I am writing this on my phone
Funerals of the Shepard
Humanity was quite weird species. That were thoughts of almost any other species that met them on good terms. While all people of Stargrove Federation were celebrating birth of their saviour. Kin often found their human friends retire earlier that most expected them to.
It wasn't a official thing, not by state or most churches. It was a suden and unplaned thing as many human gatherings are. Humans of all shapes and size, of all ages even a few newborns. Gathered with their families and close friends draging a few confused and in all honesty hugovered kin with them.
They gathered for a single purpuse, for a funeral. Across tens of thousands of cities and towns people wepped once more. Not of pure joy, but of catharsis. Emperor was a tyrant his death was a boon to all, and yet... And yet humanity wepped. For one who protected it for milleania it wepped for.
It cried for the Knight, it wepped for the Explorer, it wepped for the Comedian, it baweled its eyes for the Martyr, it wepped for the One who became the Emperor, they wepped for the Fallen, it wepped for the Guardian, cried for the Master of Mankind, for the Son. Humanity wepped after the Shepard.
He who died piece by piece, who knew in the end that his crimes were worth it but not nesscary. A tragic figure who made mistakes, who was a shadow of themselves at the end of their life. A fool and a genius, a slaver and a protector, a teacher and a lesson. A human.