A Different Breed (Warhammer 29K)
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By the reckoning of humanity, it is the twenty-nineth millennia. The birth of a Dark God, already responsible for the collapse of civilization into the Age of Strife, is nigh, and with it comes the dawn of the Age of Humanity.

In the northern edge of the Galaxy,, Craftworld Vau-Vulkesh begins a defiant plan to reforge their own souls to reject the newborn Slaanesh. They will keep Vaul's fire burning, they and their allies, with the aid of technology lost to the other survivors, and defy fate. Yet enemies they have, moving against them even now...

It is the closing days of the twenty-nineth millennium.
The Empire of the Aeldari is dead.
The Imperium of Man has yet to rise.
The galaxy is in chaos-
-yet chaos and opportunity, so often go hand in hand.​
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Armory of Vau-Vulkesh
  • Pistol
    Starblasters are a weapon of the Vulkhari Eldar, and are based on ancient technology of their Imperial Age. Whilst similar to the Las weapons of humanity, Starblasters are vastly more powerful and sophisticated, using a psy-active material called "Starcrystal" to allow far higher power output and fire rate than human technology allows. Starblaster Pistols can fire nearly as fast as a Hellpistol, but each shot is nearly two thirds as powerful as a human Lascannon, allowing them to mow down even light vehicles with ease.
    Type: Pistol
    Equipment Points cost: 4
    Special Resource Requirement: 1 Starcrystal
    Starblaster Carbines are extremely sophisticated Las-weapons used by the Vulkhari Eldar. Unlike the crude and primitive designs of humanity or other non-Eldar races, these weapons are nearly as powerful as a Lascannon while having a rate of fire comparable to a Hellgun, despite their small form-factor. These weapons are even light enough to be fired at a run—a truly potent weapon.
    Type: Ranged
    Equipment Points cost: 8
    Special Resource Requirement: 2 Starcrystals
    The sophisticated Starblaster weapons of the Vulkhari Eldar are derived from weapons of their empire's zenith. Using a psy-active material, "Starcrystal" in their various operating mechanisms combines with their far more sophisticated overall design to make these weapons far more potent than the crude Las-weapons of other races - a Starblaster Rifle is nearly as powerful as a human Lascannon with the fire rate of a Hellgun.
    Type: Ranged
    Equipment Points cost: 10
    Special Resource Requirement: 5 StarcrystalsSpecial Resource Requirement: 2 Starcrystals
  • Starcarvers are heavy weapons equally adept at mowing down heavy infantry and armored vehicles, sending sheeting torrents of laser-blasts almost twice as powerful as human Lascannons at a rate of fire that can cut down entire squads of Space Marines in seconds.
    Type: Heavy
    Equipment Points cost: 30
    Special Resource Requirement: 8 Starcrystals
  • Starlances are weapons of the ancient Aeldari Empire, and while that power considered them mere tertiary weapons, in the modern day they are one of the most potent Las-weapons in the galaxy. Starlances can be found on vehicles as small as tanks or as large as battleships, and are generally roughly three times as powerful as an equivalent weapon of human design, while able to fire four or five times as quickly.
    Type: Vehicle | Superheavy | Naval | Heavy Naval
    Equipment Points cost: 100 | 350 | 10 | 20
    Special Resource Requirement: 20 Starcrystals | 45 Starcrystals | 100 Starcrystals | 350 Starcrystals
  • A Starblade is a modified Starlance designed to engage Titan scale combatants, sacrificing the majority of its refire speed for even greater power - a single shot from a Starblade can core a fresh Warhound Titan like a mere infantryman hit by a Lascannon.
    Type: Superheavy
    Equipment Points cost: 400
    Special Resource Requirement: 50 Starcrystals
  • The Starcaster Mega-Lance is the largest known example of the family of extremely sophisticated Las-weapons employed by the Vulkhari Eldar, only ever seen as fixed forward mounts. Given that these weapons can carve through the armor of a human or Orkish warship as if it were cheese, rather than metal, even a single mount as most ships manage is extremely dangerous.
    Type: Naval Special
    Equipment Points cost: 50
    Special Resource Requirement: 1000 Starcrystals
  • The Fatecutter Pistol fires needles of Wraithbone at a high rate, which unerringly find their way to the weakest points in a target, guided by some manner of Psy-tech device.
    Type: Pistol
    Equipment Points cost: 3
    Special Resource Requirement: 1 Fatebender Psy-scope
  • Fatesplitter Carbines are a favorite of Vulkhari Eldar starship crews, firing needle-like projectiles of Wraithbone which home on a target's weak points with murderous accuracy, thanks to advanced Psy-tech incorporated into their design.
    Type: Ranged
    Equipment Points cost: 7
    Special Resource Requirement: 1 Fatebender Psy-scope
  • Fatecaster Rifles are heavy weapons which fire spikes of Wraithbone the size of an Eldar finger - each seeking out weak points in the target without fail, guided by advanced Psy-tech which dates to the Imperial Age.
    Type: Heavy
    Equipment Points cost: 25
    Special Resource Requirement: 1 Fatebender Psy-scope
  • The Fatesever Cannon is effectively a supersized Fatecaster Rifle which fires massive spikes the size of an Eldar forearm as an anti-vehicle weapon. Like their smaller cousins, these seek out weaknesses in a target with unnatural accuracy.
    Type: Vehicle
    Equipment Points cost: 60
    Special Resource Requirement: 2 Fatebender Psy-scopes
  • A heavy anti-infantry weapon found on some Vulkhari Eldar vehicles, the Fateshredder Cannon is effectively a "triple-linked" Fatecaster Rifle, sending swarming hails of needles which can butcher entire squads of infantry in seconds.
    Type: Vehicle
    Equipment Points cost: 80
    Special Resource Requirement: 3 Fatebender Psy-scopes
  • Found only on some super-heavy vehicles, the Fatesheer Cannon fires a spearlike projectile of Wraithbone which can impale a Knight-Titan like an insect, with the unerring accuracy of all weapons of that family.
    Type: Superheavy
    Equipment Points cost: 300
    Special Resource Requirement: 4 Fatebender Psy-scopes
  • These weapons are effectively similar to the Macro-Cannons of other races, but possess unnatural accuracy and the ability to fire significantly "off bore", mitigating the usual weakness of those weapons systems. Fatetwister Cannons were but tertiary weapons by the standards of the old Aeldari Empire, but in the modern day they are shockingly potent weapons by the standards of most races.
    Type: Naval
    Equipment Points cost: 5
    Special Resource Requirement: 50 Fatebender Psy-scopes
Grav-Weapons encompass a vast variety of ranged and close combat weapons which exploit gravity manipulation to damage and or disrupt a target—from Amplifier Guns that turn a victim's own mass against it, to Gravity Blades that can cut nearly anything, and dozens of other applications besides, Grav-Weapons are perhaps the second most common form of High Technology weaponry after Plasma weapons, and a truly dizzying number of weapons can fall under this umbrella.
  • Gravity Blades generate an impossibly sharp cutting edge with focused gravity fields—it is, in fact, so impossibly sharp that such weapons must be limited in efficiency, lest they slice apart not just molecules but atoms—and few wielders of a blade can stand in the heart of a nuclear explosion unharmed. On the other hand, even with deliberately throttled sharpness, such blades can still cut through most materials with no more difficulty than air.

    Type: Light Melee | Melee
    Equipment Points cost: 14 | 16
  • Implosion Hammers are melee weapons which incorporate a powerful but very short ranged grav-implosion projector in the head of a warhammer or maul. When the weapon strikes a target, the projector is activated as close to impact as possible, inflicting significant damage from the implosion effect. Their weakness, however, is that the projector machinery is not especially suited for being repeatedly smashed into things, and thus will generally suffer some form of disabling damage after repeated and prolonged usage in combat.

    Type: Light Melee | Melee
    Equipment Points cost: 10 | 13
  • Conceptually similar to the Chainsword, though vastly more sophisticated, a Rending Blade uses dozens or even hundreds of small but extremely powerful 'gaol-fields' which are rapidly oscillatilated to tear apart materials like a saw. While sophisticated, these weapons are considerably less expensive to produce than many other comparable weapons due to the relative simplicity and very short range required of their field-projectors.
    Type: Light Melee | Melee
    Equipment Points cost: 5 | 8
  • Graviton Thrusters are some of the most effective armor-piercing weapons in existence, their signature vantablack beams easily perforating almost any material with effectively no resistance. While potent, the individual beams are relatively thin—the standard pistol and rifle sized weapons being perhaps the diameter of a pencil—and so they are most effective when the user can target known weaknesses with high accuracy.
    Graviton Thruster Serpentia
    These highly advanced weapons fire thin beams of absolute blackness which can penetrate most materials as if they don't even exist, though their range is relatively short.

    Type: Pistol
    Equipment Points cost: 4
    Graviton Thruster Caliver
    Exotic gravity weapons that fire distinctive black beams of gravetic force that can punch through nearly anything without resistance, Graviton Thrusters are the terror of any armored unit with known weakpoints—their beams may be thin and their range limited, but very, very few materials can resist these weapons at all.

    Type: Ranged
    Equipment Points cost: 7
    Graviton Thruster Lance
    Unlike smaller graviton-thruster weaponry, Graviton Thruster Lances have significantly less limited range, being comparable to the average range of other energy weapons of similar scale—this makes these rare and exotic devices extremely dangerous even in relatively small numbers.

    Type: Heavy | Vehicle | Superheavy | Naval | Heavy Naval
    Equipment Points cost: 24 | 65 | 150 | 9 | 14
  • Powerful weapons which emit ultra-sharp 'blades' of gravetic force, Graviton Sheer weapons can easily slice apart anything that is foolish enough to allow one into range—for their short effective range is their critical weakness.
    Graviton Sheer Rifle
    A Graviton Sheer Rifle emits a flat 'plane' of gravetic force that will slice through nearly anything from its signature bladelike emitter. The operator can tune the shape of these blasts to account for different targets and battlefield conditions, such as releasing an expanding crescent to cut down a mob of charging Orks or a narrowly focused arrowhead to slice specific weapons off of a tank, though range is limited to only a few meters before the field weakens into uselessness.

    Type: Heavy
    Equipment Points cost: 20
    Graviton Sheer Cannon
    A scaled up version of the Graviton Sheer Rifle, this weapon operates in a similar fashion, firing flat 'planes' of grav-force which cut most materials like air. The principal advantage of these larger weapons is that their more powerful emitter arrays can sustain deadly levels of force for a much greater distance of a few hundred meters, when firing compressed and focused blasts, though even on 'wide-beam' settings the weapons can reach a few dozen meters.

    Type: Vehicle
    Equipment Points cost: 50
    Graviton Sheer Bombard
    Massive and moderately expensive weapons based on the Graviton Sheer Rifle, Graviton Sheer Bombards fire two perpendicular planes of force from their cross-shaped emitters—While they do gain some range over a smaller Cannon, they are still ultimately most effective at short ranges, especially when used by Voidships.

    Type: Superheavy | Naval
    Equipment Points cost: 95 | 7
  • Vibration weapons project rapidly oscillating gravetic fields from their distinctive dish-like emitters, visible only as a seeming ripple in the air—yet anything caught within their beams will swiftly begin to heat up as the grav-fields excite their molecules. At lower intensities and with lesser power, such weapons can be limited to simply inflicting debilitating (though eventually deadly) burns to a target or lighting particularly flammable objects or materials on fire, but the more powerful weapons of the family can boil a man alive instantly or reduce a light tank to a mound of molten slag in seconds. Regardless of size, however, all vibration weapons have fairly limited range, being considered medium ranged weapons at best.

    Vibration Serpentia
    The weakest form of Vibration weapon, these pistol sized forms of the technology are effectively limited to inflicting serious burns or lighting flammable or volatile materials in spite of armor, and at fairly limited ranges as well. However, their ability to simply ignore most forms of armor material mean that these weapons should definitely not be underestimated.

    Type: Pistol
    Equipment Points cost: 3
    Vibration Caliver
    These exotic grav-weapons use rapidly oscillating grav-fields to cause targets to heat up—held for even a few seconds, these weapons can burn an armored infantryman to death inside a suit of power-armor, render metal too hot to touch, and set off explosions or conflagrations as volatile materials are swept by the field.

    Type: Ranged
    Equipment Points cost: 8
    Vibration Culverin
    Larger and more powerful than the handheld versions, a Vibration Culverin can impart so much heat to a target that a man explodes, rather than burns, as all the liquid in their body turns instantly to steam, and heat metals to deadly temperatures in seconds.

    Type: Heavy | Vehicle
    Equipment Points cost: 22 | 56
    Vibration Bombard
    The largest form of Vibration weapon, massive Vibration Bombards can reduce a tank to little more than a puddle of slag in seconds, whilst their naval cousins can inflict devastating damage to voidcraft in a short-range brawl, ablating entire sections of a vessel into sheets of slag and vapor.

    Type: Superheavy | Naval
    Equipment Points cost: 165 | 10
  • Sweeper weapons are a weaponized form of tractor-pressor beam, projecting a wide but relatively weak grav-field which attempts to keep everything within it stationary relative to the emitter. Whilst this field is only strong enough to be comparable to thick mud—or wet concrete for the larger models—the operator can simply move the emitter to inflict a proportional 'shove' on everything within the field, sending everything affected stumbling—or slamming into the terrain, shoved off of cliffs or into dangerous fires or machinery.

    Type: Heavy | Vehicle
    Equipment Points cost: 18 | 45
  • One of the two most common forms of grav-weapons, Imploder Guns project powerful grav-fields which can slow or stumble an enemy on lower power settings and crack bones, crush joints, or even crumple vehicles like they were made of cheap foil, depending on the size of the weapon.

    Imploder Pistol/Rifle
    These handheld grav-weapons might lack the power to crush a tank, but they can still inflict debilitating or even deadly crush damage to merely organic tissues—or the weaker portions of human-scale robots.

    Type: Pistol | Ranged
    Equipment Points cost: 3 | 6
    Imploder Cannon
    Imploder Cannons are deadly grav-weapons which can easily crush armored infantry, lighter vehicles, or even entire battle tanks depending on the size of the weapon. Of course, at lower settings, they can simply immobilize such units instead, making them quite usefully flexible.

    Type: Heavy | Vehicle | Superheavy
    Equipment Points cost: 18 | 45 | 125
    Massively scaled-up versions of their lesser cousins, Macro-Imploders are gigantic grav-weapons designed to be used against voidcraft at short and medium ranges.

    Type: Naval | Heavy Naval
    Equipment Points cost: 6 | 14
  • Perhaps the second most common form of grav-weaponry, Amplifier Guns are fiendishly simple: their only effect is to amplify the effects of gravity on a target area. At high enough strength, such weapons can crush a Titan under its own weight, for these weapons are more effective the larger—and therefore more massive—their victim is.

    Amplifier Serpentia
    An Amplifier Serpentia is an advanced gravity-weapon which increases the effects of gravity on an area perhaps two meters in diameter, to a factor of perhaps four at most—which is still quite sufficient to crush most species to death under their own weight if held for any significant length of time. Though of course these high power settings will quickly drain the power supply, so operators will usually keep to lower amplification factors on smaller areas to conserve power.

    Type: Pistol
    Equipment Points cost: 3
    Amplifier Caliver
    These advanced grav-weapons amplify the effects of gravity for a small area—perhaps two or three meters—around their focus point, by up to ten times its normal strength. Under such gravitational force, most biologicals are simply crushed by their own weight, and even many vehicles cannot survive. Of course, such high settings will rapidly drain the weapon's power cells, so operators typically stick to far lower amplification settings for better endurance.

    Type: Ranged
    Equipment Points cost: 7
    Amplifier Culverin
    Whilst the actual amplification effect of these larger weapons is not exceptionally stronger than the handheld versions, topping out at perhaps a factor of fifteen or sixteen, the area affected is substantially larger—where a Caliver can target perhaps a single infantryman effectively, these larger weapons can target entire squads or large vehicles at the same time.

    Type: Heavy | Vehicle
    Equipment Points cost: 18 | 40
    Amplifier Bombard
    The largest form of Amplifier weapons, Bombards—especially the massive "Grand" macro-weapons and even larger "Emperor" heavy macro-weapons—increase in both strength and area affected as their size increases. Even the smallest form, however, can crush the toughest targets under thirty or more times normal gravity.

    Type: Superheavy | Naval | Heavy Naval
    Equipment Points cost: 110 | 8 | 13
  • Point Singularity Projectors are advanced and exotic explosive weapons that harness the power of gravity to create a potent area-effect weapon. These weapons compress space into micro-singularities which are then fired at a target, kept compressed by an extended grav-field. When the projectile reaches the desired distance and the operator releases the compression field—or simply reaches the range limit of the field projectors—the singularity evaporates, releasing all of the energy it claimed in a tremendous explosion. While the complex operation of the weapon necessitate a fair degree of skill to use effectively, the tactical utility of such a weapon in terrain-clearing and the direct-fire artillery role are rather self-evident.

    Type: Heavy | Vehicle | Superheavy | Naval
    Equipment Points cost: 25 | 62 | 175 | 12
Plasma Weapons
Perhaps the single most ubiquitous form of High Technology weaponry, Plasma weapons fire bolts, blasts, streams or beams of ultra-hot matter that can superheat most materials that it cannot ontright destroy, often inflicting significant area-effect damage from thermal bloom and radiant heat.
  • Sunblasters are a form of man-portable plasma weapons used by the Eldar, a relative of the larger Suncannons seen on many vehicles. Largely conventional in operation though notably more powerful and longer ranged than equivalent designs of other races, the most notable feature of these weapons is that their cooling array can become dangerously hot during sustained firing, enough to inflict severe burns even though fairly thick gloves. Consequently, deployment of these weapons is restricted to forces in various forms of power armor, whose more heavily insulated gauntlets can protect the operator from the weapon's heat. Additionally, these weapons are elegantly simple in their design, far easier to manufacture than most equivalent systems.

    Type: Pistol | Ranged | Heavy
    Equipment Points cost: 2 | 6 | 15
  • The larger, vehicle scale version of Sunblasters, Suncannons are largely conventional plasma weapons with notable power and range compared to most other weapons of equivalent size and type. They are also extremely elegantly designed, such that their cost of manufacture is easily half that of the more clumsy designs of other races.
    Type: Vehicle | Superheavy | Naval
    Equipment Points cost: 30 | 95 | 5
  • Fusion Mortars are a plasma-based tactical artillery weapon that fire highly compressed 'shells' of plasma in a preprogrammed arc trajectory, releasing a large blast of superheated plasma comparable to more conventional artillery weapons of comparable size, though obviously the operator can simply set a flat trajectory and fire them like a conventional weapon.
    The man-portable form is designed to be either shoulder-fired whilst on the move, or emplaced with an adjustable bipod, whilst larger versions can be mounted to vehicles or even voidships as powerful close-combat weapons.

    Type: Heavy | Vehicle | Superheavy | Naval
    Equipment Points cost: 18 | 32 | 110 | 6
Needler Weapons
  • Needler weapons fire spikes of impossibly sharp wraithbone extremely rapidly, thanks to multiple barrels allowing very high rates of fire. While they lack the advanced systems of the Fatecaster weapons from which they are derived, they are thusly far easier to manufacture—and the high fire rate does compensate somewhat for the loss in accuracy.
    Type: Pistol | Ranged (Carbine) | Ranged (Rifle)
    Equipment Points cost: 2 | 4 | 6
  • Designed to serve as a heavy anti-infantry weapon, Heavy Needlers fire hissing hails of impossibly sharp wraithbone spikes that can saw lighter infantry in half and pincusion heavier infantry into near immobility.
    Type: Heavy
    Equipment Points cost: 10
  • Derived from Fatecaster weapons, Spike weapons are cousins to the Needlers that compensate for the loss of their impossible accuracy with greater stopping power. While each shot might be less accurate, those that do hit do so with devastating force.
    Type: Pistol | Ranged (Carbine) | Ranged (Rifle)
    Equipment Points cost: 3 | 4 | 5
  • Even larger versions of the Spike weapons derived from advanced fatecaster weapons, Spike Cannons fire increasingly large spikes of Wraithbone that can penetrate surprisingly deep into most armor. These weapons range from relatively small heavy weapons to massive macro-batteries found on starships.
    Type: Heavy | Vehicle | Superheavy | Naval
    Equipment Points cost: 12 | 25 | 120 | 3
  • Aeldari Las-weapons are vastly superior to those of other races, but still considered crude and unsophisticated by their standards. Still, like those of other races their ease of manufacture makes Las-weapons the usual choice of those who need to equip a great many soldiers in a very short amount of time.
    Type: Pistol | Ranged (Rifle) | Ranged (Carbine)
    Equipment Points cost: 1 | 2 | 2
  • Similar to the Las-weapons of humanity (or indeed most other races who utilize the technology) Aeldari Lascannons are highly sophisticated designs but ultimately not especially different from those employed by other races, used more for their ease of manufacture than for any special effectiveness.
    Type: Heavy | Vehicle
    Equipment Points cost: 6 | 20
  • Las-Lances are very common weapons for voidships across the galaxy for many good reasons. The Aeldari versions are more sophisticated than those of other races, but ultimately much the same as those found on a human ship, or those of many other races across the galaxy.
    Type: Naval | Heavy Naval
    Equipment Points cost:
    5 | 8
Flamers are invented by effectively every race who masters fire at some point; if not during their history, then within a short time of their first encounter with the Ork. Aeldari flamers are more sophisticated than similar weapons of human design, but ultimately not especially different in operation.
Type: Pistol | Ranged | Heavy
Equipment Points cost: 1 | 2 | 6
Close-Combat Weapons
Close Combat Weapons are various forms of unpowered melee weapons used by most races across the galaxy. While cheap to produce, they require inordinate amounts of skill to utilize effectively on the modern battlefield.
Type: Light Melee | Melee
Equipment Points cost: 1 | 1
Screamer Grenade Launcher
Screamer Grenades are sonic weapons used by the Aeldari, non-lethal but projecting discordant noise, painful stinging shrapnel, and blinding light-pulses that leaves most living targets disoriented from sensory overload—making them easy pickings for other weapons.
Type: Heavy
Equipment Points cost: 4
Force Weapons
Force Weapons are designed to channel the abilities of a Psyker more effectively than mundane close combat weapons, and in the hands of a powerful Psyker are considerably more dangerous than even power weapons. In the hands of someone who isn't a Psyker, or at least unable to use Psykeic abilities, a Force Weapon is just an overly ornate unpowered Close Combat Weapon.
  • Force Staves are commonly carried by Psykers who utilize their powers as their main combat skill, as they serve as much as a focus or amplifier for the Psyker's ability as a weapon. And of course, when their ability to throw fireballs or what-have-you is exhausted, having a long stick with something heavy and probably pointy on the end to hit things over the head with comes in handy.
    Type: Melee
    Equipment Points cost: 16
  • Force Swords are a favorite of Psykers who prefer direct combat rather than support casting, and were once common among the Aeldari. While few are able to use these weapons following the Fall, those that do can be terrors on the battlefield, for while a Stave is a better focus in general, a Force Sword is a superior channel for abilities which harm an enemy directly.
    Type: Light Melee | Melee
    Equipment Points cost: 9 | 14
Power Weapons
Power Weapons are the "typical" advanced melee weapon of the galaxy, sheathing a weapon in various destructive energies or energy fields—the exact mechanics are as varied as the different forms of melee weapon—in order to increase their effectiveness against advanced armor and Vehicles. Races which deride melee weapons in a battlefield environment where lasers, plasma, and all manner of other exotic and powerful ranged weapons are abundant generally recant their words shortly after the first time a horde of Orks overruns one of their positions with nothing more than crude cleavers and a sufficient number of bodies.

Power Sword
The Power Swords of Vau-Vulkesh are not especially notable examples of the type, though they do tend to be a bit more decorated than the average.

Type: Melee (Light) | Melee
Equipment Points cost: 15 | 18

Power Maul
A Power Maul is a thoroughly unsubtle weapon, designed to crush and smash rather than cut as a sword does. These are a favorite weapon of Hearthguard Ironbreaker Squads, as effective at smashing open armored vehicles as they are at smashing unfortunate infantry to paste. Even if they do trend to be ornate in design.
Type: Melee
Equipment Points cost: 20
  • Wraithbone Trauma Plates are partial armor which can be manufactured in large amounts very quickly. While they provide very little actual protection, they're still better than nothing at all.
    Type: Minimal Armor
    Equipment Points cost: 1

  • Common amongst Aeldari starship crews, Wraithweave voidsuits are comprised of layers of ultrafine Wraithbone wire or thread woven extremely tightly, with various sealant materials between them, and a few larger pieces such as a sealed helm. These suits, like the voidsuits of most races, are designed to protect the wearer from the hazardous environment of the Void, rather than combat, and therefore provide very little protection in combat.
    Type: Minimal Armor
    Equipment Points cost: 2

  • Wraithbone Hardsuits are used extensively by the current combat forces of the various Craftworlds (such as they are). While not particularly designed as combat armor, the sealed hardsuits are nonetheless fairly resistant to weapons fire due to the inherent durability of Wraithbone.
    Type: Light Armor
    Equipment Points cost: 3
  • Wraithweave Brigantine is a type of light armor that incorporates thick Wraithbone-cloth armor reinforced with attacked plates of Wraithbone, over a sealed skinsuit with an advanced sensor package mounted to the helmet. This combines to make it a capable light armor, resistant to most small arms, though it is insufficient in the face of true heavy weapons or those with significant armor-piercing capability.
    Type: Light Armor
    Equipment Points cost: 2
  • Void Guard suits are medium-grade power-assisted armor that is highly resistant to most small arms and moderately resistant to most man-portable heavy weapons. Aim-assist Autotargeters are built into the suit, along with an infantry scale Holo-Field projector to further protect the wearer from fire. Additional life-support equipment and an extended power supply allows the suit to operate at full combat power for up to ninety hours without replenishment, and considerably longer if the wearer disables power intensive systems such as the sensor suite or even the power-assist exo-frame—the armor is just barely within the range of an Aeldari being able to move without the power-assist function, though they certainly will not do so quickly or for long without becoming exhausted by the suit's weight.
    Type: Medium Armor
    Equipment Points cost: 6
  • The massive Ithilmar suit is a heavy powered armor designed for high durability with reasonable mobility. The suit carries a vehicle-grade Grav-Shield which can deflect most types of ranged attacks, backed up by a Holo-Field projector that can prevent it from being hit in the first place. Even if both defenses are penetrated, the thick Wraithbone plating protecting the hulking warsuit bears more in common with that of a light vehicle—only dedicated anti-tank weapons have a reasonably high chance of penetrating the suit's carapace. Further, the suit boasts an exo-frame of significantly reinforced strength, allowing the suit shocking mobility despite its size and weight, and enhanced sensor systems that greatly improve its ability to detect threats in the chaos of battle. These suits could go toe to toe with an Ork Mega-Nob barehanded with a reasonable chance of victory, and can allow the wearer to fire heavy weapons as though they were a standard longarm. The cost of this capability, of course, is a manufacturing expense comparable to an entire Jetbike.
    Type: Heavy Armor
    Equipment Points cost: 23
Holo-fields are a defensive technology which uses extremely sophisticated holographic technology—so advanced that it can even fool most forms of sensor technology—to obscure the position of a unit. This can come in the form of rendering the entire unit invisible—or nearly so—by mimicking the background environment, displacing its apparent position, creating illusionary duplicates, projecting dazzling lights or concealing fog, or, more frequently, some combination of several of these things. Regardless, active holo-fields make hitting what they are mounted to an exercise in extreme frustration—unless one simply saturates the entire area with massed fire, explosives, or other weapons which do not require any particular accuracy, as a Holo-Field provides no actual protection beyond making a unit extremely difficult to hit.
Type: Defense (Infantry) | Defense (Vehicle) | Defense (Escort) | Defense (Capital)
Equipment Points cost: 8 | 18 | 3 | 9
Grav-shields are a technology which turns gravetic manipulation technology to the purpose of defense—against kinetic projectiles (or those of most energy weapons), the shot can simply be 'slapped' aside by a momentary pulse of gravity, while beam type weapons can be turned aside with gravitational lensing. The system is even effective at disrupting grav-weapons, which few other defensive technologies can claim; however, they have three primary flaws: firstly, area-effect weapons can bypass the system simply because they only need to be near a target to inflict damage. Secondly, the system is less effective against guided, actively propelled projectiles such as missiles or torpedos, which can course-correct from deflection. Thirdly, the system can only stop so many attacks within a set period, and therefore massed fire can overwhelm the system. Nonetheless, Grav-shields are a potent defensive technology.
Type: Defense (Vehicle) | Defense (Escort) | Defense (Capital)
Equipment Points cost: 30 | 5 | 12
Energy-Dispersion Barrier Generator
A form of Conversion field technology, Energy-Dispersion Barriers protect a unit, such as an infantryman or voidcraft, by absorbing the energy of a shot and redirecting it across its entire geometric shield matrix. This is an extremely energy-efficient configuration, particularly when absorbing wide forces; such as pressure waves, but the same efficiency requires the shield be tuned to only intercept high-energy projectiles, as otherwise they would present operational issues with the unit's drive systems—particularly on the ground, as one does not wish the shield to attempt to block the planet!
The principal downside is that the primary emitter system is of necessity inconveniently large in volume, as it must be a sphere of a minimum of eight percent of the protected volume's diameter, making integrating the devices to a unit potentially awkward.

Type: Defense (Infantry) | Defense (Vehicle) | Defense (Escort) | Defense (Capital)
Equipment Points cost: 6 | 15 | 2 | 6

At present the surviving Aeldari—you included—are supplied with, effectively, hastily armed and occasionally armored civilian vehicles pressed into service. There is little unity among the designs currently serving, with every Craftworld having effectively used their own ideas—and often even single Craftworlds have an eclectic mix of designs with different capabilities. As a consequence of these designs being made in great haste, they often use but a fraction of their theoretical capacity.

Jetbikes are fairly simple grav-vehicles commonly used for personal transport or recreation during the Imperial Era. In these harsh times, they have been impressed to serve in combat, able to carry a pair of infantry-scale ranged weapons.

Slots: 2 R | 0 H | 0 V | 0 SH | 3 S
Heavy Jetbike

Effectively a jetbike modified for two passengers, these vehicles have powerful enough engines and grav-impulsers to carry a single heavy weapon in addition to the standard pair of infantry weapons.
Slots: 2 R | 1 H | 0 V | 0 SH | 3 S

Speeders are effectively jetbikes enlarged enough to sport a modest cargo capacity or carry a handful of passengers. In the current era they are outfitted similarly to Heavy Jetbikes, but their greater size and engine power allows them to carry more support systems.
Slots: 2 R | 1 H | 0 V | 0 SH | 5 S

Grav-barges were common as mass transit and small-cargo carriers in the Imperial Era. in the modern day these vehicles can serve as open-topped transports and reasonably effective weapons platforms in a pinch, but truthfully they are not especially suited to it.
Slots: 3 R | 1 H | 1 V | 0 SH | 8 S
Light Grav-Vehicle

Light Grav-vehicles were commonly used as transports for all manner of items and personnel, but in the modern age most Craftworlds have impressed them into service as ad-hoc armored vehicles, adding weapons and armor plating to these once civilian vehicles.
Slots: 0 R | 2 H | 1 V | 0 SH | 12 S
Heavy Grav-Vehicle

Heavy Grav-vehicles were once used to carry large cargos for the needs of the Aeldari, but after the Fall these once peaceful vehicles have been impressed into service as carriers for massive weapons suitable for engaging Ork battle-walkers or human Titans—or merely carrying firepower fit to wipe out lesser armored vehicles in an instant.
Slots: 2 R | 2 H | 2 V | 1 SH | 30 S
Air Racer
Air Racers were once used by daredevils and thrill-seekers in all manner of death-defying sports, but in these fallen times the highly maneuverable craft have been turned to war, carrying weapons to act as interceptors for the fleets of the remaining Aeldari.
Slots: 0 R | 2 H | 2 V | 0 SH | 7 S
Passenger Shuttle
Originally used to carry passengers in comfort during the Imperial Era, these craft have been repurposed as void-fighters by the fleets of the surviving Aeldari.
Slots: 0 R | 4 H | 2 V | 0 SH | 16 S
Cargo Shuttle
These craft once carried all manner of goods and treasures for the Craftworld fleets, and greater Empire, but in these fallen times have been refit to serve as bombers for the voidfleets of the remaining Aeldari.
Slots: 0 R | 2 H | 4 V | 0 SH | 20 S
Like Vehicles, Starships are limited by their specific configuration of slots. Each type of ship has a different number of base slots available, which can be configured as standard System slots, light or heavy Weapons Batteries, or Special Weapon slots. System slots are for a wide variety of purposes, including engines, sub-naval weapons systems, and support features such as extra armor or transport space for Warhosts. Weapons Batteries come in two types, standard and heavy—a standard battery comes as a pair, while a heavy battery can either carry an extra-powerful weapon or three standard weapons. Special Weapon slots are for devices of particular note in terms of destructive power and physical size, which makes mounting more than one or two to a single ship difficult to impossible. The Nova Cannon of the Imperium would be an example of such a weapon. Alternatively,these slots can be fitted with more conventional heavy weapons as a pair.
One can, when designing a new vessel on an existing chassis, swap two systems slots for an extra weapons battery, two standard weapons batteries for a single heavy weapons battery, and in turn swap two heavy weapons batteries for a single Special Weapon battery, but the reverse is less efficient; removing a standard weapons battery only reclaims one slot, removing a heavy battery two slots, and removing a Special Weapon slot refunds only three slots. This will, however, incur a moderate cost penalty when used in either direction, though it is obviously still far less time consuming than developing an entirely new hull from scratch.
Escorts are the smaller flavor of Voidship, and are cheaper, easier to produce, and generally more common than true capital ships. They are also, however, considerably more fragile.
Cutter Hull

A Cutter hull is suitable for use as a Destroyer, and can support up to three standard weapons batteries in that role. This leaves it only four slots for other systems, however.
Slots: 4 System | 3 Weapon Batteries
Sloop Hull

Sloop hulls can be used as destroyers, able to carry a single heavy weapons battery and standard weapons battery, but with only four system slots their ability to engage in support roles is highly limited.
Slots: 4 System | 1 Weapon Battery | 1 Heavy Weapon Battery
Ketch Hull

A Ketch hull can be used as the base for a frigate, and is the smallest hull currently suitable for support roles as its single heavy weapon battery and pair of light batteries leave it with seven system slots.
Slots: 7 System | 2 Weapon Batteries | 1 Heavy Weapon Battery
Schooner Hull

Schooner hulls can be made into reasonably capable frigates, with one heavy weapons battery and three standard batteries. Five system slots do not especially allow a significant amount of secondary functions.
Slots: 5 System | 3 Weapons Batteries | 1 Heavy Weapon Battery
Capital ships are more difficult to construct than escorts, requiring especially large docks which are typically in limited supply and massive investment in time and resources to construct. They are, however, often considerably more capable than Escorts, as well as more difficult to destroy.
Caravel Hull

Caravel hulls make a fair basis for a light cruiser, with four standard weapons batteries, one heavy weapons battery, and eight system slots.
Slots: 8 System | 4 Weapon Batteries | 1 Heavy Weapon Battery
Dhow Hull

Dhow hulls are your other option for a light cruiser hull, having one fewer weapons battery for two additional systems slots.
Slots: 10 System | 3 Weapon Batteries | 1 Heavy Weapon Battery
Carrack Hull

Carrack hulls can be made into reasonably formidable cruisers, boasting a pair of heavy weapons batteries, six standard weapons batteries, and eight system slots.
Slots: 8 System | 6 Weapon Batteries | 2 Heavy Weapon Batteries
Clipper Hull

Clipper hulls are your second cruiser option. These hulls also boast two heavy weapons batteries, but have two fewer standard weapons batteries and four additional system slots.
Slots: 12 System | 4 Weapon Batteries | 2 Heavy Weapon Batteries
Brigantine Hull

The massive Brigantine hull is a Battleship grade hull, equipped with a pair of Special Weapon slots, two heavy weapons batteries, and three standard weapons batteries. Fifteen system slots are available to the ship after this stupendous investment in heavy firepower.
Slots: 15 System | 3 Weapon Batteries | 2 Heavy Weapon Batteries | 2 Special Weapon Slots
Galleon Hull

A more sedate battleship design, a Galleon hull is supplied with a single Special Weapon slot, four heavy weapons batteries, and two standard weapons batteries.
Slots: 17 System | 2 Weapon Batteries | 4 Heavy Weapon Batteries | 1 Special Weapon Slot

NameEP CostSpecial Resource CostType
Starblaster Pistol41 StarcrystalSidearm
Starblaster Rifle102 StarcrystalsLongarm
Starblaser Carbine82 StarcrystalsLongarm
Starcarver308 StarcrystalsHeavy Weapon
Fatecutter Pistol31 Fatebender Psy-scopeSidearm
Fatesplitter Carbine71 Fatebender Psy-scopeLongarm
Fatecaster Rifle251 Fatebender Psy-scopeHeavy Weapon
Graviton Thruster Serpentia4NoneSidearm
Graviton Thruster Caliver7NoneLongarm
Graviton Thruster Lance24NoneHeavy Weapon
Vibration Serpentia3NoneSidearm
Vibration Caliver8NoneLongarm
Vibration Culverin22NoneHeavy Weapon
Gravetic Amplifier Serpentia3NoneSidearm
Gravetic Amplifier Caliver7NoneLongarm
Gravetic Amplifier Culverin18NoneHeavy Weapon
Imploder Pistol3NoneSidearm
Imploder Rifle6NoneLongarm
Imploder Cannon18NoneHeavy Weapon
Point Singularity Projector Rifle25NoneHeavy Weapon
Graviton Sheer Rifle20NoneHeavy Weapon
Sweeper Cannon18NoneHeavy Weapon
Sunblaster Serpentia2NoneSidearm
Sunblaster Caliver6NoneLongarm
Sunblaster Culverin15NoneHeavy Weapon
Fusion Mortar18NoneHeavy Weapon
Needler Pistol2NoneSidearm
Needler Carbine4NoneLongarm
Needler Rifle6NoneLongarm
Heavy Needler10NoneHeavy Weapon
Spike Pistol3NoneSidearm
Spike Carbine4NoneLongarm
Spike Rifle5NoneLongarm
Spike Cannon12NoneHeavy Weapon
Lascannon6NoneHeavy Weapon
Flamer Pistol1NoneSidearm
Heavy Flamer6NoneHeavy Weapon
Screamer Grenade Launcher4NoneHeavy Weapon
Force Sword (Light)9
Force Sword14NoneLongarm
Force Stave16NoneLongarm
Power Sword (Light)15
Power Sword18NoneLongarm
Power Maul20
Gravity Blade (Light)14NoneSidearm
Gravity Blade16NoneLongarm
Implosion Hammer10NoneSidearm
Implosion Maul13NoneLongarm
Rending Blade (Light)5NoneSidearm
Rending Blade8NoneLongarm
Close-Combat Weapon (Light)1NoneSidearm
Close-Combat Weapon1NoneLongarm
Holo-Field Generator8NoneDefense
Energy-Dispersion Field Generator6NoneDefense
Wraithbone Trauma Plates1NoneArmor
Wraithweave Voidsuit2NoneArmor
Wraithbone Hardsuit3NoneArmor
Wraithweave Brigandine2NoneArmor
Void Guard Warsuit6NoneArmor
Ithilmar Assault Suit23NoneArmor
NameEP CostStarcrystals RequiredFatebender Psy-scopes Required
Jetbike (Militia)2100
Jetbike (Fatesplitter Carbine)2801
Jetbike (Starblaster Rifle)3120
Razorwind Jetbike6600
Bright Talon Heavy Jetbike9881
Star Flare Attack Skimmer120162
Cloudburst Attack Skimmer9300
Attack Barge15600
Mirage Hover-Transport18200
Needlestorm IFV23603
Starhammer Battle Tank380280
Blazestar Grav-tank257201
Star Anvil Superheavy Assault Tank1300786
Bright Eagle Fighter-bomber469400
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Warhost of Vau-Vulkesh
At present your Warhosts are composed of an eclectic mixture of modified civilian vehicles and space vessels, poorly equipped (especially by Aeldari standards) volunteer militia, and a comparative handful of what passed for regular military before the Fall to stiffen this with better equipped troops. You will, undoubtedly, wish to rationalize these mixed forces; design, produce and distribute better vehicles, wargear and starships, and work to develop specialist troops to supplement your armies.

Some progress has been made to rectify this issue, with new equipment beginning to make its way to portions of your army.

Guardian Militia Fire Squad
Guardian Militias are hastily recruited—or, when circumstances are sufficiently dire, conscripted—former citizens. Often poorly equipped (even by the standards of other races, let alone the Aeldari) due to being raised in great haste, these units are not especially suited to pitched battle.
Fire Squads of Vau-Vulkesh are comprised of ten individual soldiers equipped with little more than Wraithbone Trauma Plates for protection. Offensively they have two Flamer specialists and a single Screamer Grenade Launcher—the latter carried by the squad leader—and Lasrifles.
CP: 10
Guardian Militia Assault Squad
Guardian Militias are hastily recruited—or, when circumstances are sufficiently dire, conscripted—former citizens. Often poorly equipped (even by the standards of other races, let alone the Aeldari) due to being raised in great haste, these units are not especially suited to pitched battle.
Assault Squads are similarly equipped with Wraithbone Trauma Plates, but carry an eclectic array of melee weapons and the occasional Laspistol. Assault squads can be as many as ten individuals, but attrition rates are obscene against any serious foe.
CP: 10
Guardian Militia Marine Squad
Guardian Militias are hastily recruited—or, when circumstances are sufficiently dire, conscripted—former citizens. Often poorly equipped (even by the standards of other races, let alone the Aeldari) due to being raised in great haste, these units are not especially suited to pitched battle.
Marines are slightly better equipped, though their Wraithweave Voidsuits are if anything more vulnerable to weapons fire. They are, however, equipped with advanced Fatesplitter Carbines rather than Las-weapons, and arranged in squads of eight.
CP: 8
Brightsword Squad
The Brightsword Squad is a line infantry formation consisting of eleven Aeldari warriors clad in a Void Guard Warsuit, each carrying a Starblaster Rifle and a one-handed blade as a sidearm. The squad leader instead wears a formidable Ithilmar Assault Suit, carrying a Screamer Grenade Launcher and Power Sword to support the squad.
CP: 12
Forgefire Squad
These heavy assault units are equipped with the potent Ithilmar Assault Suit, and consist of twelve warriors with Power Mauls and either a Heavy Flamer or Needler, making them extremely formidable assault and suppression units.
CP: 12
Voidspear Squad
These six-man squads are specialist marksmen equipped with Ithilmar Assault Suits for protection and fire-mobility, a Fatecaster Rifle, and an unpowered short spear for close combat.
CP: 12

Hearthguards are your sole military-adjacent units, equipped to higher standards than militias—would that you had enough of them to field as your standard troops! Alas, you have only a handful of these forces and must use them to stiffen your militias.
Hearthguard Brightstar Squad
Brightstar Squads carry either Starblaster Rifles or Starblaster Carbines as the situation requires, and their Wraithbone Hardsuits provide at least modest protection from enemy fire. Each squad consists of six troopers, though their advanced weapons allow them to output more damage than an entire militia squad.
CP: 6
Hearthguard Fatebreaker Squad
Fatekiller Squads carry Fatecaster Rifles and specialize in disrupting enemy elites and leadership elements with their advanced weapons. They are similarly equipped with Wraithbone Hardsuits and organized into six-strong squads.
CP: 6
Hearthguard Ironbreaker Squad
Ironbreaker Squads are specialized in melee assault, carrying deadly Power Mauls with Starblaster Pistols as secondary weapons. Like other Hearthguard units, they are arranged into six-man squads and protected by Wraithbone Hardsuits.
CP: 6

Your options for Fast Attack are at present limited to Militia Jetbiker Squads, Hearthguard Jetbiker Squads and Bright Talon Heavy Jetbike Squads.
Militia Jetbiker Squad
Milita Jetbikes are unarmed, but each rider carries a Lascarbine which can be fired while driving. Similarly, only Wraithbone Trauma Plates protect the eight riders from damage.
CP: 8
Hearthguard Jetbiker Squad
Hearthguard Jetbiker Squads consist of six jetbikes, four armed with a Fatesplitter Carbine and two armed with a Starblaster Rifle. The riders themselves are protected by Wraithbone Hardsuits, and carry Fatecutter Pistols to supplement their vehicle's integrated weapon.
CP: 6
Bright Talon Heavy Jetbike Squad
A Bright Talon Heavy Jetbike is equipped with a Fatecaster Rifle slung under the bike's nose and a Starcarver on a pintle mount. The two-man crew is protected by Wraithbone Hardsuits, but carry no weapons beyond those mounted to the vehicle. Three such vehicles are arranged into a squad for deployment.
CP: 8

Your heavy support options are limited to Attack Barges, Star Flare Attack Skimmers, Blazestar Light Gravtanks, and Needlestorm Infantry-Fighting Vehicles.
Attack Barge
Attack Barges are used mostly by your militia as general-purpose support vehicles. For anti-armor purposes a vehicle-grade Lascannon deck gun is mounted in the fore, while a pair of Heavy Flamers in couplas along its flanks provide reasonable ability to engage infantry. The crew carries laspistols, which they may add to attacks, with Wraithbone Trauma Plates for protection, and the open-topped transports easily allow militia squads a fast-moving firing platform.
CP: 4
Star Flare Attack Skimmer
Star Flare Attack Skimmers carry two Fatespitter Carbines and a pair of Starcarvers in flank-mounted turret cupolas. The three-man crew are protected by Wraithbone Hardsuits, but carry no weapons other than those of their vehicle.
CP: 3
Blazestar Light Gravtank
Blazestar Light Gravtanks are equipped to engage other vehicles, mounting a turreted Starlance with a coaxial Fatecaster Rifle for anti-infantry duty and hull-mounted Lascannon as a secondary weapon. The crew are supplied with Wraithweave Voidsuits, but not weapons.
CP: 3
NeedleStorm Infantry-Fighting Vehicle
The NeedleStorm Infantry-Fighting Vehicles are armed solely with a turreted Fateshredder Cannon to engage infantry threats, and may carry up to six individuals. Hearthguard Squads are typically supported by a Needlestorm in order to move them quickly to where their firepower is needed. Similarly, crews of these vehicles are supplied with Wraithweave Voidsuits, but carry no weapons beyond those mounted to the tank.
CP: 2

Special Units are in highly limited supply for one reason or another. As a result, these units often have additional restrictions on how many may be deployed in a Detachment, or sometimes even an entire Warhost.
Battle Psykers
Battle Psykers are perhaps one of the most dangerous forms of special unit, not only for the enemy, but their own side, for the Perils of the Warp are many. As Aeldari you have both an advantage and disadvantage in that department—your people once commanded depths and breadths of power lesser races cannot even imagine, let alone match, and while you are vastly reduced from what you were even a faded echo of that power still puts even the worst Psyker among you head and shoulders above even the above average Psykers of other races. On the other hand, the Prince of Pleasure will happily assail any Aeldari who draws too greedily now, and with the Ruinous Ones no longer checked by the gods of the Aeldari the Immaterium has become fickle, dangerous, and filled with predators.
Few there are remaining to you who can walk the knife-edge path required to raise enough power to fight at even a fraction of your old capacity, and so you may deploy a maximum of twelve Battle Psykers per Detachment.
  • A Warseer is a Battle Psyker trained to use precognition and psykeic guidance in battle. Each is supplied with a Wraithbone Hardsuit, Force Stave, and Starblaster Pistol as equipment.
    When attached to a Squad, a Warseer leverages their abilities to help avoid danger, detect hidden threats, and guide actions to increase a squad's effectiveness.
  • Alternatively, six Warseers can be arranged into a Seeing Circle, to provide a lighter but wider bonus to an entire Detachment or Warhost by combining their abilities. As when attached to a squad, the individual members of a Seeing Circle are supplied with Wraithbone Hardsuits, Force Staves, and Starblaster Pistols.
  • Battlecasters are the most directly dangerous Battle Psykers, able to use Pyromancy, Electromancy, and Kineomancey to burn foes with gouts of flames, blast them with bolts of lightning, or crush, rend and throw them with telekinetic force in combat. These dangerous ranged fighters are given Wraithbone Hardsuits for protection and carry only Force Staves, for what other weapon do they need? Attached to a squad, a Battlecaster supports them in combat as a living heavy weapon, raining destruction on the foe. Note, however, that as ranged-combat specialists Battlecasters may not be attached to Melee specialist squads.
  • Alternatively, you may elect to field a squad of six Battlecasters together in a deadly Warcasting Circle. Not only are these units perfectly capable of wiping out entire squads with a hail of fireballs, lighting bolts, and telekinetic blasts, they can combine their strength to engage in greater workings which are sufficient to destroy even armored vehicles. As when attached to other units, the members of a Warcasting Circle are protected by Wraithbone Hardsuits and carry only Force Staves as weapons.
  • Blade Dancers are battle psykers who specialize in self-enhancement techniques and combat precognition, making them extraordinarily dangerous melee fighters who can dodge and deflect bullets, leap dozens of meters, and slip through even the tiniest flaw in an opponent's technique. Unfortunately, they cannot do this and psykeicly manipulate the heavy armor they once enjoyed, and thus must effectively engage in combat without armor at all—none of the armor available to you is both light enough and flexible enough not to hinder their abilities. To provide even some minimal protection, they are supplied with a belt containing a Holo-Field system, the only present use of the technology.
    Blade Dancers are equipped with either one or two Force Swords and a Holo-field. When attached to a squad, Blade Dancers add their considerable melee ability to that of the squad they are attached to. Note, however, that as melee specialists themselves, Blade Dancers may only be attached to melee specialist squads.
  • Alternatively, Blade Dancers may be deployed in six-strong squads which can butcher their way through enemy infantry with near impunity, though they are far less able to endure fire. As in the case of when they are attached to standard squads, the members of a Sworddance Troupe are supplied with Force Swords and Holo-fields but no other Wargear.

Mirage Hover-Transport
The Mirage Hover-Transport is an open-topped transport with the capacity for up to thirteen passengers in addition to the four-man crew. Three pintle-mounted weapons emplacements with Spike Rifles gives the vehicle reasonable ability to engage most infantry or lighter vehicles, while a Holo-Field and pair of Grav-shields make the vehicle (and its passengers) quite difficult to successfully hit. The crew is supplied with Wraithweave Brigandine armor, as well as Flamer Pistols and light Close Combat Weapons to defend against boarders or in the event of the vehicle needing to be abandoned.
Mirage Hover-Transports may be attached to Infantry squads as an Attached Transport, in which case they are considered part of the squad for organizational purposes, or taken independently as a Fast Attack option if for some reason it was required to deploy them independently.

Hearthguard Veteran Squads are your sole HQ unit at the moment, being the only individuals with any actual combat experience having automatically catapulted them to leadership positions. Like other Hearthguard squads, they are protected by Wraithbone Hardsuits and arranged in six-man squads; typically armed with two Starblaster Rifles, two Fatecaster Rifles, and either two Starblaster Carbines or Fatesplitter Carbines depending on the expected opposition.

At present you have no true military vessels, but hastily armed civilian ships of various designs—most are armed with Las-Lances due to their ease of manufacture, but a few larger ships are armed with more potent weapons.
Lance Cutter
Hastily refit with simple Las-Lances, these ships are fairly nimble thanks to a pair of Aethersails, but lack even rudimentary point defense or any protection beyond the inherent durability of their Wraithbone hull. With only Æthersails, these ships are highly vulnerable to mobility kills.
• 2x Las-Lance Weapon Batteries
• 2x Æthersails
Construction Time:
• 1 Turn (Batch of 2)
• 2 Turns (Batch of 5)
Lance Sloop
Refit to carry a heavy lance and anti-fighter Lascannons with great haste, these ships lack any defense beyond the inherent durability of their Wraithbone hull and the agility afforded by their pair of Æthersails—though their lack of a backup plasma drive renders them highly vulnerable to being mobility-killed.
• 1x Heavy Las-Lance
• 1x Lascannon Point Defense
• 2x Æthersails
Construction Time: 1 Turn
Nettle Class Destroyer
The Nettle class is a light escort developed to replace the original hasty refits in use by Vau-Vulkesh. The ship is propelled by a pair of Æthersails, with a starship grade Holo-Field for defense. The ship's armament consists of three Spike Cannon Weapons Batteries and a single Lascannon Point Defense Weapon Battery.

• 3x Spike Cannon Weapons Batteries
• 1x Lascannon Point Defense Weapon Battery
• Holo-Field
• 2x Æthersails
Construction Time:
  • 1 Turn (single ship)
  • 2 Turns (batch of 3)
  • 3 Turns (batch of 5)
  • 4 Turns (batch of 7)
War Ketch
Designed primarily as a refit for existing Assault Ketches, the War Ketch retains the bulk of the original armament, but removes the original Starlance close in weapons batteries in favor of less expensive Lascannon point defense batteries, and swaps one Plasma drive for an additional Æthersail. The principal improvement is the installation of a Grav-Shield generator and Holo-Field projectors which render the ship vastly less vulnerable to hostile fire.
• 1x Heavy Starlance
• 1x Fatetwister Cannon Weapons Battery
• 1x Lascannon Point Defense Weapon Battery
• Holo-Field
• 1x Grav-Shield Generator
• 2x Æthersail
• 1x Plasma Thrusters
Construction Time:
• 2 Turns (single ship)
• 3 Turns (batch of 2)
• 4 Turns (batch of 3)
• 5 Turns (batch of 4)
Special Resource Requirement:
• 350 Starcrystals
• 50 Fatebender Psy-Scopes
Assault Ketch
The core of your original fleet, Assault Ketches carry a single heavy Starlance with a secondary battery of Fatetwister Cannons for defense. Superheavy-grade Starlances are fitted as tertiary weapons batteries, effective against fighters and even other voidships at close range. While the ship has a single Aethersail as its primary propulsion, a pair of conventional plasma drives are also fitted to supplement this. While originally fitted with several advanced defense systems, the Fall has stripped the divine blessings they relied upon, causing them to cease functioning. As a result only the inherent durability of the hull provides protection for the ship.
• 1x Heavy Starlance
• 1x Fatetwister Cannon Weapons Battery
• 1x Starlance Close-In Weapons Battery
• 1x Æthersail
• 2x Plasma Thrusters
Construction Time: 2 Turns
Special Resource Requirement:
• 800 Starcrystals
• 50 Fatebender Psy-Scopes
Capital ships are larger than Escorts to the point where only the largest docks can construct them. Like your escorts, the bulk of your fleet consists of hastily refit merchant ships and transports, with a core or more capable ships armed with better weaponry.
Battle Caravel
Refit in great haste, these ships carry a single heavy Las-Lance, two batteries of standard Las-Lances, and a heavy grid of anti-fighter lascannons. However, with only Aethersails for maneuvering and no defense other than the inherent durability of Wraithbone to protect them, these ships are highly vulnerable to being mobility killed.
• 2x Las-Lance Weapon Batteries
• 1x Heavy Las-Lance
• 2x Lascannon Point Defense Weapon Batteries
• 2x Æthersails
Construction Time: 1 Turn
Battle Carrack
The core strength of your heavy combatants, these ships carry a heavy Starlance and three batteries of Fatetwister Cannons, along with a set of Fatesheer Cannons which can engage fighters or in close-range attacks on other Voidships. With three Aethersails these ships are quite nimble for their size, and the backup plasma drive makes them more difficult to disable. Unfortunately the advanced active-defense systems originally fitted to the ship have ceased to function in the wake of the Fall.
• 1x Heavy Starlance
• 3x Fatetwister Cannon Weapons Batteries
• 1x Fatesheer Cannon Close-In Weapons Battery
• 3x Æthersails
• 1x Plasma Drive
Construction Time:
• 3 Turns (single unit)
• 5 turns (Batch of 2)
Special Resource Requirement:
• 350 Starcrystals
• 214 Fatebender Psy-Scopes
Combat Brig
Your sole heavyweight, the Combat Brig mounts a centerline Starcaster Mega-Lance which can destroy most lesser starships in a single hit, and six batteries of Starlances. Batteries of Fatesever Cannons and the ship's own trio of smallcraft squadrons protect the ship from enemy fighters and bombers, while its paired Aethersails and Plasma drives give the ship above-average maneuverability for a battleship, allowing it to bring its deadly mega-lance into action more easily. Unfortunately the active defenses these ships once enjoyed have been disabled by the Fall, and no longer funcion, rendering them a "Glass Cannon". To aid in deploying Warhosts away from the Craftworld, these ships carry an on-board Webway Gate, serving as direct deployment points.
• 1x Starcaster Mega-Lance
• 6x Starlance Weapons Batteries
• 1x Fatesever Cannon Point Defense Weapon Battery
• 2x Æthersails
• 2x Plasma Drives
• 1x Strike Craft Hanger
• Webway Gate
Construction Time: 6 turns
Special Resource Requirement:
• 1700 Starcrystals
• 360 Fatebender Psy-Scopes
Smallcraft are warriors smaller vehicles carried by a Voidsiop into combat in a Hanger. At present your only Small Craft is the Bright Eagle Fighter-bomber, a general purpose attack craft.
Bright Eagle Fighter-bomber
Developed just prior to the Fall, the Bright Eagle carries two vehicle grade Starlances and a pair of heavy Lascannons. The craft is also fitted with a bomb bay, able to serve as a light bomber in addition to its role as a fightercraft. Bright Eagles may also be attached to ground forces detachments as Special Units, where they operate as a wing-pair.
• 2 Starlance (Vehicle)
• 2 Lascannon (Heavy)
• 1 Bomb Bay
• 469 (1 Fighter)
• 2,814 (Squadron of 6)
Special Resource Requirement:
• 40 Starcrystals (1 Fighter)
• 240 Starcrystals (Squadron of 6)

Organizing a Detachment
The principle unit for tactical deployment is the Detachment. each Detachment consists of a number of infantry squads, vehicles, and special units selected from those available to you. Each Detachment may have, with no competition, two Headquarters units, two Elites, three Troops and Fast Attack units, and one Special unit. Additionally, up to six further units may be taken; each of which may be one of two types: a Headquarters or Troops unit, a Troops or Fast Attack unit, a Fast Attack or Special unit, a Special or Heavy Support unit, a Heavy Support or Elite unit, or an Elite unit and Headquarters unit.
In addition, no more than three of any given unit should be present in a given Detachment, and some units (Such as an Avatar of Khane) may only appear once within a Warhost, or Once at all (such as Hero Units). Depending on the equipment and size of a Detachment it will be classed as Light, Medium or Heavy; unless it contains units which may appear in limited numbers within a Warhost, in which case it will automatically be classed as a Special detachment. Other Special detachments may include organizations which technically violate the Detachment rules, such as a Titan Legion maniple.
Attached Units: Some special units may be "attached" to squads of other types, though they will usually also have the ability to be deployed as homogeneous squads. Note that in these cases, you may have up to a single "squad" of the unit for one slot of the unit type, e.g, if a unit can be deployed in squads of four, than you may have up to four as attachments for a single slot purchase. You may not, however, attach a unit of the same type to a homogeneous squad thereof; however, a different type of unit may still be attached if desired. That is, you cannot attach a Unit A to a Unit A squad, but could attach a Unit B. Regardless, no squad may have more than three attachments, or half its size in attachments, whichever is lesser.

Organizing a Warhost
Once Detachments have been constructed, they are then organized into a Warhost, the level used by strategic deployments. A Warhost may contain anywhere between two and sixteen individual Detachments, depending on their exact configuration. One Detachment, which may be of any type, is selected as the Headquarters unit for the Warhost as a whole. From there, up to three Heavy Detachments and three Special Detachments may be added to the Warhost; the former may each be traded for two Normal Detachments, which may in turn each be traded for two Light Detachments. As you might imagine, this means a Warhost can be designed for a wide variety of roles, varying wildly in size, equipment, and capability!

Battlecasting Support Detachment
A Battlecasting Support detachment is a light addition which brings the formidable firepower of Battlecasters to the field. A single Battlecaster is attached to the detachment's two Guardian Militia Fire Squads, as well as the Hearthguard Veteran, Brightstar, and Fatebreaker squads which form the elite core of these detachments, while a deadly Warcasting Circle brings terrifying displays of the Eldar's psyekic might to the field. A squadron each of Hearthguard jetbikers and Bright Talon Heavy Jetbikes provide flanking support for the detachment.

You do not have any detachments of this type which are not assigned to a Warhost.
Required Wargear:
  • 14 Lasrifles
  • 4 Flamers
  • 2 Screamer Grenade Launchers
  • 1 Starblaster Carbine
  • 8 Starblaster Rifles
  • 6 Fatecutter Pistols
  • 1 Fatesplitter Carbine
  • 8 Fatecaster Rifles
  • 11 Force Staves
  • 20 Wraithbone Trauma Plates
  • 41 Wraithbone Hardsuits
  • 2 Jetbikes (Fatesplitter Carbine)
  • 4 Jetbikes (Starblaster Rifle)
  • 3 Bright Talon Heavy Jetbikes
Required Battle Psykers: 11 Battlecasters
Command Points: 61
Hearthguard Light Support Detachment
These detachments are elite units typically used to stiffen Warhosts which are mostly militia. Each brings a single Veteran squad, a squad of Ironbreaker melee specialists, Fatebreaker snipers, and Brightstar rifle squads, with a squadron of Hearthguard Jetbikers and a single Star Flare attack skimmer as fast-moving support.
At present, your standing army has but one such detachment which is not assigned to a Warhost. This Consumes 33 CP.
Required Wargear:
  • 6 Starblaster Pistols
  • 1 Starblaster Carbine
  • 8 Starblaster Rifles
  • 6 Fatecutter Pistols
  • 1 Fatesplitter Carbine
  • 8 Fatecaster Rifles
  • 6 Power Maul
  • 1 Wraithweave Voidsuit
  • 32 Wraithbone Hardsuits
  • 2 Jetbikes (Fatesplitter Carbine)
  • 4 Jetbikes (Starblaster Rifle)
  • 1 Star Flare Attack Skimmer
Command Points: 33
Militia Light Support Detachment
A light unit typically used as scouts or flankers, these detachments bring a pair of Guardian Militia Fire Squads, supported by a single Hearthguard veteran squad and Brightstar squad. Guardian Militia jetbikers support a Star Flare attack skimmer as the detachment's flanking force.

At present, your standing army has two such detachments which are not assigned to a Warhost. These consume 86 CP.
Required Wargear:
  • 14 Lasrifles
  • 8 Lascarbines
  • 4 Flamers
  • 2 Screamer Grenade Launchers
  • 1 Starblaster Carbine
  • 8 Starblaster Rifles
  • 1 Fatesplitter Carbine
  • 2 Fatecaster Rifles
  • 28 Wraithbone Trauma Plates
  • 1 Wraithweave Voidsuit
  • 14 Wraithbone Hardsuits
  • 8 Jetbikes
  • 1 Star Flare Attack Skimmer
Command Points: 43

Militia Line Detachment
The bulk of your forces at present, Militia Line Detachments bring three Guardian Militia Fire Squads mounted on Attack Barges, two squadrons of Militia jetbikers, and one squad of Bright Talon heavy jetbikes; supported by a squad of Hearthguard Veterans and a single Brightstar squad, one of which will be mounted in the detachment's Needlestorm IFV.

At present, your standing army has Nine such detachments which are not assigned to a Warhost. These consume 702 CP.
Required Wargear:
  • 12 Laspistols
  • 21 Lasrifles
  • 16 Lascarbines
  • 6 Flamers
  • 3 Screamer Grenade Launchers
  • 1 Starblaster Carbine
  • 8 Starblaster Rifles
  • 1 Fatesplitter Carbine
  • 2 Fatecaster Rifles
  • 58 Wraithbone Trauma Plates
  • 2 Wraithweave Voidsuits
  • 18 Wraithbone Hardsuits
  • 16 Jetbikes
  • 3 Bright Talon Heavy Jetbikes
  • 3 Attack Barges
  • 1 Needlestorm Infantry-Fighting Vehicle
Command Points: 78
Militia Assault Detachment
Militia Assault detachments are similar to line detachments, but trade their squad of Bright Talon heavy jetbikes and two Fire Squads for a pair of Guardian Militia Assault Squads.

At present, your standing armory has ten such detachments which are not assigned to a Warhost. These consume 720 CP.
Required Wargear:
  • 22 Laspistols
  • 7 Lasrifles
  • 16 Lascarbines
  • 2 Flamers
  • 1 Screamer Grenade Launcher
  • 1 Starblaster Carbine
  • 8 Starblaster Rifles
  • 1 Fatesplitter Carbine
  • 2 Fatecaster Rifles
  • 10 Close-Combat Weapons
  • 10 Light Close-Combat Weapons
  • 58 Wraithbone Trauma Plates
  • 2 Wraithweave Voidsuits
  • 12 Wraithbone Hardsuits
  • 16 Jetbikes
  • 3 Attack Barges
  • 1 Needlestorm Infantry-Fighting Vehicle
Command Points: 72
Hearthguard Skirmish Detachment
A Hearthguard Skirmish detachment is a fast-moving formation designed to rapidly reposition to meet enemy forces. Each brings a squad of Hearthguard Veterens, Brightstars and Fatebreakers mounted on Needlestorm IFVs, supported by a single squad of Guardian Militia Marines mounted on an Attack Barge, two squads of Hearthguard Jetbikers, and a single squad of Bright Talon heavy jetbikes.

You do not have any detachments of this type which are not assigned to a Warhost.
Required Wargear:
  • 4 Laspistols
  • 8 Lascarbines
  • 1 Starblaster Carbine
  • 8 Starblaster Rifles
  • 12 Fatecutter Pistols
  • 1 Fatesplitter Carbine
  • 8 Fatecaster Rifles
  • 4 Wraithbone Trauma Plates
  • 14 Wraithweave Voidsuits
  • 36 Wraithbone Hardsuits
  • 4 Jetbikes (Fatesplitter Carbine)
  • 8 Jetbikes (Starblaster Rifle)
  • 3 Bright Talon Heavy Jetbikes
  • 1 Attack Barge
  • 3 Needlestorm Infantry-Fighting Vehicles
Command Points: 54

Bladestorm Detachment
A Bladestorm detachment is a heavy melee combat unit. Each brings three Guardian Militia Assault Squads and three Hearthguard Ironbreaker squads, each with an attached Blade Dancer, while a squad of Hearthguard Veterans, a squad of Fatebreakers, and a Bladedance Troupe are mounted to Needlestorm IFVs.

You do not have any detachments of this type which are not assigned to a Warhost.
Required Wargear:
  • 15 Laspistols
  • 18 Starblaster Pistols
  • 1 Starblaster Carbine
  • 2 Starblaster Rifles
  • 1 Fatesplitter Carbine
  • 8 Fatecaster Rifles
  • 15 Close-Combat Weapons
  • 15 Light Close-Combat Weapons
  • 12 Force Swords
  • 18 Power Mauls
  • 30 Wraithbone Trauma Plates
  • 6 Wraithweave Voidsuits
  • 30 Wraithbone Hardsuits
  • 12 Infantry Holo-Field Projectors
  • 3 Needlestorm Infantry-Fighting Vehicles
Battle Psykers Required: 12 Blade Dancers
Command Points: 78
Militia Heavy Detachment
Militia Heavy Detachments are typically used to hold ground or fortifications. Each brings three Guardian Militia Fire Squads and Jetbike Squads, supported by a Guardian Militia Assault Squad and Marine Squad, a squad of Hearthguard Veterans and Brightstars, a single Needlestorm IFV, and two Star Flare attack skimmers.

You do not have any detachments of this type which are not assigned to a Warhost.
Required Wargear:
  • 5 Laspistols
  • 21 Lasrifles
  • 32 Lascarbines
  • 6 Flamers
  • 3 Screamer Grenade Launchers
  • 1 Starblaster Carbine
  • 2 Starblaster Rifles
  • 1 Fatesplitter Carbine
  • 8 Fatecaster Rifles
  • 5 Close-Combat Weapons
  • 5 Light Close-Combat Weapons
  • 64 Wraithbone Trauma Plates
  • 12 Wraithweave Voidsuits
  • 10 Wraithbone Hardsuits
  • 24 Jetbikes
  • 2 Star Flare Attack Skimmers
  • 1 Needlestorm Infantry-Fighting Vehicle
Command Points: 86
Hearthguard Armor Detachment
Designed to provide a Warhost with a heavy bunch, a Hearthguard Armor detachment brings one Veteran squad mounted on a Needlestorm IFV, one Star Flare attack skimmer, two squads of Hearthguard jetbikers and Bright Talon heavy jetbikes, as well as a pair of Blazestar Grav-tanks.

You do not have any detachments of this type which are not assigned to a Warhost.
Required Wargear:
  • 1 Starblaster Carbine
  • 2 Starblaster Rifles
  • 12 Fatecutter Pistols
  • 1 Fatesplitter Carbine
  • 2 Fatecaster Rifles
  • 9 Wraithweave Voidsuits
  • 26 Wraithbone Hardsuits
  • 4 Jetbikes (Fatesplitter Carbine)
  • 8 Jetbikes (Starblaster Rifle)
  • 3 Bright Talon Heavy Jetbikes
  • 1 Star Flare Attack Skimmer
  • 1 Needlestorm Infantry-Fighting Vehicle
  • 2 Blazestar Grav-Tanks
Command Points: 35
Hearthguard Line Detachment
A Hearthguard line detachment is a heavy force which brings one squad of Veterans, Fatebreakers, Ironbreakers, and a pair of Brightstar squads, supported by a squad of Hearthguard Jetbikes, Bright Talon heavy jetbikes, a Star Flare attack skimmer, a Needlestorm IFV, and a single Blazestar Grav-tank.

You do not have any detachments of this type which are not assigned to a Warhost.
Required Wargear:
  • 6 Starblaster Pistols
  • 1 Starblaster Carbine
  • 14 Starblaster Rifles
  • 6 Fatecutter Pistols
  • 1 Fatesplitter Carbine
  • 8 Fatecaster Rifles
  • 6 Power Mauls
  • 6 Wraithweave Voidsuits
  • 44 Wraithbone Hardsuits
  • 2 Jetbikes (Fatesplitter Carbine)
  • 4 Jetbikes (Starblaster Rifle)
  • 3 Bright Talon Heavy Jetbikes
  • 1 Star Flare Attack Skimmer
  • 1 Needlestorm Infantry-Fighting Vehicle
  • 1 Blazestar Grav-Tank
Command Points: 50

Armored Assault Detachment
An Armored Assault detachment brings a heavy armored fist to any Warhost. Each such unit brings four Blazestar Grav-tanks and six Star Flare attack skimmers as a heavy armored fist, supported by a Hearthguard Veteran squad mounted in a Needlestorm IFV, a Guardian Militia Fire Squad mounted to an Attack Barge, two squads of Hearthguard jetbikers, and a squad of Bright Talon heavy jetbikes.
You do not have any detachments of this type which are not assigned to a Warhost.
Required Wargear:
  • 4 Laspistols
  • 7 Lasrifles
  • 2 Flamers
  • 1 Screamer Grenade Launcher
  • 1 Starblaster Carbine
  • 2 Starblaster Rifles
  • 1 Fatesplitter Carbine
  • 2 Fatecaster Rifles
  • 14 Wraithbone Trauma Plates
  • 20 Wraithweave Voidsuits
  • 36 Wraithbone Hardsuits
  • 4 Jetbikes (Fatesplitter Carbine)
  • 8 Jetbikes (Starblaster Rifle)
  • 3 Bright Talon Heavy Jetbikes
  • 6 Star Flare Attack Skimmers
  • 1 Attack Barge
  • 1 Needlestorm Infantry-Fighting Vehicle
  • 4 Blazestar Grav-Tanks
Command Points: 70
Mechanized Headquarters Detachment
Intended as a command unit for the largest or most important Warhosts, a Mechanized Headquarters detachment brings two squads each of Hearthguard Veterans, Fatebreakers, and Brightstars, each with an attached Warseer, and a Warcasting Circle to provide heavy protective firepower, all of which are mounted to Needlestorm IFVs. Four Star Flare Attack Skimmers provide perimeter security for the detachment.

You do not have any detachments of this type which are not assigned to a Warhost.
Required Wargear:
  • 6 Starblaster Pistols
  • 2 Starblaster Carbines
  • 16 Starblaster Rifles
  • 2 Fatesplitter Carbines
  • 16 Fatecaster Rifles
  • 12 Force Staves
  • 20 Wraithweave Voidsuits
  • 56 Wraithbone Hardsuits
  • 4 Star Flare Attack Skimmers
  • 8 Needlestorm Infantry-Fighting Vehicles
Battle Psykers Required:
  • 6 Warseers
  • 6 Battlecasters
Command Points: 76

Fist of Vau-Vulkesh
A heavy Warhost lead by a Mechanized Headquarters detachment, commanding an Armored Assault detachment, two Hearthguard Armor detachments, and two Hearthguard skirmish detachments.
Assignment: None
Status: Nominal
CP: 324 CP
A heavy warhost meant to act as a linebreaker unit for other warhosts in large-scale battles, this host is commanded by a Hearthguard Armor detachment, and brings a Militia Heavy Detachment, a Milita Assault detachment, a single Bladestorm detachment, and two Hearthguard Light Support detachments.
Assignment: None
Status: Nominal
CP: 337
Blades of Isha
A former historical reenactment group stiffened with some actual soldiers, this Warhost consists of four Bladestorm detachments. Likely best used by throwing them at Orks.
Assignment: None
Status: Nominal
CP: 312
Hearthguard Iron Fist
A warhost led by a Mechanized Headquarters detachment, commanding one Armored Assault detachment, one Hearthguard Armor detachment, and four Hearthguard Skirmish detachments.
Assignment: Hunt Freebootas near Val-Terrine
Status: Nominal | Deployed
CP: 397
Grand Warcasting Circle
A Warhost that brings considerable Psykeic might to the battlefield, with four Battlecasting Support detachments supported by a pair of Hearthguard Skirmish detachments and a Militia Line detachment. A second Militia Line detachment serves as the headquarters formation.

The Battlecasting Support detachments of this host have been given heavy Ithilmar Assault Suits to replace the Hardsuits of their Battlecasters, whilst the various Hearthguard squads supporting them have been issued Void Guard Warsuits which are far more protective than their original Hardsuits.

Both Hearthguard Skirmish detachments in this Warhost have similarly traded their old Hardsuits for far more hardy and capable Void Guard Warsuits.

The Militia Line detachments of this Warhost have traded their Wraithbone Trauma Plates for the vasty more capable Wraithweave Brigandine armor, massively improving their survivability and ability to withstand hostile environmental conditions, such as vacuum or poisonous atmospheres.

Assignment: None
Status: Nominal
CP: 508
1st Heavy Militia
A warhost lead by a Hearthguard Line detachment, commanding one Militia Line detachment, assault detachment, and heavy detachment, as well as three Militia Light Support detachments and a Battlecasting Support Detachment.

Assignment: Hunt Freebootas near Val-Terrine
Status: Nominal | Deployed
CP: 476
2nd Heavy Militia
A warhost lead by a Hearthguard Line detachment, commanding one Militia Line detachment, assault detachment, and heavy detachment, as well as three Militia Light Support detachments and a Battlecasting Support Detachment.

The Battlecasting Support detachment of this host has been given heavy Ithilmar Assault Suits to replace the Hardsuits of their Battlecasters, whilst the various Hearthguard squads supporting them have been issued Void Guard Warsuits which are far more protective than their original Hardsuits.

The Hearthguard Line Detachment this Warhost has also traded its Hardsuits for Void Guard Warsuits, significantly improving their survivability in the face of fire.

The Militia Line detachments of this Warhost have traded their Wraithbone Trauma Plates for the vasty more capable Wraithweave Brigandine armor, massively improving their survivability and ability to withstand hostile environmental conditions, such as vacuum or poisonous atmospheres.

The Militia Light Support detachments of this warhost have similarly been issued Wraithweave Brigandine in place of their original Wraithbone Trauma Plates.

The Militia Heavy Detachment of this Warhost has exchanged the original Wraithbone Trauma Plates for far more effective Wraithweave Brigandine armor, improving their survivability by an order of magnitude.

The Militia Assault Detachment has also exchanged its Wraithbone Trauma Plates for far more effective Wraithweave Brigandine armor, additionally, each of the Militia Assault Squads have traded four Laspistols for Flamer Pistols, and the fifth for a Starblaster Pistol, improving their shock damage and ability to engage heavy armored targets.

Assignment: None
Status: Nominal
CP: 476
3rd Heavy Militia
A warhost lead by a Hearthguard Line detachment, commanding one Militia Line detachment, assault detachment, and heavy detachment, as well as three Militia Light Support detachments and a Battlecasting Support Detachment.

The Battlecasting Support detachment of this host has been given heavy Ithilmar Assault Suits to replace the Hardsuits of their Battlecasters, whilst the various Hearthguard squads supporting them have been issued Void Guard Warsuits which are far more protective than their original Hardsuits.

The Hearthguard Line Detachment this Warhost has also traded its Hardsuits for Void Guard Warsuits, significantly improving their survivability in the face of fire.

The Militia Line detachments of this Warhost have traded their Wraithbone Trauma Plates for the vasty more capable Wraithweave Brigandine armor, massively improving their survivability and ability to withstand hostile environmental conditions, such as vacuum or poisonous atmospheres.

The Militia Light Support detachments of this warhost have similarly been issued Wraithweave Brigandine in place of their original Wraithbone Trauma Plates.

The Militia Heavy Detachment of this Warhost has exchanged the original Wraithbone Trauma Plates for far more effective Wraithweave Brigandine armor, improving their survivability by an order of magnitude.

The Militia Assault Detachment has also exchanged its Wraithbone Trauma Plates for far more effective Wraithweave Brigandine armor, additionally, each of the Militia Assault Squads have traded four Laspistols for Flamer Pistols, and the fifth for a Starblaster Pistol, improving their shock damage and ability to engage heavy armored targets.

Assignment: None
Status: Nominal
CP: 476
4th Heavy Militia
A warhost lead by a Hearthguard Line detachment, commanding one Militia Line detachment, assault detachment, and heavy detachment, as well as three Militia Light Support detachments and a Battlecasting Support Detachment.

The Battlecasting Support detachment of this host has been given heavy Ithilmar Assault Suits to replace the Hardsuits of their Battlecasters, whilst the various Hearthguard squads supporting them have been issued Void Guard Warsuits which are far more protective than their original Hardsuits.

The Hearthguard Line Detachment this Warhost has also traded its Hardsuits for Void Guard Warsuits, significantly improving their survivability in the face of fire.

The Militia Line detachments of this Warhost have traded their Wraithbone Trauma Plates for the vasty more capable Wraithweave Brigandine armor, massively improving their survivability and ability to withstand hostile environmental conditions, such as vacuum or poisonous atmospheres.

The Militia Light Support detachments of this warhost have similarly been issued Wraithweave Brigandine in place of their original Wraithbone Trauma Plates.

The Militia Heavy Detachment of this Warhost has exchanged the original Wraithbone Trauma Plates for far more effective Wraithweave Brigandine armor, improving their survivability by an order of magnitude.

The Militia Assault Detachment has also exchanged its Wraithbone Trauma Plates for far more effective Wraithweave Brigandine armor, additionally, each of the Militia Assault Squads have traded four Laspistols for Flamer Pistols, and the fifth for a Starblaster Pistol, improving their shock damage and ability to engage heavy armored targets.

Assignment: None
Status: Nominal
CP: 476
1st Militia
A Warhost commanded by a Militia heavy detachment, with one Militia Assault detachment, two Militia Line detachments, and three Militia Light Support detachments stiffened by a single Hearthguard Light Support detachment.

The Hearthguard Light Support detachment of this warhost has traded the original Wraithbone Hardsuits for far more protective Void Guard Warsuits, increasing survivability considerably.

The Militia Heavy Detachment of this Warhost has exchanged the original Wraithbone Trauma Plates for far more effective Wraithweave Brigandine armor, improving their survivability by an order of magnitude.

The Militia Assault Detachment has also exchanged its Wraithbone Trauma Plates for far more effective Wraithweave Brigandine armor, additionally, each of the Militia Assault Squads have traded four Laspistols for Flamer Pistols, and the fifth for a Starblaster Pistol, improving their shock damage and ability to engage heavy armored targets.

Assignment: None
Status: Nominal
CP: 476
2nd Militia
A Warhost commanded by a Militia heavy detachment, with one Militia Assault detachment, two Militia Line detachments, and three Militia Light Support detachments stiffened by a single Hearthguard Light Support detachment.
Assignment: None
Status: Nominal
CP: 476
3rd Militia
A Warhost commanded by a Militia heavy detachment, with one Militia Assault detachment, two Militia Line detachments, and three Militia Light Support detachments stiffened by a single Hearthguard Light Support detachment.
Assignment: None
Status: Nominal
CP: 476
4th Militia
A Warhost commanded by a Militia heavy detachment, with one Militia Assault detachment, two Militia Line detachments, and three Militia Light Support detachments stiffened by a single Hearthguard Light Support detachment.

The Hearthguard Light Support detachment of this warhost has traded the original Wraithbone Hardsuits for far more protective Void Guard Warsuits, increasing survivability considerably.

The Militia Heavy Detachment of this Warhost has exchanged the original Wraithbone Trauma Plates for far more effective Wraithweave Brigandine armor, improving their survivability by an order of magnitude.

The Militia Assault Detachment has also exchanged its Wraithbone Trauma Plates for far more effective Wraithweave Brigandine armor, additionally, each of the Militia Assault Squads have traded four Laspistols for Flamer Pistols, and the fifth for a Starblaster Pistol, improving their shock damage and ability to engage heavy armored targets.

Assignment: None
Status: Nominal
CP: 476
5th Militia
A Warhost commanded by a Militia heavy detachment, with one Militia Assault detachment, two Militia Line detachments, and three Militia Light Support detachments stiffened by a single Hearthguard Light Support detachment.

The Hearthguard Light Support detachment of this warhost has traded the original Wraithbone Hardsuits for far more protective Void Guard Warsuits, increasing survivability considerably.

The Militia Heavy Detachment of this Warhost has exchanged the original Wraithbone Trauma Plates for far more effective Wraithweave Brigandine armor, improving their survivability by an order of magnitude.

The Militia Assault Detachment has also exchanged its Wraithbone Trauma Plates for far more effective Wraithweave Brigandine armor, additionally, each of the Militia Assault Squads have traded four Laspistols for Flamer Pistols, and the fifth for a Starblaster Pistol, improving their shock damage and ability to engage heavy armored targets.

Assignment: None
Status: Nominal
CP: 476

Your ships are divided into various fleet assignments (which may themselves be divided into subfleets) as well as two principal pools of Fresh and Damaged vessels available for assignments. Obviously, you will generally wish to assign the former rather than the latter to any fleets you dispatch wherever possible.
    • 11 Combat Brig
    • 26 Battle Carrack
    • 25 Assault Ketch
    • 10 Battle Caravel
    • 5 Nettle Class Destroyer
    • 26 War Ketch
    • 3 Assault Ketch
    • 19 Lance Cutter
    • 27 Lance Sloop
  • The world of Fea-Eresh is home to a colony of Aeldari who were able to deny the Dark Prince by thoroughly entangling themselves with their world's bio-sphere to the point they are functionally inseparable from it. Whilst this has cost them the vast majority of the outwardly expressed psychic abilities the Aeldari once commanded, it has spared them the Prince's curse. Their seers, however, have Seen their destruction from many possible threats, and without the ability to operate most of what little technology the religious commune there maintained, or venture far without sufficient biomass to anchor their spirits, they had no way of even calling for help. Fortunately, the mysterious Harlequins put them in contact with you, and a consensus to simply evacuate the majority of the planet's biosphere to Vau-Vulkesh has resulted in an ongoing evacuation effort. The various escorts and capitals assigned escort convoys of the vast bio-haulers and earth-carriers needed to transplant entire forests, plains and mountains to the craftworld as they are moved.
    • 5 Battle Caravel
    • 8 Assault Ketch
    • 4 War Ketch
    • 4 Nettle Class Destroyer
  • The Exodite world of Val-Terrine has been suffering raids by Orkish Freebootas. You have sent a fleet to seek out these raiders, and put an end to them.
    This has been successful—the primary nest of these raiders has been eliminated. The fleet is now lingering to ambush strays as they return, to prevent easy re-establishment of the Freeboota settlement, as well as sort through the piles of orkish plunder for items of interest.
    • 1 Combat Brig
    • 4 Battle Carrack
    • 8 Assault Ketch
    • 12 Lance Cutter
  • Small fleets sent to ensure maps of the Webwey, now evershifting, remain accurate and perhaps explore any new termini discovered within the Labyrinthian Dimension.
      • 1 Battle Caravel
      • 1 Assault Ketch
      • 2 Lance Cutter
      • 2 Lance Sloop
      • 1 Battle Caravel
      • 1 Assault Ketch
      • 2 Lance Cutter
      • 2 Lance Sloop
      • 1 Battle Caravel
      • 1 Assault Ketch
      • 2 Lance Cutter
      • 2 Lance Sloop
      • 1 Battle Caravel
      • 1 Assault Ketch
      • 2 Lance Cutter
      • 2 Lance Sloop
    • 2 Combat Brig (Starcaster Mega-Lance disabled)
    • 2 combat brig (Æthersails destroyed)
    • 7 battle Carrack (Æthersails destroyed)
    • 7 battle Carrack (One to two Weapons Batteries disabled, Plasma Drives offline)
    • 10 battle Carrack (Heavy Starlance disabled)
    • 5 Assault Ketch (Æthersails destroyed)
    • 12 Assault Ketch (Weapons Batteries disabled)
    • 7 Assault Ketch (Heavy Starlance disabled)
    • 40 Battle Caravel (Æthersails destroyed/Mobility Kill)
    • 2 Battle Caravel (Æthersails Damaged/Mobility Impaired)
    • 10 Battle Caravel (Point Defense Grid & 1-2 Weapons Batteries disabled)
    • 2 Battle Caravel (Heavy Las-Lance disabled)
    • 50 Lance Cutter (Æthersails destroyed/Mobility Kill)
    • 8 Lance Cutter (Æthersails Damaged/Mobility Impaired)
    • 23 Lance Cutter (Weapons Battery Disabled/Mission Kill)
    • 5 Lance Cutter (Mobility Impaired/Æthersails Damaged)
    • 42 Lance Sloop (Æthersails destroyed/Mobility Kill)
    • 32 Lance Sloop (Heavy Las-Lance Disabled/Mission Kill)
    • 6 Lance Sloop (Mobility Impaired/Æthersails Damaged)
Last edited:
970.M29: Worlds of Note, Northern Galactic Rim
Known Aeldari Worlds
Type: Maiden World
Status: Uninhabited

Erd-Varesh is the farthest north of the Maiden Worlds known to Vau-Vulkesh, and was chosen as their destination when the craftworld fled the Croneworlds. Like most Maiden Worlds which have not been settled, Erd-Varesh is a paradice world with temperate climate, but has local fauna which would be somewhat hazardous to low-technology civilizations. The rest of the system also contains abundant resources, as it has remained unexploited by any starfaring power as yet. Currently, the Craftworld of Vau-Vulkesh is stranded in this system by the damage to the craftworld's engines during the Fall.
Type: Maiden World
Status: Uninhabited

Vat-Hrin is a maiden world located in the northeastern portion of the northern rim. Other than its overall status as a maiden world, there is nothing especially noteworthy about the system known to you at this time.
Type: Exodite World
Status: Neutral

Syph is an Exodite world in the eastern half of the northern rim. Like most exodite worlds it is sparsely populated, but fiercely defended by the local Exodites. Syph is not otherwise especially notable for Exodite worlds at this time.
Type: Exodite World
Status: Neutral

Quilan lies on the northern edge of the Ghost Stars, once a bastion of the Necron during the ancient War in Heaven. Dark remnants of that bastion's overthrow still linger in the region, and as a consequence Quilan maintained a small but potent fleet of warships to defend their world. What has become of this fleet in the wake of the Fall is not known to you, but it is likely to have degraded in capability to at least some degree.

Human Worlds
Type: Feudal World
Status: Ignored

Kronite is a human colony that has descended into a pre-industrial feudal state. While the wars of its petty kingdoms likely matter a great deal to its inhabitants, they have no real impact on the galaxy at large. The system, however, still contains a not insignificant amount of wreckage dating to the height of human civilization, and therefore may contain interesting technology.
Type: Hive World
Status: Embattled

K'Phra is a world covered with the rotting arcologies of humanity's apex, a so-called "hive world." The planet has managed to maintain some ability to construct voidships and advanced weapons, but is locked in a long, grinding war with the nearby Waaagh Grimtusk. It is likely that this state of affairs will be unchanged for some time, though Arach-Quin depopulating some of the nearby Ork worlds will likely ease pressure on the human colony somewhat.
Type: Civilized World
Status: Neutral

Isstvan is an 'Average' human world of any note in the current age. They have maintained some capability for advanced technology and the ability to construct some voidships, and have maintained a pocket empire with the nearby Zarnov, whose factories and mines are needed to keep the polity's military functional. This is mostly needed to deal with intermittent attacks by Orks.
Type: Industrial World
Status: Neutral

As mentioned above, Zarnov is a world primarily of industrial nature, settled during the apex of humanity's power as a mining and manufacturing site. It continues in this role as part of the pocket empire formed by the world and the nearby Isstvan system.
Type: Feral World
Status: Ignored

Othion is a former human colony which has collapsed to an entirely pre-agricultural state, its population consisting of tribal hunter-gatherers which have no real ability to influence events elsewhere in the galaxy and no advanced technology whatsoever.
Type: Death World
Status: Ignored

Ectosa is a world covered by ice, glaciers and blizzards resulting from still-active but malfunctioning terraforming equipment from humanity's apex. This has rendered the world nearly uninhabitable, but a small population of humans stubbornly clings to life on the world nonetheless. While they have maintained some advanced technology, particularly that related to surviving extreme cold (for obvious reasons), the world lacks the knowledge, industry or population to construct voidcraft and thus are of no significant note. It is likely, however, that the world would be much more livable if the ancient terraforming devices were shut down.

Ork Worlds
Danger Rating: EXTREMIS
Wazdakka is the current capital world of the Ork warlord Grimtusk Waaaghbringa, and completely taken over by the Ork and its unsightly constructions. This world represents perhaps the greatest threat in and to northwestern galactic rim, for Grimtusk is an unusually canny example of his kind and has been thought dead on at least four occasions, only to return at the head of an even larger horde within a decade.
Danger Rating: Very High
One of the worlds subordinate to Waagh Grimtusk, Zapppagitz is what passes for a manufacturing world for the Ork, and one of Waaagh Grimtusk's major shipyards. The Orks of Zapppagitz have a notable fascination with the "Zapppa" energy weapons of the Ork, and thus make more extensive use of them than is typical of Orks.
Danger Rating: EXTREMIS
Biggadakka is the primary manufacturing sites for battle-walkers and war-titans for Waaagh Grimtusk. Its sprawling, ramshackle factories turn out everything from Killa Kans to massive Gargents in service to the Ork warlord, and the system boasts an unusually large garrison—Grimtusk, being no fool, has ensured his sole supplier of war-titans is well defended against attack.
Red Sunz
Danger Rating: High
An unusual red dwarf binary system, Red Sunz is notable mainly for its especially hardy population of orks living in various asteroid colonies and free-floating jumbles that could charitably be called space stations. Waaagh Grimtusk recruits the majority of its 'Ardboyz and Flyboyz from those living in this system, with the former often going on to become exceptionally dangerous Nobz.
Dat Purple Won
Danger Rating: High
The purple light of this system's star seems to have a highly unusual effect on the Orks living within this system, producing an unusually large number of Kommandoz, Warpheds, and Madboyz. Not being one to waste a resource, Waaagh Grimtusk makes heavy use of these forces, and the world serves as the primary source for the formor two units in Grimtusk's army.
Geargitz `Ere
Danger Rating: None (formerly Very High)
This world supplied Waaagh Grimtusk with a significant portion of its Meks and their creations, but the planet has been scoured clean by the vengeful warhosts of Arach-Qin, who traced the Rok which destroyed their shipyards to the system. It will likely be centuries, if ever, before the greenskins return to this world.
Danger Rating: None (Formerly EXTREMIS)
The furthest south of Waaagh Grimtusk's conquests, Zogdakka served primarily as a recruiting ground for Flash Gitz and Shoota Boyz, and the orks in the system were largely obsessed with "da Kult ov Dakka" and were unusually obsessed with "da shooty gunz". Arach-qin's fleets and warhosts scoured the system of Orkish life, despite the costs to their fleet to do so, and it will likely be centuries before Orks return to the system—if they ever do.
Black Toof
Dager Rating: None (Formerly Moderate)
A frontier settlement populated by an eclectic mix of Oddboyz and feral ork tribes, this world was loosely aligned with Waaagh Grimtusk as the largest and most powerful ork horde in the region. If any of its inhabitants still lived, they might have regretted that decision, as the grand fleets of Arach-Qin made Black Toof the first stop in their rampage, simply bombarding the planet from orbit until not even Orks could survive on its surface.
Danger Rating: EXTREMIS
Notable as the only major Ork world in the northeast that specifically isn't aligned with Waaagh Grimtusk, Tork-Toofa is a Freeboota stronghold lead by a particularly large and cunning example of that kind, Morkan Goldtoof, and is extremely unusual as the port also plays host to pirates of other races—mostly humans—who can pay Goldtoof a tax of Loot.

Quick What's What and Who's Who in the area.
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Weapons of the Enemy: Ork Naval Equipment & Ships, 970.M29 | Northern Galactic Rim area
Naval Wargear
Zapppaz are Orkish energy weapons designed for naval scale combat. Unlike the Lances used by most races, Zapppaz are typically fairly weak, but have a very high rate of fire, sending a constant stream of their distinctive green-tinged faux-lightning at a target.
Big Zapppa
Larger versions of Zapppaz—sometimes simply several of the smaller weapons haphazardly bolted together—Big Zapppaz maintained the high fire rate of their lesser cousins but have effective output more comparable to the Lance weapons of other races.
Found on only a few ships, often those chosen as a flagship by a Mekboss, Mega-Zapppaz are colossal energy weapons of Orkish design which can blast whole flotillas of ships with powerful faux-lightning—whether it be by firing many bolts at once or single bolts which leap from target to target, Mega-Zapppaz can turn the tide of a battle in a single shot—which is good for the Orks, as these weapons are extremely temperamental and prone to backfires and overloads.
Shokka Kannon
The Shokka Kannon is perhaps one of the most obvious insanities of the Ork: a colossal version of the Shokk Attack Gun which fires Killa Kans—or unfortunate Ork Boyz who've sufficiently annoyed the Meks who maintain the weapons—though a short-lived tunnel through the Warp, depositing them into an enemy ship to wreak havoc. Of course, the unfortunate "ammunition" frequently ends up emerging partially phased into some system or another or random walls rather than convieant corridors, but this can in some cases cause even more damage than they would normally be capable of.
Found on only a select few ships, a Mega-Shokka is a massively enlarged Shokk Attack Gun which can fire an entire Deff Dred or squad of specially trained Kommandoz called "Shokkboyz" into an enemy ship. While a profession that results in a very high attrition rate, these forces can significantly degrade a target's ability to continue fighting… at least as long as the gunners don't miss and drop the "Ammunition" into the Void, anyway.
A Bubba-Blasta is an exotic energy weapon of Ork design found on some Orkish ships. An application of conversion-field technology twisted into a formidable if unreliable weapon by the brutal imagination of the Ork, Bubba-Blastaz fire force-field 'bubbles' that explode with tremendous force when disrupted by an intersection with sufficient solid matter, such as a Voidship—or extremely unfortunate fighter. The actual force, however, can vary significantly from shot to shot, with some barely rattling the fittings and others snapping smaller ships in half like they were made of balsa-wood.
Trakta-Grabbaz are typically found on Ork ramships, which attempt to physically impact a target. These coruscating green beams inexorably drag a target towards the ramship, making it extremely difficult to evade—or, occasionally, drag the ramship to the target. Either way, a Trakta-Grabba is a formidable addition to an Orkish ship's arsenal, even if it inflicts no damage by itself.
Big Kannonz
"Big Kannonz" are a catchall term for a wide variety of what most other races would call "Macro-Cannons", firing solid slugs or explosive shells at a target. Like most Orkish ranged weapons, these are typically highly inaccurate but compensate through high rate of fire.
A Mega-Kannon is an especially large and powerful example of "Big Kannon" found on some Orkish ships. While quite damaging, the weapons typically possess very poor accuracy at anything further than point-blank range, compensating with a somewhat higher than typical fire rate.
Found only on a select handful of the largest Ork craft, the Soopa-Mega-Kannon is effectively an even larger, more powerful Big Kannon whose shots can easily break an Escort in half… as long as they actually hit.
Dakkakannonz are modified Big Kannonz that trade individual impact for a higher rate of fire, filling the void with a hail of rounds that can saturate many defensive systems.
Nowhere is the perversity of the Ork mind more visible than in the Mega-Burna, for only an Ork would think to mount a colossal Flamer to a Voidship for use against other voidcraft. While short ranged, a Mega-Burna can inflict widespread damage to a vessel by pouring fire into every hatch, gunport or hull breach on a vessel.
Ram Prow
A Ram Prow is a common feature of Ork ships, designed to allow a ship to physically collide with an enemy vessel without incurring (too much) damage. Those of the Orks are often fashioned into crude effigies of an Orkish face, with a heavily protruding jaw and prominent tusks.
Bita Ram
A Bita Ram is a modified ramming prow designed not to merely collide with a ship, but latch on with powerful servo-jaws. This can allow the vessels equipped with them to easily launch large scale boarding operations, or for several such craft to literally tear apart a Voidship like wolves tearing apart a steak.
Ship-Cuttaz are as much an industrial tool of Orkish ship-building as a weapon, consisting of vast saws, vibro-blades, drills or other cutting or boring implements on equally titanic servo-arms used to cut large scrap-piles down to size or hollow out the interior of larger Roks. Regardless of form or function, these systems can easily do great harm to a voidship should a vessel carrying one reach the appropriate range to employ them.
Largely similar to the Torpedoes of other races, Torkpedoz are known primarily for being highly unreliable, often failing to detonate or missing due to engine failures. They come in two principal types, a standard unguided model and a slightly larger "Grotpedo" which is effectively a small suicide voidcraft operated by a Grot. As is typical for the Ork, the poor reliablility of Torkpedoz is compensated for by the simple expedient of firing more of them at once.
Shoota Turretz
Orks are well enamored with various guns, and so their hulls tend to be studded with haphazard arrays of "shootaz" which, while reasonably effective against smallcraft or enemy munitions—if only through sheer volume of fire—are completely incapable of inflicting meaningful damage to another voidcraft, even at close range. Orks being Orks, they typically fire them at enemy ships anyway.
Zzapppa Turretz
Zzapppaz or Zzappp Gunz are Orkish energy weapons that fire distinctive green-tinged faux-lighting, and are found on some Orkish voidships in the point defense role. While actually fairly effective, many Orks find them boring, preferring the rattle of guns or the whooshing of rockets instead.
Rokket Turretz
Rokket Turretz are the second most common form of point defense for Orkish voidships, firing salvos of crude, inaccurate and dubiously reliable rocket-propelled projectiles. As is typical, the Orks compensate for the low accuracy and poor reliability of their weapons by simply firing more rockets.
Flakk Gunz
Flakk Gunz are a catchall term for various large-caliber, often many-barrelled ballistic weapons mounted to Orkish voidships. Similar to the Close In Weapons Batteries of other races, Flakk Gunz are effective against small craft, munitions, and, at short rage, other voidcraft.
Bigga Rokkitz
Bigga Rokkitz are a weapon found on some Orkish voidships in a role similar to the Close In Weapons Batteries of other races, typically firing crudely guided "Grotkitts" which are effectively a rocket-propelled suicide plane operated by a Grot. These weapons are sufficiently powerful as to threaten voidships, but possess little fuel, making them only effective at short ranges.
Shokk Blastaz
A Shokk Blasta is a larger version of a Shokk Attack Gun which, rather than a living Ork, fires containers of flammable, explosive, or otherwise volatile chemicals or devices through the Warp, typically resulting in said chemicals or devices violently objecting upon their re-materialization—hopefully inside the enemy ship, and not in random patches of void or the firing ship's engine room, as the weapons possess a notoriously unreliable targeting matrix.
A Trakta-Repella is an Orkish defensive technology which releases an omnidirectional pulse of force that can send kinetic munitions, torpedos, and even strike craft careening away from an Orkish ship as though fired from a cannon. While the system inflicts no actual damage—save from the spray of debris, munitions and occasional fightercraft—it is as effective against physical projectiles as it is useless against pure energy weapons: that is to say, completely. Fortunately, these systems cannot simply be pulsed indefinitely, as the ramshackle and unreliable nature of Orkish technology means that a ship's Meks must spend some time repairing the device after each firing, as it suffers various forms of overloads, shorts, and small explosions every time it is activated.
Zzappaa Field
A Zzappaa Field surrounds an Ork Voidship with a crackling nimbus of what seems like green-tinged lightning, which lashes out to burn, melt or vaporize any physical object that gets too close, gradually losing strength with each object destroyed. The trick, however, is that the field grows in strength every time it is hit by an energy weapon, absorbing the shot's energy for its own use. Fortunately, these systems can only absorb so much energy at once before the generator overloads and fails, often with explosive results.
Powwa Shieldz
Noone is entirely certain how these systems work—least of all the Orks themselves—but the watery green energy fields they produce effectively block most forms of energy and kinetic weapons, keep the air inside most Orkish voidcraft—which are rarely sufficiently structurally sound to do so otherwise—and generally serve in the role of basic defensive system for the Orks.

  • Cuttaboats are technically industrial vessels, generally equipped with a Trakta-Grabba, Bita Ram, and two or three Ship-Cuttaz to help them manage the enormous floating junk-piles of Orkish ship-building industry. When pressed into combat, however, they can be deadly to foes who discount them for lack of ranged weapons, latching on to an unfortunate vessel and beginning to cut it apart, or tearing great chunks away with their powerful servo-jaws.
  • Rammas are Orkish voidships designed for a singular purpose: smashing into the enemy as hard as possible. To that end they are fitted with Ramming Prows, extra engines, and not much else, generally having only a modest array of Shootaz to ward off fighter craft. These ships should not be underestimated, however, as they can easily break up formations and cause significant damage to any ship that cannot get out of the way in time.
  • A Trakta-Ramma is a Ramma that trades an engine or two for a Trakta-Grabba, allowing it to more easily engage maneuverable targets. As this configuration was mostly constructed by the shipyard at Geargitz 'ere, it is expected that their numbers will decline in the future.
  • Belchas are armed with batteries of Bubba-Blastaz and Flakk Gunz, and protected by a Trakta-Repella in addition to its standard Powwa Shieldz. As this sophisticated design was produced exclusively by the now destroyed shipyards at Geargitz ''Ere, their numbers are expected to decline over the next few decades.
  • Attakk Boats are fairly straightforward general-purpose escorts, mounting a set of Big Kannonz, Flakk Gunz, and Shootaz supplemented by a battery of Torkpedoz.
  • A specialty of the shipyard at Zapppagitz, Zapppaboats mount a set of Zapppa batteries, Zzapppa Turretz for point defense, and are protected by a Zzappaa Field in addition to the standard Powwa Shieldz.
  • A Shokk Boat is designed for one purpose: carrying a Shokka Kannon into battle. While they also carry a modest array of Shokk Blastaz as secondary weapons, the Shokka Kannon takes up most of the ship's available volume, leaving little space for other equipment.
  • Dakkaboats are light escorts equipped with a set of Dakkakannonz and a single Mega-Kannon, as well as an array of Flakk Gunz for defense. This leaves them with little space for other systems.
  • Another specialty of Zapppagitz, Zapppa-Killas carry a heavy array of Zapppaz and Zzapppa Turretz, along with a single Big Zapppa. Similarly, they are protected by a Zzappaa Field in addition to the standard Powwa Shieldz.
  • Fasta Smashas are heavy gunships equipped with a heavily battery of Big Kannonz, a battery of Flakk Gunz, and a battery of Torkpedoz.
  • Rokket Chukkas are dedicated torpedo boats, mounting a heavy battery of Torkpedoz backed by Bigga Rokkitz and Rokkit Turretz for defensive purposes.
  • A Burna-Blasta is a ship equipped for close range combat, mounting a Mega-Burna battery and a few Dakkakannonz, backed up with Flakk Gunz and a ramming prow. These ships use their guns—or the simple expedient of ramming—to compromise enemy hulls before unleashing massive blasts of flames from their array of Mega-Burnaz.
  • A favorite of the Red Sunz Orks, Flya Raidas have only a single set of Big Kannonz and light Flakk Gunz for defense, but carry eight squadrons of crude Orkish attack craft into battle.
  • Once produced by the shipyard at Geargitz 'ere, these ships boast a heavy array of Shokka Kannonz and Shokk Blastaz as well as a Trakta-Repella for defensive purposes. With the world destroyed by Arach-Qin's fleet, it is likely that the number of these ships will decline over the next few decades.
  • The premier product of Zapppagitz, the Tunder 'Ead Attack Ship boasts a single Big Zapppa supported by a heavy battery of Zapppaz and a large number of Zzapppa Turretz. Like other such vessels, it carries a Zzappaa Field in addition to the standard Powwa Shieldz for defense.

Capital Ships
Light Cruisers
  • Lite Killkroozas are one of the more common forms of Orkish capital ship, but their equipment tends to vary in ratio if not composition—a mixture of one or two Mega-Kannonz, two to four batteries of Big Kannonz, one or two light batteries of Torkpedoz and Flakk Gunz, and between one and three batteries of Shoota Turretz.
  • Krumpa-Kroozas are modifed Lite Killkroozas that favor heavier armament, mounting fewer light weapons in exchange for more Big Kannonz, Mega-Kannonz, and occasionally a Dakkakannon battery or two.
  • Often called "terror ships" by other races, Pillaga Kroozas are commonly used by Freebootas. As a result they tend to be a bit more well equipped than the average, mounting a few Zapppaz, an advanced weapon or two (Shokka Kannonz, Bubba-Blastaz, and the like) and a number of hangers for strike craft.
  • Similar to Lite Killkroozas, the Orkish Killkrooza varies wildly in exact armament, but generally mounts the same overall equipment in a set range, that is, one or two Mega-Kannonz and heavy Torkpedo batteries, two to four batteries of Big Kannonz, and one to three batteries of Zapppaz, Flakk Gunz, and Shoota Turretz.
  • Dedicated to maximum firepower, Waaaghkroozas typically carry a single Soopa-Mega-Kannon supplemented by a large number of Big Kannonz and modest array of Shoota Turretz.
  • Favored by Freebootas, Loota-kroozas are effectively Killkroozas that sacrifice some of their secondary weapons and heavy guns for a hanger or three and replace some of their basic weapons with more advanced designs. They are also known to occasionally mount Trakta-Grabbas to prevent prey from escaping.
  • A Smasha-krooza is an advanced ship formerly constructed by the shipyard at Geargitz 'Ere, mounting a massive Mega-Shokka, a heavy battery of Bubba-Blastaz and Shokk Blastaz, and a Trakta-Repella for defensive purposes. With the shipyard there destroyed these ships are likely to decline in numbers over the next few decades.
  • Blasta-Kroozas are advanced Orkish voidships often taken as flagships by lesser Mekbosses. As a consequence, they typically mount a variety of advanced systems such as Bubba-Blastaz, Shokk guns, Trakta systems, and Zzapp devices that other Orkish ships can envy… as long as the collection of often unstable and volatile technology these ships are doesn't catastrophically explode from runaway failures, anyway.
Heavy Cruisers
  • Essentially an enlarged Killkrooza, a Bigga Krooza mounts a similar panoply, having between one and three Mega-Kannonz and or Big Zapppaz, two to four batteries of Big Kannonz and standard Zapppaz, one or two heavy batteries of Torkpedoz, one to three batteries of Flakk Gunz and or Bigga Rokkitz, and two to five batteries of Shoota, Zzapppa and or Rokkit Turretz. Most will also carry a hanger or two as well.
  • Generally the closest thing most Ork warbands have to a Battleship, Battlekroozas generally carry one special weapon, two or three heavy weapons, and five or six standard weapons batteries, as well as some numbers of point defense and or close in weapons batteries. Precise configuration and weapons vary wildly, as such vessels are typically the flagships of major Warbosses and thus heavily customized to their particular tastes.
  • Effectively a Killkrooza that has grown to the size of a battleship thanks to the tendency of Orks to continue modifying and "improving" their ships over time, Soopa Kroozas typically lack the most advanced weapons and equipment of the Orks, but compensate by simply mounting "All Da Kannonz", often boasting ten or more weapons batteries alone.
  • Ded Nots are Orkish Battleship-equivalents, each a unique creation lavished with the very best weapons and equipment that can be found, as only the most powerful Warlords can afford the staggering amount of Teef needed for a Mek to consider building them one. These ships are almost always fitted with a panoply of bizzare and frequently unique weapons and defensive systems of highly unpredictable nature.
  • Mork'z Cleava is a massive super-capital class Ded Not that is the personal flagship of Freeboota warlord Morkan Goldtoof. The canny and Kunning warlord keeps a tight lid on exactly what his ship is armed with, but it is well known that it likely contains a large amount of archeotech and exotic devices of unknown origin, as the Freeboota lord has had his pick of the best Loot from hundreds of pirate crews for several centuries.
  • The flagship of Warlord Grimtusk Waaaghbringa, Da Grimm Tusk is roughly as "typical" as Ded Nots get, barring an unusually large number of hangers, save for two things: first is the Waaaghbringa Kannon, an energy weapon of enormous power that has been known to penetrate small moons without appreciably losing strength, and the second is an enormous Tellyporta array which can transport entire wings of strike craft, swarms of Roks, or even smaller Voidships to chosen positions in an instant.
Orkish Roks are lightly armed—typically having only some point defense guns—but extremely durable transport ships made from hollowed-out asteroids. They range in size from diminutive Corvette equivalents to colossal super-heavy examples that outweigh most battleships, but regardless of size each is stuffed with as many Orks as will fit, waiting to reach a battle site—and whether that be a planet or the inside of an enemy ship matters little to the Orks. Roks are by far the most numerous type of Orkish vessel, and one can generally expect a minimum three-to-one ratio of Roks to more standard vessels of equivalent size in any given Orkish fleet (Freebootas being the exception).
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Gods, God-constructs, and Godlike Entities; A Quick Primer
I think the time has come to talk about gods, as well as godlike entities that technically aren't gods. There are effectively three types of entity that can be reasonably called 'gods': Natural Gods, God-Constructs, and Godlike Entities. both natural gods and god-constructs are by definition rooted in the Immaterium, while godlike entities are generally those which do not use it, such as the C'tan or the Tyranid Hivemind.

Gods, Natural and Otherwise
Natural gods, the most prominent of which are the original three Ruinous Powers, are a sort of 'living narrative' created by the impact of psychically active races (even if their impact/sensitivity level is extremely minor) on the Immaterium. Like all living things, they possess a desire to continue living, and do this by spreading their story through worshipers, and exerting their power to bring the materium more in line with their story's themes (generally on a temporary or otherwise limited basis.) This, obviously, can be both good and bad, depending on the god in question, but gods are rarely fully good or evil. This is because of one key fact: naturally occurring gods never lose any of their themes or domains, unless specifically stolen by a different god; they simply have different aspects emphasized or deemphasised and new ones added as their story mutates and changes through different forms and people's worship. This makes actually combating a naturally occurring god extremely difficult, as the primary method of doing so is to turn their own narrative against them with a contradictory one—to face a god of Murder, one might come cast in the role of the Justice-Seeking Hero or the Dread Avenger, and similar themes—yet because naturally-occuring gods can encompass mutually contradictory themes, such as Isha being both the goddess of Nature Unbound and the goddess of Mastery Over Nature, they can consciously choose to express a different narrative that itself counters yours—and so a battle between gods is as much a matter of each participant pivoting their aspects for advantage, which gives a distinct edge to older gods whose stories have been told and retold and conflated and merged so many times that they encompass vast numbers of different themes. This also means that the older a god is, the more difficult it is to cut it off from worship—for gods can have many faces and many names, acquired as they age, and so seemingly unrelated cults may be in truth worshiping different faces of the same god.

God-constructs, meanwhile, are deliberate creations of Godsmithing, a psychic discipline effectively lost to the galaxy with the disappearance of the Old Ones either during or after the War in Heaven (there were enough temporal shenanigans going on in that war that it's not actually clear when the Old Ones disappeared, chronologically speaking, only that they weren't around by the time the early Aeldari Empire was picking up the pieces in the aftermath), though a handful of races or individuals have worked out the rudiments of the practice since. Because they must be formed whole, god-constructs are effectively incapable of expressing contradictory narratives—even extremely closely related concepts like Brutal Cunning and Cunning Brutality cannot exist in the same god-construct, which is why the Orks have Gork and Mork and not Gorkamorka as originally intended (as the construct fissioned into the Twin Gods in the process of its creation). Similarly, they cannot gain additional narrative facets unless those facets are in harmony with or supportive of their core narrative, which limits how they can grow to an enormous degree. On the other hand, within their narrative god-constructs are extremely strong—enough that their narrative can frequently overpower what should be appropriate counter-narratives.

So what's with the Aeldari gods then?
Simple: They're both. yes even Slaanesh. This is why the Pantheon is and was so powerful, so unprecedented—they began as natural gods, who can grow and change in ways god-constructs can't, and were then enhanced with Godsmithing by the Old Ones at the pinnacle of that race's power and knowledge of the craft, a height no other (at least in the milky way) has reached before or since. Slaanesh, meanwhile, might be a crude imitation of that peerless skill, but they too are a naturally occurring god who was enhanced by Godsmithing—however crude and fumbling—and that is how the Dark Prince can match the other three Ruinous Powers despite being but a mayfly in comparison. No god has commanded the Immaterium as Asuryan once did with the Edict, no god could walk unfettered between materium and immaterium as Isha did in her role as Everqueen, no god could hold the fate of all mortals in hand as Morai-Heg once did—not even the Chaos Gods, however much they might proclaim otherwise. The Pantheon was unprecedented, and even the original three Ruinous Powers are 'just' especially ancient and powerful natural gods with a truly dizzying breadth of faces, names and themes.

Daemons and Devas
The other major factor is Daemons and Devas. These are effectively 'subordinate' gods or god-constructs of another, more powerful god—sometimes created by expressing some facet of themselves as an independent entity, sometimes as lesser gods subsumed by a greater god's narrative, and so on. Daemons are specifically those of the Ruinous Powers, and generally fairly malevolent—essentially, all Daemons are Deva, but not all Deva are Daemons. Of course, as they are technically gods themselves, a Deva or Daemon with enough strength can create their own subordinate Deva or Daemons, who can in turn create their own servants, and so on and so on, each layer empowering every layer above it and being in turn empowered in a highly efficient feedback loop—and here the mad genius of the Old Ones is laid bare, because the Pantheon seemingly had no Deva—because every Aeldari was technically a Deva of the entire Pantheon, incarnated in flesh. Now, Deva can survive the deaths of the gods they are Deva of—and even usurp them, becoming the master in that relationship or just outright killing them and taking their place, under the right circumstances—but this requires being what is known as an 'exalted' at minimum. Exalted Deva (or Daemons) are the most powerful of a god's servants, commanding vast legions of subordinate Deva who often command vast legions themselves, and there are rarely more than a handful of such entities at any given time. If only because such beings can grow ambition and seek to cast down a god they serve, as Skarbrand once did. An Exalted with enough strength can also break free of their servitude, under the right circumstances, taking all their legions of subordinates (and the power they represent) with them, and here went Be'lakor, the First Ascendant of Chaos and now the Lord of Treason.

Godlike Entities
In addition, there are many other entities who can be reasonably called 'gods' despite not even using the Immaterium, such as the Tyranid Hivemind or the C'tan, whose powers are typically rooted in command of the mathematical rules of the Materium rather than the narrative ones of the immaterium. This does not necessarily always hold true, but generally speaking godlike entities are rooted in the Materium, rather than the Immaterium, and their powers—while often resembling those available to gods or their servants—are ultimately rooted in the Real, representing deep understanding of or instinctual command over the natural, causal forces of reality. Though of course, there is nothing which prohibits such entities from affecting the Immaterium, especially those whose powers are derived from knowledge rather than instinct. Or even on accident, as is the case for the Shadow in the Warp caused by the Hive-mind.

The Anatolian,(The Emperor of Mankind,) Adem Kadmon(The Anathema)
The Emperor is, like the Aeldari gods, a unique existence: a product of crude godsmithing who is not a god, a creation that can grow unfettered, a man as flawed and limited as any other yet commanding strength no man can match, a born ruler who has for hundreds of lifetimes rejected a crown, all these things and more. He lives as any other man, growing into his strength and knowledge anew with each life, yet he is undying in a way even the Ruinous Ones cannot undo, reborn again and again throughout human history—though there can be many, many centuries or even millennia between his incarnations as his soul regains its strength from the strain of averting True Death. Most critical he is The Anathema: an impossibility, a paradox: a Pariah whose negative-soul is so impossibly strong it has looped back to present as a normal Psyker of godlike strength, but whose very touch is utterly in opposition to the Gods of the Immaterium. His existence is still yet unknown to any of the major players of the current era, for he has remained in the shadows for the majority of his existence, yet the time is nigh for him to claim his long-rejected crown, however reluctantly, and echos of his opening moves are already being felt—even if it will be centuries yet before his next incarnation is born…
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