What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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I say go all in on civilian infrastructure this turn and then do 1 per turn till we are at 15

Scouting Range: ~10 Systems from Claimed Systems. Scouting Efficiency: 20% Adjacent Systems, 5% Three+ Systems, 1% Five+ Systems.
As we grow our scouts need to cover more and more ground and our Scouting Efficiency is dropping, the good thing is that one of our scouts is a destroyer so we can automatically build them next turn with the research action
Yeah, we definitely want to do a run of Scouts soonish.

Anyway, for our Civ Inf Milestone, I'm thinking we definitely want more ISCs focused on the other Infs that we need to improve. Alternately, something that mitigates the cost across the board would also be nice.

We'll just have to see, because our best advantage is in being able to actually build up Infrastructure across our entire domain, we're encouraged to build Tall rather than Wide after all.
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Anyway, for our Civ Inf Milestone, I'm thinking we definitely want more ISCs focused on the other Infs that we need to improve. Alternately, something that mitigates the cost across the board would also be nice.
Way back when I proposed one that could potentially be switched from one focus to another with an action investment.

[ ] Schischi Family & Co.
-Grown from the nobility of Droma III, the Schischi company was founded hundreds of years ago, during the birth of the Glimmering federation. They meant to take advantage of the newfound peace present within the Archwan sub-sector and leverage the accumulated logistics expertise of the nobility of Droma III, developed over thousands of years of running ocean fleets. In the following time they followed the expansion of the federation, filling the voids of interstellar trade and developing expertise to manufacture products to met the demands of the people. Over time they learned that the demands of Federation were many, and the importance of flexibility to ensuring success. When medical care was sparse, the Schischi Company specialized in manufacturing and transporting medicine and medical instruments, then switched to building small mining vessels to help develop the federation's void industry. The motto of the Schischi company now is Adapt to the Demand of the Moment, and they will always stand ready to take advantage of novel opportunities.

(Goal here is to make a company that can, on a delay and with patronage or action investment switch between boosting different things)
Discovered Nations of the Galaxy
Thrice-Fold Councils
Government Type:
Executive Junta
Culture Type: Ascendant Nation State
Attitude: Asserting Themselves
Specie/s: Human (Primary), Assorted (Minor)
1) Basic Economics
1.a) Trade

The Coalition comprises several disparate states rapidly unifying under an Executive Junta that has begun to rationalize trade alongside a mix of command economics and free market principles for matters of state survival and the needs of their people with equal measures and equal attention.

Thanks to our aid, trade between our nations flows freely and with noteworthy pushes by the Interstate Council to ensure they obtain the materials and finished products they require to further bootstrap their manufactories and the planetary factory complexes emerging underneath their planetary crusts everywhere thanks to several technological breakthroughs they obtained by trading with xeno mercenaries.

The Council possesses around ~1.000 ships.

1.b) Shipbuilding
Their total ship production capabilities are slowly increasing in a logarithmic manner with every year that passes, their yards behind the frontlines being upgraded with every material they have available to ensure they will not be overwhelmed by the Diaconate should it assign yet more fleets against them.

Thanks to our contributions to their navy, ranging from Destroyers to full-on Battleships, the Council has begun to field a competent and trained navy with dozens of naval academies, ensuring that competent officers and captains will command trained crews of motivated and educated volunteers.

Technologically, the Coalition is far behind the Federation, yet has taken great pains to ensure they can at least produce many of the parts they have identified as critical to their war efforts, even if they do not understand them in detail.

2) Socio-Economics
The Interstate Council comprises dozens of nations and systems, multi-system governments, planetary coalitions, and more, in a patchwork of diplomatic genius geared toward ensuring they won't be killed by the Diaconate. Currently, the Council is unifying under the leadership of an Executive Junta composed of economic leaders and military personnel who work as one to ensure the nations of their systems work hand in hand to fight against the Diaconate without breaking down their unity.

There are a total of four minor Xenos species that are permanent residents within the borders of the Council, though none are above a minor note, even on the planets on which they exist, as none are above industrial-level technology.

3) Corruption
Chaos Corruption ranges from "Existing" to "Minute." Mundande corruption ranges from "Alarming" to "Bad." Both are being brutally crushed by the efforts of the Interstate Council, with Chaos Cults being found and executed at once whenever they are discovered, while mundane corruption bears automatic assignments to penal battalions or death sentences, whichever the accused chooses.

4) Propaganda
The Interstate Council has focused on mobilizing every facet of their societies toward the fight against the Diaconate while also generating as much buy-in to their emerging nation-state as they can bring to bear.

Mashan Temple Authority
Government Type:
Autocratic Theocracy
Culture Type: Spiritual Defenders
Attitude: Harmonious Expansion
Specie/s: Mashan (Primary), Human (Notable), Kre-freten, Ikru, and Haligtur (Minor).
1) Basic Economics
1.a) Trade

The Mashan Temple Authority (hereafter shortened to MTA) maintains a trading and transportation fleet consisting of at least ~800 unique ships noticed by our traders keeping logs, with an estimated ~4000-6000 ships possible as they claim to hold over 200 Sub-Sectors. Their primary imports/exports consist of luxury goods such as art, religious paraphernalia, and everything related to reading and writing, with books from the Federation selling out before a trader has even managed to dock at any station within their Border Region. Compared to other nations known to the Federation, their food industry is tiny compared to their population size due to their primary species being the titular Mashan, which are of silicoid nature.

A notable quirk of their nation is the use of spheroid-shaped ships instead of most species' typical "pencil" shapes. When asked, the Mashan often profess confusion as to why anyone would not use spheroid designs due to the "obvious advantages" the ball shape offers.

An estimated ~300 military vessels are located within the Border Sub-Sectors of 621 and Johannes, with a fleet of ~500 traversing the Curse Worlds Sub-Sector to annihilate even the last speck of Chao Corruption found.

1.b) Shipbuilding
Their ship total production capabilities are unknown, but the ownership status of their shipyards is not. All shipyards are owned by the state, with only non-warp yards operated by independent organizations or wealthy individuals for many reasons ranging from in-system economic and resource exploitation to pleasure yachts or inner-system transport vessels.

Classifying their military vessels is more difficult due to their unorthodox shape, but their sizes still follow specific observed roles and conventions. Their toroidal expansion points are not counted for their size. Destroyers have a radius of 200m, Frigates of 600m, Light Cruisers of 1.500m, Heavy Cruisers of 3.500m, Grand Cruisers of 5.500m, Battleships of 10.000m, Grand Archives of 15.000m, and a singular Dreadnought that consist of two spheroid ships of 80.000m connected to each other. The Authority also operates a "Star Forge," a Warp-capable ship utilizing gravitic technology to siphon starmatter from stars to utilize in the construction of fleets, mega-structures, and everything else of need. One star has already been consumed by the Star Forge, with another two-thirds through its "digestion" to facilitate the construction of what our translations only return as "A Matrioshka Brain."

The MTA predominantly uses Lances for its armaments, though it tends to have a token strike craft force on every military vessel.

2) Socio-Economics
The MTA ensures a broadly equal quality of life for its citizens as the Federation, if different due to their various races' differing psychology and physiology. One notable divergence is that writing and access to books are an enshrined right for their citizens, and a lack thereof has often caused periods of unrest within their societies. In fact, Library, Archive, Shrine, and Temple are not separate words within their official language but are one and the same, with not even context allowing one to differentiate beyond the size of the structure.

There is no caste within their society beyond that of the profession of priest-scholars being seen as highly respected and honorable, with no obstruction in a Mashan's ability to rise to the highest ranks of government being made. However, backgrounds in theological fields are a prerequisite to do so, as is continued observation and dedication to religious ceremonies, iconographic creation, and sermons. It is improbable that they will be swayed at all to the side of the Star Child without extreme long-term efforts on conversion.

Non-Mashan, however, are delegated to Second Class Citizens. This, in all fairness, only prevents them from journeying to the Archive Worlds (translators note: Archive Worlds can also be read as Home, Origin, Soul Rest, Home of the Mind, and Place of Remembrance) and taking any office that would put them higher than their Planetary Councillor equivalent. It should be noted here that a Mashan excretes a slightly toxic substance when alive, which, in low quantities, merely leads to unpleasant itches for a human before increasing the risk of cancer, bone cancer in particular, and skin inflammation for long-term exposure. Sometimes literally if skin contact is made long enough. This, naturally, makes co-habitation difficult, especially as all Mashan universally regard human sweat as unpleasant to be around due to its salt content.

Their education system is far more thorough than that of the Federation. Citizens are expected to complete, at minimum, 50 years of schooling, though that is lowered to 20 for humans. Further educational tracks are encouraged and propagandized. All citizens, even humans, must write at least one 350-page book before graduation.

Their primary currency consists of minted/shaped copper, silver, gold, platinum, and jade coins, which increase in value by a factor of x1000 per rank. A silver coin's value equals half a day's labor within the Federation.

Law enforcement works similarly to the Federation, though a heavy emphasis is placed on communal self-policing. Law enforcers are only called to resolve unresolvable disputes, put criminals away for trial, or respond to violent alterations.

3) Corruption
No visible/noticeable Chaos Corruption was noticed. Mundane Corruption likely exists in unnoticeable amounts.

4) Propaganda
Their propaganda focuses on getting their people educated, visiting religious ceremonies, engaging with religious organizations, reading and writing books, creating art, and joining the military when they feel a need to make their way in the galaxy.
1) Basic Economics
1.a) Trade

The Mashan Temple Authority (hereafter shortened to MTA) maintains a trading and transportation fleet consisting of at least ~150 unique ships noticed by our traders keeping logs, with an estimated ~1000-2000 ships possible as they claim to hold over 94 systems with 134 colonized/inhabited celestial bodies. Their primary imports/exports consist of luxury goods such as art, religious paraphernalia, and everything related to reading and writing, with books from the Federation selling out before a trader has even managed to dock at any station within their Border Region. Compared to other found sapient species, their food industry is miniscule compared to their population size due to their primarily silicoid nature.

A notable quirk of their species is the use of spheroid-shaped ships instead of most species' typical "pencil" shapes. When asked, the Mashan often profess confusion as to why anyone would not use spheroid designs due to the "obvious advantages" the ball shape offers.

An estimated ~100 military vessels are located within Sub-Sector 621, though they are slowly drawing them away to "other, more pressing, borders," as official news and questioned Mashan state. On that note, the withdrawal of most military assets to Ultima Sigritta in Sub-Sector Archwan, aside from native SDF from the Temple-Glimmering Border, has led to increased trade between the Avethread-Terrore-Lethysan triangle.

1.b) Shipbuilding
Their ship total production capabilities are unknown, but the ownership status of their shipyards is not. All shipyards are owned by the state, with only non-warp yards operated by independent organizations or wealthy individuals for a multitude of reasons ranging from in-system economic and resource exploitation, pleasure yachts, or inner-system transport vessels.

Classifying their military vessels is more difficult due to their unorthodox shape, but their sizes still follow specific observed roles and conventions. Their toroidal expansion points are not counted for their size. Destroyers have a radius of 160m, Frigates of 400m, Light Cruisers of 1000m, Heavy Cruisers of 2.500m, Grand Cruisers of 4.000m, Battleships of 7.500m, and one propagandized example of a 15.000m radius Grand Archive ship. However, it is unclear if the vessel is a singular example, the start of a new, if likely extremely rare, class, or even of military nature at all.

The MTA predominantly uses Lances for its armaments, though it tends to have a token strike craft force on every military vessel.

2) Socio-Economics
The MTA ensures a broadly equal quality of life for its citizens as the Federation, if different in their needs due to their differing psychology and physiology. One notable divergence is that writing and access to books are an enshrined right for their citizens, and a lack thereof has often caused periods of unrest within their societies.

They lack the stratified class system (within their species) usually associated with authoritarian societies, with no difference in their ability to rise to the highest ranks of government being made for the offspring of common laborers or highly placed religious figures. However, backgrounds in theological fields are a prerequisite to do so, as is continued observation and dedication to religious ceremonies, iconographic creation, and sermons. It is improbable that they will be easily swayed to the side of the Star Child without long-term efforts on conversion.

Non-Mashan, however, are delegated to Second Class Citizens. This, in all fairness, only prevents them from journeying to the Archive Worlds (translators note: Archive Worlds can also be read as Home, Origin, Soul Rest, Home of the Mind, and Place of Remembrance) and taking any office that would put them higher than their Planetary Councillor equivalent. However, it should be noted here that a Mashan excretes a slightly toxic substance when alive, which, in low quantities, merely leads to unpleasant itches for a human before increasing the risk of cancer, bone cancer in particular, and skin inflammation for long-term exposure. Sometimes, literally, if skin contact is made long enough. This, naturally, makes co-habitation difficult, especially as all Mashan universally regard human sweat as unpleasant to be around due to its salt content.

Their education system is far more thorough than that of the Federation. Citizens are expected to complete, at minimum, 30 years of schooling, though that is lowered to 15 for humans. Further educational tracks are encouraged and propagandized. All citizens, even humans, must write at least one 200-page book before graduation.

Their primary currency consists of minted/shaped copper, silver, gold, platinum, and jade coins, which increase in value by a factor of x1000 per rank. A silver coin's value is equivalent to a day's labor within the Federation.

Law enforcement works similarly to the Federation, though a heavy emphasis is placed on communal self-policing. Law enforcers are only called in to resolve unresolvable disputes, put away criminals for trial, or respond to violent alterations.

3) Corruption
No visible/noticeable Chaos Corruption was noticed. Mundane Corruption likely exists in negligible amounts.

4) Propaganda
Their propaganda focuses on getting its people educated, visiting religious ceremonies, engaging with religious organizations, reading and writing books, creating art, and joining the military when they feel a need to make their way in the galaxy.

As far as we can determine, their enemies are several Human and Minor Xenos Polities which are engaged in a low-level propagandistic fashion, yet the "Cleansing Rain," an omnicidal Xeno race similar to an ancient myth of a water elemental seeking to "cleanse" the early Mashan of their bodies, is the most focused upon. Their propaganda outright states that these Xenos will be fully eliminated once the war is won, as they are psychologically incompatible with "civilized society."

Eldar - (Lone Wave/Nayn'dril)
Government Type:
Culture Type: Elitist
Attitude: Dismissive, Arrogant, Annoyed
Specie/s: Eldar
WARNING: This report has been tagged with the [Classified] notice.
If you do not possess Authorization [KAPPA-3C] and up, please close this document and report yourself to the nearest Cerberus Agent immediately to avoid punishments up to and including summary execution.
You have been warned and informed.

1) Basic Economics
1.a) Trade

No ships enter Lone Wave.

This is enforced by the SDF of Ultima Sigritta.

No ships leave Lone Wave.

This is enforced by the Eldar themselves.

1.b) Shipbuilding
Their total ship production capabilities are unknown

Based on long-distance observation, the last seen and confirmed force consisted of three Battleships, eight Heavy Cruisers, forty Lighty Cruisers, one-hundred ninety-eight Frigates, and an uncountable number of Destroyer equivalents.

We know little of what their weapons are capable of beyond some insights given by Chapter Master Chyron. They favor high rates of fire and energy-based weapons.

High Command estimates a 0% chance of victory should we engage in hostilities and an 11% chance of survival should war be declared.

2) Socio-Economics
None are known beyond their isolationist stance.

We should honor that stance.

3) Corruption
Chaos and Mundane Corruption are either non-existent or unnoticeable over interstellar distances.

4) Propaganda
No transmissions were recorded.

Van Zandt Free Dutchy
Government Type:
Centralized Constitutional Empire
Culture Type: Technomantic Militaristic Imperialists
Attitude: Xeno Vassals...
Specie/s: Human (Primary), Abhumans (Minor), F'li Mit'u (Vassal Xenos), The Crashing Ocean (Vassal Xenos), Ikkinchi (Vassal Xenos), and Assorted (Insignificant - Systematic Persecution)
1) Basic Economics
1.a) Trade

The Van Zandt Free Duchy has an estimated ~891 different ship classes within its roster that were observed, ranging from modifications of existing designs to singular ship classes made for specific purposes, with around 369 of them military designs. New ship classes are produced on demand and desire, with the maintenance of their existing ships integrated into their revolving upgrade and overhaul system in its shipyards, constantly cycling its ships from their fronts to be repaired and overhauled before being sent back.

It should be noted that the Duchy heavily focuses on automation in its designs, with the majority of civilian fleets not crewed at all but instead flown by Shards of the Omnissian Daughter to deliver goods, people, and services the Duchy over, alongside major cruise liners plying their worlds to deliver tourists from world to world as a thriving industry, yet ship ownership is not rare thanks to the abundance of cheap ships to be found and available for production after passing certifications and examinations by the state, allowing for a solid thriving industry of racing, exploration, wildcat colonization, and independent merchant convoys to spread prosperity.

Additionally, thanks to the mass use of automation, most Duchy Citizens enjoy a Quality of Life comparable to Federation Citizens, with mass-colonization efforts underway to push masses of the heavily populated Core to the fringes and gain more worlds to colonize more and achieve more production capacity in an endless feedback loop.

The average size of the Free Duchy's military ships is ~1.3km for Destroyers, ~2km for Frigates, ~5km for Light Cruisers, ~6km for Heavy Cruisers, and ~7.4km for Grand Cruisers, and Battleships ranging from ~20-24.000km in size. Yet, it should be noted here that these ships are excessively automated, with a regular Duchy Fleet only possessing around ~200 crew in total, primarily captains, far below even the crew size of a Federation Aries-Quintus Destroyer. Additionally, it must be noted here that the use of automated weaponry, automata, and drones within the Duchy Military heavily exceeds that of the Federation, with Duchy Troops almost entirely removed from front-line duty, with a ratio of 1 soldier per squad of ~10 automata set as the standard for basic infantry.

The average size of the civilian ships of the Free Duchy is ~4km for Light Freighters, ~10km for Medium Freighters and ~40km for Heavy Freighters that prowl millennia-old routes between star systems and Sub-Sectors if they are not ferrying colonists to the farthest frontiers.

The Free Duchy is estimated to be capable of outputting 100% more total ships in the same time frame as the Federation, with the majority being of Light-Cruiser Classes and below.

Their yards are primarily "owned" by private interests, with Noble Houses owning only 20% of the total known yards. In truth, the yards are the property of Van Zandt first, as the polity maintains at least 51% ownership of the yards jealously and sells "yard time" to its citizens, which they can then use the facilities and workers with self-purchased materials to create ships. Sold yard time can be taken back at any time by Van Zandt for any reason.

2) Socio-Economics
The average life of a Duchy Citizen is filled with ~15 years of standardized education that emphasizes the citizen's duty to the state, each other, and the creation of a safer galaxy for all. Thanks to effective medicines and genetic therapy available and heavily utilized by the state, mutations have been reduced to only existing in the fringes of their society and can be corrected within a month of discovery and willing surrender. Social Welfare ensures a minimum level (in quantity and quality) of water, food, housing, and clothing is available for the citizens of the Duchy when they are unable to achieve it themselves, tied to either proof that one is (temporarily) unable to work due to recovery from accidents or non-normative mental health, a member of the local SDF or PDF, or is employed within a Social Program. The average work week is calculated to be ~35 Standard Hours.

Education comes in three stages; Base Schooling, a diverging branching of Lower Schooling, Work Schooling, and Education Schooling each focusing on funneling those who are struggling/normative/excelling in studies toward manufacturing/service/information positions within Duchy society, though one can advance, or fall, from any level to another with the requisite grades, ending in University where studies into the higher mysteries of the universe are conducted and dispensed by the Duchy Mechanicum.

Major corporations and manufacturers of the Van Zandt Free Duchy include the Grox Burger Consortium, Hundred-Forty-Seventh Communion of the Warfare Algorithm, Abhuman Mercenary Tribute Rates and Applied Killers, Silken Sheet Services, and Militia Manufacturing Manifest.

Law enforcement exists on every colony after an edict in 867.M42, with standardized funding, professionalism, and anti-corruption measures enforced after the Edict of 239.M43 amended the Stability Act of 867.M42.

The F'li Mit'u have been granted the Privilege of Independent Colonization, Privilege of Armed Fleets, Privilege of Advancement, and Privilege of Military Service.

The Crashing Ocean have been granted the Privilege of Military Service as components and the equivalent of Gunnery Officers in Wave-Form Lances used by the Duchy Fleets, alongside the Privilege of Equalization and Rights.

The Ikkinchi have yet to earn a Privilege and are under the protection of the Duchy as they try to re-establish their society and civilization.

3) Corruption
Corruption levels have consistently sunk thanks to efforts to combat their mundane and Chaos variants, which have continued in the last millennium, ending in levels comparable to "Noteworthy" in both categories by the estimation of the Order of Cerberus. The Cult of the Omnissian Daughter has entirely replaced the doctrines of the Orthodox, Heterodox, Iconoclast, and Star-Mechanicum within the Duchy, with the majority of the Omnissian Priests adopting the colors of the Daugther; a Grey Base with a Blue Secondary and Black Highlights.

4) Propaganda
The enemies of the Duchy are Ork Corsairs, Drukhari Raiders, Chaos Cultists, and the Prophesized Threat.

Their propaganda focuses on rousing their people's spirits to resilience and perseverance, laboring with their fellow man and abhuman, and even Xenos, against the darkness that is ever-retreating from the light cast by their ever-expanding territories, beaten back by the might of their armies and the valiant efforts of their ship crews and armies, with both always eager to accept more recruits in their ranks.

Aethyr Calculants (Psykers) feature heavily in their propaganda pict-reels as those blessed with Aethyric powers to set out and destroy the enemies of Order. The end of those pict-reels states without fail that all children above 6 Standard Terran Years must be brought to an Examination Center to be scanned for Calculant potential, and non-compliance is punishable by imprisonment and hard labor of no less than 40 years.
Van Zandt Free Dutchy
Government Type:
Centralized Constitutional Empire
Culture Type: Technomantic Militaristic Imperialists
Attitude: Xeno Vassals...
Specie/s: Human (Primary), Abhumans (Minor), F'li Mit'u (Vassal Xenos), The Crashing Ocean (Vassal Xenos), and Assorted (Insignificant - Systematic Persecution)

1) Basic Economics
1.a) Trade

The Van Zandt Free Duchy has an estimated ~368 different ship classes within its roster that were observed, ranging from distinct to minor modifications, with around 144 of them military designs. New ship classes seem to be produced every thirty years, though for the majority "modifications" would be more appropriate, as the Duchy has instituted a revolving upgrade and overhaul system in its shipyards, constantly cycling its ships from their fronts to be repaired and overhauled before being sent back.

It should be noted that the Duchy has begun to heavily focus on automating its designs, with civilian fleets being the primary beneficiary of these efforts, drastically reducing the number of crew that is required to fly their freighters, which has led to an explosive growth in their numbers everywhere. Such has led to rising prosperity within every known world, their "prosperous" middle-class comparable to the poorest regions of the Federation.

The average size of the Free Duchy's military ships is ~1.2km for Destroyers, ~2km for Frigates, ~5km for Light Cruisers, ~6km for Heavy Cruisers, and ~7.4km for Grand Cruisers, with no Battleships observed or discovered in propaganda broadcasts. Additionally, a ~10-20% size variance exists due to construction in different yards.

The average size of the civilian ships of the Free Duchy is ~3.5km for Light Freighters, ~9km for Medium Freighters, and ~20km for Heavy Freighters that prowl centuries-old routes between star systems and Sub-Sectors.

The Free Duchy is estimated to be capable of outputting 300% more total ships in the same time-frame as the Federation, with the majority being of Light-Cruiser Classes and below.

Their yards are primarily "owned" by private interests, with Noble Houses owning only 35% of the total known yards. In truth, the yards are property of Van Zandt first, as the polity maintains at least 51% ownership of the yards jealously, and sells "yard time" to its citizens, in which they can then use the facilities and workers with self-purchased materials to create ships. Sold yard time can be taken back at any time by Van Zandt for any reason.

2) Socio-Economics
The average life of a Duchy Citizen is hard, but not horrific, as access to effective medicine, clean water, non-contaminated food, and acceptable safety gear for their environment have risen sharply to 93% saturation throughout all economic strata. Social Reforms have, in tandem with automation proliferation, decreased the work week to 100 hours, with social nets such as food stamps, unemployment colonization initiatives, access to free immediate healthcare, cheap limb-replacement initiatives, and more enacted throughout the centuries after the Liberation of Voxx Primus, alongside helping to ease social unrest that has sprung up due to the beginning war against the Sect of the Feculant Maggot driving up doomsday prophecies and hysteria amongst their population.

Education does not exist for the lowest strata, though efforts are made to create enough schooling places and create the necessary workforce to provide basic education to the people in every Duchy world. This is primarily done to ensure that the Lower Classes are educated enough to maintain and operate the machines they will be expected to work on until they die, though propaganda and indoctrination into the state also heavily feature amongst the lessons. The higher one's place is in society, the better one can expect the schools to be, alongside the classes offered.

Major corporations and manufacturers of the Van Zandt Free Duchy include the Grox Burger Consortium, Fifty-Sixth Communion of the Warfare Algorithm, Abhuman Mercenary Tribute Rates and Applied Killers, Silken Sheet Services, and Militia Manufacturing Manifest.

Law enforcement exists in every world after an edict in 867.M42, though funding, professionality, corruption, and effectiveness vary wildly. One world may see their LEs as honest protectors while another does not trust them to stop a murder before their eyes unless bribed to do so.

3) Corruption
Corruption levels from world to world, though efforts to combat their mundane and Chaos variants have been enacted throughout the centuries, with the first seeing slow and grinding progress on a state-wide level, while the latter approaches something that Cerberus wouldn't classify as "National Emergency" if similar numbers of cultists were to be found within the Glimmering Federation. This can, in part, be followed back to the ever-decreasing numbers of adherents to the Imperial Cult.

4) Propaganda
The enemies of the Duchy are Ork Corsairs, Drukhari Raiders, the Sect of the Feculant Maggot, Chaos Cultists, and an undefined Outside Threat.

Their propaganda focuses on rousing their people's spirits to resilience and perseverance, laboring with their fellow man and even abhuman against the darkness that is ever-encroaching on their ever-expanding territories, only beaten back by the might of their armies and the valiant efforts of their ship crews, with both always eager to accept more recruits in their ranks.

Psykers feature heavily in their propaganda pict-reels as those blessed and cursed with psychic powers and are thus charged to set out and destroy the enemies of humanity at the risk of searing out their soul and letting the Warp devour it. The end of those pict-reels states without fail that all children above 6 Standard Terran Years must be brought to an Examination Center to be scanned for psychic potential, and non-compliance is punishable by death.
1) Basic Economics
1.a) Trade

Voxx Primus is no longer under the control of the Duchy. Trade can still be inferred from the information below.
The Voxx Primus Planetary Trading Ring receives and ships, on average and per year, around 20- tons of cargo, the vast majority (>60%) of which consists of food imports from Voxx Secundus. The rest consists of ores and produced goods being shipped into the system before being shipped out. A total of 248 individual freighters and transport ships have been counted, with the majority (181 freighters) no smaller than 3 kilometers in length, with the most common classes being the "John Bachmeyer Class Tanker/Freighter."

Around ~200 of these freighters transport ores into the system before delivering cargo, either people or manufactured goods, out of the system.

The vessels 'Trusty Delivery,' 'On-Time Hallowed Foods,' and 'Bulk Discounts Need Not Apply' are outliers by stretching to 17, 19, and 25 kilometers in length in order of listing. These three ships are the primary deliverers of the food required by Voxx Primus and have been noted as specialty-build University-Class Mass Conveyors, with their arrival being celebrated by a planetary Hour Of Rest to celebrate the successful delivery of another batch of vital food for the Hives and Hivers of the planet.

1.b) Shipbuilding
In total, 43 different ship classes were encountered within the Voxx Primus system, of which only 11 were singular specialty builds. Of the known and discovered ship classes, 12 were of a military nature, of which 4 were not within the pre-Candle Keeper databases. On average, a new ship class seems to be built every fifty years, with only one military design being laid down sixty years ago before being abandoned and converted into a freighter for unknown reasons.

Due to the long-term subversion of Voxx Primus, it is estimated that the only unknown ship designs within the Free Duchy are those operating far outside the Sub-Sector or specially created military ships. The chance that a non-unique military design will be encountered is judged low due to the massive amount of vessels sent to secure Voxx Primus. Any new design built within Voxx Primus will be noticed before the superstructure is finished.

Around ~70% of all encountered ships have not been built on or around Voxx Primus, with the planet's yards specialized in three classes: the dual John Bachmeyer Class Tankers/Freighters and the ubiquitous Cobra.

The largest newly encountered ship is the 'Hallowed Cogitation of Creation' that set up shop within a heavily restricted section of the Planetary Ring 11 years ago, measuring up to an estimated ~7 kilometers. Interestingly enough, its armaments can only be described as "confusingly light," with barely a single light Macro-Cannon Turret on the hull.

The average size of the Free Duchy's military ships is ~1.5km for Destroyers, ~2km for Frigates, ~4km for Light Cruisers, and ~5km for Heavy Cruisers, with a ~100-200 meter variance detected due to their construction in different yards.

The average size of the civilian ships of the Free Duchy is ~3km for Light Freighters, ~7km for Medium Freighters, and ~20km for Heavy Freighters, though that stems from only three vessels (the Food Delivery Conveyors).

The Free Duchy is estimated to be roughly as capable a ship-builder as the Glimmering Federation at around 80% efficiency. However, that primarily stems from institutional knowledge, doctrinal conceits, and technological aid from the Mechanicus.

The cargo capacity of their ships is noted at the start of the report in section [1.a) Trade].

The yards are primarily "owned" by private interests, with Noble Houses owning only 17% of the yearly yard time. In truth, the yards are property of Voxx Primus second and Van Zandt first, as the polity massively aided in their construction and so sells "yard time" to its citizens, in which they can then use the facilities and workers with self-purchased materials to create ships. Sold yard time can be taken back at any time by Van Zandt for any reason.

2) Socio-Economics
Life in the Lower Hive, a distinction from the Underhive, is, if anything, something that Federation Propagandists would veto without a second if they saw a ten second pict-reel of it due to the horrific nature of it. 18-hour shifts of back-breaking, cruel labor. "Food" that is barely adequate to keep moving and working. Clothing that has more in common with cheap plastic sheets than any fabric. Mothers give birth next to assembly lines and are fined for missed productivity, while children are chained to the same workstations and clad in the same collar as a person just recently shot for refusing to work anymore. Strikes or work refusals are put down in near torturous manners, with nerve gas used ubiquitously, and forced servitorization of randomly selected workers in the open and over laud-hailers being used to cow entire manufactories into compliance and to make them meet unrealistic quotas. Enforcers, what little there are, can do what they desire with impunity for as long as they have the weapons to back themselves up, being just a well-armed and trained gang...if the latter even ever applied. Justice does not exist. Joy is alien. Hope was shot dead and dragged into an alleyway to be sold for sex and body parts so long ago that not even her bones are there to be noticed. All the while, preachers stand on raised daises surrounded by armed guards or wander the streets with flocks of penitent flagellants whose backs are bloody torn-open puzzles of gore and ribbons of flesh sloughing off, their mouths screaming to the masses of their unworthiness to serve as a part of the Holy Trinary of the Imperial Creed, and that they must repent by spending their days in service to the God-Emperor in all things they do, be it in a manufactory or the military. The Ministorum seems to be far more in lock-step with the stances and views of the government than old experiences with Neon tell, but it is uncertain if that is because the faith follows the government or the government the faith.

On average, ~2-12 Hab-Blocks are in open revolt at any time in any single Hive, fighting viciously against enforcers that use tanks, flamers, and gas without care for collateral damages.

Education does not exist beyond those lucky enough to have parents in jobs that require some form of it or can bribe themselves into an organization where they are given the same. It is entirely an apprentice approach, with the only "schools" located in the Upper Hive for the servants of the Nobility.

Wages do not exist as the broader Federation population is used to. No payments at the end of a month for services rendered, but coin in hand at the end of a shift, with the amount of coin heavily depending on if you pleased or displeased your superiors. Sexual, Psychological, and Physical Abuses are rampant, with wages withheld for minor infractions that wouldn't even be glanced at twice in the Federation, or wages increased for providing information about one's fellow workers, alongside corruption that skims more than the top-off the salaries set by the manufactory, shop, or service business owners.

Food is "state-provided" as House van der Snipe owns all food production within the Hives. All incoming food is bought first by the same before being sold to the Daily Meal Guild, Corpse Guild, Ration Merchants, and the various Houses for luxury items.

Law enforcement exists purely for the benefit of the Upper Hive, keeping out the "riff-raff" while ensuring that any uprisings are swiftly squashed with all available brutality. There are no checks or balances on them, and they can act with impunity wherever they go, only restrained by their fellow enforcers and the need to keep the peace somewhat existing. Murders, rapes, extortions, corruption, torture, theft, and all other manner of crimes are done by the enforcers with increasing regularity the lower one goes within a Hive.

3) Corruption
To ask about (non-Chaos) corruption within Voxx Primus is only done by the uninformed. There is no corruption if everyone is corrupt. If anything, those who don't take bribes are seen with naked suspicion, as bribery and "hidden" deals are seen as natural.

Yet, if one tries to break the mold, either by going after the corrupt or by breaking made deals, "examples" are made of them—screaming, pleading, burning examples.

However, the attacks against the Underhives are seen by nearly everyone as only a breaking of deals if no warning was sent by the paid-off enforcers or those who had their backs scratched with delivered goods, people, or services. Those people either vanished of their own volition quickly found out that the cruelty of the Drukhari does not compare to that of Gangers seeking revenge.

4) Propaganda
The enemies of the Duchy are Ork Corsairs, Drukhari Raiders, Chaos Cultists, and Undefined Internal Evil.

Their propaganda focuses on using the "Trinity of the Imperial Creed" to portray the might and resilience of humanity and the Free Duchy. They claim that with their veneration of the God-Emperor, the faith of the Mechanicum in the Omnissiah and Machine-God, and the Unbreakable Human Spirit, they shall overcome all challenges that lay in their way, no matter how insurmountable they may seem.

Very interestingly, Psykers feature heavily in these propaganda pict-reels as those burdened by the God-Emperor to be vessels for his will and power, to set out and destroy the enemies of humanity in his name at the risk of searing out their soul and letting the Warp devour it. They are mostly seen using their powers to turn entire Ork advances into ash or using pin-point fire of lightning to set Drukhari ablaze, but some have them depicted as "conduits" for machinery to eradicate ships with jets of fire and carve through them with beams of unreality. The end of those pict-reels states without fail that all children above 6 Standard Terran Years must be brought to an Examination Center to be scanned for psychic potential, and non-compliance is punishable by death.

The list of the Noble Houses of Voxx Primus of interest to the Federation includes House Adlhard, Hosue Ninchi, House Gregory Van Terrn, and House Öliastoutouplisou who, in order, are tasked with the PDF/SDF Aeronautica, the supplies for the PDF, the extraction of ore from within the system and planet, and all medical matters.

Official propaganda states that the Mechanicus, though weird and often frightening, are devout servants of the God-Emperor who pray to Him On Holy Terra through a guise he wore to bring them into the fold for the services they will render Him in the coming millennia.

Currently, their propaganda has shifted to focus on the "White Void" "eating Sub-Sector Archwan" in response to their discovery of our existence. It primarily focuses on getting people to sign up for the Voxxian PDF and SDF, with a side note of justifying increased quotas. They have adopted a Siege Mentality stance against us, with justifications being laid down for mass conscriptions once conflict breaks out. Yes, once, for they are certain that the White Void will soon come to devour them, too.

Republic of Asharru
Government Type:
Culture Type: Screaming
Attitude: Screaming
Specie/s: Screaming
1) Basic Economics
1.a) Trade

The Republic of Asharru operates a small fleet of freighters based on sporadic information gathering and diplomatic initiation attempts. Their total numbers are unknown but estimated to be around ~40 individual ships, with another ~40 estimated on the higher side.

They are staunchly isolationistic and do not initiate any diplomacy.

20 Military ships, 14 Frigates, and 6 Light Cruisers, are stationed in Shashi.

1.b) Shipbuilding
Their total ship production capabilities are unknown.

Their Frigates measure 2.2km, and their Light Cruisers between 4.4km and 4.6km.

Their armaments are unknown.

2) Socio-Economics
The only information gathered is that the Republic has access to technology that enables it to override the sound systems of ships within its territory. They use this technology to play screaming at an ever-increasing volume, eventually leading to foreign ships retreating to escape the assault on their auditory senses and morale. The local SDF immediately attacks ships that have no sound systems or that have disabled them manually.

3) Corruption
No visible/noticeable Chaos Corruption was noticed. Mundane Corruption likely exists.

4) Propaganda
There are no broadcasts from the Republic.

Valan Blood Court - Exterminated
Government Type:
Blood Court - Designated as per information gathered by the Lords of Eternity. No Chaos Corruption noticed within captured Valan.
Culture Type: Genocidal Ravagers
Attitude: Genocidal Ravagers
Specie/s: Valan (Primary), Human (Food))

The Croaf Hegemony - Conquered
Government Type:
Hegemonic Gene-Autocracy
Culture Type: Supremacist Voidfarers
Attitude: Imperious
Specie/s: Navigators - Homo Navigo (Minor - Elite Caste), Human - Homo Sapiens (Primary - Laborer Caste), Abhuman - Homo Sapiens Hirsutus (Minor - Slave Caste), and Mutants (Insignificant - Perpetual Genocide)
1) Basic Economics
1.a) Trade

The exact number of ships the Hegeomy possesses is hard to come by, but our scouts estimate that at least ~400 Civilian vessels are in operation, with an additional ~120 Military vessels counted. The latter includes a Grand Cruiser scale ship. Additionally, every world the Hegemony oppresses is home to a Trade Depot Anchor, a heavily fortified void station siphoning tribute from the worlds below them to construct ships in orbit and facilitate trade. Everyday labor duties are done by Humans, but an Abhuman Strain called Homo Sapiens Hirsutus, or Felinid, exists to work on tasks deemed too dangerous, lethal, or below humanity to perform.

1.b) Shipbuilding
All shipyards are owned and operated by a Trade Depot Anchor's ruling Navigator Family and is capable of producing around ~4 Destroyers per decade at total output, ~1.5 Frigates in the same time-frame, or ~.5 Light Cruisers in their stead. Though largely unmodified Imperial-Era vessels, Hegemony ships contain vastly enlarged personal quarters for the Captains, who are, inevitably, the Navigators who own the vessels or were entrusted with them in pursuit of their duties.

We can expect to be at a disadvantage mobility-wise on the strategic scale when we declare a Liberation Crusade for the populations the Hegemony enslaves.

2) Socio-Economics
Their society is structured like that of the Free Duchy, if with a heavy bent toward imposing Navigator-Supremacy on every level of society. The Lower and Middle Classes suffer what they must, and the Upper Classes reap the rewards of their labor, with the Slave Caste, the Felinid Abhumans, treated more akin to animals than intelligent beings. It should be noted here that an un-named Xenos Species existed within their borders but has by now either been fed into the maws of industry or exterminated in death camps. Additionally, planets under the Hegemony are prohibited from utilizing any stellar infrastructure or even spaceships unless directly owned by the governing Caste of Navigators.

Their education system works according to the Caste a person belongs to, with organized schooling (read: indoctrination) stopping shortly before the Labor Caste is reached. After that, parents and children must expend personal efforts to obtain any form of knowledge not required in their duties. Often, the same must be bought.

Their economy is primarily a mix of barter for the lower classes and monetary exchanges for the Navigators.

Law Enforcement does not exist. Instead, Compliance Enforcement is in full effect, with disobedience and rebellion quickly and beyond proportion stamped out.

3) Corruption
No visible/noticeable Chaos Corruption was noticed. Mundane Corruption likely exists heavily.

4) Propaganda
They focus on instilling into their oppressed populations that they are rightfully ground-bound and that the stars are only for those elevated by their betters.

Alongside that, anti-Abhuman propaganda focuses on them being rightly in chains and used as labor for their "rebellious nature" and "contempt for the natural order of things." Anti-Duchy propaganda focuses on ensuring that the Hegemony has a steady source of someone to blame for the "hardships pressed upon the populations of our fair worlds," as they put it.

Ashan Families
Government Type:
Culture Type: Mafias, Unions, Corporate, Merchants
Attitude: Money
Specie/s: Human
Notice: This Report has been flagged with the [Dysfunctional State] Warning.

1) Basic Economics
1.a) Trade

The Families possess around ~80 unique ships, alongside another ~50 military ships ranging from Destroyer to Light Cruiser size. All of them are, in one way or another, owned by at least three people, four funds, seven corporations, and ninety-eight interest groups who throw lawsuits at each other like candy at children during a parade.

All ships are unique designs. There is no standardization. They are nuts. Their logisticians have staged at least 467 rebellions and breakaway polities. Forty-two of them are still around and in a deep and bitter feud with each other over naming rights.

Most of their ships are used to ferry all manner of goods, but finished goods, illegal narcotics, weapons, and children's toys are their primary imports/exports.

1.b) Shipbuilding
Their ship production capabilities are anarchic to the extreme, with at least eight groups vying for legal or illegal ownership of any yard or a component thereof. The fact that they are capable of producing any ship is a testament to the skill of their yard workers...ability to defend themselves long enough to finish a project before the higher-ups fight over another one.

The sizes of their Destroyers and Frigates are [All Of The Above], with armaments ranging from rams to a cannon that shoots green beams that disintegrate hit targets. Their ability to operate in any coordinated fashion can, at best, be called sub-par.

2) Socio-Economics
The Ashan Families are heavily split into different factions that only hold to one principle: "We fight amongst ourselves, but if anyone pokes one of ours? Beat that fucker bloody and take their organs to the nearest Grey Market."

Worker's Unions, Criminal Gangs, Mafia Syndicates, Corporate Holdings, Banks, Governmental Strongholds, Mercantile Guilds, and a perplexed group of possible Xenos/possible Abhumans/possible Science Experiments Gone Horribly Wrong/Right that have formed a Naked Free Commune in Conar are all examples of the forces that exert political influence amongst their people.

Quality of Life can be considered "poor" across the board, with only the High Classes of the Ashan Families able to maintain a standard of living equal to Federation High Classes.

Their education system is highly dependent on which faction you belong to and what rank you hold within that faction.

They are either a Hyper-Capitalistic Disgrace, Anarcho-Communists, Anarcho-Capitalists, or Free Market Socialists depending on who is asked, the time of day, the number of shots fired into the air during the conversation, and the amount of goods stolen from your pocket while you weren't watching for thieves.

Their "Law Enforcement" consists of whatever forces the various groups deem sufficient to keep "order" around and within their territories.

3) Corruption
No visible/noticeable Chaos Corruption was noticed. Mundane Corruption can be summed up with "Yes."

4) Propaganda
Look. There are somewhere of around ~7k different individual factions belonging to 18 general movements themselves subscribing to 3 typical guidances. If you want a stance to be heard, you will likely find 900 more pushed into your skull by the nearest scam artist that already picked you clean and took a shit in your pants. Just to fuck with you.

Black Ash Clan
Government Type:
Legalist Feudal Queendom
Culture Type: Matriarchal Knight Empire
Attitude: Proud Conquerors and Liberators
Specie/s: Human (Primary), Abhuman - Homo Sapiens Hirsutus (Minor - Second Class Citizens), and Mutants (Insignificant - Perpetual Genocide)
1) Basic Economics
1.a) Trade

The Black Ash Ascendancy is engaged in extensive trade re-vitalization projects all over their newly conquered and liberated territories, utilizing their old and new shipyards to produce the old-bitten Vagabond-Class Merchant Traders, dozens of the ships already flying out to ferry around much-needed re-building and uplift supplies, with hundreds more to follow in the century predicted to be needed to uplift all new territories of the Ascendancy.

Though, as is tradition, and after tense negotiations with the "Four Free Cities" of the heartland of the Black Ash Ascendancy, all of these new freighters are placed not under the control of the House of the Black Ash or by those they designate as the captains of the new vessels, but by notable leaders of the rebellions, uprisings, and resistance movements that were so instrumental in ensuring a quick take-over of the planets of the now defunct Croaf Hegemony.

That all new ships will also be classified as "Free Cities" is a direct consequence of the original Four Free Cities' political sway resulting from a refusal by the captains and crews of the four ships to move any freight or person from the Five Sisters (as the Ascendancy calls their homeworlds) ~2.800 years ago after an attempt to press them into service without paying any compensation. For this reason, they also refuse to ferry any person or item that swears fealty to or belongs to the Knight House of Featherschrei. They also reserve the right to shoot on sight at anyone carrying Disk Mold Cheese, a delicious local delicacy. We still have no idea why.

They possess 273 military ships, including 57 unique Dauntless variants. The most notable ship is the Mk.II Disk Lancer Corvette, which is armed with a Prow Lance, two Macro-Cannon Turrets, and one Medium Missile Battery.

1.b) Shipbuilding
Their primary shipyard is in orbit around The Disk, a literal disk floating in space; we are not kidding; that is a fucking flat Frisbee hurtling through space. HOW?! The casual breaking of physics aside, the Disk Shipyard, owned entirely by the Lord of the Diskyard, is hard at work producing hundreds of freight ships for the new territories of the Ascendancy.

Light Cruisers are being constructed continuously at a rate of ~10 per decade, with ~15 Destroyers or Frigates in the same timeframe. Their shipwrights are currently hard at work trying to reproduce two ship types (one to imitate, one to defeat) similar to the Bloody Midnight-Class Light Cruiser of the Lamenters Space Marine Chapter after their impressive (to us) and terrifying (to them) showing in the Croaf Liberation Crusade. It is hard to overstate the terror a boarding and ramming ship can elicit when it seems to be capable of outright shattering the spines of Light Cruisers of similar weight, outright seemingly "eating" their unfortunate targets and ripping them apart, with the singular Grand Cruiser, the 'Providence of Our Eminence,' of the Croaf Hegemony falling to a pack of Bloody Midnights inflicting heavy ramming-damage before disgorging over three-hundred Lamenters into its guts, over-running it within twenty-seven minutes and forty-three seconds. Their Master of Ships, Il-Aluth, called the showing "sub-par" and ordered harsh refresher training for all Companies.

Their largest ship is the flagship 'Black Goat,' 8.6km long and a massively oversized Dauntless MK.I, with the 'Dread Baron' being its "Husband Ship" and constructed after their upgraded Dauntless MK.II's.

The average Light Cruiser stands at 4.3km, and their Corvettes are 1.2km.

2) Socio-Economics
Thanks to centuries of industrial uplift, industrialization, and economic growth, the living standards of the Lower Classes have approached something approaching "acceptable" for Federation Charity Faith Orders spending their time administering to the poor, homeless, sick, and desperate of the Ascendancy, even if their Matriarchal bend has persisted throughout the entire process. As was the case centuries ago, skilled artisans and mechanics dominate the Middle Class, though they have taken more the role of owners or leaders of large gatherings of the same groups, while the Upper Class consists of the Knight House Nobility. However, the Upper Class is not as decadently wealthy as the nobility of the Van Zandt Free Duchy or as decadent as low-brow Federation Dramas and Soap Operas tend to portray them as, as they tend to utilize their wealth in a more subdued luxury rather than opulent depravity.

They are organized in a Legalist Feudal Matriarchal Monarchy under a singular High Queen.

Education within the economy is primarily a three-year dual apprenticeship-work-based system, with schools and a mandatory six-year education standard, alongside the chance to pay for higher education.

Their primary economic system is capitalism, though protective measures are in place to ensure a price floor for common goods such as rice, simple clothing, and very basic medicines. State-owned manufacturers produce staples neglected by the free market.

Planetary law is enforced by said planet's peacekeepers, governed by a polity-wide "Base Code of Conduct. " The "Code of Honor of the Developed Bosom" is a revised, as the name suggests, polity-spanning set of statutes governing inter-noble conduct, primarily duels, and their conduct to and with non-nobles.

3) Corruption
No visible/noticeable Chaos Corruption was found. Mundane Corruption is beneath the acceptable range.

4) Propaganda
Their propaganda primarily focuses on the rights and duties of the Knights as the rulers and guardians of the people. With the end of the war against the Croaf Hegemony, a large portion has been dedicated to enticing their people to help out the uplift of the new territories by buying state bonds and reducing friction with the recently liberated Felinid Abhumans. They are also subsidizing this effort by selling merchandise and tickets, alongside pict-recordings, of and to the duels between the Knight Order of the Federation and the Ascendancy.

They are favorable toward the Glimmering Federation.

Their stance on psykers is slowly growing to resemble that of the Federation.

The Imperial Creed's theology on their worlds has been bent to worship the "God-Empress" instead of the God-Emperor, with the Mechanicum delegated to a forgotten memory for everyone, replaced instead by the Star-Mechanicum's rites and interpretations of the Omnissah, Motive Force, and Machine God.

Black Cat Company
Government Type:
Militaristic Corpostate
Culture Type: Mercenaries For Hire
Attitude: Money
Specie/s: Human
Notice: This Report has been flagged with the [Unreliable] Warning.
1) Basic Economics
1.a) Trade

The Black Cat Company does not engage in any trade whatsoever beyond selling its ships for mercenary work. Its homeworld, "The Talon," is a fully self-sufficient Civilized World with shipyards capable of maintaining and replacing its giant fleet. The Company is suspected to have ~120-140 military ships.

1.b) Shipbuilding
They mostly use old Imperial Designs, though it is likely that after-Imperial modifications have taken place, considering that their Widomakers sport Missile Pods and fly at an estimated ~9 Gravities when roused to action.

Their largest ship is an unnamed battleship with unknown configuration and weapon loadout, though Lances are suspected to be its main armament.

The average Destroyer is 1.5km, the Frigates are 1.9km, the Light Cruisers are 4.4km, and their Heavy Cruisers are 5.5km long.

As far as we can determine, their shipyards are owned by the Company.

2) Socio-Economics
Life for the Lower/Middle/Upper Classes is equal to pre-conquest Quintura Diablo.

We have no information on how their education system works.

They are likely heavily capitalistic, though an underlying message to their propaganda is that all military workers are given a minimum of food, water, medicine, clothing, and housing without impact on their pay.

We have no information on how their law enforcement works.

3) Corruption
No visible/noticeable Chaos Corruption was noticed. Mundane Corruption is likely an accepted part of their society.

4) Propaganda
Their propaganda mainly focuses on getting more recruits for the Black Cat Company, with the rest of the gathered broadcasts focusing on entertainment and glorifying war for coin.

They seem to have no mention of psykers within their broadcasts beyond the fact they exist and are dangerous.

Lords of Eternity
Government Type:
Psychic Feudal Ochlocracy
Culture Type: Psychic Nobility
Attitude: Stoic
Specie/s: Human (Primary), Abhuman (Minor), and Msk'fa (Insignificant)
1) Basic Economics
1.a) Trade

The Lords of Eternity do not, to our knowledge and their admission, practice extra-polity trade beyond rare convoys of metals and fuel to the Watchtower Confederacy in exchange for war materials. This is achieved with a small trading fleet of 32 Armed Cargo Transporters of old Imperial Design, with an accompanying fleet of around ~4 Light Cruisers and ~2 Destroyers to act as outriders.

Their main fleet comprises ~40 Destroyers, ~30 Frigates, ~15 Light Cruisers, and ~3 Heavy Cruisers.

1.b) Shipbuilding
Their total ship production capabilities are primarily occupied with repairing their damaged ships, with new ships coming online as needed or as enabled with the bounties gained by their colonies within Sub-Sector Valiant.

Their Destroyers measure 1.3km, Frigates 1.8km, Light Cruisers 2.5km, and Heavy Cruisers 4km.

They primarily use Lances, though they are gradually being replaced with Macro-Cannons whenever they are damaged beyond repair in battle due to the Lords not possessing the ability to manufacture them and not being placed on new ships whenever they are constructed.

2) Socio-Economics
The Lords of Eternity are ruled by noble lineages of Psykers, banded together under Houses, with new members inducted by secret rites after new psykers graduate their psykana institutions without falling to Chaos and exhibiting the required mental stability. These Houses oversee the governance of cities, continents, planets, and systems, with a singular body called the Chamber of Illumination overseeing their war efforts against the Asuryani and Valan Blood Court and comprehensive path within the stars. Said wasr has come to an end in 060.M43.

A Charter of Rights and Responsibilities oversees what their citizens are legally afforded, such as the right to assemble for protests, and what must be delivered to retain these rights, such as mandatory military service in either combat, combat-related, or logistics-related roles.

They place a heavy emphasis on mental stability, with meditation and mental wellness checks enforced for all their people.

Their primary religion is a bastardization of the Imperial Cult, venerating the Emperor in the Aspect of the Priest, Aspect of the Soldier, Aspect of the Wizard, and Aspect of the Statesman.

Mutants are given the choice between front-line duty, stationary factory laborers, or execution whenever they are found.

The Lords are home to an Abhuman species called "Ratlings" used as scouts, snipers, and cooks within military contexts but are mostly kept on the same level as Baseline Humans.

They also are home to a Xeno Species seen as equals called the Msk'fa.

3) Corruption
No visible/noticeable Chaos Corruption was noticed. Mundane Corruption likely exists.

4) Propaganda
Their propaganda primarily focuses on reporting any manifestations of psychic abilities at once to deny Chaos any grasp upon the soul of those capable of wielding psychic skills and to thank the Lamenters and protraying the Glimmering Federation as a friendly, if distant, friend.

Watchtower Confederacy
Government Type:
Culture Type: Militaristic Defenders
Attitude: Cautious Militarists
Specie/s: Human (Primary), Abhuman - Ratlings (Secondary), and Mutants (Insignificant - Perpetual Genocide depending on System Governments)
1) Basic Economics
1.a) Trade

Guessing the number of ships possessed by the Watchtower Confederacy is hard to do, as they do not keep count of individual Civilian or Member-World Navy vessels, with only the Confederate Navy counted in full at ~85 ships. ~40 are Destroyers, ~20 Frigates, ~20 Light Cruisers, ~5 Heavy Cruisers, and unconfirmed rumors of 1~3 Battleships.

Regardless, they operate Trade Fleets of around 10~25 ships within their borders and beyond, feeding worlds and stations, alongside contracts struck with the Lords of Eternity and other minor worlds and powers.

1.b) Shipbuilding
Shipyards are owned according to member-world/system rules, ranging from wealthy individuals to nations. Output varies greatly, but is likely around ~20 Destroyers per decade.

2) Socio-Economics
Their societies run the gamut from Feudal to Democratic, and their primary concern when working together is to ensure that they have the military strength to oppose outside aggression.

Their education systems are up to members.

Their economic systems are up to members.

Law Enforcement is up to members.

3) Corruption
No visible/noticeable Chaos Corruption was noticed. Mundane Corruption likely exists.

4) Propaganda
Beyond an organized effort to keep buy-in to the Confederacy high, no organized propaganda campaigns have been observed.

Holy Diaconate Of The Brandished Sword Of The God-Emperor's Faithful
Government Type:
Unitary Theocratic Elective Absolute Monarchy
Culture Type: Holy Crusaders
Attitude: Righteous Cleansers
Specie/s: Human (Primary), Assorted (Minor - Permanent Genocide)
1) Basic Economics
1.a) Trade

We have no information regarding the internal trade relations of the Diaconate, though we suspect they exist.

Every attempt at communication has been met with extreme hostility. Attempts at communication with Imperial-Era vessels have been met with initial successes, though the second the captain of said vessel refused to convert to their (heretical) religion, extreme violence ensued. The nature of the refusal does not matter, as even attempts to delay conversion have been met with violence.

It is unknown how many ships the Diaconate possesses.

1.b) Shipbuilding
Their total ship production capabilities are unknown.

We have encountered every class of ship up to, and including, Grand Cruisers. Their dimensions seem to be on the edge of what is possible, even for us.

Their armaments are primarily based on Lances and Macro-Cannons, with a trend toward lighter but numerous versions of them. Avenger-Class Grand Cruisers are present in enough numbers to make up the spine of every fleet encountered. It must be noted here that though most ships are reminiscent of Imperial-Era designs, they have been changed, upgraded, downgraded, improved, side-graded, worsened, and had all manner of modifications enacted upon them to make them functionally distinct ships. The most notable of which is frankly jaw-dropping amounts of armor and voidshields.

2) Socio-Economics
The Diaconate is ruled by a class of Priest-Lords that oversee the population and ensure a horrific level of zeal and fanaticism among the populations we have discovered and located, both colonists and those of already-settled worlds. This zeal is channeled into anti-..........everything! WHAT THE FUC-

The Diaconate has a perpetual genocide directive against its own population, "culling" everything not deemed "human" enough by the whims of the Priest-Lords, which seems to change depending on how many bodies are required for the frontlines. That these soldiers are then murdered en mass after surviving being used as frontline fodder is seen as a matter of course by everyone.

Their military is headed by what seems to be Space Marines, but we can't confirm that as we have not found them outside propaganda broadcasts. Further, the Diaconate bolsters its troops with the inclusion of convents, called "Sororitas," which are women-only Miliaristic Faith Orders that make use of power armor, mechanized armor, and what seem to be oversized personal armor on the scale between power armor and Armiger Knights, though the latter have been observed among some battles against locals.

3) Corruption
If such a thing as "holy" corruption exists, the Diaconate has wholly fallen to it. Beyond that, we cannot make any assumptions.

4) Propaganda
The usual for small-minded heretical sects with too many guns to be opposed in a meaningful way by their opponents. "Kill everything not Us, and then kill everyone that is "Us" we tell you to because they aren't "Us" at all.

Shipwright's Grove
Government Type:
Unitary Meritocratic Council Democracy
Culture Type: Ecological Void Unity
Attitude: Expanionistic Terraformers
Specie/s: Human (Primus Inter Pares) and Irrita (Secundus Inter Pares)
1) Basic Economics
1.a) Trade

The Shipwright's Grove contains an estimated ~15k Warp-Capable vessels, the majority of which (~57%) are the Living Ships of Irritan [Child]-Of-The-Voids plying the trade routes of their expanded domains. It should be noted that every Living Ship is a wholly unique vessel, an effect of the species shipbuilding approach, which is entirely artisanal in nature. Not only are their Warp Drives and Gellar Field Generators not manufactured but individually grown, augmented, and combined into self-sustaining bio-mechanical creations that interface with the hulls they are placed within. It should be noted here that an Irrita is not only capable of, but expected, to create their own Warp Drive and Gellar Field Generator with nothing but some advice, second-hand parts, and the drive to make their own in case they lack parts they require should they desire to become a Son-of-the-Void.

Their primary imports/exports consist of bulk goods such as people, ores, manufactured base goods (construction materials, armor plating, and tools ranked highest), and medicine. They maintain several trade stations with us, alongside dozens of treaties managing commerce, and joined anti-piracy patrols.

They operate an estimated ~1.500 military vessels, most of which are on dispersed defensive duty to bolster local SDF efforts to combat a constant Low-Level Pirate Threat from within the various Oort Clouds of their claimed and held systems and a High-Level Pirate Threat from the Corsair's Haven Sector Cluster.

1.b) Shipbuilding
The Shipwright's Grove maintains a Scout Fleet of around ~100 vessels.

Their total ship production capabilities outstrip those of the Glimmering Federation by a factor of 2.5x due to their cultural and societal mindset, which enforces the continual expansion of habitation stations, asteroid settlements, and the subsequent needed intra-stellar infrastructure. Most of their shipyards are privately owned, with the rest distributed between dedicated military shipyards and corporate holdings. It should be noted here that the Grove enforces a clause within any new yard construction that sets aside 10% of the yard's total output for use by the Grove Navy, which can be called upon in the form of maintenance, re-fitting, or the construction of new ships.

Their Destroyers are between 1.5km and 1.8km, Frigates between 2km and 2.4km, Light Cruisers between 4.6km and 4.8km, Heavy Cruisers between 5.5km and 6km, and their Grand Cruisers range between 7.2km and 7.8km. Living Ship sizes range from ~180m to ~15km.

Their armaments are focused on a mix of Macro-Cannons, Lances, and some torpedos sprinkled in, with their Destroyers primarily outfitted with the latter. At the same time, their Frigates are armed with only Lances. Their Grand Cruisers primarily use Rotary or Plasma Macro-Cannons, with the Grove's Heavy Revolving Prow Lance a standard armament.

They are currently undergoing the effort to construct a Battleship called 'The Old Forest' in their Core Worlds. It will be around ~17km long once finished.

2) Socio-Economics
The Irrita and Humans have fused the first self-professed "Federal Anarchy" (composed of their will to grow harmoniously as independent individuals and bring new blooms to the galaxy, though they have some positions of respect, typically translated as "Song-of-[Subject]" by Federation and Shipwright linguists due to the words and concepts used being too complex to be described outside of an academic paper) and the latter's more traditional government.

The Irrita regard Humans with a note of self-professed joy as they "enjoy the sight of [our] linear bioluminescence." It is unclear what this means.

The Grove's political hierarchy is based on elected merit. You cannot become a shipyard leader if you do not put in the hours in that same yard working alongside everyone else. You cannot rise to become a Minister of Medicine if you have never had the displeasure of assisting in an outbreak of cholera within a station whose sanitation systems have broken down. There is no captain amongst their people that their crews do not trust implicitly with their lives. This system is reinforced by top-down propaganda efforts to ensure that hard work is not only rewarded but seen to be rewarded by all people they can reach. The downside of such a system is that their upper leadership generally tends to be on the older side, with changes in Ministers happening roughly every ~10/40 years due to either death by old age or retirement, depending on if they are Human or Irrita.

Their education system is not comparable to any polity encountered, as the Irrita seem to have a pre-installed genetic memory of specific topics. They also heavily use implants and cybernetic augments to download and unpack information and lessons within days instead of years. However, a six-year schooling period (starting at age 6 (for Humans) is mandated, focusing on math, reading, law, first aid, quick repairs, and emergency drills.

Do not ask a Song-of-Growth about their work. They will literally not tire of talking, as they lack the biological components to do so. You have been warned. The most popular sport within the Alliance is Void Racing, where pilots of unique strike craft-derivative race a prepared track of asteroids, caverns, and old useless hulks against each other. Deaths are supposedly relatively uncommon despite the sport's dangerous and highly lethal nature once an accident occurs.

Law enforcement is more low-level, organized by, and consisting of community-appointed and rotating enforcers keeping the peace with a higher organization called in to investigate High Order Crimes like murder, abductions, and smuggling of illegal substances.

3) Corruption
No visible/noticeable Chaos Corruption exists. Mundane Corruption exists below acceptable levels.

4) Propaganda
Most of their propaganda is focused on supporting their political systems and generating buy-in from their population.
1) Basic Economics
1.a) Trade

As far as we can determine, the Stellar Growth does not attempt to index the number of its ships, and attempts to do so have been wholly unsuccessful because even a low count returns over ~49k different vessels, which is obviously impossible.

This is an effect of the species ship-building approach, which is wholly artisanal in nature. Not only are their Warp Drives and Gellar Field Generators not manufactured but individually grown, augmented, and combined self-sustaining bio-mechanical creations that then interface with the hulls they are placed within in turn. It should be noted here that an Irrita is not only capable of but expected to create their own Warp Drive and Gellar Field Generator with nothing but some advice, second-hand parts, and the drive to make their own in case they lack parts they require should they desire to become a Son-of-the-Void.

1.b) Shipbuilding
See above. Warp Ship sizes range from ~180m to ~9.9km.

2) Socio-Economics
The Irrita are a self-professed "Federal Anarchy" composed of their will to grow harmoniously and bring new blooms to the galaxy. Though they have some positions of respect, typically translated as "Song-of-[Subject]" by Federation and Shipwright linguists due to the words and concepts used being too complex to be described outside of an academic paper, even those only possess the respect given to them by their actions and willingness to perform their self-imposed role and do not hold any actionable authority.

They regard Humans with a minor note of self-professed joy as they "enjoy the sight of [our] linear bioluminescence." It is unclear what this means.

Their education system is not comparable to that of any polity encountered, as the Irrita seem to have a pre-installed genetic memory of certain topics. They also heavily use implants and cybernetic augments to download and unpack information and lessons within days instead of years.

Do not ask a Song-of-Growth about their work. They will literally not tire of talking, as they lack the biological components to do so. You have been warned.

Law enforcement is utterly unknown in their worlds and what few stations they inhabit, as criminals are dealt with by communal decision and force.

3) Corruption
No visible/noticeable Chaos Corruption was noticed. Mundane Corruption likely does not exist.

4) Propaganda
They have none that we could identify.

1) Basic Economics
1.a) Trade

The Shipwright's Alliance has access to a trading and transportation fleet of 79 unique ships noticed by our traders keeping logs and our sensor specialists within Scout Fleet Alpha. Their primary imports/exports consist of bulk goods such as people, ores, manufactured base goods (construction materials, armor plating, and tools ranked highest), and medicine. They maintain several trade stations with the Stellar Growth, alongside a dual-colonization effort of Erfestfort in the K'ali A'shi Sub-Sector.

They operate an estimated ~100 military vessels, most of which are on dispersed defensive duty to bolster local SDF efforts to combat a constant low-level pirate threat from within the various Oort Clouds of their claimed and held systems.

1.b) Shipbuilding
Their total ship production capabilities outstrip those of the Glimmering Federation by a factor of 1.9x due to their cultural and societal mindset, which enforces the continual expansion of habitation stations, asteroid settlements, and the subsequent needed intra-stellar infrastructure. Most of their shipyards are privately owned, with the rest distributed between dedicated military shipyards and corporate holdings. It should be noted here that the Alliance enforces a clause within any new yard construction that sets aside 7.5% of the yard's total output for use by the Alliance Military, which can be called upon in the form of maintenance, re-fitting, or the construction of new ships.

Their Destroyers are between 1.2km and 1.6km, Frigates between 1.6km and 2km, Light Cruisers between 4km and 4.4km, Heavy Cruisers between 5km and 5.2km, and their sole Grand Cruiser 'Jubilation of the People' has a length of 7.2km.

Their armaments are focused on a mix of Macro-Cannons, Lances, and some torpedos sprinkled in, with their Destroyers primarily outfitted with the latter. At the same time, their Frigates are armed with only Lances. The Jubilation of the People is armed with one Heavy Revolving Prow Lance, three Medium Plasma Macro-Cannon Batteries, and two Heavy Lance Turrets.

On that note, the Star-Mechanicum section assigned to analyzing and studying the Heavy Revolving Prow Lance has said that they have no idea how such a feat was accomplished, as the waste heat of a Prow Lance of that scale firing as fast as it does should have cooked the crew of the entire ship within four minutes of operation.

2) Socio-Economics
The Shipwright's Alliance was born out of the planets and systems abandoned by the Imperium of Man; its primary purpose, defense, was soon supplanted by closer and more connected cooperation between its member systems. Alongside that, its people have relished the chance to throw off the shackles of the Imperial Tithe to vastly expand their void infrastructures where they can, even if it has sometimes come at the cost of fringe elements of their societies, leaving the inner systems to create break-away nations within the Oort Clouds of the same.

Their political hierarchy is not elected but based on pure merit. You cannot become a shipyard leader if you do not put in the hours in that same yard working alongside everyone else. You cannot rise to become a Minister of Medicine if you have never had the displeasure of assisting in an outbreak of cholera within a station whose sanitation systems have broken down. There is no captain amongst their people that their crews do not trust implicitly with their lives. This system is reinforced by top-down propaganda efforts to ensure that hard work is not only rewarded but seen to be rewarded by all people they can reach. The downside of such a system is that their upper leadership generally tends to be on the older side, with changes in Ministers happening roughly every ~7 years due to either death by old age or retirement.

It should be noted here that they have a co-habitation agreement with the Stellar Growth, with around ~2.8 million Irrita officially citizens of the Alliance upon their request or their "sprouting/birth" within the borders of the Alliance outside a transitory visit.

Their education system is heavily based and reliant on an apprenticeship relationship between older workers and younger generations. However, a six-year schooling period starting at age 6 is mandated, with a focus placed on math, reading, law, first aid, quick repairs, and emergency drills.

The most popular sport within the Alliance is Void Racing, where pilots of unique strike craft-derivative race a prepared track of asteroids, caverns, and old useless hulks against each other. Deaths are supposedly relatively uncommon despite the sport's dangerous and highly lethal nature once an accident occurs.

Law enforcement is more rag-tag and consists of community-appointed and rotating enforcers keeping the peace with a higher organization called in to investigate High Order Crimes like murder, abductions, and smuggling of illegal substances.

3) Corruption
No visible/noticeable Chaos Corruption was noticed. Mundane Corruption likely exists.

4) Propaganda
The majority of their propaganda is focused on supporting their political systems and generating buy-in from their population, alongside a minor note of xenophilia slowly entering their messages to the population regarding the Irrita. No wonder, as the bio-mechanical technologies being deployed over Howling Gale have caused no minor stir within the Genetors of the Star-Mechanicum who have made no attempts to disguise their coveting of the mysteries and secrets the Irrita possess.
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Van Zandt Free Dutchy
Government Type:
Feudal Hegemony
Culture Type: Theocratic Militaristic Imperialists
Attitude: Unknown
Specie/s: Human (Primary), Abhuman (Minor), and Assorted (Insignificant - Perpetual Genocide)

Black Ash Clan
Government Type:
Feudal Autocracy
Culture Type: Matriarchal Knight House
Attitude: Warriors
Specie/s: Human (Primary) and Assorted (Insignificant - Perpetual Genocide)
The Croaf Hegemony
Government Type:
Hegemonic Autocracy
Culture Type: Imperialist Expansionists
Attitude: Imperialistic
Specie/s: Human (Primary), Abhuman (Minor?), and Assorted (Insignificant - Perpetual Genocide?)
-[] Sector Battle Group Centaur (7/10 Ship Capacity) - (Missing: 4 Heavy Cruisers, 8 Carriers, 6 Line Holder, 5 Frigates)
(1x Andromeda-Class Command Ship, 1x Words of the Writ-Class Frigate, 2x Falchion-class Frigate, 2x Aries-Secundus Class Corvette, 2x Viper-Class Missile Destroyer)
oof, more work to do now and SBG Centaur needs more Andromeda ships as well it seems. So far we have filling out the SBG's, doing some research finally (like those necron ships) and the like, and Vox Primus actions. along with making more scout ships.

I will say once again we know how to get a Fourth action, we just need five SBG's to get it. That and maybe another Song if that is still gives us another action.

Republic of Asharru
Government Type:
Culture Type: Screaming
Attitude: Screaming
Specie/s: Screaming
That's concerning, oh well nothing we can do right now, not even scouting.
and Assorted (Insignificant - Perpetual Genocide)
and Assorted (Insignificant - Perpetual Genocide)
and Assorted (Insignificant - Perpetual Genocide?)

I think, we might want to change our sponsored company thing, and spend our three actions next turn on Tech Trade, Current Infiltration Support, and Rescue Missions.

All the Rescue missions.

Republic of Asharru
Government Type:
Culture Type: Screaming
Attitude: Screaming
Specie/s: Screaming

Oh good, they've having so much fun!
I mean, it's not free real estate, it's in fact extremely expensive, but the dream is that at some point in the future we will be able to afford it.
[X] Plan: Civ Inf XII, do not abandon Voxx Primus
-[X] [General] Jolly Economic Co-Operation - [1 Remaining]
-[X] [General] Develop The Federations'...
--[X] Civilian Infrastructure VII
--[X] Civilian Infrastructure VIII
--[X] Civilian Infrastructure IX
--[X] Civilian Infrastructure X
--[X] Civilian Infrastructure XI
--[X] Civilian Infrastructure XII
-[X] Switch ISC to New Dawn R&D
[X] Plan: Civ Inf XII, do not abandon Voxx Primus

Yeah next turn is something like trade action with Shipwright's, Voxx action then a floater which could be:
1. Preaching to the Ashan.
2. Missile research
3. Building some new Knights.

I'm not in favor of building out our fleets until we can get the next generation of ships up and running.

@HeroCooky is there a way to designate specialist fleet types so we can take advantage of the increased efficiency that comes along with it? Like a scouting fleet or a infiltration fleet?
Voting is open