No, the sheer mass of collapsing stone would likely shatter any statues.
I mean how much of the upper floors can we turn into ashes to prevent that?

19 20ft cubes of stones turned to relativly harmless soil and dust sounds like a lot, but I'm not actually sure how much it is compared to a building, both because I'm bad at guessing these things and because you didn't give us a building plan with sizes added of the manse.
Maybe, depending non how it was rigged. It would also be your last use of mythic power.
Would this be significantly helpful? And are there any glaring holes in this:
[] Wild Arcana a Greater Stone Shape and cast a quickened Bloodwish to transmute the stone pillars to basalt.
-[] Send Mereth and Leto to fly off with Jarlar and the woman. send one Avoral to DDoor/Fly away with the Lady of the House if they can, the others teleport past the barrier.
-[] If you can't stabilize the foundations, Celerity and Teleport.
Would this be significantly helpful? And are there any glaring holes in this:
[] Wild Arcana a Greater Stone Shape and cast a quickened Bloodwish to transmute the stone pillars to basalt.
-[] Send Mereth and Leto to fly off with Jarlar and the woman. send one Avoral to DDoor/Fly away with the Lady of the House if they can, the others teleport past the barrier.
-[] If you can't stabilize the foundations, Celerity and Teleport.
The guests leaving the manse, at least without it being destroyed will trigger the security in this weird ritual, we had that last night already.
Even if our Erinyes get them off the grounds they will ide, so at best we might put them in the garden?
I mean how much of the upper floors can we turn into ashes to prevent that?

19 20ft cubes of stones turned to relativly harmless soil and dust sounds like a lot, but I'm not actually sure how much it is compared to a building, both because I'm bad at guessing these things and because you didn't give us a building plan with sizes added of the manse.

I'd say there's just too much stone involved to cover in one SoD. There are three floors plus the attic and this is a big sprawling building.
The guests leaving the manse, at least without it being destroyed will trigger the security in this weird ritual, we had that last night already.
Even if our Erinyes get them off the grounds they will ide, so at best we might put them in the garden?
I'm thinking just floating a few feet off the ground in the middle of the garden, yes.
[] Bloodwish a Greater Stone Shape and, if necessary, another one through Wild Arcana, or a Hardening or stone transmutation if that'd be best.
-[] Send Mereth and Leto to fly off with Jarlar and the woman. send one Avoral to DDoor/Fly away with the Lady of the House if they can, the others teleport past the barrier.
--[] They should just float a few feet of fun he ground where no rubble can fall on them, taking within the bounds of the mansion.
-[] If you can't stabilize the foundations, Celerity and Teleport
[X] Turtle the demon you froze, take it with you, then teleport back to the guestroom
-[X] Teleport directly to SD with them, to the location you believe is closest to Vee, so you can immediatly break any connection to the ritual or heal any damages removing them from the manse might cause

Whatever is here will not escape. I'm optimistic that between the demon and the old lady we can get enough info to track it down.
For now save our future subjects and let the demons collapse the house.
That would at least ruin their ritual and kill all the other guests we don't care about, so it's no real loss.
Isn't that a bit of an overreaction, even for demons?

Bringing down the whole thing, with their own ritual, just as a trap on a door?
What if we used Reached Fabricate to turn the building's roof into a thin needle that would strike only the ground in front of us?
"Our people" are in guest rooms, right @DragonParadox? Is that on the top floor?

A bunch of servants would die I suppose, but I'll just blame the demons for that.
[x] Send the Erynies and Avorals to get the guests out of the mansion and off the ground, or at least in the gardens where nothing will fall on them. Keep inside the grounds. Prioritize the two we promised to protect (Leto and Mereth for those, unless one of them can fly with the two) and the Lady of the House.
-[X] Silent Bloodwish and Quickened Bloodwish two Stone Metamorphosis spells to see if it will shore up. If it doesn't, Celerity and encase yourself and the demon in a sphere of force, turtle him and teleport out.
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[x] Send the Erynies and Avorals to get the guests out of the mansion and off the ground, or at least in the gardens where nothing will fall on them. Keep inside the grounds. Prioritize the two we promised to protect (Leto and Mereth for those, unless one of them can fly with the two) and the Lady of the House.
-[X] Silent Bloodwish and Quickened Bloodwish two Stone Metamorphosis spells to see if it will shore up. If it doesn't, Celerity and Teleport out.
Have one of the Blood Wishes be cast using two 6th level spell slots.

[X] TotallyNotEvil