maybe we can do an in-depth study action on the history between Dorne and the Reach or Stormlands? we're in ap hell but we can dig deeper if we try😅
it might give Rhaenyra some assistance with understanding and contributing her opinion to the ongoing negotiations, or make diplomatic overtures more feasible in the future.

she likes reading history too, so it might double as a relax action.
The Reach is fractured, in the sense that the Tyrell vassals are always on the periphery waiting and ready for the Tyrells to fumble the ball so they can chomp away at their authority. There are a lot of levers we can pull in 5e mean time to make sure that they stay in line, and if they don't, well I'm sure a Gardener descended house would love to have the opportunity to become the new lords of the Reach as long as they support the right person.

The Stormlands aren't particularly scary either, to be perfectly honest, in the sense that the 7 kingdoms are not built the same, and they're definitely on the weaker end of the spectrum, and again, we can always try and pull some levers when it comes to the Baratheon vassals.

We've got many, many opportunities, we just need to look for them, and use them accordingly.
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It seems a good time to review our current network of influence and how we acquired it to decide how we can increase it.
Current Influence:
-Jeyne Arryn of Eyrie (Our Kin from mother side, defended her claim against usurper)
-House Redfort (Jeyne Arryn, gold cloak position)
-Isembard Arryn of Gultown (Trade venture)
-Rhea Royce (Affection, freeing her from Daemon)
-House Manderly (beating Unwin Peake)
-Lyonel Strong (Dutiful Loyalty)

I listed them based on our perceived personal ability to influence their decision making. This is why I don't put Stark in as we've only their general respect while Manderly are partial enough to recommend our knighthood to the King.

These are not a network yet as most actor are only independently connected to us and not each other. I think in increasing our influence we can focus on two approach that are interconnected. Expanding member of our network and Intensifying the benefit of the network connection or power of the member. Both increase the power and influence of the network therefore increasing the allure and awe of Rhaenyra's side.

*Edited some typo
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Really, for ships on the eastern side, we should rely on Gulltown and House Manderly, if we can. For the western side, either we get Houses Redwyne and Hightower, or well, Dalton will take care of it. Since his only objective is to be able to raid the Westerlands, he will automatically be on any side opposed to the Westerlands, no further doing necessary or even possible.

Though all those considerations, miss a crucial point, namely how much armies and fleets will even be worth. Against dragons, the answer is zero, as the 4th Dornish War and the Field of Fire have shown. Of course a dragon can't be everywhere, but ultimately, if a side were to have a dragon monopoly it would win even if all of Westeros is arrayed against it, as Aegon showed.
Also, while a lot of Reach and Stormlands houses hate the Dornish, I'm willing to bet there's some who trade with or have even married into Dorne. We can get them on our side, especially if we can incorporate Dorne into the realm.

We just have to be careful in how we approach those particular lords.
Also, while a lot of Reach and Stormlands houses hate the Dornish, I'm willing to bet there's some who trade with or have even married into Dorne. We can get them on our side, especially if we can incorporate Dorne into the realm.

We just have to be careful in how we approach those particular lords.
Sounds like a good research action at the next opportunity, along with potential Dorne alliances and legalistic research for how best to deal with integrating Dorne into the realm (and further shoring up our relationship with Lord Strong and positioning ourselves to be the next Master of Laws). We know very little about Dorne, and it's important to understand a lot while we're negotiating to marry their ruling Prince.
Though all those considerations, miss a crucial point, namely how much armies and fleets will even be worth. Against dragons, the answer is zero, as the 4th Dornish War and the Field of Fire have shown. Of course a dragon can't be everywhere, but ultimately, if a side were to have a dragon monopoly it would win even if all of Westeros is arrayed against it, as Aegon showed.
This is a great point and why I prefer foremost Laenor (+stress=trueborn children) marriage because the how we can have greatest dragon front is to have Velaryon on our side. With Qoren marriage we need to analyze each member of the main Velaryon to appeal to them personally and undermine Corlys ambition.

She want to ride Vhagar and have freedom.
He want to grill, ride Seasmoke, and be gay.
Her foremost desire, after the Great council, is her family happy.
He want glory, wealth, and for the Seven Kingdom to be Rhaenys simp like him. He didn't really rank his children personal happiness highly as we can see in his Bravoos betrothal blunder.

With Dornish unification and Qoren marriage fortunately there are possibility to appeal to Laena and Laenor sensibility with Dornish match. With Qoren in the same boat as Rhaenyra and his currently ruling power, he can advance match that appeal to Laena and Laenor personality bringing the main Velaryon dragon front to the Loyalist-Dornish side.

Securing Laena and Laenor will lock in Rhaenys for our side and therefore the bulk of the dragon front. The leftover is only Daemon, our locked in enemy since chargen, and future TargTerling, whom we can slowly accept as our sibling.

This is where I think next turn should contain some Velaryon-Dornish action. May be inviting Laena, Qoren, into our Dragonstone visit with Alicent or learn more about Dornish.
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It didn't happen in Canon because the Dornish were not involved in Dance in Canon. If there is one thing that all Reachermen can agree on it is being Anti-Dornish.

I'm going to Press X to Doubt there. No I dont think Arys Oakheart is really meant to be representative anymore than Oberyn and Willas' friendship is a sign everything is now hunky dory.

I imagine there's actually a lot of trade and cultural exchange, same way "vikings" were a relatively small portion of general Norse/whoever interactions. Oldtown and Lannisport are on the West Coast of Westeros. As far as anyone knows, there is literally nothing to the west of the continent. Everything comes from Essos pretty much. I cannot see anyway that makes sense for those two to be the giant Metropolitan trade hubs they are in Canon that doesn't involve an intermediate stopover, and thus physical interactions with Dorne.
I don't think we should be acting doomer about this marriage. I'm mostly into it because I want a loving husband for Us and he has some other qualities. Outside of interpersonal benefits this marriage CAN offer many additional opportunities and positives, much like it has its disadvantages.

However, the marriage isn't locked in, and there are negotiations that could get contentious and allow us to back away, ideally amicably but you never know for sure with these matters. There was overwhelming support for at least proceeding with the negotiations. Let us respect at least looking more into this marriage.

From my analysis of our electorate we're probably looking at either Qoren now, or Gwayne as the back-up should negotiations be unacceptable. The Harwin (My preference) faction is low in number and most of the idea around it is just a similar form of a Qoren relationship and his dad not being super into has taken some winds out of other's sails.

The Laenor faction is sizable and vocal, but also seems to have probably significant antagonists for that match despite some of its power based qualities. Mostly stemming from trueborn heir problems and some just against the canonical match repeat.

Gwayne in general has been many players secondary option, and a fair number's first choice. His recent attempt was taken quite mixed but it remains a prudent choice, though if Alicent turns out to be eked out by it probably dies in the water (though that is all the options but could potentially be more likely here than elsewhere).
I think the marcher threat may be being overstated. Just over 100 years back there were border lords and raids all throughout Westeros. Valemen raided the Eastern Riverlands, Lannister and Gardner men clashed in the west, and Northerners doubtlessly raided south when winters were tough or men got a taste for plunder. There were also territorial conflicts with the Riverlands being constantly invaded, Starks & Aryns trading The Sisters every other generation, and what would become the Crownlands being a thunderdome of Clawmen, Stormlanders, and Riverlanders. Yet Aegon ruled long and peacefully and the old marchers of these kingdoms settled into more standard vassalage contracts remarkably quickly. Aegon I seems to have set a successful precedent for dealing with millenia of disputes between the kingdoms and marcher lords in a generation, we just need to find and apply the relevant precedent to the situation between the Stormlands, the Reach, and Dorne.

Beyond that Tyrell especially is vulnerable if they oppose us. They have only been more than stewards for a century and that position is backed by Targaryen approval. If they lose the approval of the crown there are houses with far grander histories and with just as good blood claims to the Gardener legacy that they could be replaced with, foremost among them our allies the Hightowers'. A split of Tyrell & bitter marchers vs Hightower and other loyal Reach lords should be relatively easy to push if the worst comes and would nullify the threat of the Reach, especially if we promise traitor lands to loyalist houses and knights.
Well, then we would have lots of trials by combat to organize.

Difficult to do, but cheaper than a war.

And if they think its a bad idea, we can just shame them for begin cowards.

The Stormlanders are a lost cause at this point. We might be able to salvage something in the Reach if we can bring Tarly and Otto onside, but it will take a determined effort and no small amount of luck.

Whatever happens, we have got
A big fuck-off dragon, and they have not
We do not have an alliance with the Hightowers. We don't even have an alliance with Otto's secondary branch of the family; we've never even met Ormond.

Fair point, still our connections to the family could be leveraged into a proper alliance relatively easily though with the favours our father and ourselves have granted to the house over the years. Also if the Tyrells alienate us and we put the Lord Paramouncy on the table there is little that most major Reach houses with the prestige, blood, and resources wouldn't do for us to seize that position.

Tyrell rule is the least established in all the Lord Paramouncies. The Starks, The Lannisters, The Greyjoy, and for most purposes the Baratheons all claim direct descent from legendary Age of Gods founders of their old Kingdoms. The Arryns were Kings of the Vale for roughly 3000 years, and major lords in Andalos for time immemorial before , whilst the Tullys were major lords for millenia before even the Andal Invasion, if not kings until the conquest. Until the Andal Invasion the Tyrells were a mere knightly house, and although they held a powerful hereditary stewardship therafter, they did not seem to acquire much land or personal power outside of that which they administered for the Gardeners. Compare this to House Hightower who ruled as kings before the founding of even the Stark dynasty, if certain legends are to be believed. There are many houses in the Reach with similarly storied histories who would jump at the chance to seize a bit of the Tyrell's pie should they lose royal approval, and that is something that can be subtly threatened if the Tyrells move against us. Even the mere threat of royal apathy towards unruly vassals is a powerful weapon against the Tyrells at this early stage in their rule as sole rulers of the Reach.
We can put them to work reconquering the Rhoyne valley.

That might actually work. We could do this as well as something similar in Old Andalos.

In fact, seeing as Viserys still lives, we can use him to strong arm the faith not just to sign off on it, but to force a situation where the initial casus belli comes just as much from them as from us

Basically forcing them to call for a Crusade. Maybe not to recapture a holy city like in our world, but to defend our vaguely defined kinsman from before the crossing fromthe yoke of slavery.

Imagen the picture being painted here, Andals and the Rhoyan, side by side, united in faith and blood, returning from the land they once left, to free these they once had to leave behind from their bondage., but we're before they had to flee from the dragon lords of Valyria, now one of them is leading the charge.

I mean it would have a whole host of compounding benefits.


We'd free people from slavery.

Slavery is wrong and evil, fighting it is the right thing to do.


This Holy War, by being both Holy (religiously sanctioned) and a War (official government policy) would make everyone who speaks about against the it, and subjects nessecary for it, both a traitor, condemned from the top down, by the king, their highest liege lord, and a heretic, feeling pressure from the bottom up by from their own smallfolk, because speaking out against it would mean opposing both a royal and divine mandate.

(This of course doesn't apply to regions that don't follow the new gods, but luckily for us, this is basically just the North and the Iron Isles, with which we both have a chill relationship with right now)

This would be really helpful, especially now after we were just knighted and started a political courtship as controversial as this one. Two-pronged Censorship during the next few years might be a game changer, because it would mean during the most critical moment necessary for discontent against all flip over to talk of rebellion, any such talk gets suppressed from both the top down (the kink) and the bottom up (the religious smallfolk), making any kind of large scale coordination for the opposing nobility basically impossible, while making sure that our reputation in the eyes of the small folk doesn't become a negative.

Both of these could still happen at a latter date, but conspiracies take a lot of time to coordinate, so any delay is vital and no matter how interested the smallfolk is in royal drama, being a doomer about the princesses Dornish husband and how he'll corrupt the Princess just doesn't feel the same 10 years after the fact.

Not to mention that in comparison to canon, the now the crown has an actual mechanism to force people to shut up, that can be used with some degrees of finesse and political acumen. Even Viserys as a generally popular King couldn't go around cutting out the tongues of notable Nobles without concrete proof and they knew it. He also couldn't really force every single one of his vassals to investigate if some village is insulting his daughter.

But if there was an actual war that involved the whole Kingdom (or at the very least the ones following the Faith, but again, that's the one we want)?

It's very easy for him to hand out unofficial punishments to certain people that expresy discontent, like, even if he doesn't have any concrete proof. He could just be like:

"Lord XYZ, whispers say that you have expressed doubts about the ongoing conflict and my daughter's role in it. To accuse you of both treason and heresy, what terrible rumours. I, of course, know that you are a loyal vassal and would never think something so horrible, but I'm starting to worry that I'm just 'a weak king with a woman's heart', so I feel like I have to be stricter with my vassals. How about you lay my worries to rest by sending another 300 soldiers and maybe one of your nephews to support the Andalos front under my father's command. I'm sure this will also put the rumors to rest, though I admit I sometimes simply 'don't know what is proper' so if this show of support doesn't cause them to quiet down, maybe another shipment will"

There is actually a certain beauty to this, when you look at it from a political perspective and compare it with a normal order of censorship.

You see, seven kingdoms are a feudal state and the very first "clause" of the feudal contract between a king and his vassals, no matter which contract specific interpretation we're talking about has to be: "I am given X amount of land and people to manage, and Y rights and privileges, so that I can raise and feed Z amount of soldiers to my Lord when he needs them"

So if they fail to respond to this punishment, it doesn't cost him any kind of reputation or political capital to further pursue the offending lord, because while getting more and more involved in the way your vassals handle their land and the people on it, might be an overreach that has to be carefully considered each time, if they do not provide you the soldiers you asked for to help you in fighting legitimate, just and national war, I would argue that in the context of a feudal contract that would give him the right to genuinely just kill them.

Probably give them a second chance and then a trial beforehand, but if it comes down to it, giving them a single follow up notice that only the reason further fail in their duty as vassals is because they are planning an rebellion against the crown and then just sending a dragon rider to burn them if they do not respond is, under the agreement these two parties operate under, a acceptable thing to do.

That is treason to such an unquestionable degree that nobody could speak out against it, not just because it's his right as their king to act this way, but because in speaking out against his action would mean speaking out against the system of feudalism itself and this would erode their own powerbase disproportionately more than Viserys, maybe it would hurt a few less than others, the Lannisters would loose more power than the Sea Snake would, but all would lose more than they'd gain.


We'd free people from slavery.

Slavery is fundamentally wrong and unquestionably evil, fighting it is the right thing to do.


Westeros is a martial culture. So not only would such a war be fought by people who you want to keep busy, it will also be made up of the seven kingdoms future lords, allowing a really once in a lifetime opportunity to network with the people Rhaenyra will have to convince to swear fealty to her if she want to actually rule, during a time where their minds are still changeable and in a environment that would allow drastic changes in attitude. While we probably will never convince someone like Unwin Peake to support us, I do think that someone like Borys Baratheon could change his mind if we fought side by side with him and made him respect us as a genuine warrior.

That isn't only true on an individual level, but also on a general level, the soldiers who fought with the Dragonknight, learned to fear and respect her, as well as the sons their raised, will be a lot less eager to join their lord in rebellion.

The same is probably also true with the Dornish. If we play our cards right and are successful in both matters of trade and military cooperation, this might actually start a similar cultural shift on the relationship between the Kingdoms under the Iron Throne (specifically the Stormlands) and Dorne as the World Wars helped bring about between Britain and France. Maybe they will still dislike each other, but this dislike wouldn't be a burning hatred, but a intense rivalry framed by mutual respect. They'd still think the other side as Brutes/Snakes, but maybe they could sometimes see them as their Brutes/Snakes.


We'd free people from slavery.

Slavery is at it's very core wrong and with out a doubt evil, fighting it is the right thing to do.


Ok so for this next point I do have to give the smallest glimpse into my thought process. I genuinely think that the singular act of Rhaenyra becoming a knight would be enough to win her the throne if the debate around her status as Heir was genuinely about law and tradition.

By becoming a Knight we (well our father, but still) have forced the High Septon into doing one of two things.

Either he:

(A) Abolished one of the unseparably interwoven attributes of one of the four cornerstone identities of the institution that is the faith of the seven (Septons, Knights, Septas and Silent Sisters), an attribute (being one and not the other of a two gender binary), that with following the High Septon and following the will of the New Gods, makes up the only three completely shared attributes that these roles have

Or (B) he took the by this point already well established 'Doctrine of Exceptionalism' that already allows the House of the Dragon to break certain important cultural norms, like the taboo on incest, with the justification that they, as Dragon Riders, essentially play by different rules (in this case do not suffer the biological consequences of incest) and expanded it to also say, essentially, the default gender of a Targeryean isn't [Male] or [Female], but [Dragon-Rider].

I'm quite certain that he took option (B), because taking option (A) would be suicide. I don't mean political suicide, I mean that the type of decision that gets even a literal miracle worker hacked to pieces in some dark alley.

So he probably went with option (B), right? It's the better play, both in the short term, because you don't have to start immediately reforming a pillar of your legitimacy in a way that spreads doubts on all of your traditions, and in the long-term, because you'd only have to wait until Viserys falls over, say that he forced you into knighting her, through force of arms, against the will of the gods and not only can you take back a concession you made, you can probably get some type of benefit as a quid-pro-quo to whoever you just helped.

So taking option (B) makes perfect sense from his perspective.


For us to become the King of the Seven Kingdoms, as in the person that actually rules, we should want option (B), an extension of the 'Doctrine of Exceptionalism', more than anything.

Because the fact of the matter is, that this one act makes a older Dragon-Rider (daughter) inheriting before a younger Dragon-Rider (son), theologically speaking, perfectly reasonable and in the medieval legal world, those don't as much go hand in hand, as their the same person holding their own hand in an effort to fake having a girlfriend.

Ok, sure, it's not quite that easy, we'd probably need something else as well, some type of precedent that would directly concern the relationship between not just a younger dragon riding brother and an older dragon riding sister, but, because this is all happening in the context of a marriage with the Prince of Dorne, a president that would simultaneously be relevant for a marriage between two equal rulers and ideally would even be connected to Targeryean Incest, seeing as this is the origin of this argument.

Now if only there were a Dragon-Riding, Martially-inclined, in Westeros relevant, Targaryen who married her younger brother and rules not as his lesser but as his equal …

Idk, I'll probably have to reread the first chapter of this quest.

But DeleteWolf, you absolutely handsome devil that you are, you forgot to respond to the very frequently in the quest mentioned and even in your own argument touched upon possibility of the High Septon just saying "Nuh, uh?". While I really respect and 100% agree with every point you have made in regards to the theoretically possible theological and legal underpinnings of Rhaenyra's ascension, wouldn't you agree that the power political self-interest of the Faith of the Seven override any interest in consistency with previous rulings that would now be disadvantageous to hold onto out of principle?

Also, while I'm sure that you have plenty of logical reasons to have done so, I am still left wondering how the nuances of Rhaenyra's Knighthood are relevant to starting a Holy War in Essos.

Ok, fair, let me condense my thought process down a bit.

There are two things that keep us from becoming the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, people who don't want us, a women, sitting on the Iron Throne and people who want someone else sitting on the Iron Throne. While it's valid to see these as just expressions of the same problem, I think it's better to divide them in two here.

While I think that one on one, the first (systemic misogyny), is the lesser of the two, if you divide the second part into its various claimants (Johanna's future Son, Daemon, the Sea Snakes future Grandson, various independence movements), them the problem of systemic misogyny actually has the plurality here.

And if I'm correct, then the Faith of the Seven might have just already given us the golden bullet to actually kill that beast.

Even then, so what right? Words are like wind, we'll probably just lose our knighthood the moment dear old dad dies, right?

Well, yes. That is indeed what would happen if he died in the next chapter.

But what if we did something with this knighthood before that? What if we didn't simply rest on our laurels and go even further that a few more tourneys? What if we fought a war and became an actual Knight in comparison to the often joked about summer Knights?

If we were to form the political and martial vanguard of the literal Westerosi ideal of a 'Just War' and distinguished us by doing the things we swore we would do, right after our ascension to knighthood that might just be story book worthy, seeing as we were the quasi-squire of knight of the Kingsguard, entered and won a major tournament as a Mysterious Knight and we're then Knighted by the High Septon and the King, … we'll that would certainly make it a lot more controversial to nullify this anointment more than a decade after the fact.

Not to mention that this would bind the Holy Faith's interest directly to our continuous legitimacy, because we'd make our identity as a Paragon of Knightly Values, as well as our Marriage of Equals with Dorne, the inciting incident behind this Holy War, meaning that any gain in social capital aka soft power, any type of material donations, any type of inheritance from a heirless lord and any type of new convert, especially amongst the new territories, would be contingent on status as a Knight of the Seven and therefore on also on our status as the legitimate heir to the iron throne.

We would probably still have to fight against a rebellion, but that would be exactly this and while ideally the Faith would support our claim and use it's already considerable, and now even further strengthened, soft power to help us in this scenario, weakening our enemies by having them deal with internal dissent at every level, even if the High Septon and the general leadership of the faith would speak out against us and our claim, this would then only mean that there would be a religious civil war happening in tangent to the regular one and this alone would open up lots of new venues through which we could first wage war and then afterwards reform whatever is left standing afterwards (assuming we manage to get this far)


We'd free people from slavery.

Slavery is such an absolute opposite of what is good that you quickly realise that all that is good opposes slavery and all that opposes slavery is good, because in truth these are both the same thing and it is in such a way evil at a certain point you come to realise that all questions of this fact stem from a insufficient understanding of slavery, fighting it is the right thing to do.

Actually, thinking about it, I don't know if it's been discussed before in this thread, but I do think we'll have to do at the very least something to get the faith on our side, because by insisting that we become a knight we've kind of forced their hand in a way that it is now no longer possible for them to remain a neutral third party, either we a can be a knight and therefore are a knight, so we can be King and will be King as well, or we won't be King , because we can't be King and therefore are also not a knight and we never could have actually been a knight

Not that I necessarily think this is bad, what this threat has grasped, either after some argument or instinctively, I really can't remember, is that we do not have the luxury of compromise. I think Viserys never quite got that, but it's not so much that we aren't interesting in following convention, we genuinely can't do it, because our mere existence breaks all previous conventions, funnily enough, after the last vote twice over, actually.

Every convention that we break now, every bit of controversy that we stirrup today, means that there will be just a bit less outrage when "it" happens

Rhaenyra has to say: "I am who I am, deal with it" with every breath she takes, not because she is some rebellious child, but because she has to start setting expectations as soon as possible, because even as the picture perfect Lady, her very existence would still be controversial, as a Women, as someone above houses like the Lannisters, as some married to the Prince of Dorne and as a Targaryen, so she'd rather deal with it one convention at a time, instead of all at once, after "it" happens.

I do want to note, is can be to things and both would be essentially mean nothing less than either her social or physical death, one is the obvious, her father dying, but the other possible thing is her relationship with Alicent becoming public knowledge.

So yeah. We forced the Faith into a binary choice here, but that's fine, this is the thread that looked at the world and Situation Rhaenyra Targaryen lives in and decided they wanted to play a Queer Female Knight.

We were always going to play on nightmare difficulty, so we simply have to keep on escalating and hope that we manage to ascent fast enough, that when Dragons start to Dance, we'll have build enough of a legend that thinks like sex, gender and sexuality seem to small to matter in comparison.

If you count the arguments that I've made in this way to long of a comment, you'll probably have noticed how the amount of words used is unequally divided, but that's not really my fault. I do think that the argument "it's the right thing to do" deserves to be given more weight than all the intricate justifications I could come up with, no matter it's length, because I believe that there things in this world that are simple right and some that are not and these often get ignored because they are quite simple ideas.

And while I think "Slavery is wrong" is one that I've tried to express here, I also want to take this chance to express the other one I've touched on here, that I feel like is intrinsically connected to the first (but I'm not getting into this, I've started this comment 5 hours ago) "It's never wrong to be yourself".

So even if the world she lives in will probably never fully accept who Rhaenyra "the Dragonknight" Targaryen is, I don't think that means that she is wrong in being who she is, her dignity and right to self-determination should need justification beyond her existence as a living and breathing being, but if it has to, if the only way for our Dragonknight to be her authentic self and find actual happiness is for us to pull all the stops, throw everything but the kitchen sink to see what sticks, escalate to such a degree that Taylor Herbert would blush and then go back and throw the kitchen sink as well, …

If a chance at happiness means she has to become the first ever female Knight, the first female member of the Small Council, the Hand of the King, if she have to marry the Prince of Dorne, become best friends with Otto Hightower, expand the Kings Road to cover the whole realm,throw the biggest tourney in the History of Westeros and win it personally, lead a successful Crusade in Essos, personally get rid of all bandits and pirates in all the Seven Kingdoms, lead an expedition beyond the Wall and kill the Night King with her bare hands, travel to the ruins of Old Valyria and personally wrestle the Drowned God underwater or even get on speaking terms Daemon Targaryen …

… then fuck it. Let's get ready to rumble, my friends.

I mean, it's the right thing to do, isn't it?

When all is said and done, what other reason is truly necessary?
While it is very long I got your argument. Question though. How Bravoos and First Men anti-slavery fit into your argument here? As Bravoos is the premier anti-slavery power in the continent and neglecting them may seems to be too blatant a power grab. And putting too strong on the Seven faith may alienate our First Men vassal.
And yet, we are not seeking to tie the House Velaryon (who control a lot of Dragons) to us.
Speak for yourself if you don't want to tie House Velaryon, marrying Laenor or not. We still haven't cut off from House Velaryon yet. We haven't even started to interact with Laena and Laenor. Wonder what opportunity they may present.

Even if Daemon marry Laena we still have opportunity. We can crash their marriage just by bringing Rhea to the wedding banquet. Until the dragon Dance, the opportunity still exist. Even then in midst of bloodshed, chance for overture will not be zero.
Well, this is a good read so far.

No, I definitely didn't binge this over the last week.
Now, besides dropping in to say hello (which, by the way, Hi Spirit, long time no see since TNO), I wanted to throw my two cents in.

The Reach is, as far as I can tell, just really, really massive. And as others have pointed out, the Tyrells aren't exactly the most legitimate.

I'd like to expand on this.

I don't like describing entire countries or in this case Kingdoms, with "hats." It oversimplifies things and reduces people to stereotypes.

But if the Reachmen have a "hat," it is not hating the Dornish. If anything, their "hat" is being ambitious backstabbers.

It will take work, but there will be people who would join us if it meant furthering those ambitions. Some'll want to settle old scores, while others just want more land and money.

Finding them and exploiting their wants is important. If for no other reason than it would force any hypothetical enemies to divert troops.

80k is a lot, but it becomes 60k if only a quarter were to side with us. And that 60k quickly becomes 20k if our allies or the Dornish start wreaking havoc in their lands and our enemies have to divert troops.

After all, The Reach is a very big place, and you'll need plenty of men to defend it.
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That's also not even getting into the fact that those numbers are maximum possible armies which are almost never actually going to be raised due to any number of factors. Hell just needing to get the army ready fast could cut it down by as much as a quarter of its maximum capacity. Coupled with backline guard duty, enemy action, and people siding with us, even if the Reach is 100% anti-Rhaenyra it's not going to be able to field 80,000 men on the field of battle.

Also, that number comes from almost two hundred years in the future, I'm 90% sure they'd have less men during this time period unless their population didn't grow at all for two hundred years.
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Also, that number comes from almost two hundred years in the future, I'm 90% sure they'd have less men during this time period unless their population didn't grow at all for two hundred years.
Based on what numbers Fire and Blood gives us you're absolutely correct. Compared to the War of the Five Kings armies during the Dance were absolutely tiny. The enormous Hightower lead Reacher army that caused widespread panic in King's Landing? 20,000 men on the high end, most likely less fewer.
Interlude: Opening Requests New

Interlude: Opening Requests

To your own surprise and the shock of most watching, you found it unexpectedly easy to accept Qoren's hand. Maybe it was his easy charm that convinced you. Maybe it was his acceptance of Alicent that made this so easy. Or maybe it was simply the fact you knew you could refuse later on that made you even willing to consider this in the first place.

You still found your stomach twisting in knots as you held his warm, smooth hand. If this all went through, you would be committing yourself to a life with a man you barely knew. To have children with him and raise two of them to be heirs. It would complicate everything, from your day to day life, to your relationship with Alicent. You weren't ready for that, and your biggest hope now was that you would be given enough time to somehow make yourself ready.

It would also enrage so many lords, but honestly, that just made Qoren more appealing to you. You still bristled at what Princess Rhaenys had said, enraged at the idea the lords could dictate your succession and that you should be prepared to accept being pushed aside because 'that is the order of things'.

With Qoren, you could accomplish what the older and every lord of Westeros could only dream of, bringing Dorne into the fold at long last.

Relationship With Prince Qoren Martell Established
Relationship Status: Cordial

Relationship with Ser Raylon Tarly has Degraded

Later that day you found yourself unsurprisingly talking about the matter with your father. The King seemed quite pleased that you had accepted his offer as he poured both of you a glass of wine in celebration.

"I must confess, Rhaenyra," he said as he took a sip. "I did not expect you to respond so positively to that letter, let alone accept his offer."

"The Prince proved quite charming, I must confess," you admitted.

"Yes he was quite affable in our meetings together as well," your father agreed.

Your father gazed out the windows of his apartment.

"If everything goes right, this could be a defining moment," the king declared. "For both of us. This marriage could bring not only Dorne into the fold, but secure our hold over the Stepstones as well. It will be the greatest expansion of Targaryen power since the Conquest itself."

That did have a definite appeal to it, to be seen as a key part of bringing Dorne into the fold at long last before you were even queen. Though it was irksome that it would be purely because of your marriage.

"Let's hope we can get Prince Qoren to agree to reasonable terms," you remarked. "This can't work if the Dornish expect us to give them everything and give us nothing in return."

"Of course," your father nodded. "I suspect negotiations with the Prince will be quite long and quite frustrating. There is much to discuss, from matters of the Stepstones to simple living arrangements."

You inhaled sharply through your teeth at his words. Thankfully this went unnoticed. You knew this was how things were run. You may have been of marrying age, yet Viserys was not only your father, but also the head of the family. The terms of a betrothal, particularly one as important as this, had to be decided upon by those in charge of the family. Had Qoren's mother still been alive, you have no doubt your father would be talking terms with her instead.

It didn't mean you had to like it, to have something so important to your life dictated by others.

"Father, I have a question," your tone grew serious. "If I don't like the terms you and Prince Qoren reach, I still have the right to refuse?"

You weren't ready to marry. You might be ready in time, but the only way that was going to happen was if this marriage happened on terms you could stomach.

Your father looked at you for a long moment before nodding with a smile on his face.

"Yes of course, dear girl," he assured you. "You were far more proactive on the matter of marriage then I feared and as I said, I believe it's important you find a good king consort. I do not wish to hamper your future reign by forcing you into a marriage you would despise."

That was a relief at least. The knowledge you could just walk away if needs be was the main reason you were able to agree to this in the first place.

"Actually, on that matter," your father stood up, grabbing a thing of parchment and a quill and ink from his desk. Placing it on the table in front of you carefully, he winced slightly from the pressure on his wounded hand. "The prince and I are set to begin negotiations tomorrow. If you were to give me some requests on the conditions of your betrothal, they might give us a good starting point."

"Really?" your eyes went wide in surprise.

"Don't try and dictate the entire agreement," your father quickly cautioned, "that would not help anything. And I can't promise all or even any of your terms, but I think it would be better if at least had an understanding of your wants. That way I can return an agreement you find most acceptable."

"Thank you, father," you said quickly as your attention turned to blank parchment.

You had so many thoughts on this, from what name your children would inherit to matters in the Stepstones. But you had to be careful. You knew if you made too many demands it would just annoy your father and likely lead to many requests being ignored. You also realized that some matters were definitely going to be of greater importance than others. Requesting a longer betrothal period would be way less of a request than demanding all your kids carry the Targaryen name. The larger the requests you made, the more Qoren might demand in return.

As you put the quill to ink, you thought carefully about what you were going to write and what was most important to you.

What Are Your Requests? (Pick As Many As You Like But note that higher amounts run the risk of annoying Viserys)

[] Request the wedding be held on Dragonstone. (This is a Minor Request)

[] Request the right to wear armor at your wedding. (This is a Minor Request)

[] Delay the actual wedding.
-[] One year. (This is a Minor Request)
-[] Until the beginning of spring. (This is a Moderate Request)

[] Ask for a voice on Stepstone matters. (This is a Moderate Request)

[] Ask that all of your children be allowed to claim dragons or given dragon eggs. (This is a Minor Request)

[] Ask that only your heir be allowed to claim a dragon. (This is a Major Request)

[] Request Qoren to join you on your remaining royal progress. (This is a Minor Request)

[] Request that all your children have the Name Targaryen, with Qoren's heir taking the Martell name upon succession. (This is a Moderate Request)

[] Request absolute cognatic inheritance of both titles to be spelled out in the agreement. The firstborn inherits the Iron Throne, the secondborn Dorne, regardless of gender. (This is a Moderate Request)

[] Request control over where all your kids, save Qoren's heir, are raised. (This is a Major Request)

[] Ask for a dragon pit to be built in Sunspear. (This is a Moderate Request)

[] Write-in (Subject to QM Approval, This can be taken Several Times)

Vote By Plan

Six Hour Mortarium

QM's Note: So, to be very clear, this is not ensuring these conditions will show up in agreement. Fundmentally what goes on between Qoren and Viserys is outside of Rhaenyra's control. This more about making sure Viserys understands what you want going in. You will have several chances this coming turn to see what terms they have worked out and voice an opinion or withdraw there. But again, Rhaenyra can only influence the agreement, not control it. With the Stepstones being an exception if you choose to get involved in that. There's no firm limit on how many requests will annoy Viserys since it's mainly vibes. I'll tell you if a plan runs the risk of annoying him.
OK, for me these are the essential parts of the agreement... Which are all either minor or moderate, so I don't think it would be too troublesome to have them all...

[] Ask that all of your children be allowed to claim dragons or given dragon eggs. (This is a Minor Request)
[] Delay the actual wedding.
-[] Until the beginning of spring. (This is a Moderate Request)

[] Request that all your children have the Name Targaryen, with Qoren's heir taking the Martell name upon succession. (This is a Moderate Request)
[] Request absolute cognatic inheritance of both titles to be spelled out in the agreement. The firstborn inherits the Iron Throne, the secondborn Dorne, regardless of gender. (This is a Moderate Request)

And these are the Nice to Have options
[] Request Qoren to join you on your remaining royal progress. (This is a Minor Request)
[] Ask for a voice on Stepstone matters. (This is a Moderate Request)
[] Request the wedding be held on Dragonstone. (This is a Minor Request)

[] Write-in (Subject to QM Approval, This can be taken Several Times)
@Teen Spirit If we ask to avoid the whole Bedding Ceremony, would that count as a minor request?
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