thing

We upgraded it to it's max and kind of forgot about it... Also we forgot all about grafts and how we could mod our characters.... Provided we get the proper subject to "Donate" some good parts. I wonder if we could find an evil lightning elemental to harvest for our thunder knight....

As soon as I realized DP was more or less against polygamy, waaay back when, I was trying to figure out how to make a harem anyway. The PrC solves the issue of "problem-free harem" neatly.

and each one embodies a different aspect of Lya.... Hell, we could have Tsundere (both type A and type b), Kuudere, Dandere (current default), Deredere, Himedere, Kamidere, Undere, Mayadere, Bodere, Hinedere, Sadodere, and even Yandere

Have a link to the list for information on each type.

NOTE: This is nowhere CLOSE to a full list, even the link only shows the most popular ones....
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and each one embodies a different aspect of Lya.... Hell, we could have Tsundere (both type A and type b), Kuudere, Dandere (current default), Deredere, Himedere, Kamidere, Undere, Mayadere, Bodere, Hinedere, Sadodere, and even Yandere

Have a link to the list for information on each type.

NOTE: This is nowhere CLOSE to a full list, even the link only shows the most popular ones....
The PrC solves the issue of "problem-free harem" neatly.
Please drop this.

I'm not sure how much you guys are kidding on the matter, but I'm pretty sure I'll quit the quest out of disguist if it devolves to any level of "harem" :/
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I'm not sure how much you guys are kidding on the matter, but I'm pretty sure I'll quit the quest out of disguist if it devolves to any level of "harem" :/
Nah, more like different aspects of the same person, just split up into an assortment of bodies. Some MAY possess the aforementioned personality traits due to every person having a bit of such things in them, but it will still be Lya... Just us seeing the various sides of her we wouldn't normally be able to see.
Omake: Shadowrun Crossover
>Connecting to Shadowlands BBS...
>Verifying Biometrics...
>Identity Verified...
>Opening [Red Scales Holding]

Hoi Chummers! Drunkenwillsand here with the Word on a particularly interesting megacorp hopeful.

Why izzit so shiny? Spokesperson supersameface """CORLYS WATERS""" gives a brief rundown of the corporate structure HERE.
We gots ourselves a new wizworm CEO by the name of Targaryen.


Oh, and apparently IamtheLAWyer is still alive. And also a suit now. So have fun with that.


go home drunk! your drunk!

go drunk home! yer home!

OK. Ignoring the drunken mob's usual raving after drunken's posts, it would seem Drunken's correct. Malarys Vanor, Mr. 'don't bother casting around me because I'll break your spells before you finish' is still alive. In hindsight, we should have expected that from the runner who can heal pretty much anything short of death.

Chip truth. I wonder what the wizworm did to get him to go corp?

Wait, if LAWyer is still alive, does this mean that he's going to start his pro-bono corner up again?

Drek. Whoever Waters actually is, I think he's given me a fetish for forgettable faces and voices.




What? It's pretty obvious that the saririman is made up, you don't get people that average looking by accident, but even with a monotone voice his speech is amazing. I've saved a copy of the Trideo for private use.

Gonna Ignore that. Drunken, got any more for us?

I'm serious! I'm sure that RSH is going to geek the competition in advertising. Between their speechwriters and Corlys, all they'll have to do to get SINners to buy their merch is to have Corlys ask them to.




Bleh, I did a thing, but I don't think I'll be doing any more. The basic idea was that Malarys was dropped into Shadowrun, he did the running thing for a couple years before getting back into contact with Planetos. After hearing Malarys's report, Viserys decides to go back to the 6th world for the PROFITS. And possibly to stop an apocalypse or two.

Of course, this idea is very much hindered by the fact that I'm only a passing shadowrun fan, and don't know nearly enough about the setting to go deeper.
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>Connecting to Shadowlands BBS...
>Verifying Biometrics...
>Identity Verified...
>Opening [Red Scales Holding]

Hoi Chummers! Drunkenwillsand here with the Word on a particularly interesting megacorp hopeful.

Why izzit so shiny? Spokesperson supersameface """CORLYS WATERS""" gives a brief rundown of the corporate structure HERE.
We gots ourselves a new wizworm CEO by the name of Targaryen.


Oh, and apparently IamtheLAWyer is still alive. And also a suit now. So have fun with that.


go home drunk! your drunk!

go drunk home! yer home!

OK Ignoring the drunken mob's usual raving after drunken's posts, it seems Drunken's correct. Malarys Vanor, mr. 'don't bother casting around me because I'll break your spells before you finish' is still alive. In hindsight, we should have expected that from the runner who can heal pretty much anything short of death.

Chip truth. I wonder what the wizworm did to get him to go corp?

Wait, if LAWyer is still alive, does this mean that he's going to start his pro-bono corner up again?

Drek. Whoever Waters actually is, I think he's given me a fetish for forgettable faces and voices.




What? It's pretty obvious that the saririman is made up, you don't get people that average looking by accident, but even with a monotone voice his speech is amazing. I've saved a copy of the Trideo for private use.

Gonna Ignore that. Drunken, got any more for us?

I'm serious! I'm sure that RSH is going to geek the competition in advertising. Between their speechwriters and Corlys, all they'll have to do to get SINners to buy their merch is to have Corlys ask them to.




Bleh, I did a thing, but I don't think I'll be doing any more. The basic idea was that Malarys was dropped into Shadowrun, he did the running thing for a couple years before getting back into contact with Planetos. After hearing what Malarys's report, Viserys decides to go back to the 6th world for the profits. And possibly to stop an apocalypse or two.

Of course, this idea is very much hindered by the fact that I'm only a passing shadowrun fan, and don't know nearly enough about the setting to go deeper.
So much LOOT.


Also, I had to wiki your slang.
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Hey @DragonParadox how likely is it for Kingslanding to be the site of a magical plague? I mean, with it likely having a good number of daemons and fiends not to mention just magic and ripe conditions for a standard plague in the same place a magical disease being either made or evolving due to wild magic seems rather likely.
Hey @DragonParadox how likely is it for Kingslanding to be the site of a magical plague? I mean, with it likely having a good number of daemons and fiends not to mention just magic and ripe conditions for a standard plague in the same place a magical disease being either made or evolving due to wild magic seems rather likely.

It depends on the state of the local magical protections, which Viserys can't guess at IC.
It depends on the state of the local magical protections, which Viserys can't guess at IC.
I meant is there any background rolls for that? I mean, kingslanding is practically guaranteed a plague some point in the next couple of decades solely due to the horrible hygiene. Whether it is a magical one or not is irrelevant outside of how it might end up being dealt with.

Normal plague is all but guaranteed.

Magical Plague is just gravy.
"My GLORIOUS OVERLORD... I pray to you every night. Why was it that they are answered by the Forever Serpent? I haven't sacrificed at his alter for over a decade since I found your RIGHTEOUS LIGHT."

"Please file all formal complaints before my advocate's office, and I'm afraid you will have to refile registration for religious affiliation by the end of the next financial quarter if you want to take advantage of the rebate for falsely issued prayer."

"But my prayers were answered, just not by you! That shouldn't be possible."

"You can find all the proper documentation for the Crown's Divine Energy bypass at your local Administratum's department in city hall, or any legally registered Cleric of Draconic Glory. The records been current since two weeks before you switched worship, all documents properly stamped by the House of Mirrors in triplicate for complete accuracy. Possible futures glimpsed legally binding if they should come to pass up to a year after the prediction is made."


"Next petitioner!"