The Long Founding (Warhammer 40k)

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While I want spears instead of chaplins, I do want to point out that Magic aside from better divination includes fireball
Yes that is true, but they currently are specc'd for Divination. So even then, the librarians would more often than not work better in support roles rather than frontline combat. In fact, if the Librarians do somehow end up on the frontlines, that would mean something has gone terribly wrong.
I am in favour of this too, though I'll admit that might leave us offensively deficient.
We already have Combat Traits and unlike with Other missions its not like we have to focus in making them strongest in combat, since tehy dont have a specific mission Like how Eternal Guard needed to protect Ultramar or Lightbringers work with synopticon.

I think the Librarian, Chaplain & Apothecary works pretty well in ensuring a Blood Angel Chapter prospers, by helping with the flaws and Boosting both Prophecy and Long Life span.
Yes that is true, but they currently are specc'd for Divination. So even then, the librarians would more often than not work better in support roles rather than frontline combat. In fact, if the Librarians do somehow end up on the frontlines, that would mean something has gone terribly wrong.
Fair enough, although it is important to remember that divination can probably be used offencively (seeing enemy moves and mistakes before they happen)
We already have Combat Traits and unlike with Other missions its not like we have to focus in making them strongest in combat, since tehy dont have a specific mission Like how Eternal Guard needed to protect Ultramar or Lightbringers work with synopticon.

I think the Librarian, Chaplain & Apothecary works pretty well in ensuring a Blood Angel Chapter prospers, by helping with the flaws and Boosting both Prophecy and Long Life span.
The mission is basically research/managed the curses I believe. So all in on chapter special ranks is how we do that I guess.
Hmm given our co bat abilities more specialists to help control the flaws in the chapter would be useful.
[ ] Plan: Combat Wing
-[ ] Name: Wings of Victory
-[ ] Colors: Silver primary with red shoulder guard and Gold Marking
-[ ] Chapter Symbol: Two wings crossing each other one white and the other soaked in blood
-[ ] Chapter Creed: "We fly for Sanguinius!!"
--[ ] Battle Cry: "In the name of Sanguinius!"
-[ ] Blademasters: The Chapter's Marines have honed their skills with the blade, and are among the finest swordsmen in the Imperium.
-[ ] Marksmen: Even among Space Marines the marksmanship of the Chapter is top of the line.
-[ ] Librarians: The Chapter's Librarians are particularly well trained, and have far greater resistance to the temptations of the warp. They are far less likely to fall to Perils of the Warp, and offer more potent psychic support.
-[ ] Extra Assault Packs: The Chapter has a great number of Assault Packs, letting them retain a greater number of Assault Marines in each Company.
-[ ] Specialist Ammo: The Chapter has a ready source of specialized bolter rounds, letting them bring the best possible ammunition for any engagement.

Hmm this one on the other hand is a full combat build if we want to go that way. No specialist to mitiage the flaws but specialist on combat traits of Prophecy then Sword and Gun. Same For Equipment assault packs and special ammo worl well together for sword and gun fighters. This is probably full combat precog build.
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One thing to consider is the potential of choosing training in politics. Making the chapter resilient to chaos is a good start, leveraging their status as true heirs of Sanguinus (wings) for good PR and allowing them to handle corruption through force of arms and political might is even better.

Chaos is both obvious and subtle and this chapter's homeworld has a cultist problem.
Counter intrigue isn't a bad idea ya. Chaplains also help with that since their primary job is rooting out corruption.
The more we finish a Chapter, the more options we'll have regarding training.

In that case, here's a sample format if we eventually have too many options.

Normal Training Options:
[ ] Politics: This Chapter has grown adept at manipulating the surrounding political landscape. A sad necessity, in the increasingly politically driven Imperium.

[ ] Entrenchment: The Chapter is better at erecting and maintaining fortifications than average.

[ ] Blademasters: The Chapter's Marines have honed their skills with the blade, and are among the finest swordsmen in the Imperium.

[ ] Deepstrikes: More so than even other Space Marines, this Chapter has gained a mastery of the orbital strikes Adeptus Astartes are famous for.

[ ] Marksmen: Even among Space Marines the marksmanship of the Chapter is top of the line.

[ ] Spear Training: The Chapter is especially well trained in the use of spear and javelin like weapons, this does not cover staves or pole-arms however.

[ ] Boarding Specialists: The Chapter's Marines are truly masters at boarding voidcraft - even by Space Marine standards.

[ ] Artillery Masters: The Chapter are masters at employing artillery in times of war, both on offense and defense.

[ ] Terminator Training: The Marines of this Chapter are supremely skilled in using the legendary Tactical Dreadnought Armour, more commonly known as Terminator Armor.

[ ] Space Hulk Operations: Through extensive practice, the Marines of this Chapter are masters at fighting in the unique conditions of Space Hulks.

[ ] Counterintelligence Training: The Chapter is proficient in the art of detecting and thwarting enemy infiltration attempts.

[ ] Librarians: The Chapter's Librarians are particularly well trained, and have far greater resistance to the temptations of the warp. They are far less likely to fall to Perils of the Warp, and offer more potent psychic support.

[ ] Chaplains: The Chapter is blessed with more Chaplains than average among its numbers, and higher quality as well. Treachery and corruption will find it far harder to grow within their ranks.

[ ] Apothecaries: This chapter has extra Apothecaries among its ranks.

[ ] Techmarines: This chapter has more techmarines in its ranks.

The reason why Administration isn't there is simply because there hasn't been an option where Administration is applicable.

And I didn't even bother making one for the Equipment since they're precise to a Space Marine Chapter.
If we do another blood angel chapter and want to focus on mitigating the flaws with another gene-seed which one would have the best effect? I think either guilliman, lion, or perturabo since they have some of the most stable gene seeds. However, I would choose the Khan gene-seed.
I'm leaning more towards using the prophecy along with being very directly images of Sanguineous to be political focused. Use their anti Chaos wings and prophecy to sus out corruption in the higher levels and prevent entire planets from falling before they even get the chance! Even if this would be a specialty they are still extremely skilled marines so combat isn't much for them all the same.
If we do another blood angel chapter and want to focus on mitigating the flaws with another gene-seed which one would have the best effect? I think either guilliman, lion, or perturabo since they have some of the most stable gene seeds. However, I would choose the Khan gene-seed.
Actually, the most stable geneseed was from Horus and it is the most ironic
If we do another blood angel chapter and want to focus on mitigating the flaws with another gene-seed which one would have the best effect? I think either guilliman, lion, or perturabo since they have some of the most stable gene seeds. However, I would choose the Khan gene-seed.
I'd say that the current chapter is already extremely well suited to dealing the Flaw alongside being anti-Chaos in general with the list of traits we have. Now is already great opportunity. Might not get as lucky with next chapter.
Do we have any Background on what Grimm time was like with the Space Wolves and Blood Angels?
If you have spears, bolters, and swords as a spread of high skills you can't even carry that many weapons realistically. So the two handed spear becomes the main weapon making the sword and bolt talent we choose mostly wasted. So far doubly down on talent and training has been the far more impressive option. I'd be more inclined if we had a choice for more power weapons, as power spears could be very effective. But if you using a spear for a flying hit and run attack, normal spears, or even chain spears just don't do damage fast enough to be useful that way. Besides if we need a long reach there a number of great sword designs in that situation.
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