So I've been working my way through the threadmarks with only a smidge of thread reading, and haven't quite caught up yet, so I don't know if @DragonParadox has a stated stance on Spell Creation. Not Ritual Creation, we struck uranium there, but Spell Creation.

Per the 3.5 DMG page 198, new Spells can be created with the following constraints:
  • Access to a library, just as if the character were researching to learn a spell.
  • 1,000gp expenditure per week
  • 1 week per spell level
  • Spellcraft check of 10 + level of spell means the character was successful.
With that in mind, I was struck by a potential spell I like to call Protection From False Influence or as I expect the Bronnism to translate it Protection From Fuckery.

Protection From False Influence

Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 0
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 minute
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

You imbue the subject with magical energy that wards it from mental control, granting it the protection from mental influences effect of Protection From Evil.

The basis of this idea draws from the cantrip Resistance and it's relation to Protection From Evil, in that it's effectively a smaller universal bonus that a 1st Level Spell provides that lasts for a minute.

In this case, PfF acts in a similar manner but focusing on the immunity to mind influencing effects that PfE provides.

Why to bother with inventing a new Cantrip is three fold.

First, it would allow us to make items of immunity to mind influencing effects at half the price of items of PfE, therefore saving us a huge amount of money and time for mass production when we don't care about the bonus to AC and Saves.

Second, it would allow us to create a Ritual that provides immunity to mind influencing effects with 1.5 days of effort. I can see Rituals ranging from personal to communal ones working but the specifics will likely be up in the air.

Third, it provides our spell casters an easy way to use cantrip tier resources to recover party members from mind influencing effects, which will especially be useful for B Teams and when things hit the shit for the Legion.

All in all, spending 5 days and 500 gold (before Ritual Expenses) sounds like a even trade off for making cantrips combat useful at all levels of play.

Now I'm off to sleep, followed by continuing to catch up on the story.
I am against this motion. Why? Because a level zero spell breaking the entire school of enchantment is ridiculous, that's why. The level 1 spell is at least alignment-keyed (it works because of the power of Good! or whatever). I still think that PfE is bad game design and I don't want to go even further. Especially seeing as most people don't use cantrips much, so making this a cantrips is a huge increase in utility: not everyone will want to prepare a PfE, but everyone will want to prepare one of these!

This just feels like a way to make cheaper PfE items on a large scale.
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Winning vote

[] When the Demon returns, use Wild Arcana to duplicate the effects of an Unconscious Agenda spell on it as a Standard Action. The implanted compulsion will be to immediately seek out its master, walking or flying as necessary to reach them.
-[] While waiting for the Demon to return, carefully inspect the lady of the house for signs of enchantment, magical paraphernalia, or other mystical items or substances, then check closely examine the room in which you found her.
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Part MMCDLXXXVIII: Gruesome Gearworks
Gruesome Gearworks

Tenth Day of the Seventh Month 293 AC

As you wait in the chamber, looking between the lady still in the grip of unquiet sleep and the door through which the fiend had just passed, a sort of pervasive revulsion washes over you, of playing these games and stepping carefully around the festering pits of corruption, of allowing this madness to endure one moment more than is necessary. You could watch and learn, you could parse out meaning and dates, but at the day's end that is not why you are here, either in the particular or general. Your plans were tangled and now you know who by. Fiends are walking the world with impunity, and now you can end them. You wait...

The tanar'ri sweeps into the chamber, rage glittering in its many-faceted eyes. Its arm twitches in the direction of the sleeping woman, dark urges struggling against the bindings of its master. Oh how it would wish to slay that master... and to kill, one must first be in the presence of the thing despised. With unseen motions you weave power into a spell to cloud its mind, not to compel or command, for its master would sense both, but rather to make louder that impulse. Seek your master...

In response the thing twitches, the motion unpleasantly insect-like even in the guise of humankind before turning right around into the corridor, the hard soles of its shoes making an echoing clicking sound.

Following it unseen and unheard still you call out to Mereth and Leto, explaining that there are demons about. You almost add a reminder that their task is to be preserving the lives of their charges first and fighting pit-spawn second but refrain from it. Trust must first be given before it can be earned, and you have certainly gained ever more respect for the Furies' wits these past few days.

Ahead you notice your unwitting guide, now in one of the manse's narrow servant stairways, skipping a step on the way down, a trap likely as not. Not having the time or the inclination to check you simply copy the gesture. You feel as much as hear the click beneath your heel... Fuck, two of them... timed.

For the briefest of instant your vision doubles. In one iteration spinning sedate blades two hand-spans wide fly from the walls fly, too many and too quick for you to stop them, and in the other fate is bent in a reflex you had never before possessed. Such is not your path. Time flexes at your command, a familiar disjunction, and in that frozen instant you pull the trigger you had depressed upwards. The blades do not emerge, the alarm is not sounded, and you become much more cautious in your approach.

By long and twisting ways you follow the demon as the dark stone closes all around you, the air grows musty with the stink of old death as the faint crimson lights that are the eyes of the lesser dead kindle all around you. This then is where at least some of the sick and maimed slaves went, you realize.

Twice more you encounter a staggered trap as you descend into the bowels of the manse, though now that you are looking for them the mechanisms are much easier to spot, and rather than a danger they prove a source of inspiration. The web of razor sharp invisible wires would certainly be a nightmare for petty fiends adept at shrouding themselves in simple glamours but unable to see through such trickery themselves. The curtain of fine sand is also an ingenious trick for sifting out glamours of all sorts as sand has no eyes and would stick to the true form rather than the false. A pity whoever designed this place is a demon-calling madman. You would have used a mind like that.

Finally you come to a door that seems to have been poured of rippling liquid lead, though it is not nearly hot enough to keep the metal so by any mundane means. A face forms out of it, like a swimmer emerging from water: "What do you seek?," the construct asks of the demon, its eyes seemingly blind to you also.

"To see the master," the fiend replies, its voice echoing with an unearthly buzzing sound, perhaps seeing no purpose to keeping the charade in this realm of horror.

"Why?" comes the answer sharp and cold.

To that the demon has no answer, and so it is your time to act.

What do you do?

[] Blast the 'door', offering a challenge

[] Try to teleport past the cascade of lead
-[] Write in how far

[] Write in

OOC: Not getting hit by the trap took making a DC 15 initiative check so you would not be considered flat footed and could use celerity. You had to use mythic power for that.
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I'm getting nervous about going forward on our own. Ya'll think we should pop out and grab some allies before kicking in the talking door?
So we polymorph fly and move forward? Kinda worried if we don't act now thing can get away or do something if we wait for allies.
I'm getting nervous about going forward on our own. Ya'll think we should pop out and grab some allies before kicking in the talking door?
Kind of too late for that. The demoncaller is going to be suspicious if the demon is loitering out there not doing what it was told for no "apparent reason".
No, it's polite. You try hugging a quadruped. It's typically weird and uncomfortable for them. How dare you presume my prejudices? Just because I'm irrationally biased against embodiments of evil like you doesn't mean I'm prejudiced against inhuman creatures!
I hug my puppy without trouble.

Quadrupeds are easy, but octapeds may be a bit more difficult.
No, it's polite. You try hugging a quadruped. It's typically weird and uncomfortable for them. How dare you presume my prejudices? Just because I'm irrationally biased against embodiments of evil like you doesn't mean I'm prejudiced against inhuman creatures!
There we have it! Not even a shred of shame for admitting to his blatant alingnmentcist views!

If you stab me, do I not bleed tar too?

#HATECRIME #EvilLivesMatter