Character Art

Well, here we go. Suggestions welcome!

This is thematic and not strictly descriptive. Jokes allowed and encouraged, but outright memes and ugly stuff isn't.


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Planar Train Terminal Sketch
@Destrark, the Planar Train Terminal is also going to be finished by the end of he month, so you can as well include it already. I carefully refrained from adding anything to my sketch that isn't as it currently is, baring the two sites earmarked for the Imperial Palace which are clearly marked as potential sites.

As for the Terminal, have another sketch:
Black - railways
Red - the sender and receivers for the trains, mind you that for now, the only destination possible is the Plane of Earth
Green - Areas for passenger processing and boarding
Light Brown - Areas for cargo loading and unloading, take note that this setup means it's easy to unload goods from one cargo train and load them right back on another that is waiting
Blue - administrative buildings, station entrances and bridges that connect everything
Festival Figures
Alright thread, @DragonParadox. As promised I made an updated list (from the last festival) of the many figurines we could fabricate to gift to the children of SD and the Imperium at large on the days of the coming Imperial Festival. This should help building a unified imperial identity as well as firing up the minds of childrens all over the empire with potential role models for them to aspire. Could this make the cut into cannonicity for the celebrations?

Minotaur Firefighters
: This set of seven figures depicts the Minotaurs of SD defending the city from the terrible wildfire that sought to destroy it by the will of the Deep Ones. Two figures are dashing forwards, one holds a sledgehammer, while the other just puts its head forward as if to ram a wall. One figure is carrying a small child in his back, the small child hugging the minotaur's neck tightly and with his eyes closed. One figure holds a piece of wall against its back, bracing it. One figure seems slightly burned and steadies a human even as the human steadies him, both walking side by side. One figure holds a great bucket or tub, which can actually be filled with water. The last figure holds a shovel in one hand as his other hand is held up, as if trying to peer beyond the great illumination of a close by fire. A Little Valyrian stands by its shoulder, pointing at something and whispering in the minotaur's ear.

Tritons: This set of three figures depicts the Tritons of SD. One is a 'Protector', holding a trident with both hands and staring vigilantly forward, as if ready to attack. Another is a 'Merchant', depicting a Triton in the traditional garb of his trade, with sea conch necklaces and semi precious stone bracelets, gesturing to an invisible ware of doubtlessly great value. The third is a 'priest', depicting a wise looking Triton in the garb of their profession, stone tablet in one hand while the other is held up as if gesturing at an audience.

Little Valyrians: A set of eight adorable Little Valyrians in distinct poses, from laughter to serious contemplation. Some hold the tools of civilization, while others seem tailor made to leave hanging from a small branch our the edge of a table perhaps.

Calpinas: Two figures, one flying quickly and excitedly, the other dozing lazily.

Watchmen of the Deep: Six figures, all stylish and vaguely roguish without seeming overbearing or exaggerated, holding the tools and weapons of their trade in distinct poses, from patrolling to attacking. One sports a slightly irritated expression as it looks down, as if trying to catch a little prankster.

Queen Rhaella: The Ship itself in all its splendor, its deck big enough to hold other figurines itself!

Hunter's Moon: The famous ship of dashing Captain Moonsong. Moonsong not included.

Adepts of the Deep: Six figures in arcane robes, holding distinct poses from ritual, hostile spellwork, defensive spellwork, and studying.

Minotaur Shock Troops: Six figures, all in their plate armor and in distinct battle positions. Two of them have Little Valyrian shoulder gunners with crossbows or slings.

Yss' Adepts: Four figures of the followers of the Snake God. Two seem serene and the third is laughing benignly at something, the fourth one is casting a healing spell. Another four figures are snakepeople, casting or observing their sorroundings.

Raider Galley: A raider ship of the Deep, perfect for putting figures atop it!

Merchant Ship: A merchant cog from the Deep, perfect for putting figures atop it!

Raiders from the Deep: Eight figures in various roguish and badass positions, attacking with cutlass and hatchet or merrymaking with loot or wine.

Marines from the Deep: Four figures, the raider's more serious counterpart. They all look more heroic and uniform, holding distinct weapons from the raiders.

Sailors from the Deep: Ten figures, depicting all manner of sea men at their jobs.

Ser Gerold: The General Himself in a heroic pose.

Legionnaire Section: Nine legionnaires and their officer, all holding their weapons in various positions, perfect for great imaginary battles against the enemies of SD. Capable of forming shield walls!

Legionnaire Standard Bearer: Fully armored standard bearer with the King's Fist held up high in Valyrian Steel.

Legionnaire Launcher Team: Launcher operator and loader.

Legionnaire Lancer Cavalrymen: 3 distinct figures, two hefting lances and one a blowing horn.

Legionnaire Darkenbeast Rider: 3 figures, lancing ground targets or wielding bows.

Legion Quartermaster: Burly soldier which holds a sword and a pan. The pan can actually hold real water. 3 figures: Scowling, Dissaproving, and Temporarily Mollified.

Tolosi Slingers: Four figures in different stages of firing or reloading.

Archons of Mantarys: Shield, Codex, and more. Ready and vigilant in their fight against Evil. Some of them sport targ dragons in shields or armor. 6 figures.

Mantarys Mages: 4 casters in their distinctive heavens inspired robes, armor, and equipment.

Painted Lizards: Dinasours, duh. Number of figurines: Yes.

Heroic Dothraki Bloodrider: Wild, badass, and citizens of the Imperium. Wearing armor and wielding bows and long arakhs, they are fierce but concentrated, ready to die for theor Khal. 6 figures.

Loyal Knights: A wide panoply of knights of clear Westerosi origin and wielding everything from hammers to swords and shields. Representing all regions of westeros through their armor and clothing, all of them have the Targ dragon on their breastplates. 12 figures.

Inquisitors: Doing spellwork, ritual, or wielding blades, these brave men and women protect the citizens of the empire throughout the night so the innocent can sleep. 4 figures.

Children of the Forest: Friendly and wide eyed, serious and mysterious, armed and dangerous... take your pick! 3 figures.

Braavo: Everyone's favorite dashing rouge, twirling with dagger and rapier. 3 figures.

Myrish Glass Golem: Imposing and deadly, they stand ready. 3 figures.

Tradesmen from the Deep: From enchanters to smiths to fiahermen, dockworkers and bakers, these men and woman are the economic lifeblood of the Deep. 20 figures.

Imperial Furies: Beutifully armored and wielding spears, swords and maces. Most are flaring their wings in heroic poses as they fly or fight on foot with expressions of courage and determination. 5 figures.

Brothers of the Watch: Vigilant Rangers of the Wall wielding spears, bows, and swords. 6 figures.

Leshies! 10 figures.

Fungal Direwolves: Fierce and awesome wolves of awesomeness. 5 figures.


And because all action figures need an enemy... I present The Rouges Gallery!

The Damphair: An evil, important looking, deformed sorcerer holding its hands up, perhaps casting some sinister magic ritual... or maybe just gloating.

The Damphair's Henchmen: Eight figures, all holding improvised weapons or hatchets, extremely deformed beyond any current citizen of SD who still holds Deep One taint.

Deep One Sorcerers: Three ominous figures completely covered by robes in different casting positions.

Slaver Scum: Ten figures. Crew from a despicable slaver galley, armed and in various positions of attack or defense. Infinitely worse looking than the rather dashing Raiders from the Deep.

Gloating Magister: Exactly what it says on the tin. Very Evil Looking. Also Fat.

Evil Slaver Ship: Wicked looking ship which can hold its own figures.

Shambling Ghouls: Six distinct forms of shambling. Generic bad guys ready to be inserted into any adventure.

Lich Lord: Bones, dark magic, and a hate for all that lives. This skeletal figure is half covered by tattered robes and is sure to appear in at least a few kid's nightmares. 3 figures: wielding sacrificial dagger, casting, and studying scrolls.

Evil Monsters: Lya knows best. Ten figures.

Evil Robed Chancellor: Fat, robed, bold, leering courtier with both hands under the other's sleeve. All similarities to Varys are accidental. We swear.

Aedon the Fool: The fool himself, sword in hand as he screams incoherently.

Aedon's Toadies: Bloodthirsty Lyseni ready to pull a coup or stand in the way of greater men. 6 figures.

Dumb Dothraki Screamers: Twice as wild and twice as rash, wearing no armor and wielding whips or Arakhs, these ones make good cavalry for the Forces of Evil. 5 figures.

The Usurper: Fat and wearing ill fitted armor, the stag king wields a tankard of spilling ale in one hand and a hammer in the other... grabbed by the wrong end.

Disloyal Knights: A sad if well armed bunch of traitorous knights wearing the stag of kings landing on their breastplate. 12 figures.

Golden Shields: Enemy casters ready to discharge all manner of no doubt evil and treacherous spells. 5 figures.

Demons: Ugly Monsters to be slain by Man. 8 figures. Also useful for teaching children the ABC's of the most common types of Demons and their phisycal exterior.

Daemons: Same as above.

Devils: Same as above.

Ghiscary Slavers: Despicable scum armed with cruel cudgels and spiked irons, 6 figures.

Harpies: Perfect for perching atop unsuspecting heroes exploring dungeons below chairs, tables, and windowsills. 5 figures.

Golden Company Armsmen: Professional men at arms wielding all manner of traditional weapons. Handy when you need an all out field battle. Most of them can form a shield wall if placed right. 8 figures. Great for clashing against Legionnaires!

Generic Cultists: Deformed wretches who gave up their precious humanity for petty power. 9 total: 2 caster, 3 melee, 1 scurrying, 1 sacrificing, 1 bound and being sacrificed, 1 agonizing.
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Figurines Part 2: The Companions (and a few bonus additions).
I figured fabricating all this stuff with divine insight and all out usual ASWAH cheese meant that I could really go full power on descriptive might and Michelangelo levels of artistic quality. With so many bonuses stacked together these figures should have more in common with small laser sculpted marble art than Warhammer minatures.

@DragonParadox Can this make it to threadmarks? If it makes it to Canon, I'd just love to see Lya's face when she sees two little girls playing with her figurine.

Figurines Part 2: The Companions (and a few bonus additions).

Companion Figurines:

Lya the Sage:
The serene presence of this figurine is the first thing that draws onlookers. One hand is held open at waist level with the palm aimed up, a book of lore or arcane might floating atop it, its pages locked mid ruffle as if she were searching the correct spell-to-be with her mind. Her hair seems unrestricted by gravity, and her exquisitely crafted robes seem to flutter, as if the weight of the working her mind was creating were displacing the air itself. Her poise seems to exude both power and confidence, though a more idealistic or perhaps dreamy outlook could be inferred if the onlooker focused on her eyes, which seem more thoughtful than righteous. Perhaps for her, this is simply another start to the week.

Lord Garin Drekelis: If one were to wonder what would happen were a veteran Bravo and a black shadowcat were to join into one being, it would be this figure. There is something that's quintessentially Braavos about it; long black coat that flutters as he finds himself mid stride, thin rapier in one hand and sharp blade held in the other, both lowered and not yet aiming for their prey. He seems to prowl more than walk, his course certain and his appearance just a bit uncanny. His understated smile seems razor thin.

Ser Waymar Royce: Everything about this figure seems to spell one single thing: Heroism. His face is locked in the midst of a battlecry; eyes almost half lidded as if shielding themselves from an overwhelming light ahead even as they struggle to peer forth, mouth opened in the midst of a heavy roar, sparks of lighting barely visible across his visage. He is clad in masterworked heavy plate armor the likes of which only a knight from a tale could wear, the scratches and blemishes only adding to the sense of dynamic motion about it. He seems only a second away from crashing against some titanic weight, shoulder angling for the blow as he aims his sword with one hand for a thrust, the other held just below the sword hand and aiming low, crisscrossing with lighting itself as if a step away from unleashing a tropical thunderstorm.

Vee: It seems a simple figure at first. A barefoot little woman in simple clothing… Looking for longer than a second however can confuse the onlooker, as there is a sense of primordial weight to it, something unstoppable or… beyond this world. Perhaps it is the stern, unflinching gaze of her hard eyes, eyes which seem to communicate an unstoppable will, as if this woman's determination were a physical beast chained to the great Hardened Steel cages of Mosshold, only a slight wind away from breaking loose and wreaking havoc. She stands with her arms by her sides, only beginning to be raised into the air as she peers into the distance, as if about to summon something great and terrible into this world in mere moments.

Maelor: This figurine seems to have been caught in the middle of something urgent. His left hand is aiming forwards, the first wisps of eldritch fire already emerging from it. He is not looking in that direction though… the young boy's head is turned almost past his other shoulder; he gazes to that side, in the direction his right hand is already raising, as if he were now being attacked from behind too. His face betrays a grim smile that betrays both tension and an almost playful sort of exasperation, as if thinking uncharitable thoughts about the whole situation even as he sees the irony of it. Regardless, the menace soon to come out of his will is all too palpable.

Glyra: This smallish figure seems full of pent up mischief as one of her hands searches for something within her bag, the other already making ready to throw something at an unfortunate foe. She stands on the heels of her feet, as of ready to fly but unwilling to. She seems to be bracing her back against something… or someone. For some reason she fits perfectly when positioned against Maelor's back.

Lord Malarys Vaenor: This man stands facing a small booklet he holds open with one hand, though his eyes do not look at it. They stare instead at an angle, as if watching something from a distance. The other hand holds a sword cane that is only just beginning to be unsheathed, and a small piece of parchment seems to be jutting from the miniature wooden repository affixed to his belt. On it are symbols of primordial Law. The figure seems as if just having finished the judgment of something a mere second ago… and is getting ready to carry out the sentence.

Ser Richard Lonmouth: The size of this statue does not seem enough to contain itself. The knight is standing with Oathkeeper's tip jammed into the ground, the flames around the blade somewhat subdued. His armor is a thing of legend, flame and light, damned and blessed, the armored pauldrons depicting the three headed dragon of House Targeryen in all their might and majesty, while his tabard shows the banner of the house of Skulls and Kisses. And yet for all the beauty and terror of his armor, for all the foreboding menace of the longsword grasped tightly in his hands, the knight seems to be unmoving, exuding a sort of existence in the moment as he simply is, the only thing betraying life being his face. He seems to be eyeing something, scanning it to the very core as the corner of his mouth tilts upwards ever so lightly.

Xor: For what should be something weird indeed, this figurine is surprisingly adorable. Sure, it seems to be a single floating eye with a few stalks tacked on top, but that just makes the onlooker appreciate the artistry of the work all the more. This streamlined and perhaps even intriguing figure seems to exude curiosity and good natured friendship, gazing excitedly at something as two stalks hold a book by themselves, some almost arguing with themselves as they stare at each other, while the last few follow the big eye's direction. This floating, curious orb seems to be clad in a protective suit of armor, though he has the bearing of a scholar and not a warrior.

Tyene Sand: This figurine holds an understated air of refinement and exotic allure, swaying almost sinuously with a determined stride and wearing an exquisite dress that mixes the practical with the beautiful. One hand holds a whip formed as if from sand itself, still constructing itself as she rears back to strike with it. The other hand seems to be in the midst of spellcasting, small, whisp-thin trails of something coalescing around it. Her belt seems well endowed with pouches and small yet delicate tools.

Rhina: This figurine looks reserved but resolute, her arms splayed downwards and to her sides as she brings forth a mighty spell, ice crackling from her hands. Her face betrays only a shadow of past loss, now thoroughly overtaken by certainty of thought and action as she concentrates on her work, seeking to save others.

Daenerys Targeryen: This little girl is about to do something incredible. She is running, her armored dress of dragonscales trailing behind her as she joins her hands together over the talisman hanging from her neck. While the artistic flair is notable, it is undeniable her fine garments have been made for war. A sharp, draconic looking dagger hangs from her belt and looks in the same direction she's running, wings at the ready as if ready to fly away. While her smile might be somewhat carefree or happy depending on the beholder, her eyes betray wisdom beyond her years. The ghostly afterimage of a dragon wyrmling is impressed over the figurine, as if being reflected by the little girl.

Daenerys Targeryen (Dragon Form): A silvery Wyrmling about the size of Daenerys' human form, this dragon is coiled up regally, listening attentively at something with her head halfcocked. Her eyes betray a fierce intelligence, and she seems bemused by what she's hearing. An amulet of power hangs from her chest.

Emperor Viserys Targeryen (Human Form): It is not clear if the fight is barely beginning or just done. In truth, it's not easy to tell whether the danger is occurring right now or sometime in the shadowy future. The Emperor stands holding Dark Sister at an angle, the blade crossing above his knee before barely touching the ground. On the other hand he holds a staff of twisting, ominous wood filled with ancient runes of might, lines of power lining both it and his entire arm in the beginnings of a raging inferno as he begins to lift it into the air. He is clad in a strange but tasteful mix of Essosi mage's robe and Westerosi armor; what could be a cuirass of sorts stretches over his chest, but his arms and shoulders are covered by long sleeves of silk, and from his back stretches Mammon's Folly in all its terrible splendor, fluttering in the wind. On his head lies a sharp and simple crown, radiating power in its simplicity. On his belt lies a short rod of exquisite quality, filled with runes of power for all that is also a symbol of royal stature. Despite all these things, it is not them that most stays in the mind of the beholder when he or she remembers the piece. It's the eyes; they seem to peer straight ahead, beyond the onlooker, beyond the horizon, beyond the present. They stare always forward, thinking or perhaps knowing a simple truth he is to carry out, a single promise to anyone who gazes at that face.

The future is ours, he seems to whisper.

Emperor Viserys Targeryen (Dragon Form): The enormous figurine seems equal parts grace and destruction, terror and awe. Uncannily intelligent eyes regard what lies beyond, like a King judging a case. Flame seems but a second away from erupting from the figure's maw, though its posture is not overly aggressive but rather stern. Magic seems to crawl over all its limbs, rippling and cascading in fire and lighting and licking the artifacts which have changed and adapted to the Emperor's dragon form. Tailor made so children can grab it from the belly and run with it above their heads. Also capable of holding other figures atop its wings! Daenerys' Dragon form also fits snuggly atop it.

Bonus Figures:

Mosshold Trainers:
These hardy and strangely clad tamers wield whips, treats, and collar sticks. Scars crisscross chests, arms, and faces, courtesy of the dangerous beasts they bring to heel on a daily basis. 4 figures.

The Harbinger: Enormous and terrifying dragon-construct. The Emperor doesn't really have one of these… right?

False Ravens: Caw? Perfect for perching on hero's shoulders as they search for danger… or on potted plants. 4 figures. Makes a cute ensemble when perched beside each other, their beaks teasing each other and jostling as if for the better view.

Greater False Raven: Caw…! Could just be spying on you… or could be biding its time so it can rip your eyes out... 2 figures.

Allied Shaitan Infantry: Earth Genies clad in mighty and solid looking armor, wielding a plethora of traditional weapons. 3 figures.

Allied Djinn Infantry: Air Genies clad in whispy and ethereal looking light armor, caught midflight as they charge on their foe from above with a plethora of traditional weapons. 3 figures.

And more bad guys:

Tywin Lannister: A pensive figure sitting on a chamber pot, either having an existential crisis or pushing the big one out. 1 figure, toilet included.

Westerosi Levy Spearmen: A sadly underfed bunch of boys and old men trying to hold on to fire hardened spears… and failing at it. 5 figures.

Essosi Slave Spearmen: A sadly underfed bunch of boys and old men with collars, trying to hold on to fire hardened spears… and failing at it. 5 figures.

Unsullied Spearmen: Lightly armored, brave troops holding on to their spears and succeeding at it… though going by their grim expressions it won't be of much use. 5 figures.

Ghiscary Masters: Neither Wise, nor Good, and certainly not Great, this bunch of richly dressed fools couldn't lead themselves out of a chicken pen, much less an Empire. 5 figures in varying states of greed, panic, and confusion.

Gold?: Conveniently sized pellets one can place under Tywin's chamber pot. Can also fit the beak of one of the False Ravens. (Item sold separately, not for the use of children younger than three years old :V).


@Azel National Heroes for the children of the Empire to aspire to. Knock yourself out!

Edit: Added Rhina and dragon forms for Viserys and Dany.
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Are We the Baddies
@ Setting off bioweapons at Lannisport, destroying the livelihood of thousands only tangentially connected to Lannisters.
@ Summoning hundreds of fiends, sacrificing most at blood rituals and having the rest serve us
@ Killing hundreds of slave soldiers in order to further our political agenda at Lys, mercilessly killing hundreds of soldiers of Golden Company at Essaria
@ Gambling with the fate of the whole realm by summoning the Archduke of Third Hell in the flesh
@ Leading priests of various religions to heresies and apostasy, sometimes in as much as a few sentences

---Edit, new as of December 2020---
@ Summoning thousands of fiends, and using them in a blood sacrifice of the scale not seen even in Valyria - all to kill a single Fey court.
@ Actively supporting our minions in twisting the laws of reality and literally becoming Abominations of all that is Good and natural.
@ Making our own Space Marines Stormcast Eternals Praetorians complete with a Primarch.
@ Supporting both sides of the clash of the Emperors in Yi-Ti, willing to do business with either until a sure winner is found- and ensuring whoever's winning is amiable for further interaction with us afterward. Meanwhile, hundreds and thousands die.
@ Helping Cersei succeed with at least one of her plans, allowing her to kill Robert... By having his soul sucked out by a servant of the Void. And it being death by Snu-snu. Eugh.
@ Doing business with Mind Flayers.
@ When pulled into time-travel scheme, deliberately creating paradoxes to profit off.
@ Eating energy fields larger than our head.

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Dark Sister (Future)
...yeah, I think I'm done with it now.
"Once a almost plain looking blade forged from dragonsteel, this ancestral blade of House Targaryen was remade by the flames of the Dragon King, it's magics rewoven by the Smith of Souls and blessed by gods of death. The slender blade is shaped in the Valyrian fashion and only a few blood red rubies adorn it's hilt. Only the runes inlaid into the blade in the white bone of fiends and monsters hint at it's true might. Though light and swift, it lays heavy in the hand and many who saw it drawn claim to have felt a deep dread settle into their bones, knowing in their very souls that this blade would cut deeper then mere flesh."

Proposed upgrade: here

I fucked around with the colors that seemed best fitting, and Frostmourne was a big part of inspiration, so colors very much don't match the desctiprion.
Still, I think it looks good enough as is.

The guard... was me trying to relay the fact we are crunching Reaper's Scythe to make this upgrade.
Like a semi-natural bone-like growth from the blade itself?
Something like that.