What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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DP 2, Refractive Hull Coating - With some attention to the hull, and some refractive paints, we can break up the targeting of enemy ships with semi-regularity, or at least muddy their sensors a bit.
DP-- 4 Stealth Engine Dampeners - Light and Heat are the two most obvious give-aways for vessels seeking to stealth into a system or planetary orbit. By dampening the engines and stealthing their thermal output, finding our ships will be a difficult task.
DP--6 Zero-Emissions Protocols - To not be seen is to always have an upper hand. Even if the ships begins to take damage if these machines are used for too long.
DP 10--Ghosts Amidts The Stellar Winds - Unfurl the sails, hoist the anchors, and let loose the roses in your hands and harbor. There is duty to be done, and the void to traverse unseen by all.

I think these are new! Maybe they're Sanctified Chaos results?
Refractive Hull Coating - With some attention to the hull, and some refractive paints, we can break up the targeting of enemy ships with semi-regularity, or at least muddy their sensors a bit.
Stealth Engine Dampeners - Light and Heat are the two most obvious give-aways for vessels seeking to stealth into a system or planetary orbit. By dampening the engines and stealthing their thermal output, finding our ships will be a difficult task.
Zero-Emissions Protocols - To not be seen is to always have an upper hand. Even if the ships begins to take damage if these machines are used for too long.
Ghosts Amidts The Stellar Winds - Unfurl the sails, hoist the anchors, and let loose the roses in your hands and harbor. There is duty to be done, and the void to traverse unseen by all.
These all look new.

EDIT: Got beaten to it.
DP 2, Refractive Hull Coating - With some attention to the hull, and some refractive paints, we can break up the targeting of enemy ships with semi-regularity, or at least muddy their sensors a bit.
DP-- 4 Stealth Engine Dampeners - Light and Heat are the two most obvious give-aways for vessels seeking to stealth into a system or planetary orbit. By dampening the engines and stealthing their thermal output, finding our ships will be a difficult task.
DP--6 Zero-Emissions Protocols - To not be seen is to always have an upper hand. Even if the ships begins to take damage if these machines are used for too long.
DP 10--Ghosts Amidts The Stellar Winds - Unfurl the sails, hoist the anchors, and let loose the roses in your hands and harbor. There is duty to be done, and the void to traverse unseen by all.

I think these are new! Maybe they're Sanctified Chaos results?

Nah. We got/had those when I was doing my Hymm frigate mockup, I think those are the stealth tech that cooky unlocked when we asked about stealth, same as we got the mine layers.

So I'm pretty sure those are the results of that post were cookie said, stealth tech unlocked. Because it was during last turn I think
Oh wow that stealth tech may be worth a scout redesign at some point.

Think we need to do one of the two Andromeda actions the navy wanted, then SAG or war packs, and then maybe start the investigation or propaganda work.
[] Plan: books (+nerds), guns, and bye bye nurgle
-[] [General] Begin Archive/Arsenal Inventories - [0/10]
-[] [Psykana] Sing a Song (Choose at least Three below.)

--[] Humanity I, Creativity II, Logic I, Progress I
--[] Protection l, Fire l, Sun l, Protection l

kill nurglites?
The Order of Cerberus
The Order of Cerberus, which has two branches, is designed to deal with internal threats of Chaos and participate in anti-Chaos investigations on battlefields and other contested areas. It answers directly to the High Council, but it (as opposed to the High Council in such cases) cannot override the local Council's decisions. When an investigation on a planet is completed, it must inform the local Councils of its findings within the limits of secrecy/not spreading the very symbols one might be going out against.
-The Captain-Commander, Supreme Director of the Eyes, Heart, and Hand, will lead the organization.

-The Head of Five Eyes: They move from system to system unimpeded, on a rotation, often using scout ships and stowing aboard as passengers/etc., to be dropped off, though they can also be summoned by a request by a local Council or intelligence as to the problem. They have a central headquarters in Droma.
--The Five Eyes are made up of priests, scribes, and investigators who have proven experience but also proven religious devotion.
--The Five Eyes, whose job is to roam and find trouble local forces are not capable of dealing with by themselves, have the positions of Investigator, Analyst, Infiltrator, Censor, and Commander (administrative role). They also have an added Chief Commander selected/elected/etc. among them and subject to a term limit of one decade to prevent concentration of power.

-The Head of Five Hands: A core of the Hands remains at the headquarters. Task Groups are ready to be utilized in the Federation at strategically viable locations, alongside local branches utilizing small but prestigious and elite teams to act as the first line of defense. However, using all local assets first/as well is preferable.
--The Five Hands are made up of priests, those deemed Heroes for their actions and merit, soldiers, and potentially the local Choir when the situation calls for their involvement.
--The Five Hands include the roles of Soldiers, Medics, Specialists, Fanatics (members of Holy Orders joining into this larger structure, etc), and in charge of them, Captains. The Branch is to be led by the Grand Captain.

-The Head of Five Hearts: Local Branches exist on every planet/station, with the central Branch being the Information Office. Only proven people are allowed to join the local branches on each planet, with the emphasis being on the right mix of knowledge and empathy.
-The Five Hearts have these five positions: Educator (in charge of spreading information about the nature of Chaos, carefully controlled so that people know what to watch out for), Counselor (to help the victims of Chaos and those who have turned from it, such as a cultist who blows the whistle, as well as serve as negotiators to talk down people, a dangerous job but prestigious), Internal Investigator (designed to provide help and keep an eye out among the Hands, Hearts, and Eyes for any flaws/etc.), Chronicler (whose job is to collate the information that Hands and Eyes gather to understand the larger pattern) and Priest (designed to pray for miracles and act as the conscience of the Hearts), led by Planetary Directors.

-Extraordinary Powers and Protections: The right to appeal decisions of local Councils dealing with their work to the High Councils, should it become relevant. Pardon from all misdemeanor charges if proven they were done in the line of duty (aka speeding tickets, etc). Right to commandeer space on any Scout ship, etc. Funds sufficient for travel, infiltration, etc, are to be provided. Generous pensions, and top-notch, better than average Healthcare. Dental, even!
-Access to a through-line to Lamenters in dire situations to go above the planetary level (but strike system for abuse of this). Otherwise, top-of-the-line equipment for Hands which makes sense for internal work, so there are some tanks but only a few. An obscure by-law mandates there be at least "one cool cyborg" per local Branch of the Hands and/or Eyes, preferably with "Viewpoint character energy."
-Mandatory therapy/vacation/relaxation-time after each encounter with Chaos/etc for Hands and Eyes and Hearts. Therapy is vital to keep the mind sharp.
-After Action Reports are also mandatory.
Oh jeez we really need to keep an eye on sector 621 chaos is expanding over there. We can't do much till we finish our current fronts but I really do feel we will need to launch a crusade in that direction.
[] Plan: Military Matters
-[] [General] Research:
--[] Directional Ion Shields
-[] [Military] Create 2x SAGs - [Kriegar and Brigach] - [Weight: Medium] - [Type: Mechanized] - [Classification: Assault]
-[] [Military] [Construct] A Warp Ship - [5x Taurus-Class Troopship]
I feel like 45 more Kharnivores for the frontline might be helpful in putting down the Cults, especially on Saget. Not a lot Zombies can do against 2 stories of steel with a fuckhuge chainsword and anti-infantry rockets. And if we can provide some variety to their loadouts, even better

[] Plan Reinforce and Rearm
-[] [Military] [Construct] A Warp Ship - 3x Andromeda-Class Command Ships
-[] [Military] Create 3x Blazing Sun War-Packs]
-[] Research
--[] Karnivore Weapon And Equipment Loadouts

Alternatively, this:

[] Plan Reinforcements and Logistic Boosts
-[] [Military] [Construct] A Warp Ship - 3x Andromeda-Class Command Ships
-[] [Military] Create 3x Blazing Sun War-Packs]
-[] [General] Develop The Federations'...
-[] Military Industry V

So we can keep crawling back towards the all-V milestone.
[] Plan Mind Is A Silent Battlefield
-[] Develop Mental Health Services
-[] [General] Begin Archive/Arsenal Inventories - [0/10]
-[] [General] Develop The Federations'...
--[] Military Industry V

[] Plan Healing Light of Star Child
-[] Develop Mental Health Services
-[] [General] Begin Archive/Arsenal Inventories - [0/10]
-[] [Faith] Cathedrals of the Star Child

Currently, our mental health services are at a "Lmao" level. Moving them to something approaching civilized standards, we can further limit the effectiveness of subtle Chaos taint in our society, and generally make things better for our people.
Outside of that, we could help our folks who are still fighting demons, or double down on stamping down corruption by building some cathedrals.
Task Fleet Gamma
(1x Leo-Primus Heavy Cruiser, 3x Dauntless Mk.1 Light Cruiser, 1x Dauntless Mk.2 Light Cruiser, 1x Endurance Light Cruiser, 3x Endeavour Light Cruiser, 4x Falchion-class Frigate, 7x Cobra Destroyer, 5x Cobra Widowmaker Destroyer, 5x Viper-Class Missile Destroyer, 1x Aries-Secundus Class Corvette, 4x Taurus-Class Troopship (0/2 SAG Capacity))

Damn, that's a lot of old Imperial ships. Guess there's a lot less of a risk in pulling them apart for research purposes now.
-[] Acceleration - 5/5.5/6/6.5/7 Gravities
-[] Acceleration - 3/3.5/4/4.5/5 Gravities
-[] Armor - Thick Single Hull/Thin Double Hull/Medium Double Hull/Thick Medium Double Hull/Thin Tripple Hull
-[] Shields - Three Emitters/One Array/Two Arrays/Three Arrays/One Matrix
-[] Acceleration - 1/1.5/2/2.5/3 Gravities
-[] Shields - Two Matrixes/Three Matrixes/One Lattice/Two Lattices/Three Lattices
Um, so there are multiple sections where there are 2 baseline white sections. Was this on purpose? Was this question already answered? I don't remember.
We have to do the Cathedrals. Having a pseudo-Inquisition is not enough to forestall all the Chaos Cults around, we also need to give our population protection though Faith! Many of the inhabitants of the newly conquered planets do not follow the Star Child right now, we must convert them.
Okay, that's a nice boost, yeah.

I'm thinking Cathedrals, Colonize Valhidem and that border system in Archwan, and one more. Details when I have a keyboard.
No big changes in the battles as of yet, looks like Nurgle's influence is especially bad right now.

But in all seriousness we should make an anti-burgle song this turn, as we have just about enough melodies to make one rather than the other Chais Gods.
Honestly if we wanna do that we want more Melodies/pieces, then.

The only other Melodies that would help with the Anti-Nurgle song that we don't have yet are "Health" and "Hope".

Not much of a problem given we can now apparently do two Melodies per action, so we could spend a psykana action on them and then do the Song next turn, or we could use what we got now and then make an improved Anti-Nurgle song that includes "Hope" and "Health".
I'm thinking Cathedrals, Colonize Valhidem and that border system in Archwan, and one more. Details when I have a keyboard.

More Kharnivores? We can get 45 for the cost of 1 action now.

No big changes in the battles as of yet, looks like Nurgle's influence is especially bad right now.

But in all seriousness we should make an anti-burgle song this turn, as we have just about enough melodies to make one rather than the other Chais Gods.

Yknow what's let us kill more Nurglites faster and with less guesswork? 45 more Kharnivores.

(This has become my single issue, and will continue until we get both more Kharnivores and more weapon systems for said Kharnivores)
[] Plan: Song of Fire
- [] [General] Develop The Federations'...
-- [] Military Industry V
- [] [Military] Create A [Blazing Sun - 3x War-Packs]
-[] [Psykana] Sing a Song (Protection I, Fire I, The Sun I, Song II)

An idea to help counter stuff going on and get more forces out there.