[x] Plan: Be Prepared!

Voting for this one because it has good arguments, and because it seems to be the only one that doesn't involve teaching Naruto shadow clone.

Mostly I just want to mess with canon. At the very least, if we're going to teach him shadow clone, at least wait until he passes normally so we can watch Hisana panic over having disrupted canon.
Teaching him shadow clone, especially if he STILL fails to graduate is much, much funnier. Because you know what'll happen then? Naruto will learn another kinjutsu. Like, for hilarity, Edo Tensei. And, who knows, maybe he has some Uchiha hair on him from hanging out with us. And since you can use Zetsus as sacrifices, who knows, maybe you can use shadow clones too. Wouldn't that be just a kick in the balls of canon? Or, really, any other kinjutsu.
[x] - Fuinjutsu:
-[x] - Reverse-engineering the controllable, detonable shuriken.

[x] - Ninjutsu
-[x] - Learn the Shadow Clone jutsu, then teach it to Naruto.
-[x] - Pay for a mission to retrieve a summoning scroll from an Uchiha weapons depot and sign it. The others will be retrieved but not signed.
--[x] - Crow

[x] - Genjutsu
-[x] - Learn more Sharingan Genjutsu

[x] - Kenjutsu
-[x] - Learn techniques intended to counter ninja from a former Samurai.
-[x] - Try to integrate your Wind Release with your kenjutsu

Let's not teach Shadow Clone Jutsu to Naruto, he'll get it evantually ANYWAY and take out a Traitor.
If you believe that anyone who truly wanted those things couldn't have gotten them in the four years they were there, unattended, I have a bridge to sell you. We don't have anything (like super-secret trap disarming codes) that Orochimaru and Danzo also didn't have access to since the destruction of the clan. If they wanted those secrets, and scrolls, they would have gotten them years ago.
The fact that it is still used long after the founding of Konoha despite of how far it is from the village implies that it was the traditional storage place for such things in the warring era, which means it was designed with the presumption that at some point an enemy clan would set up camp on the spot.

So unless you know what to look for I think it is reasonable to conclude that you aren't going to notice anything unusual about the location, still Danzo* will have already gone through the place, but unless Orochimaru has a Sharingan to access the clan records how would he even where to look?

*Danzo will not risk moving anything he doesn't have a immediate need to use, because to his knowledge the only Shinobi with Sharingans are those loyal to Konoha, therefore the location is safe by how the Uchiha secure their records.
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Teaching him shadow clone, especially if he STILL fails to graduate is much, much funnier. Because you know what'll happen then? Naruto will learn another kinjutsu. Like, for hilarity, Edo Tensei. And, who knows, maybe he has some Uchiha hair on him from hanging out with us. And since you can use Zetsus as sacrifices, who knows, maybe you can use shadow clones too. Wouldn't that be just a kick in the balls of canon? Or, really, any other kinjutsu.

While that would be hilarious, it's pretty unlikely.

I mean, we know tree-walking and water-walking. If we haven't made sure Naruto has passable chakra control, and thus that he can do the bunshin, then we've been wasting our training sessions with him and Sasuke.

I'm pretty sure he's going to pass.
While that would be hilarious, it's pretty unlikely.

I mean, we know tree-walking and water-walking. If we haven't made sure Naruto has passable chakra control, and thus that he can do the bunshin, then we've been wasting our training sessions with him and Sasuke.

I'm pretty sure he's going to pass.
Ask him to create a bunshin then?
The fact that it is still used long after the founding of Konoha despite of how far it is from the village implies that it was the traditional storage place for such things in the warring era, which means it was designed with the presumption that at some point an enemy clan would set up camp on the spot.

So unless you know what to look for I think it is reasonable to conclude that you aren't going to notice anything unusual about the location, still Danzo* will have already gone through the place, but unless Orochimaru has a Sharingan to access the clan records how would he even where to look?

*Danzo will not risk moving anything he doesn't have a immediate need to use, because to his knowledge the only Shinobi with Sharingans are those loyal to Konoha, therefore the location is safe by how the Uchiha secure their records.
What intelligence would Sasuke and MC have that wasn't in any of the written documents of the clan (which Danzo would have totally gone tnrough)? Sasuke might have known something, even if that's a bit unkikely due to Itachi being there and Sasuke being very young, but MC would have known nothing unique.
[x] - Fuinjutsu:
-[x] - Reverse-engineering the controllable, detonable shuriken.

[x] - Pay for a mission to retrieve a summoning scroll from an Uchiha weapons depot and sign it. The others will be retrieved but not signed.
-[x] - Raven

[x] - Genjutsu
-[x] - Learn more Sharingan Genjutsu

[x] - Kenjutsu
-[x] - Learn techniques intended to counter ninja from a former Samurai.
-[x] - Try to integrate your Wind Release with your kenjutsu
[x] - Iryojutsu
-[x] - Learn the Chakra Scalpel
I will be assuming they have no such things until I see evidence that they do. Circumstantially, remember that Jiraya, who was quite adept at sealing, and Minato, who was the time-space user of the era were both toad summoners.
Tobirama, who invented the Hiraishin(supposedly) wasn't a Toad Summoner, or any sort of summoner.
And Uzumaki Mito, who created the first seal that bound the Kyuubi, wasn't one either.
Suna captured their bijuu and created their jinchuuriki without Konoha help.
Should I go on?

And, again, until shown evidence to the contrary, I will be assuming that summon clans don't have global range teleportation as common ability.
Portal to given physical area =/= global teleportation.
They have to have established lines of communications to, well, communicate. And live in areas others can reach. As far as we saw, summoning clans don't have technology for radio communications, so communications would be done by messengers. Which is not a fact that they would use.
For one thing, we KNOW that using seals for communication is at least theoretically possible, given how Sasuke and Suigetsu used the summoning scroll to reverse summon Sasuke after his fight with Deidara.

For another, summon animals are chakra users.
Humans are able to go from Konoha to Suna in three days and arrive in fighting condition.
Why you suppose messengers would have more trouble is beyond me.

For a third, we know artifacts for scrying distant areas exist.
The Great Toad Sage has one. Sarutobi Hiruzen had another.
If you believe that anyone who truly wanted those things couldn't have gotten them in the four years they were there, unattended, I have a bridge to sell you. We don't have anything (like super-secret trap disarming codes) that Orochimaru and Danzo also didn't have access to since the destruction of the clan. If they wanted those secrets, and scrolls, they would have gotten them years ago.
With all due respect? Balderdash.

It's a SECRET Uchiha stash. That's the whole reason why it's outside Konoha, instead of inside the clan vault behind Konoha walls.
They have to first find the damn thing, and no one breached the Uchiha vaults inside our compound since the massacre.
The only person who could have read it would have been Danzo himself, and he doesn't flash his Sharingan around for obvious reasons.

Uchiha security measures are the match of anything we've seen in the series.
Itachi, working alone and in secret, set an Amaterasu activation seal on Sasuke that had a conditional trigger that went off at the sight of another Sharingan, putting Tobi on fire.

If you think the entire Uchiha clan, working together, do not have security measures at least the match of that on their backup arms depots, I have a bridge to sell you.
Okay, so, looking at the character sheet, it appears that additional training actions for a given skill are subject to diminishing returns.

Our last action had us train Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, and Kenjutsu once each; Genjutsu and Kenjutsu each increased by 7, while Genjutsu increased by 10.

Knowing this is the case, but not knowing the point where diminishing returns begins, it becomes hard to predict how precisely the training will affect Hisana.

Worth noting is that Strength went up 5XP, and Speed went up 7. This is somewhat interesting, as we only had one option that was based around physical training (Kenjutsu), so this would imply that the Kenjutsu training gave us the following XP breakdown:

Kenjutsu Training:
7 XP - Kenjutsu
7 XP - Kenjutsu Subskill - Leaf Style
7 XP - Speed
5 XP - Strength​

We also gained 5 XP in Chakra Capacity, pushing us to 40 there, and 15(?!) XP in Chakra Control. We probably got 5 XP to Chakra Control from each Nin, Gen, and Iryojutsu, and 5XP to Chakra Capacity from Ninjutsu.

We also got a hell of a lot of XPin the subskills, Basic Genjutsu and Sharingan Genjutsu (20 XP each), bringing them up to match our overall Genjutsu rating.


I think it would be better to wait on the summonings. If we have to pay for a mission to retrieve the scrolls, then we are not strong enough to use the summoning scrolls in the first place.


Don't be blinded by the shiny.

We've got pretty decent Chakra ratings, actually. Our Chakra Capacity is 40, and our Chakra Control is 45- That is, low-mid Chunin rank in both. Further, Ninjutsu training is likely to give us more points in Chakra Capacity, pushing us up to mid or mid-high Chunin rank.

We have evidence, in the form of Temari's fight with Tayuya, that roughly Chunin-rank ninja can perform the summoning technique adequately. We probably won't be able to summon a taxi, at least not immediately, but we should be perfectly capable of summoning scouts and such even at this point.

Anyway, going to sit out building a plan this time, since we've already got a pretty strong set of bandwagons going and I doubt I'll be able to pull a victory at this point. Might do some fanart or an Omake later, instead- Seems like a more effective way of influencing Hisana's build than trying to gain support for my plans.
What intelligence would Sasuke and MC have that wasn't in any of the written documents of the clan (which Danzo would have totally gone tnrough)? Sasuke might have known something, even if that's a bit unkikely due to Itachi being there and Sasuke being very young, but MC would have known nothing unique.
Er I noted that Danzo could locate the cache if wished to do so? Still the fact that the cache is secure to his knowledge, and him already being in scalding water with the Hiruzen makes it plausible Danzo hasn't done so.
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Remember that I put 5xp from the fanart in chakra control, so I think it's actually 10 from training?
Ah, I had forgotten that. In that case, we probably got 5 XP in control from each Genjutsu and Iryojutsu, and 5XP in capacity from Ninjutsu.

That would probably be more balanced between those three.

Of course, I'm also not entirely sure what Control even does... Capacity has obvious effects on how many jutsu we can cast, but unless Control eventually lowers those costs, it's seeming like Capacity is overall superior to Control.

OTOH, physical stats (Strength and Speed) are included in the Taijutsu/Kenjutsu formulae provided in the character sheet, so we can see how they impact the use of given skills, and could plot out what to increase and where for the maximum benefit, if we were to take the time to calculate it out.
Of course, I'm also not entirely sure what Control even does... Capacity has obvious effects on how many jutsu we can cast, but unless Control eventually lowers those costs, it's seeming like Capacity is overall superior to Control.

Based off the manga, and Kakashi's descriptions of the tree-walking exercise etc., it should affect how easily we learn jutsu, the cost of jutsu, and our ability to maintain and use them under pressure and in combat, as well as some jutsu being impossible to learn without good control.
I see there's been a little controversy over a few things, so let me lay down some more info. Firstly, the mission you'd be purchasing would be a bodyguard one, because there's absolutely no way Hiruzen would let you out of the walls without at least a Jonin in tow. Of course, if you want to wait and hire your own team to do retrieve the scrolls for the Uchiha clan, then that's possible too. Secondly, each of the summons offers a path to senjutsu. Thirdly, all of the birds have rideable summons and boss summons.
I see there's been a little controversy over a few things, so let me lay down some more info. Firstly, the mission you'd be purchasing would be a bodyguard one, because there's absolutely no way Hiruzen would let you out of the walls without at least a Jonin in tow. Of course, if you want to wait and hire your own team to do retrieve the scrolls for the Uchiha clan, then that's possible too. Secondly, each of the summons offers a path to senjutsu. Thirdly, all of the birds have rideable summons and boss summons.
When you say 'a path to senjutsu' do you just mean 'they have sages', or does it include 'they have a way to help you not die learning it'?
When you say 'a path to senjutsu' do you just mean 'they have sages', or does it include 'they have a way to help you not die learning it'?
One doesn't really happen without the other.

Also, character sheet should be accurate now. You'll see that your chakra control is reducing jutsu cost and that the Mystical Palm really does need advanced chakra control.
One doesn't really happen without the other.

Also, character sheet should be accurate now. You'll see that your chakra control is reducing jutsu cost and that the Mystical Palm really does need advanced chakra control.
So I guess Ryuuchi Cave wouldn't really count as providing the path to senjutsu, given their approach is 'try to kill you with natural energy, then teach you if you survive'.
Of course, if you want to wait and hire your own team to do retrieve the scrolls for the Uchiha clan, then that's possible too. Secondly, each of the summons offers a path to senjutsu. Thirdly, all of the birds have rideable summons and boss summons.
Still gonna wait for a jounin-sensei.
A trustworthy jounin who has the seniority to keep the information to a limited circle, and who can proferr advice prior to our signing anything.
Also, character sheet should be accurate now. You'll see that your chakra control is reducing jutsu cost and that the Mystical Palm really does need advanced chakra control.
So that's what it does.

Still missing Shunshin on the character sheet:p
So I guess Ryuuchi Cave wouldn't really count as providing the path to senjutsu, given their approach is 'try to kill you with natural energy, then teach you if you survive'.
Ryuuchi cave they supposedly inject you with natural energy, and if you turn into a snake, you get et.
Supposedly at Shikkotsu Forest, Katsuyu simply swallows your ass and starts teaching you if you survive the digestive juices.

Who knows who taught Hashirama; dude may well have been self-taught.
So... given the stated boons of a summon contract, and the fact that gaining an excellent rapport with the summons is our key to sage mode...

Why isn't the winning plan including it, again?

Here, take this:

[x] Plan Get Summons, WIN FOREVER

[x] - Fuinjutsu:
-[x] - Try to create a basic chakra storage seal.

[x] - Ninjutsu
-[x] - Learn the Shadow Clone jutsu, then teach it to Naruto.
-[x] - Pay for a mission to retrieve a summoning scroll from an Uchiha weapons depot and sign it. The others will be retrieved but not signed.

[x] - Genjutsu
-[x] - Learn more Sharingan Genjutsu

[x] - Kenjutsu
-[x] - Learn techniques intended to counter ninja from a former Samurai.
-[x] - Try to integrate your Wind Release with your kenjutsu

I didn't include which summoning contract we should aim for in the plan intentionally. Splitting the "get summons" vote four ways seems like a bad idea to me - we can specify that once we're actually winning.​