This is one of the why my position for Viserys is and always has been for wringing him for all his worth. I really wanted Rhaenyra to find out in character so we can wring him even more.

I hope Orwyle have insight for Rhaenyra to put it together. Orwyle is a kinder and more reasonable person and in canon he prioritize helping smallfolk rather than running away resulting in his re-imprisonment and eventually execution when Unwin Peake reign.
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Curiously, rumors abound that your uncle was beginning to sulk. He had not taken to field on Caraxes for weeks now and some whispered he had been spending most of his time in his tent, brooding. This had apparently been occurring ever since Qoren sailed for King's Landing.

It could just be that the end of fighting had him bored and depressed. Your uncle was always the type to lose interest easily if he didn't have something to amuse himself with. But part of you couldn't help but wonder if this mood was caused by your possible marriage to Qoren, and if so, why?
I am thoroughly grateful.🙏 Daemon that was casually sidelined means lower chance he receive Lordship of Stepstones.

Now, we just need for Corlys to receive something from Stepstones to avoid him becoming more alienated from the Crown.
Qoren had mentioned Daemon threatening him or something, so i assumed he was going to invade Dorne after he finished in the Stepstones.
Funnily enough, mentioning something in vague terms so that the listener fills in the details themselves is a pretty basic manipulation tactic. My mind only went there because I read that update very soon after rereading Twilight Dragon, but really, we have no idea what Daemon actually said and can only imagine what depths of Daemon-ness that conversation could have plumbed :V

(I honestly think that he could be his violently insouciant self at Qoren just as a matter of course, without having any long-term plans to enact violence in that direction...)
how can Daemon make this about him? bc that's essentially what he always does.

maybe he tries to sabotage the negotiations? the only thing i can think of is an attempted poisoning with planted evidence of the perpetrator being one of the Dornish nobles, but that's way too obvious.
how can Daemon make this about him? bc that's essentially what he always does.

maybe he tries to sabotage the negotiations? the only thing i can think of is an attempted poisoning with planted evidence of the perpetrator being one of the Dornish nobles, but that's way too obvious.
Wellll. If Qoren and Viserys reach an agreement, he'll still have the entire coming Winter before the planned wedding, unless the delay shrinks in the course of negotiations. He has no shot whatsoever of seducing Warrior!Rhaenyra, but there can very well be things he can do to mess with her, Qoren, or both.
Now, wouldn't it be funny if Helaena got inspired by Rhaeynra and attempted to be Dragon Knight 2.0? Imagine the faces of most of the nobility.
I'm really hoping we can bond with her over her unusual height when she grows up a little.
After all, Rhaenyra knows what it's like to not be a petite lady any man could look down at, for better and worse.
If people mock Helaena for being of unladylike stature, she'll always have the example of an utterly self-confident big sister to turn to; if they expect her to follow in our footsteps, we could counsel her about following her own dreams and being true to herself regardless of what anyone else says. (If we take the actions to interact with her, and even more so if Johanna doesn't find out about Alicent and bar access to her daughters too soon.)

Aelora though, uh. Rhaenyra would have to get over her fear-induced prejudice first.

Helaena the Long Knight?

(Because dragons are called longs in Yi Ti, and because she is very tall).
This is brilliant and I hate you.
[X] Plan Doctor Visit and Girl Talks

Now, wouldn't it be funny if Helaena got inspired by Rhaeynra and attempted to be Dragon Knight 2.0? Imagine the faces of most of the nobility.
if she does become interested in martial pursuits, perhaps she can be our Squire 😁
too early to tell, of course, but i do think pursuing the whole squire thing is worthwhile. i need to check and see who is in the right age range for that.
if she does become interested in martial pursuits, perhaps she can be our Squire 😁
too early to tell, of course, but i do think pursuing the whole squire thing is worthwhile. i need to check and see who is in the right age range for that.
Now I'm really wondering how being our squire would be seen for anyone, reputation-wise. On the one hand, we're a woman. On the other hand, we're the heir to the Realm and the (in)famous Dragon Knight who unhorsed four men in a row at 16. Just what kind of expectations and pressure would be put on anyone who squires under us?
[X] Plan: Very Important Conversations
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Alicent Hightower
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Gwayne and Alicent
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Maester Orwyle
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Ser Raylon Tarly
-[X] [Action] Train
--[X] Challenge to a Duel:
—[X] [Duel] One of the Dornish Nobles
-[X] [Action] Fly to Harrenhal
i think you said you havent watched the show so

heres a eh-ish quality clip of aemma show death, for context, right before this mellos comes up the viserys, informs him the baelons in breech/stuck, and that if something isent done aemma and bealon will both die- before suggesting and convincing viserys to attempt the c-section seen in the clip, at the cost of aemmas life. note, neither mellos or viserys think to try and save aemma instead of baelon, nor do they ask her which she would like to pursue- hell they dont even tell her there about to perform a operation thats gonna kill her, they just hold her down ands start doing it, as you can see wiht how aemma reacts.

of course it all ends of being for naught, they kill aemma getting baelon out and then baelon dies a day later, thus making all it all worthless and leaving viserys with the guilt of having killed his wife for no reason- its part of the reasons he is so frim on rhae being heir, both here and the show.

If I rememeber correctly it's established that saving Aemma simply is not possible. The choice was between both them dying or maybe saving Baelon at the cost of doing something horrific to Aemma. Which is part of why Viserys is consumed with guilt, he blames himself for Aemma's death and he blames himself for how horrific her last moments were. He is entirely correct in blaming himself admittedly but he's also basically killing himself with this huge knot of guilt inside of him.
In terms of Squires, I certainly would like to get one unrelated to the family at some point, though I do think having our inevitable brother squire under us wouldn't be a bad play.
[X] Plan Doctor Visit and Girl Talks
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Alicent Hightower
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Ser Raylon Tarly

-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Maester Orwyle
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Laena Velaryon
-[X] [Action] Train

--[X] Challenge to a Duel: Raylon has suggested dueling others as a way of sharpening yourself against new blades. Have others find flaws in you that he has missed (Pick One)
---[X] [Duel] One of the Dornish Nobles
-[X] [Action] Train with Syrax