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I am against this motion. Why? Because a level zero spell breaking the entire school of enchantment is ridiculous, that's why. The level 1 spell is at least alignment-keyed (it works because of the power of Good! or whatever). I still think that PfE is bad game design and I don't want to go even further. Especially seeing as most people don't use cantrips much, so making this a cantrips is a huge increase in utility: not everyone will want to prepare a PfE, but everyone will want to prepare one of these!So I've been working my way through the threadmarks with only a smidge of thread reading, and haven't quite caught up yet, so I don't know if @DragonParadox has a stated stance on Spell Creation. Not Ritual Creation, we struck uranium there, but Spell Creation.
Per the 3.5 DMG page 198, new Spells can be created with the following constraints:
With that in mind, I was struck by a potential spell I like to call Protection From False Influence or as I expect the Bronnism to translate it Protection From Fuckery.
- Access to a library, just as if the character were researching to learn a spell.
- 1,000gp expenditure per week
- 1 week per spell level
- Spellcraft check of 10 + level of spell means the character was successful.
Protection From False Influence
Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 0
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 minute
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
You imbue the subject with magical energy that wards it from mental control, granting it the protection from mental influences effect of Protection From Evil.
The basis of this idea draws from the cantrip Resistance and it's relation to Protection From Evil, in that it's effectively a smaller universal bonus that a 1st Level Spell provides that lasts for a minute.
In this case, PfF acts in a similar manner but focusing on the immunity to mind influencing effects that PfE provides.
Why to bother with inventing a new Cantrip is three fold.
First, it would allow us to make items of immunity to mind influencing effects at half the price of items of PfE, therefore saving us a huge amount of money and time for mass production when we don't care about the bonus to AC and Saves.
Second, it would allow us to create a Ritual that provides immunity to mind influencing effects with 1.5 days of effort. I can see Rituals ranging from personal to communal ones working but the specifics will likely be up in the air.
Third, it provides our spell casters an easy way to use cantrip tier resources to recover party members from mind influencing effects, which will especially be useful for B Teams and when things hit the shit for the Legion.
All in all, spending 5 days and 500 gold (before Ritual Expenses) sounds like a even trade off for making cantrips combat useful at all levels of play.
Now I'm off to sleep, followed by continuing to catch up on the story.
This just feels like a way to make cheaper PfE items on a large scale.
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