Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Dec 24, 2018 at 10:04 AM, finished with 91 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Plan Minds and Souls
    -[X] "And yet I was born mortal, seven-and-ten years ago and have lived as one. You have not done so for a single year, and you have said already that you do not understand us. It speaks poorly of you to offer one truth, and then speak against it in the next breath." In simple terms, don't talk about what you don't understand. And by her words she's just implied that she's more understanding of mortals than we, when we were born one, and having just said before that as half dreaming they do not understand mortals fully.
    -[X] "Even these last words betray you. Must I remind you of the question that was asked? Would one bargaining in good faith not answer me fairly, instead of appealing to those I thought were your allies?" Direct attack on her inconsistency.
    -[X] "So I say to you again. You have given me many reasons why you desire the crown, but none why I should indulge you." Lean forward, not menacingly, but the intent is to be resolute. "These waters are mine, Lady. What lies within them is mine too, by right and custom. We are not debating the merits of rulership unknown since before the Age of Heroes and my own, standing in defence of mortalkind against any who would threaten it." We actually are, but we're not giving her time to answer, and our framing makes it very clear which has more in the way of recent success. It's also totally not a threat.
    -[X] "So, if I let you have this crown, what shall I get in turn? Would your lord and his court be willing to swear itself to a mortal lord of the skill and character needed to ensure that your assurances about the benefits come to pass?" I am deliberately repeating this. Given how DP likes to play the Fae, she should be able to guess where we're going with this. If she refuses to answer a second time, I'm going for thrice and done.
    -[X] If she now proposes to swear to Mace Tyrell, just snort and calmly explain to her that you are not reassured. Either Mace is an idiot for missing the implications of this bargain or he is an idiot for thinking a independent Fey realm carved from the lands of his bannermen is a good idea.
    [X] Azel
    [X] "You ask Lord Redwyne to choose." Address him: "Would you prefer Fey overlords who sought to gain dominion over the Reach by stealth, trickery and enchantment? Or Rhaella's son, Lord of House Targaryen which has always stood in defense of mankind and what is right against the powers from Beyond?"

I missed the vote, and missed to suggest to add:
[] Drop the glamour on Serpent's Sin. "A king who took down and skinned the Lord of the Third Hell. What has your king done except lose his crown to a mortal?"

I missed the vote, and missed to suggest to add:
[] Drop the glamour on Serpent's Sin. "A king who took down and skinned the Lord of the Third Hell. What has your king done except lose his crown to a mortal?"

Sick burns wouldn't really help in this situation, seeing as how she seems to be a particularly dull-witted child.
Huh... I know she was underestimating us the entire time but she knew we were a True Dragon? I thought she was thinking it was a rumor or thought maybe we transformed into one of the Valaryian ones as a combat form, but know she actually knew we were a True Dragon. True Dragons must've been gone so long from this plane that even the freaking Fey forgot about how powerful they were.
Huh... I know she was underestimating us the entire time but she knew we were a True Dragon? I thought she was thinking it was a rumor or thought maybe we transformed into one of the Valaryian ones as a combat form, but know she actually knew we were a True Dragon. True Dragons must've been gone so long from this plane that even the freaking Fey forgot about how powerful they were.
It's not a secret at all. Even the magicless masses know that Viserys can turn into a dragon. Anyone with the proper knowledge or who knows someone with the proper knowledge? They all know that Viserys is a dragon.

But you're right, she's definitely underestimating us.
It's not a secret at all. Even the magicless masses know that Viserys can turn into a dragon. Anyone with the proper knowledge or who knows someone with the proper knowledge? They all know that Viserys is a dragon.

But you're right, she's definitely underestimating us.
I wonder if the mythic ranking/challenge rating ratio is contributing to her massive ego?
It's not a secret at all. Even the magicless masses know that Viserys can turn into a dragon. Anyone with the proper knowledge or who knows someone with the proper knowledge? They all know that Viserys is a dragon.

But you're right, she's definitely underestimating us.

I get that people know we can turn into a dragon, but there's quite a difference I think between transforming into one and actually being a dragon. I'm also thinking that when people say we turn into a dragon they all assume that we transform into the cursed Valaryian Dragons rather than a True Dragon, seeing as they don't know the difference between the formerly and latter due to being uneducated on such matters with the former being all they know about Dragons. Random magicless peasants I can forgive for not knowing, but this lady is a mythic caster who can actually dispel our magic so she's pretty high up in power. The fact that she knows that we are a dragon rather then a sorcerer that turns into one should've made her wary not prone to looking down on us.
I get that people know we can turn into a dragon, but there's quite a difference I think between transforming into one and actually being a dragon. I'm also thinking that when people say we turn into a dragon they all assume that we transform into the cursed Valaryian Dragons rather than a True Dragon, seeing as they don't know the difference between the formerly and latter due to being uneducated on such matters with the former being all they know about Dragons. Random magicless peasants I can forgive for not knowing, but this lady is a mythic caster who can actually dispel our magic so she's pretty high up in power. The fact that she knows that we are a dragon rather then a sorcerer that turns into one should've made her wary not prone to looking down on us.

Might have some serious Flaws like "Oblivious" and "Moron". Maybe even a third one with no bonus feat: "Planet-sized Ego".
I get that people know we can turn into a dragon, but there's quite a difference I think between transforming into one and actually being a dragon. I'm also thinking that when people say we turn into a dragon they all assume that we transform into the cursed Valaryian Dragons rather than a True Dragon, seeing as they don't know the difference between the formerly and latter due to being uneducated on such matters with the former being all they know about Dragons.
Oh, I wouldn't doubt that the masses just think we can turn into Valyrian Dragons or that there's confusion on what True Dragons even are. But with everyone else who actually knows better the thing is that Viserys can be a dragon for as long as he wants (due to being a dragon in truth) whereas all known spells to turn into a dragon last for minutes at most. They'd be able to tell that something was up from the rumors alone.
Random magicless peasants I can forgive for not knowing, but this lady is a mythic caster who can actually dispel our magic so she's pretty high up in power. The fact that she knows that we are a dragon rather then a sorcerer that turns into one should've made her wary not prone to looking down on us.
... Yeah. It really doesn't reflect well on her.

More so for the fact that the Fey fled this plane to escape Tiamat and the Red Dragon Empire of proto-Valyria in the first place, so to underestimate a Red Dragon mere years after their return to Prime Material is something else.
I get that people know we can turn into a dragon, but there's quite a difference I think between transforming into one and actually being a dragon. I'm also thinking that when people say we turn into a dragon they all assume that we transform into the cursed Valaryian Dragons rather than a True Dragon, seeing as they don't know the difference between the formerly and latter due to being uneducated on such matters with the former being all they know about Dragons. Random magicless peasants I can forgive for not knowing, but this lady is a mythic caster who can actually dispel our magic so she's pretty high up in power. The fact that she knows that we are a dragon rather then a sorcerer that turns into one should've made her wary not prone to looking down on us.
Just because she has Mythic power doesn't mean she did anything to earn it, especially as a Fey. She could have been dreamed into being with it, gifted it by a higher ranking Fey monarch, or any other oddball scenario.
Not really. I'm pretty sure that we will need Vees surgical skills to get that grin off Moonsongs face when we are done.
I mean, she is a Liminal Sprite: Sprite, Liminal – d20PFSRD

Her natural predators are tomcats and dogs:
The sprites must be subtle, however, lest their unwitting hosts turn against them. They especially fear domestic animals turned loose near their hideaways.

The disparity between her and Dusk Dancer is as heaven and earth. It's like a random greek dude needling an Olympian God.
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Just because she has Mythic power doesn't mean she did anything to earn it, especially as a Fey. She could have been dreamed into being with it, gifted it by a higher ranking Fey monarch, or any other oddball scenario.
I would not be surprised if the Fey Monarch just decided that all nobles of a certain standing in their court should have at least X ranks in Mythic power.
I mean, she is a Liminak Sprite: Sprite, Liminal – d20PFSRD

Her natural predators are tomcats and dogs:
The sprites must be subtle, however, lest their unwitting hosts turn against them. They especially fear domestic animals turned loose near their hideaways.

The disparity between her and Dusk Dancer is as heaven and earth.
Yes, but her baseline stats still make her a CR 2 creature, whereas a baseline Human is barely 1/2 CR. And she's grown quite a bit beyond being a normal Liminal Sprite. She has 9 HD and casts spells as a 9th level Bard. She's not far off from being more dangerous than a regular CR 9/MR3 Leanan Sidhe.
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I get that people know we can turn into a dragon, but there's quite a difference I think between transforming into one and actually being a dragon. I'm also thinking that when people say we turn into a dragon they all assume that we transform into the cursed Valaryian Dragons rather than a True Dragon, seeing as they don't know the difference between the formerly and latter due to being uneducated on such matters with the former being all they know about Dragons. Random magicless peasants I can forgive for not knowing, but this lady is a mythic caster who can actually dispel our magic so she's pretty high up in power. The fact that she knows that we are a dragon rather then a sorcerer that turns into one should've made her wary not prone to looking down on us.
If she was as wise as she pretends to be she would know we are a dragon and a human.

We dont show up doubled under truesight for nothing, and whenever we made that choice it was always to be ourselves.
Yes, but her baseline stats still make her a CR 2 creature, whereas a baseline Human is barely 1/2 CR. And she's grown quite a bit beyond being a normal Liminal Sprite. She has 9 HD and casts spells as a 9th level Bard. She's not far off from being more dangerous than a regular CR 9/MR3 Leanan Sidhe.

Yeah but would a fey High Noble recognize the rise of someone barely worth looking at the dirt on her boots at the start, no matter how high their rise?

Especially this dimwit?


@zxzx24 is right, she acted like we were, yet again, only wearing our human form as a disguise or a joke.

We're not. This is us. That she doesn't realize that just highlights how out of her depth she is.
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Yes, but her baseline stats still make her a CR 2 creature, whereas a baseline Human is barely 1/2 CR. And she's grown quite a bit beyond being a normal Liminal Sprite. She has 9 HD and casts spells as a 9th level Bard.
The humorous part is that the fey equivalent of a house pest is freely taking jabs at the fey equivalent of high nobility.

Any other Liminak Sprite that looked at Dusk Dancer wrong would probably be cursed in some cruel and ironic fashion on the spot.

I wouldn't say a Liminak Sprite is CR 2 anyway.
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If she was as wise as she pretends to be she would know we are a dragon and a human.

We dont show up doubled under truesight for nothing, and whenever we made that choice it was always to be ourselves.

Oh I didn't know that we showed up as both under truesight. It was my understanding that we were a dragon in body, while our mentality was human with some magpie draconic instincts scattered here and there.
Yes, but her baseline stats still make her a CR 2 creature, whereas a baseline Human is barely 1/2 CR. And she's grown quite a bit beyond being a normal Liminal Sprite. She has 9 HD and casts spells as a 9th level Bard. She's not far off from being more dangerous than a regular CR 9/MR3 Leanan Sidhe.
What would her CR be at this stage?