"Look upon this Dawn and see..
...Humanity peeking through the prison bars of an inhumane Universe."
Choose One:
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] Civilian Warp Armadas
Prosperity attracts prosperity. In the wake of extended peace and willful investment into the civilian sectors of the Glimmering Federation, new companies rise from the ashes of the wastelands that the Imperium left behind whenever it came to gather its bounty of materials, souls, and flesh. With the advancement of industry focused on raising the people, wealth begins to flow, and people start looking for places to spend that money. The void is a natural place for thrifty investors and those seeking exotic luxuries and experiences, with stations and intra-system ships slowly popping up everywhere to ply their trade. And as the systems grow ever more industrialized and filled with infrastructure, so do the interstellar warp fleets belonging to the Glimmerlings, their manifold ships filled with all goods and services.
(You can now designate a [Civilian Transport Fleet] to move your forces, totaling 30% of your controlled systems. Doing so will negatively impact your economy. The systems of the Candle Keepers grow stronger through closer cultural and economic ties. Three more ISCs are unlocked, and you can now patronage two ISCs at the same time. Can be Upgraded/Chosen Again.)
[] Collective Action
With wealth comes the need to spend it. Some may spend it on themselves, some may do so on others, while a few do so for nothing at all. But as wealth flows, so does the people's culture and faith decide where it flows when the government calls. Keep the flame of civilization burning, for few have dared to raise it into the dark galaxy you inhabit.
(Slowly raises the level of Development to the Highest Rating Achieved.
Food Production VI, Civilian Infrastructure XII, Heavy Industry V, Void Industry XII, Medical Services V, Military Industry V)
[] Deep Space Beacons
With the advent of cheaper plasma reactors produced within the Candle Keeper's Manufactoriums, a plan has been brought up once again that many sophisticated worlds have entertained in one form or another: Deep Space Beacons. Due to the fact that civilian Warp Ships do not possess any Navigators, they rely on dipping in and out of the Warp for short bursts to travel between systems. This system of travel, also utilized by the Task Force(s) of the Star Child, is slow and unreliable. However, by assembling burning beacons within deep space, we can string lights between our systems and even utilize unstable Warp Routes we previously would have required Navigators to traverse.
(You can now construct Deep Space Beacons between all your systems (4 Action Total), vastly improving travel times to a sub-week length across your entire nation. Additionally, Unstable Warp Routes can be utilized without Choirs and stabilized with DSBs (2 Action Per Route). Can be Upgraded/Chosen again.)
[] Cross-Species Pollination
"United We Fall, Divided We Stand." It may as well be the motto of the Imperium of Man. That all-pervasive thought and mindset that if you depend upon another being, you are destined to fall and die. "In Ancient times/Men built Wonders/And sought to better Themselves/For the Good of All/We are Much Wiser now." Another saying that those at the top of the Imperium follow doggedly, as do all who slavishly walk in their footsteps even as they are freed from their bondage to a system that does not care for them. But we do not hold ourselves to such. Our strength lies in daring to do the impossible, fighting for what is right, and having the sheer arrogance to claim that the galaxy can be turned into a better place. And it all starts with a small, unassuming truth: There is Power in our Union.
(Multi-species communities grow more common throughout the Glimmering Federation outside of rare intersections within void stations, ships, and some colonized planets. Access to Species-Dependant Traits are granted upon granting Protectorate Status to any Species. Declaring a Species Kin unlocks a [Kin-Trait]. Can be Upgraded/Chosen again.
The following Traits are automatically unlocked:
[Kil'drabi - Kin] -
Automated Nomads - Produces 4 FP per Turn for Fleet Construction. Up to 40 FP can be banked.
[Yeeni - Protectorate] -
Fuzzbutts - Improved Morale for soldiers and citizens of the Glimmering Federation.)
AN: If someone can correct me if Collective Action has the wrong values, I am more than happy to correct them.