What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Ah yeah, who wouldn't know about the stories from the famed club pre-flight stretch, found on about every ship that has both Thule and Yeeni.
Okay, you win. Everybody go home and work on the other votes, this one takes the cake.and eats it.

They are, like their main human ancestors, a sexually dimorphic species:
Oh, and just to be 100% transparent here; the Piscarians are Xenos, not Abhumans.
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[] Plan: Integration and Syncretization
-[] [Knight Order] Order of the Obsidian Hammer
—[] Primary Colors: Black and Orange
—[] Allow them to have a Sphere of Influence, whereby they are allowed to base and recruit from, in the Macabre Sector which shall be expanded Southward to other Sectors when the Glimmerling Federation has liberated such territory to the light of the Star-Child
-[][Shamanistic Creed] While the monsters they make are certainly off putting at the least, they still have the Divine Spark of the Star-Child and are only made from the damned who were gone enough already that death would be the only option left to deal with them. While the Star-Child is undoubtedly a good being, they are not always "nice" or "pretty", lest we forget the origins of the Five Vaunted Sphinxes. These abominations, while offensive to our senses, have the support of the Star-Child. Therefore, the practice will be allowed, but only to be done on those too deeply enthralled to the Ruinous Powers to be helped otherwise as a final shot at redemption.
—[] As for the rest, explain to the Shamans why we keep Psykers separate from the clergy and have them integrated into the Celestial Choir.
-[] [Piscarians] Put emphasis on how the Star-Child is an evolution of the God-Emperor and how they see that purity of the flesh is not an indication of purity of the soul, that any Abhuman or Mutant can be as righteous as the purest human (bring up Bnuy, wife of Teeln and first Master of the Celestial Choir as an example).
—[] Rules for Thules
—-[] 1. All courtship rituals must include the steps of the Harkness Test, and pass all of them.
2. Use Protection.
3. All parties must be up on their medical inoculations before any intimate activities.
4. Proper courtship must be conducted prior to intimate activities to ensure personality compatibility between partners. Calling your partner "Daddy", or any related attempt at seduction thereof, is not sufficient or acceptable to be proper courtship.
5. All Piscarians in areas where Thules are authorized to enter will be issued 1 whistle configured to their mouth structures, and 1 Personal Alarm linked to the local Ogryn Security Station.
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Limbs, healthy and lush, spread against the skies, leaves the size of people wove amidst the eternal winds of the world, and the warm rays of the sun shone down upon them with grace and nourishing light.

Deep beneath the ground, roots thicker than towers anchored colossal behemoths of wood into the ground, cracking stones and supping from subterranean aquifers and rivers, water pumped from the 'neath into the skies by mechanism older than civilizations, older than stars, old enough to be almost part of the first life itself.

And in its midsts, Irrita labored to finish one last piece of their work, one last touch upon a mechanism that would, eternally, continue to function as they deemed fit, as their children would deem true, and as all future generations would be awed by.
Okay for a minute I thought this was the living planet of Lathysius at first but nope its just the world we had terraformed for the Irrita coming into the final stage. and damn that way the QM wrote this out, very garden of Eden or a untouched mega flora world.

It really is great and does show to us what a planet terraformed for the Irrita would be like for them. Honestly sounds amazing for the setting of a game or story.

Git was finished with its terraformation, akin to the world of their people before they had inflicted so much pain upon it by their endless growth.

But it would not be a world static and unchanging.

Like Nushar, where rare rains would lead to blooms in dry forests and steppes, landscapes changing from silent anticipation to lush jubilation, Git was a world that lived. It would now live without the touch of the Irrita ushering it along, even if it couldn't have bloomed without their guidance in the first place.

Then again, they may be wrong in that regard.

Life needed things to live, but it was never shy to explode into eternity.

[Irriat Kin Trait - Elysian Gardeners]
Oh so the Irrita did mess up with their homeworld before they learned from it? fair enough I guess and would be a reason to spread out to not do that again. And my bad Twin flowers was their planet we made for them and I guess Git and Nushar was their final touches in becoming kin in regards to how the terraformed worlds and their work has made them gain Kin status. I think Git was more about the Hivers coming there and the

I do wonder how the Hive Worlders will react to Git and the towering Trees? more cool with it because it blocks out the sky enough or feeling at home with towering trees reminding them of the Hives? And I do wonder how the Megaflora would affect the culture that would develop there.

[Irrita - Kin] - Elysian Garderners - The Irrita will, slowly, transform all words in reach of the Federation capable of bearing life into lifebearing worlds, one by one.
Holy shit.... so while we can spend an action to get more done at once and get a head start, we got a slow ticker for worlds now. It doesn't mean to just for about them completely because it does take time to terraform one world and it won't start on another until that's finish so there is incentive to still do the terraform action.

It took three Pyxis Scouts before, despite the warnings left behind by the Inquisition of the Imperium of Man, the Glimmering Federation placed their own embargo upon the system now called [DO NOT ENTER].

It was a lesson learned with, hopefully, only the death of all souls aboard those ships.

A lesson the Federation was not keen on learning again.
Oh. okay. Inquisition had a legit point there for declaring the system quarantined. What the frack happened there? and we lost three Scout ships, shame.

With promises made and materials shifted, five new systems joined the Glimmering Federation.

And with them, all their little problems became the problems of the Federation at large.

Yet, despite some enterprising diplomats charting passage to the systems of Arcoghol and Malusian, those two systems remained out of the Federation's reach.

The first saw no reason to join or was too fragmented as a mere place for wildcat freighters and tramp traders to land, sell goods, buy stuff, get drunk, and fly away again. They would likely see no reason to join at all unless pressure was applied, as the Federation and Families would, in time, give rise to more trade than the fragmented Sub-Sector could have harbored before the Orks.

The second, Malusian, saw itself with the unenviable task of all sides having realized that they did not have enough differences to keep fighting, especially after years of cooperation against the Orks, yet still capable of remembering the violence shared in the past. Then again, beating the shit out of each other for utterly minute differences was a favorite past-time of humanity, so who knew if this bout of awkward unity would last?
Nice, and it really was easy to get them into the fold all things considered, it was just basic needs that need an action or two. it was easy for land grabs though I do want to ask, @HeroCooky what was the plan if we had gone into the Space Balkans to expand instead of focusing on Voxx for so long? just a lot longer for fixing the issues and moving along or just the option between peaceful or hostile takeovers and dealing with the issues for each planet that would have caused headaches? or would other worlds have united against us if we did expand in that direction?

Hmm, fair enough, not all the planets were hit by the orks and united or have reason TO join the Federation as they were find on their own. So Arcoghol is more a pub, station, and the like more then anything, fair enough and not too needed, unless we want to paint the map Piss Yellow we can just leave them.

Malusian just doing the European level of grudge as an excuse to continue to beat the shit out of each other, I do think they are worth bringing in and trying again.

[] [General] Colonize (Planet/s)
It is time to bring three more worlds into the fold. Thanks to the Kil'drabi becoming our Kin, we can now categorize Frozen, Ash, and Volcanic Worlds as Habitable instead.
(Gain: Three colonized Worlds.
wait.... hold up. Three? we didn't do the servitors.... WAIT.

[] [General] Terraform (Planet) - (Auto-Terraformation - 050.M43)
Thanks to the aid of the Irrita (against payment), we will be able to donate life to planets that do not yet have any of their own.
(Gain: Three Terraformed and Colonized Planets.)
No way.

and with being able to do three we can just do it every ten turns or so as we expand to take the most promising ones with the plane traits and leave the rest to the Irrita to do.

[] [General] Voxx Primus Population Crisis Preparations
-[] Habitat Stations (1/3 to Void Industry)

(Gain: +1 Void Industry every three Actions, enough living space for ~20 Billion people per Action.)
All of them, we got the increase again. though I think last time it was 20 billion people as well, So I think this was just the one third to void industry.

-[] Enhanced Factory Servitors
(Gain: Tiny increase in mostly automated industries.)

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. this only cost one point... god I hope we didn't out grow it but only one way to find it. Do this and see if we can get even more discounts or more bang for our AP. its ONE AP so there's no reason to get it anymore.

-[] Micro-Warp Jumps And Phalanx Doctrine
(Gain: Micro-Warp Jump Engine Equipment. Does Not need banks of Psykers to be plugged into them. Sadly also weaker for it. Also Unravel the mysteries behind this bizarre shield alignement.)
Nevermind, I can already see what the One point will go to first. We should get it soon though before we do another refitting or the like.

-[] Irritan Contagion Bombs
(Gain: Ortillery Variant.)
Oh, well shit, that's interesting and I guess this is from the Irrtia joining us as oppose to the New Dawn discovering/uncovering this. SO what did New Dawn do this turn?

-[] Novel Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development II
(Gain: Infantry Weapons and Armor Upgrades.)
-[] Experimental Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development (0.5)
(Gain: New Infantry Weapons and Armors.)
-[] Logistical Infantry-Grade Weapons Development II (0/2)
(Gain: Cheaper Infantry Weapons.)
-[] Logicstical Infantry-Grade Armor Development II (0/2)
(Gain: Cheaper Infantry Armor.)
Holy hell I take back everything I said, next turn its going to be a damn blood damn for what gets now with how cheap the costs are now. we should be doing the Experimental weapons and armor and then the Novel upgrades, we have enough SAG we can pass on it for now.

-[] Shipyard Automatization III (1/3)
(Gain: 1 Frigate every Turn.)
-[] Reconstruct The Shattered STC-Fragment (2/8)
(Gain: An STC Fragment.)
HELL YES. Just two points, Two more points and we can start auto-producing Frigates and progress the Automatization tree. Oh and the STC fragment went down another required Point so its eight it needs and we are are a fourth of the way there now. We are going to need to do a tech turn focus soon.

[] [Military] A New Knightly Order (0.5)
As promised, it will be done.
(Gain: Klybessa's undying loyalty. A new Knight Order.)
Fair enough and what we promised, wonder how we'll do it and how it will be. All I will say I think this will give us some good soft power and example to use with the Black Ash as a way to integrate their Knight houses into here with just making them a Third Order or put them into this new one.

[] [Military] Sector Battle Group Construction And Repair
-[] Nomadic Fleet [Automatic] (0.2/0.6)
-[] Hydralisk (0/1)
-[] Necrolisk (0/1)
-[] Gryphon (0/1)
-[] Gorgon (0/1)

-[] Wyvern (0/1)
Oh shit, Nomadic fleet is now 0.6 so a new one every three turns. and we can just pump out a SBG for a single AP now. So worst comes to worst we can make 3 SBG in a single turn now. Nice and something we should be doing soon anyway considering how big that WAAAAGH was. get another SBG or two done in the upcoming turns.

[] [Psykana] Conduct Three Melodies (Choose three below.) (0.2/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Melody]
......Oh right, we did get a shit ton of population and psykers with that so it makes sense that went up. Damn I think its worth doing a few actions in here given it can do Three Melodies, meaning we can spend two AP and upgrade most of our songs or spend two AP and finish up a few of the trees so far.

Irrita: Growth, Plants, Harmony, and Hunger.
Oh and we have the Irrita songs now.... I DREAD when we start on those and I have to record the horrors the thread makes with these Melodies.

-[] The Psycademia 'Wings of our Crucible' (0/3 (9))
A significant investment of Choirs, experience, dedication, materials, and esoteric thinking shall be the foundation of the Psycademia 'Wings of our Crucible' founded within Quintura Diablo on Diablo Major to unravel and disseminate the mysteries and blessings of technology married to Psychic might.
(Gain: Psytech is moved into Research and benefits from its Traits.)
-[] The Shatterprow (1/2)
The counter-part to the Starlance, the Shatterprow does not attempt to project its psychic might ahead of itself but instead focuses on enhancing and hardening the prow of the ship it is attached to, increasing a fearsome ramming attack even further without the need to fire continuously.
(Gain: 5 DP Weapon: Shatterprow. Requires a Choir to operate.)
-[] The Starlance (1/2)
Though named after the weapon that annihilated twenty-two Light Cruisers in its first showing against the Federation, the weapon is projected to be far weaker than its namesake, and, far more importantly, will not need a billion sapient souls to fire, nor the weird black stones used as amplyfiers. Situated in the prow of a ship and operated by a Choir, the Starlance projects a beam of psychic might against the enemy in a continuous stream at short ranges, with its destructive potential enhanced if a ship accelerates against its targeted foe.
(Gain: 7 DP Weapon: Starlance. Requires a Choir to operate.)
-[] Mundane Psyker Staffs
The ability to create psychic focii, no matter how primitive compared to what we have recovered from the handfull of Psyker Lords and their Acolytes on Voxx Primus we have slain, has already proven invaluable. Chanting the Melody of The Sun had, before the focii, required a full-body replacement and decades long therapy for the Choir channeling it if done without massive preparations and rituals. Now such a thing will merely require replacements for limbs turned into coal and some years healing from third-degree burns alongside reconstructive surgery.
(Gain: Improves Choir efficiency and might when using Songs and Melodies.)
-[] Primitive Psychic Hoods
Thanks to the work done in figuring out how to develop and create psychically-active materials and how they could be shaped into force weapons and focii, another avenue of research has opened up; psychically atuning and shaping cloth and metals to weave together into one whole so that it may protect the wearer when they channel the powers of the Warp.
(Gain: Primitive Psychic Hoods are equipment that shields your Psykers from backlash to varying degrees.)
OKAY AND IT DOES NOT STOP. going to be a blood bath for Psykana and Tech in the upcoming turns with all of this. So much to do and all of it so cheap as well. We can just spend two AP and grab the Hoods and the next level of Staffs which are worth it and will help immensely in controlling the backlash and power even more I would say its worth getting right away so we don't delay it again.Oh and the thing to put this Psytech into Tech just dropped down to 3. just one full turn there and we can stockpile the banked tech points by researching the psytech in there.

[] [Faith] The Shamanistic Creed And Piscarian Mission
On one side, heretics by no fault of their own but misunderstandings fueled by time, culture, and distance to the truth and righteous word of the Droman Creed spoken by many. On the other, people who have been taught from birth for untold generations and millennia that they are sinners, born with tainted souls and corruption, Ruin itself spreading its roots through their minds by their unholy bodies if pure faith does not roost within their profane souls with strength neverending. One planet needs salvation from past mistakes by one, and the other requires hands offering the mercy of acceptance and love. The latter will likely be the most formidable challenge the missionaries of the Federation have ever faced.
(Gain: Options to deal with the Shamanistic Creed and convert the Piscarians to the Droman Creed.)
Ohhhh boy there's a big mess we need to sort out, that shit is dangerous since its not just Not!chaos abominables. the Piscarians are going to be tricky since the entire 'working to purifty their souls for their sin' is tied the Imperial Creed and its not going to be easy to get them to swap over to the Droman Creed as their entire culture is around their sin and we are telling them they don't have that sin.

Irrita: "All planets with life on them live. That is how ecosystems function."
Random Dude: "We mean literally. As in; Planet's alive, literally."
Irrita: "Well, that's fucking terrifying."
Hahaha, so even the Irrita are terrified of it. Fair enough, I wonder how this will develop as the Lathysius as a world since they live mostly in the Space Habitats around a living world.

Attention Questers: the Update has had its Action Costs changed to reflect the glut of people from Voxx Primus now moving into your systems to become productive members of society.

With that; Night!
I thought that was it.... or it was just the Five world bringing us over the threshold but the Voxx Refugees settling now makes more sense. and oh boy that was worth it finally coming online with the discount in AP will cause blood baths in the following turns.

Oh that is some bullshit but explains a lot. So the orks spread out from Sub-Sector Unfallen using the unstable warp routes to bypass the lack of stable warp routes.... Yah we're just gonna have to bite the bullet on the unstable Warp routes and deal with it. A reminder that using them won't kill a fleet, they will be scattered, damaged but not destroyed or the like. It is doable to expand this way.

Oh my god that is an absolutely cancerous warp topology ahhhh.

Orks get to ignore the downside of unstable routes, (Or at least, the downsides don't fucking matter), but we care very much about those downsides, we're going to want to upgrade our travel Song I think if we want to get dudes who can get across.

And yeah, Cerberus and the High Council just going "Yeah, see that quarantine? We're seconding it, nobody fucking go there" is hilarious
Yah it is extremely worrying the Cerberus and High Council agreeing with the Inquisition warning about that place. and it really is border gore in the form of warp routes. Yah we are gonna have to bite the bullet or upgrade the songs but thanks to the population boost and pyskers there we can do three Melodies per action, which means all we have to do is use Two AP for it and its done.

(Create a new Knight Order. You already have a template with the current one, but you can also change their appearance. Also, take a spell to determine if Knight Orders have Regions of Influence or simply draw from one giant pool of resources and recruits. The latter may be simpler, but the first has more chance to give each Knight Order some local pride.)
Fair enough and now we will be seeing how it will operate and how we want to customize it, hopefully it will be a good compromise. So lets see what we can come up with.

(The Shamanistic Creed places more importance on the Psychic Arts than the Droman Creed, in addition to having far less compunctions to marry psykers to the roles of priests instead of the clean division of the Federation. Also note that the Shamanistic Creed uses not-quite-Chaos-Spawn that have been confirmed to be touched by Divine Grace from the Star Child, with nobody knowing what to do about that.)
Yahhhh, a little problem there, blending the roles with psykers into priests can do things... I'd rather not have that if possible.

the Not-quite-Chaos-Spawn is troubling as it IS touched by the Star Child, which is something I guess is similar to the Sphinixes we have doing Paperwork? not quite sure what to make of it but I'd prefer not to make use of it like they are doing.

(The Piscarians are, essentially, fanatically beholden to the Imperial Cult. Any Order of Missionaries or mission to convert them must consider that. Also, purely because it amuses me, write in a comedic Code Of Conduct for Thules. Yes, that is mandatory.)
LOL, just farming omakes or crack with everyone thinking how Thules would interact with them and needing a TWO code of conducts. One from the Federation genuinely trying to stop them and an internal one by the Thule's.

Also @HeroCooky you can't hide it any more, where are the planets we are terraforming at? which sub-sectors are they in?

Oh, and just to be 100% transparent here; the Piscarians are Xenos, not Abhumans.
Oh they ARE Xenos, I kinda expected that to be frank but good to have confirmation on it. Which means yet another Trait soon! I'm guessing we need to help them come to terms with this long con they've played on themselves first won't we?

A side-note, but this will absolutely be seen by every non-straight Thule as explicit permission by the government to hunt Piscarians for debauchery. :V
I wouldn't doubt it and they really would, those girls never change. You could write an entire series about the Thules on deployment in a roaming fleet and the stuff they get up to.

Motto: "Voidborn Death!"
Regimental Standard Baseform: A Black Skull on a Red Field with Yellow Flames in its eyes.

1st Cretetri SAG - (1st and 2nd Medium Mechanized Assault, 1st Medium Mechanized Demolition, and 1st Light Tanks)
2nd Cretetri SAG - (3rd and 4th Medium Mechanized Assault, 2nd Medium Mechanized Demolition, and 2nd Light Tanks)
Motto is cool and fits well with them. So spread of Mechanized Assault with Demolition and light tanks. very much maneuver warfare with orbital support expected.

Motto: "By Warp And Light!"
Regimental Standard Baseform: A Hexian Goat and Bull Dancing atop a pile of White Skulls with Waving Banners in their hands, depicting past accolades and honors of the world and SAGs.

1st Hexian SAG - (1st and 2nd Heavy Mechanized Engineering, 1st Heavy Mechanized Ogryn, and 1st Medium Mechanized Assault)
2nd Hexian SAG - (3rd and 4th Heavy Mechanized Engineering, 2nd Heavy Mechanized Ogryn, and 2nd Medium Mechanized Assault)
Makes sense given the short history we got but that Standard... oh boy.

huh, Heavy Mechanized Ogryn.. what does that look like I wonder? but a lot of engineering and Ogryns with some assaults mixed in, what kind of fight would these units be suited for?

Motto: "By Molten Fury!"
Regimental Standard Baseform: A Red Field with Black Coals underneath a Dancing Sicarian Infiltrator

1st Klybian SAG - (1st and 2nd Light Augmetic Legion Assault, 1st Medium Mechanized Sicarian Infiltrators, 1st Medium Mechanized Engineering)
2nd Klybian SAG - (3rd and 4th Light Augmetic Legion Assault, 2nd Medium Mechanized Sicarian Infiltrators, 2nd Medium Mechanized Engineering)
Hah, go figure and then add to this the Knight Order afterwards, this should be a good. So the Plus+ soldiers as Assault and spearhead with.... What the hell are Sicarians? well we have infiltrators as oppose to Sabotage and have Mechanized Engineering. So SAG's meant to infiltrate, case chaos, push and break through with the ability to blow up fortifications or quickly fortify the place they take.

Motto: "For The Golden Throne!"
Regimental Standard Baseform: A Golden Field threaded with Concentric Rings Of Prayers in Black around Holy Sol.

1st Piscarian SAG - (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Heavy Mechanized Piscarian, 1st Heavy Tanks)
2nd Piscarian SAG - (1st and 2nd Light Mechanized Sabotage, 1st Medium Mechanized Demolition, and 1st Light Tanks)
Makes sense as they are deep into the Imperial Faith and to the god emperor. Now lets see what these Piscarians can do.

Piscarians are adept at wielding heavy equipment for long periods of time, but struggle in high-temperature environs
huh, so they don't do well in High temperature environments? bit surprising but okay. So wiedling heavy Equipment fo rlong periods of time, so these would be our Heavy Weapons specialists or the like? Not sure what qualifies as heavy Equipment.

Motto: "By Void And Sky!"
Regimental Standard Baseform: A Leering Green Maw eating a Yellow Burning Candle held by a Silver Hand.

1st Lathysian SAG - (Waiting For Grav-Packs)
2nd Lathysian SAG - (Waiting For Grav-Packs)
...... We never researched Grav Packs yet have we? and of course it would be the living planet that most of the population would live in Orbitals would be the first Grav Packs. I hope we do the in the next few turns.
@HeroCooky what was the plan if we had gone into the Space Balkans to expand instead of focusing on Voxx for so long? just a lot longer for fixing the issues and moving along or just the option between peaceful or hostile takeovers and dealing with the issues for each planet that would have caused headaches? or would other worlds have united against us if we did expand in that direction?
Pretty much what you described, alongside a lot more fun in Claiden's Rift. Those fun storylines got wiped via Ork.
Weaving_Dreamer said:
Also @HeroCooky you can't hide it any more, where are the planets we are terraforming at? which sub-sectors are they in?
Somewhere, forgot where I put them. Just search for the piss yellow spheres in your maps and compare names.
Weaving_Dreamer said:
Which means yet another Trait soon!
Oh no, you don't know they are Xenos. Hell, they don't know they aren't Abhumans. As far as your Genetors are concerned, they just have ~especially~ fucked-up genetics, so that tidbit about them being Xenos? Purely OOC. Fake it 'till you make it.
Weaving_Dreamer said:
What the hell are Sicarians?
The Goodest Beep Boop People There Ever Were.
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Pretty much what you described, alongside a lot more fun in Claiden's Rift. Those fun storylines got wiped via Ork.
Ouch, that sucks to hear. It's the trade off for it and such. Any chance of telling us what we missed there?

Somewhere, forgot where I put them. Just search for the piss yellow spheres in your maps and compare names.
fair enough, will do.
The Goodest Beep Boop People There Ever Were.
The frack? Is this some Brain in Jar piloting thing or what?..... its kinda reminding me of the Probe Droid from Star Wars.
Okay so…next turn we can get two techs. Okay hear me out. Experimental infantry costs .5 leaving .5 of an action which we can bank as research(because where else would we put it). We spent a full action so that means that our various research boosts proc which's means .3+.2+.5= 1 free research.
969.M42 - A Piscarian's Rave
Zaritha was, by all accounts, a typical huntress for her people. She left her village to stalk, trap, and kill or sell animals from the small Rivtias to the mighty Krotox beasts, their meat, leather, bones, and organs fetching her enough coin to live peacefully as she went through her second decade, seeking to establish herself before she sought a mate to raise children with. However, by one account, she was not a typical woman of her people; her religiousness.

Oh, make no mistake, Zaritha still prayed, was a devout believer, and donated just as much, if not more, as the rest of her village to the God-Emperor...but she and her village were far from any of her people's towns. Far removed enough that the last priest of the Imperial Cult had died three decades before she came into existence and far removed enough for no replacement to come into their village to tend to the shrines and souls of the villagers. In a priest's absence, they were forced to travel to the nearest town for their religious festivals, which, while monetarily lucrative, still attached a stigma to her and her village that was hard to shake from one's soul.

But that changed when the Offworldlers came after the Orks had been killed. It was not without some mixed feelings that, as far as Zaritha and her village had felt, the Ork Invasion had no effect on their lives. Beasts still needed to be hunted and butchered, crops harvested, tools made, and prayers offered. The Invasion of the detestable Xenos and their vile minds did not even pull the young and foolish from the village; they were so far removed from other settlements of humanity. So, when the Offworldlers came after the Orks and settled their spaceport near their village, the change in traffic and contact with civilization bothered her and others the most.

Yes, exchanging her rifle for a long-las with some clever trading with the Glimmerlings helped her in her hunts far more than her pride would allow her to state, and the money that flowed from her meats, leathers, bones, and organs to improve her hut, clothing, and items of convenience was not to be discounted, but the attention of their priests was...disconcerting in her mind. She had...reservations regarding the words they preached, with some elders going from distrust into objections, but she knew enough about heresy and hatred that an open mind was a fortress with its gates unbarred, yet a closed mind was one unable to receive supplies to stand against the Witch, the Mutant, the Xenos, and the Heretic.

But time, as it was known to do, moved on, and with traffic and trade came wealth, people, and change. Enough that she, after three years of living in the metaphorical shade of the Glimmerling's spaceport and budding town had found a regular contact to sell her bounty to, a man by the name of Andrews, who hailed from a world called Quintura Di-something or other. One of the Glimmerling's Core Worlds, as he proudly declared it, saying it was a jewel of a dual-world system, bustling with trade, traffic, piety, and industry. In all honesty, the idea of a world set entirely over to house people and have them work was unnerving to Zaritha. Where were the wilds? The beasts? The endless expanse where nature ruled above the might of humanity? Yes, humankind had the stars as its birthright, but she had always envisioned that it would entail being a guardian for the wild places, too, not just the ones that produced things for them.

Regardless of all that thinking, Zaritha managed to make a name for herself, one that apparently caught the attention of some of the spaceship officers or some other important person who wanted to buy some of her more impressive trophies before they moved on, contacting her through Andrews with enough coin dangled in front of her that she, despite knowing it was a stupid idea, grabbed her bag of trophies and took a shuttle from the spaceport into the space station the Federation was busy building above her world.

It...took an embarrassing amount of time for her to stop staring out the windows of the hangar she had disembarked into when she had managed to untangle herself from the infuriating amount of safety nets she had been forced to wear on the ride up. Fortress, her world, had looked so...fragile as she had looked down upon it. And scarred. By the Emperor, she had not known how much the war against the Orks had hurt. It had...shifted something inside her and had turned the rest of the day into a blur. Only after waking up did she manage to sort through her mind and soul, the tiny amount of incense she had burned near a station shrine allowing her to find peace with the fact that war had come to her home and people, and she had not been able to answer the call. Had not felt the need to answer the call.

Selling a Graxu Skull to what was, hopefully only a really fucked up Magos that preferred sextupedal ground locomotion for enough money to not have to worry about anything for an entire year was, in comparison, nearly forgettable. The fact that she now had enough money to splurge a little was not, so her next stop was, despite knowing it would be hell to pay in the morning, a shop called, for some reason, 'Sphinxian Wine's' aboard the station, with a dozen bottles of her guilty drink ending up in her pack and room before she had to leave, with one in her hand as she walked through the station intent on seeing what could be seen before she had to go back.

Sure, that singular bottle may have turned into three by the time the hour was done, and a friendly woman calling herself "a Thule" or "77-D/FragCC#, also Fragged for her friends" had joined, not helping that matter at all, but nothing happened beyond a fun night out.


Pain and misery.

God-Emperor, her brain hurt like nothing else, and the noises of feet hitting metal plates sounded like thunder in her head.

Blinking against the harsh lights shining directly into her brain, Zaritha slowly began to untangle herself from a pile of two women that had taken to sleep on and next to her, the stench of cheap booze clinging to both them and her. Looking around, Zaritha could tell, thanks to several books she had read out of boredom and a pict-serial she had watched once, that she was, likely, in a club...somewhere.

"Finally awake, eh?" A voice screamed next to her as she stood, making her wince as she looked that way, finding herself staring down at a tiny...furred boy? "I'm gonna have to ask you to pay for your tab before you leave or figure out how you're going to pay for the bill."

"Whu?" Was all Zaritha could say, her brain short-fried as she stared at the...oh, it must be a ratling, right? Tiny, furry, though with its fur colored in a dozen colors for some reason. It must be another Abhuman! Okay, that she could deal with. "Bill?" Another intelligent observation. Truly, she was getting the hang of waking up again.

"Yes, the bill of all the things you and your friends drank yesterday," the ratling that barely came up to above her abdomen said, hands on his hips. "You passed out before the Last Shot was called, so we left you here with security since so weren't about to puke and suffocate, or dip, but you still have to pay money." Zaritha opened her mouth to reply, but the ratling held up a hand with a glare on his face. "No, offering sex won't get you out of paying the bill. If you can't get lucky with the staff for after-hours fun, trying to get lucky and out of your bills by offering some won't work now. I want money."

Zaritha blinked and, for a moment, tried to understand what the hell was going on. "Are...is this some kind of pick-up bar? Last night feels incredibly foggy..." she weakly said, looking around the club, parsing through the night with difficulty. After some more drinks, another "Thule" joined Fragged, must be some kind of job or title, and they went into a bar with a riot of colored people inside called...'Pre-Flight Stretch' aboard a docked carrier? Everything after that was blank, though. Though she remembered the sensation of...fur on her face?

"...hrm, you must be truly new, or truly hungover. Thought you were one of the Piscarians that jumped ship at the first opportunity, especially after you happily debased yourself to rub yourself against Glimmerdust's arm like a pervert," the ratling huffed, crossing his arms. "No, this is a rave club. One that would like its money. Now if you'd please."

Zaritha didn't please at all.

Not after she saw the bill in full.

The pict-reel of what she had done the night prior given to her as a "gift" when she left honestly felt like insult to injury after that.
She still kept it though.

Dedicated to @Toboe and their twisted mind.
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In all honesty, the idea of a world set entirely over to house people and have them work was unnerving to Zaritha. Where were the wilds? The beasts? The endless expanse where nature ruled above the might of humanity? Yes, humankind had the stars as its birthright, but she had always envisioned that it would entail being a guardian for the wild places, too, not just the ones that produced things for them.
Dark Angels approve.
Sure, that singular bottle may have turned into three by the time the hour was done, a friendly woman calling herself "a Thule" or "77-D/FragCC#, also Fragged for her friends" not helping that matter at all, but nothing happened beyond a fun night out.
Oh. Oh no.
"...hrm, you must be truly new, or truly hungover. Thought you were one of the Piscarians that jumped ship at the first opportunity, especially after you happily debased yourself to rub yourself against Glimmerdust's arm like a pervert," the ratling huffed, crossing his arms. "No, this is a rave club. One that would like its money. Now if you'd please."
I don't quite follow the 'jumped ship at the first opportunity' bit, but this is exactly what I wanted done with the original Rule 4.
[X] Plan: Integration and Syncretization
-[X] [Knight Order] Order of the Obsidian Hammer
—[X] Primary Colors: Black and Orange
—[X] Allow them to have a Sphere of Influence, whereby they are allowed to base and recruit from, in the Macabre Sector which shall be expanded Southward to other Sectors when the Glimmerling Federation has liberated such territory to the light of the Star-Child
-[X][Shamanistic Creed] While the monsters they make are certainly off putting at the least, they still have the Divine Spark of the Star-Child and are only made from the damned who were gone enough already that death would be the only option left to deal with them. While the Star-Child is undoubtedly a good being, they are not always "nice" or "pretty", lest we forget the origins of the Five Vaunted Sphinxes. These abominations, while offensive to our senses, have the support of the Star-Child. Therefore, the practice will be allowed, but only to be done on those too deeply enthralled to the Ruinous Powers to be helped otherwise as a final shot at redemption.
—[X] As for the rest, explain to the Shamans why we keep Psykers separate from the clergy and have them integrated into the Celestial Choir.
-[X] [Piscarians] Put emphasis on how the Star-Child is an evolution of the God-Emperor and how they see that purity of the flesh is not an indication of purity of the soul, that any Abhuman or Mutant can be as righteous as the purest human (bring up Bnuy, wife of Teeln and first Master of the Celestial Choir as an example).
—[X] Rules for Thules
—-[X] 1. All courtship rituals must include the steps of the Harkness Test, and pass all of them.
2. Use Protection.
3. All parties must be up on their medical inoculations before any intimate activities.
4. Proper courtship must be conducted prior to intimate activities to ensure personality compatibility between partners. Calling your partner "Daddy", or any related attempt at seduction thereof, is not sufficient or acceptable to be proper courtship.
5. All Piscarians in areas where Thules are authorized to enter will be issued 1 whistle configured to their mouth structures, and 1 Personal Alarm linked to the local Ogryn Security Station.
[X] Plan: Integration and Syncretization
-[X] [Knight Order] Order of the Obsidian Hammer
—[X] Primary Colors: Black and Orange
—[X] Allow them to have a Sphere of Influence, whereby they are allowed to base and recruit from, in the Macabre Sector which shall be expanded Southward to other Sectors when the Glimmerling Federation has liberated such territory to the light of the Star-Child
-[X][Shamanistic Creed] While the monsters they make are certainly off putting at the least, they still have the Divine Spark of the Star-Child and are only made from the damned who were gone enough already that death would be the only option left to deal with them. While the Star-Child is undoubtedly a good being, they are not always "nice" or "pretty", lest we forget the origins of the Five Vaunted Sphinxes. These abominations, while offensive to our senses, have the support of the Star-Child. Therefore, the practice will be allowed, but only to be done on those too deeply enthralled to the Ruinous Powers to be helped otherwise as a final shot at redemption.
—[X] As for the rest, explain to the Shamans why we keep Psykers separate from the clergy and have them integrated into the Celestial Choir.
-[X] [Piscarians] Put emphasis on how the Star-Child is an evolution of the God-Emperor and how they see that purity of the flesh is not an indication of purity of the soul, that any Abhuman or Mutant can be as righteous as the purest human (bring up Bnuy, wife of Teeln and first Master of the Celestial Choir as an example).
—[X] Rules for Thules
—-[X] 1. All courtship rituals must include the steps of the Harkness Test, and pass all of them.
2. Use Protection.
3. All parties must be up on their medical inoculations before any intimate activities.
4. Proper courtship must be conducted prior to intimate activities to ensure personality compatibility between partners. Calling your partner "Daddy", or any related attempt at seduction thereof, is not sufficient or acceptable to be proper courtship.
5. All Piscarians in areas where Thules are authorized to enter will be issued 1 whistle configured to their mouth structures, and 1 Personal Alarm linked to the local Ogryn Security Station.

i have a question did we stop neglecting are original knight order or no?
[X] Plan: Integration and Syncretization
-[X] [Knight Order] Order of the Obsidian Hammer
—[X] Primary Colors: Black and Orange
—[X] Allow them to have a Sphere of Influence, whereby they are allowed to base and recruit from, in the Macabre Sector which shall be expanded Southward to other Sectors when the Glimmerling Federation has liberated such territory to the light of the Star-Child
-[X][Shamanistic Creed] While the monsters they make are certainly off putting at the least, they still have the Divine Spark of the Star-Child and are only made from the damned who were gone enough already that death would be the only option left to deal with them. While the Star-Child is undoubtedly a good being, they are not always "nice" or "pretty", lest we forget the origins of the Five Vaunted Sphinxes. These abominations, while offensive to our senses, have the support of the Star-Child. Therefore, the practice will be allowed, but only to be done on those too deeply enthralled to the Ruinous Powers to be helped otherwise as a final shot at redemption.
—[X] As for the rest, explain to the Shamans why we keep Psykers separate from the clergy and have them integrated into the Celestial Choir.
-[X] [Piscarians] Put emphasis on how the Star-Child is an evolution of the God-Emperor and how they see that purity of the flesh is not an indication of purity of the soul, that any Abhuman or Mutant can be as righteous as the purest human. (bring up Bnuy, wife of Teeln and first Master of the Celestial Choir as an example).
—[X] Rules for Thules
—-[X] 1. All courtship rituals must include the steps of the Harkness Test, and pass all of them.
2. Use Protection.
3. All parties must be up on their medical inoculations before any intimate activities.
4. Proper courtship must be conducted prior to intimate activities to ensure personality compatibility between partners. Calling your partner "Daddy", or any related attempt at seduction thereof, is not sufficient or acceptable to be proper courtship.
5. All Piscarians in areas where Thules are authorized to enter will be issued 1 whistle configured to their mouth structures, and 1 Personal Alarm linked to the local Ogryn Security Station
—[X] Allow them to have a Sphere of Influence, whereby they are allowed to base and recruit from, in the Macabre Sector which shall be expanded Southward to other Sectors when the Glimmerling Federation has liberated such territory to the light of the Star-Child
So what are we gonna do about the Black Ash Clan considering they are Knight Worlds? part of the Blazing Sun or what? Just asking because the direction of our expansion would affect the sizes.
@HeroCooky. Could you put the total current population and target population size information for Voxx Primus on the [General] Voxx Primus Population Crisis Preparations action in future updates? It would make it easier for us to keep track of how the situation is progressing.
Voting is open