I... don't think that's how it works?

@Teen Spirit , I didn't think that one of them had to be actually literally present at the very moment to annoint us a Knight? Since this is pretty damn important, we should probably get this clarified.
I don't really care if that's how it works or not. Based on certain assumptions from my impression of Books Grand Maester I'm in favor of taking Viserys with us anyway, and Johanna since it would be messed up to call him away from his pregnant wife.
[] Plan Get Your Priorities Straight!!!

I'm leaning towards this but the travel plan isn't great and I think we need to bring Laena with us.
I don't really care if that's how it works or not. Based on certain assumptions from my impression of Books Grand Maester I'm in favor of taking Viserys with us anyway, and Johanna since it would be messed up to call him away from his pregnant wife.
But Johanna isn't willing to travel while pregnant, so bringing her would mean delaying for several turns, and even setting that aside I don't think it's a good idea to have the competition present on a tour that's meant to entrench our position as heir.
[X] Plan Introducing the Princess-Knight
-[X] [Purpose] A Reminder of the Throne's Authority
-[X] [Purpose] Your Introduction to the Realm
-[X] [Goal] Privacy with Alicent
-[X] [Goal] Enter a Tourney
-[X] [Goal] Train Publicly
-[X] [Goal] Find more Friends
-[X] [Dragon] Syrax will travel with you
-[X] [Companion] Alicent Hightower
-[X] [Companion] Raylon Tarly
-[X] [Companion] Gwayne Hightower
-[X] [Companion] Laenor Velaryon
-[X] [Companion] Rhea Royce
-[X] [Date] Leave immediately (Royal Progress will begin next turn)
-[X] [Tour] Full Tour (4 turns, the entire realm)
--[X] King's Landing
--[X] Harrenhal
--[X] The Eyrie
--[X] Gulltown
--[X] White Harbor (by ship)
--[X] Winterfell
--[X] Castle Black
--[X] The Twins
--[X] Stone Hedge & Raventree Hall
--[X] Riverun
--[X] Lannisport & Casterly Rock
--[X] Pyke (by ship)
--[X] Oldtown (by ship)
--[X] Highgarden
--[X] Blackhaven
--[X] Storm's End
--[X] Driftmark (by ship)

This is mostly a different route, I think the purpose/goals of the other plans are mostly the right idea, but my understanding of the discussion last turn was that if we're going to go on the progress immediately it would be better to go North quickly to avoid the deepest winter. Finishing with Driftmark is a consolation for cutting Laena as a companion for the logistical difficulties mentioned, at least if we visit we can spend some time with her.
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Simple, when we get back to Johanna once she gives birth we bring her with us on Syrax plus Viserys and possible sibling.

I really really don't think Johanna is gonna be any state for travel, much less dragon riding right after giving birth.

[X] Plan Tourneys, Judgements and Friendships

Also not a serious issue, but I will actively anti-vote anything that brings Stepmom with us to show off her new likely son

Come on now
[X] Knight of the Seven
-[X] [Purpose] Your Introduction to the Realm
-[X] [Purpose] Justice and Settling Affairs
-[X] [Goal] Enter a Tourney
-[X] [Goal] Privacy with Alicent
-[X] [Goal] Find more Friends
-[X] [Goal] Scout out Prospective Husbands.
-[X] [Tour] Full Tour (4 turns, the entire realm)
--[X] Kings Landing
--[X] Highgaden
--[X] Oldtown
--[X] Lannisport / Casterly Rock (via Ocean Road)
--[X] Riverrun
--[X] Harrenhal
--[X] The Eyrie
--[X] detour through the northern Vale
--[X] Seagard
--[X] ship to Pyke
--[X] ship to Bear Isle
--[X] ship to Deepwood Motte
--[X] Castle Black
--[X] Winterfell
--[X] White Harbor
--[X] ship to Rain House
--[X] Storms End
--[X] Kings Landing
-[X] [Dragon] Syrax will travel with you
-[X] [Companion] Gwayne Hightower
-[X] [Companion] Laenor Velaryon
-[X] [Companion] Rhea Royce
-[X] [Date] Leave immediately (Royal Progress will begin next turn)

Thank you for taking the effort to map out a solid route @Azel ,however, I disagreed with a few things such as the original stance to not include public training especially in light of the QM's clarification, and in spite of the urging of @The Laurent
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[X] Plan Tourneys, Judgements and Friendships

This seems reasonable, and is the one accumulating votes, though I also worry about ending in the North for seasonal reasons.

Edit, oh, right approval voting. Approval voting this too:
[X] Plan Introducing the Princess-Knight
[X] The Warrior Queen
[X] The Beau Ideal Of A Heir
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It took ages to plot a proper course, that involved the North early and yet put us in proper range to witness our half-siblings birth.

See next page for Original Plan with updated travel route.

[] Plan Tourneys, Judgements and Friendships

Your plan has two major flaws: first the route is just awful, as it leaves the North to end which will likely mean will be there in the Winter and I fail to see who detouring thought the Northern Vale leads to Seaguard. The second major issue is that you aren't using this time to scope out a future husband.

Edit: I'll also vote for [] Plan Introducing the Princess-Knight.

Later Edit: adding plan back because that is suppose to help with the tally

[X] The Future Queen
-[X] [Purpose] Justice and Settling Affairs
-[X] [Purpose] Your Introduction to the Realm
-[X] [Goal] Find more Friends
-[X] [Goal] Privacy with Alicent
-[X] [Goal] Scout out Prospective Husbands.
-[X] [Goal] Train Publicly
-[X] [Tour] Full Tour (4 turns, the entire realm)
--[X] Ship to White Harbor
--[X] Winterfell
--[X] Castle Black
--[X] Ship to Barrowton
--[X] Ship to Seaguard
--[X] The Twins
--[X] Riverrun
--[X] Raventree Hall
--[X] Stone Hedge
--[X] Harrenhal
--[X] The Eyrie
--[X] Runestone
--[X] Gulltown
--[X] Ship to Rain House
--[X] Storm's End
--[X] Blackhaven
--[X] Nightsong
--[X] Horn Hill
--[X] Oldtown
--[X] Highgarden
--[X] Tumbleton
--[X] Goldengrove
--[X] Old Oak
--[X] Ship to Shield Islands
--[X] Ship to Pyke
--[X] Ship to Lannisport/Casterly Rock
--[X] Ashemark
--[X] Golden Tooth
--[X] King's Landing
-[X] [Dragon] Syrax will travel with you
-[X] [Companion] Alicent Hightower
-[X] [Companion] Raylon Tarly
-[X] [Companion] Gwayne Hightower
-[X] [Companion] Laenor Velaryon
-[X] [Companion] Rhaenys Targaryen
-[X] [Date] Leave immediately (Royal Progress will begin next turn)
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I'm sort of against a goal of scoping out future husbands rn for character reasons - Rhaenyra is just getting into a relationship with Alicent. It's wise, having her already thinking about husbands seems either romantically disloyal or politically cynical, in a way I'd prefer not to play her as.

Bringing along both Gwayne and Laenor for other reasons, but with the side effect of likely getting to know both of them better, seems like a happy medium.
[X] The Future Queen

Everybody should stop copying @Azel's travel plan, I feel it leaves the North until too late (we should remember the weather conditions) and the whole Eyrie-detour thought the Northern Vale-Seaguard thing makes no sense.
[X] Plan Introducing the Princess-Knight

[X] The Future Queen

[X] The Beau Ideal Of A Heir
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It took ages to plot a proper course, that involved the North early and yet put us in proper range to witness our half-siblings birth.

[X] The Future Queen
-[X] [Purpose] Justice and Settling Affairs
-[X] [Purpose] Your Introduction to the Realm
-[X] [Goal] Find more Friends
-[X] [Goal] Privacy with Alicent
-[X] [Goal] Scout out Prospective Husbands.
-[X] [Goal] Train Publicly
-[X] [Tour] Full Tour (4 turns, the entire realm)
--[X] Ship to White Harbor
--[X] ship to Winterfell
--[X] Castle Black
--[X] Deepwood Motte
--[X] Ship to Bear Island
--[X] Ship to Barrowton
--[X] Ship to Seaguard
--[X] Riverrun
--[X] Raventree Hall
--[X] The Twins
--[X] Stone Hedge
--[X] Harrenhal
--[X] Maidenpool
--[X] King's Landing (to visit our new sibling & Give Egg)
--[X] The Eyrie
--[X] Redfort
--[X] Runestone
--[X] Gulltown
--[X] Ship to Tarth
--[X] Ship to Greenstone
--[X] ship to Rain House
--[X] Storm's End
--[X] Blackhaven
--[X] Nightsong
--[X] Horn Hill
--[X] Three Towers
--[X] Ship to Arbor
--[X] Ship to Oldtown
--[X] Brightwater Keep
--[X] Highgarden
--[X] Tumbleton
--[X] Goldengrove
--[X] Old Oak
--[X] Ship to Shield Islands
--[X] Ship to Pyke
--[X] Ship to Old Wyk
--[X] Ship to Harlaw
--[X] Ship to Fair Isle
--[X] Ship to Lannisport/Casterly Rock
--[X] Ashemark
--[X] Golden Tooth
--[X] King's Landing
-[X] [Dragon] Syrax will travel with you
-[X] [Companion] Alicent Hightower
-[X] [Companion] Raylon Tarly
-[X] [Companion] Gwayne Hightower
-[X] [Companion] Laenor Velaryon
-[X] [Companion] Laena Velaryon
-[X] [Date] Leave immediately (Royal Progress will begin next turn)

Your plan has two major flaws: first the route is just awful, as it leaves the North to end which will likely mean will be there in the Winter and I fail to see who detouring thought the Northern Vale leads to Seaguard. The second major issue is that you aren't using this time to scope out a future husband.
If we bring Syrax we shouldn't need to specifically detour the whole progress back to King's Landing to visit when our sibling is born, we should be able to just fly back when we get the news and then return to the progress afterwards
Yeah, uh, you have a dragon.

You can dip out of the Progress for a couple of days to return home while the Progress is in transit, it's cool.
I much prefer @Falliant's route (though I'm iffy of going to Stone Hedge / Raventree as a dedicated stop and iffy on Blackhaven) than the other routes in the current plans. Giving Driftmark respect is good, and the ships are not extensively long routes like the Pyke to Bear Island route includes, especially with such likely meaning we're reaching the North in the winter, which seems like a harsh choice.

--[X] Ship to Seaguard
--[X] Riverrun
--[X] Raventree Hall
--[X] The Twins
--[X] Stone Hedge
--[X] Harrenhal
--[X] Maidenpool

I find your route a bit overstuffed with just how many locations it hits but the general idea I'm into, though I think The Twins should be after Seaguard here just logistically getting to the Kingsroad makes sense to then follow the Riverun, before turning back for your Riverlands flip towards Eyrie / Pull closer to King Landing for birth.
If we bring Syrax we shouldn't need to specifically detour the whole progress back to King's Landing to visit when our sibling is born, we should be able to just fly back when we get the news and then return to the progress afterwards

I prefer to be near-by so we get there quicker, so we can influence things like names and dragon eggs.

I find your route a bit overstuffed with just how many locations it hits but the general idea I'm into, though I think The Twins should be after Seaguard here just logistically getting to the Kingsroad makes sense to then follow the Riverun, before turning back for your Riverlands flip towards Eyrie / Pull closer to King Landing for birth.

I suppose I could change the Riverlands route.
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[X] The Warrior Queen
-[X] [Purpose] Justice and Settling Affairs
-[X] [Purpose] Your Introduction to the Realm
-[X] [Goal] Find more Friends
-[X] [Goal] Privacy with Alicent
-[X] [Goal] Enter a Tourney
-[X] [Goal] Train Publicly
-[X] [Tour] Full Tour (4 turns, the entire realm)
--[X] Ship to White Harbor
--[X] Ship to Winterfell
--[X] Castle Black
--[X] Ship to Seaguard
--[X] Riverrun
--[X] The Twins
--[X] Harrenhal
--[X] Fly to King's Landing (to visit our new sibling & Give Egg)
--[X] The Eyrie
--[X] Runestone
--[X] Gulltown
--[X] Ship to Tarth
--[X] Storm's End
--[X] Blackhaven
--[X] Horn Hill
--[X] Three Towers
--[X] Ship to Arbor
--[X] Ship to Oldtown
--[X] Highgarden
--[X] Old Oak
--[X] Ship to Pyke
--[X] Ship to Lannisport/Casterly Rock
--[X] King's Landing
-[X] [Dragon] Syrax will travel with you
-[X] [Companion] Alicent Hightower
-[X] [Companion] Raylon Tarly
-[X] [Companion] Gwayne Hightower
-[X] [Companion] Laenor Velaryon
-[X] [Date] Leave immediately (Royal Progress will begin next turn)

[X] Plan Introducing the Princess-Knight
[X] The Beau Ideal Of A Heir

Basically future queen plan without Laena and replacing the husband search with Tourney fighting.

Don't see the need for looking for a husband when the choices are still basically just Laenor and Gwayne, maybe Harwin too. All of them we could meet easily without having every castle try to toss a son at Rhaenyra as she tries to spend private time with Alicent.

Feels like a time-sink and detrimental to finding friends if they're all too focused on getting Rhaenyra's hand.

Edit: Also cut down on a lot of locations, to focus more on the bigger areas and houses.
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[X] The Future Queen
-[X] [Purpose] Justice and Settling Affairs
-[X] [Purpose] Your Introduction to the Realm
-[X] [Goal] Find more Friends
-[X] [Goal] Privacy with Alicent
-[X] [Goal] Scout out Prospective Husbands.
-[X] [Goal] Train Publicly
-[X] [Tour] Full Tour (4 turns, the entire realm)
--[X] Ship to White Harbor
--[X] ship to Winterfell
--[X] Castle Black
--[X] Deepwood Motte
--[X] Ship to Bear Island
--[X] Ship to Barrowton
--[X] Ship to Seaguard
--[X] Riverrun
--[X] Raventree Hall
--[X] The Twins
--[X] Stone Hedge
--[X] Harrenhal
--[X] Maidenpool
--[X] The Eyrie
--[X] Redfort
--[X] Runestone
--[X] Gulltown
--[X] Ship to Tarth
--[X] ship to Rain House
--[X] Storm's End
--[X] Blackhaven
--[X] Nightsong
--[X] Horn Hill
--[X] Three Towers
--[X] Ship to Arbor
--[X] Ship to Oldtown
--[X] Brightwater Keep
--[X] Highgarden
--[X] Tumbleton
--[X] Goldengrove
--[X] Old Oak
--[X] Ship to Shield Islands
--[X] Ship to Pyke
--[X] Ship to Old Wyk
--[X] Ship to Harlaw
--[X] Ship to Fair Isle
--[X] Ship to Lannisport/Casterly Rock
--[X] Castamere
--[X] Ashemark
--[X] Golden Tooth
--[X] King's Landing
-[X] [Dragon] Syrax will travel with you
-[X] [Companion] Alicent Hightower
-[X] [Companion] Raylon Tarly
-[X] [Companion] Gwayne Hightower
-[X] [Companion] Laenor Velaryon
-[X] [Companion] Laena Velaryon
-[X] [Date] Leave immediately (Royal Progress will begin next turn)
Way too many stops, Need to cut down on them otherwise you'll be traveling with a small retiune with little time to stop anywhere for any length of time.
If we bring Syrax we shouldn't need to specifically detour the whole progress back to King's Landing to visit when our sibling is born, we should be able to just fly back when we get the news and then return to the progress afterwards
Also I feel like bringing Laena is a bad idea, both for political (we don't want Vhagar to overshadow Syrax) and practical (how many places are equipped to feed both dragons at once?) reasons.

[X] Plan Tourneys, Judgements and Friendships
[X] The Warrior Queen
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I much prefer @Falliant's route (though I'm iffy of going to Stone Hedge / Raventree as a dedicated stop and iffy on Blackhaven) than the other routes in the current plans. Giving Driftmark respect is good, and the ships are not extensively long routes like the Pyke to Bear Island route includes, especially with such likely meaning we're reaching the North in the winter, which seems like a harsh choice.
I was debating Stone Hedge/Raventree, but
Amos Bracken is a romance option and I think it would be nice to meet some of those on the way
and we can't really just visit one without pissing off the other. Blackhaven is there because I thought Highgarden straight to Storm's End was a really long leg with no stops and I wanted to break it up.