What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Sector Command Center: Brans
Standard: The honored Battle-Standard of House Brans.
Motto: "In Honor Clad, We Die For Thee. In Fury Armed, We Fight For Thee."

1st-2nd Brans - (Medium Mechanized Formations)
Question: wouldn't we also get whatever ground forces that the Black Cat Company had? I doubt they only had just the navy if they put in the work to have dozens of troop transports
-[] Choir's Tangle (0/6)
The Choir's Tangle is a system of Psykana married with Technology capable of providing minor guidance to the Federation's Choirs singing Bound To The Stars, thus speeding up their traveling speed.
(Gain: Improved speed between Federation Systems. It requires a choir to operate and will automatically apply the necessary numbers.)
-[] Discordant Shriek (0/11)
Utilizing the same underlying principles as the Choir's Tangle, the Discordant Shriek is a series of five installations that will be put in a perfect orbit around the local star in predetermined patterns, each housing one part of a Choir, that will, when enemy ships approach the system, activate and try to disrupt and rip the approaching vessels out of the Warp at best and seek to damage and delay them at worst.
(Gain: A means to inflict damage to approaching Fleets. It requires a choir to operate and will automatically apply the necessary numbers.)
Wait how the hell did I miss this!? I looked at the tech tree there? did I not scroll down? ahhhh this is filling up the tech tree again after we already cleared it... okay so we have Oh shit minor beacon for the choirs to lock onto for the planets? and it speeds up the fleets making them arrive sooner? honestly this is great for defensive plans and logistics focused on getting our forces around and rapid responses. Won't be too affective with any expeditions or crusades going far into the cult since they don't have a solid base to go back to, still worth it but its just ahhhh 6AP

and then there's the 11 AP one. So Discordant Shriek... holy shit rip enemy ships from the warp and do damage to them via that or at least delay them and give us more time.... damn this needs five choirs to operate though and that can stack up pretty fast. Still worth it but depending on the next few turns, we may not have the take to sink in that much to get.

Rise Anew, Above, Beyond, Embers Of The Ash
Ahhh I was wondering when I would have to do this again. Still good song overall and one I REALLY want to try to do.

Laws Tempered By Mirror'd Life
Laws Lived By Temperance
Hmmmm, the 'By Mirror'd life' part is what really grabs my interest over what it could mean. and something I want to try doing but the other song would be good as well. hoping we can squeeze in an action or two to grab ones like these instead of ones we think increases industry or the like. or just have fun with it and choose silly songs or ones that just sound interesting.

Fixed and added.

Also updated the Species list.
Wait what?

Name: Dirut
Appearance: Tall humanoids, between 2.7 and 3.2 meters in height, with short torsos containing vital organs and a bulbous head atop a long neck containing their primary nerve systems, alongside long legs and arms whose internal bones are wrapped with redundant nerve systems adding to their overall consciousness and capabilities. The Dirut prefer thin bodies, eschewing all ornamentations that aren't etchings for individual markings and personalizations, though they typically attach fabric to the underside of their heads, which falls to their torsos that proclaims their allegiance to the castes they belong to; Weeper, Lore Keeper, Maker, and Outcast. Their hands and feet are kept as simple as possible, with three fingers as the preferred number, and their feet are usually nothing more than bare frames. Their bodies are typically painted a dark, mossy green.
Age Range: Unknown for individuals. Age of the Species has been lost.
Technology Level: Low Imperial.
Psychological Compatibility: Low.
Physiological Compatibility: Extreme.
Chocolate Compatibleness: None.
Short History: The Dirut are a holy union of machinery and flesh that did not come about by conscious or willing participation in their species' past. Once they had a world to call their own, reaching for the stars with slow, methodical steps...only to be found by DAoT Humanity or a faction of it, that transformed their world in a cataclysmic event they categorically refuse to share with any non-Dirut. What few survivors from that age were rescued from the stasis pods found far underneath the crust of their homeworld shared the history with those of their people that had been turned into organic machines long after they had been turned into nothing more than materials for another project before, as one, ending their lives. Their souls were put to rest thanks to the attached Choirs of the Expedition, and their bodies were interred according to the preferred methods of their people within the soil of the world of Hineni. They have since created dozens of enclaves within Federation Space, slowly building their numbers and creating a new identity in self-imposed seclusion. As one, they have sworn an oath of pacifism, vowing to never harm any being, no matter the cost to themselves.
.....Oh. Oh that's fucked up. So it wasn't even wetware Automata or humans used to make the cores of them, it was straight up an Xenos species that DOAT forced into the Clockwork automata bodies. Very much Grevious from Star Wars or Mannequin from Worm, very thin and lanky too with their height factored in. They don't do any other ornamentations besides marking and personalizations, they have the Fabric on their lower head like a veil that shows which caste they are aligned with and those castes being Weeper, Lore Keeper, Maker, and Outcast. The names of those castes say a lot on their own and do give a unique way for them to be. Poor Dirut unable to know the glory of Chocolate and the Psychological compatibility low... not surprised all things considered.

Oh so they were the native species to Hineni and were beginning to explore the stars with making some colonies or just the one planet. Still they wrecked the world, used them as material for some other project before turned into Organic Machines. Still a Horror but one done by Humanity to another Species and we gave the survivors peace at last. I will say that I am surprised these can still make more of themselves... like how does that work when most of their vital organs are enclosed in the casing and all? is the Dirut more of what they became and now more a culture and way they are transformed into this? this meaning Yeeni, Mothome, Humans, and Kil'drabi can become Dirut as well? Damn, I am not surprised they swore to Pacifism after going through everything they dealt with, just hope they aren't in the positions that will get them killed for it. still nice there are making Enclaves in the federation.

They're very good beans, I'm happy we could save them!

Just one little injustice of the past that we did just a little bit to make amends for.
They are and I'm glad we could. and I will say despite the wording of it, I voted for it thinking it was more the lore or stories they left behind rather than actual people still around. I think it would be a memory core or story of what happened, might have been the lack of sleep when writing that caused it.

First would be better Automata, second would have been new Abhuman Species; the Clockwork Man. Though they'd be called Xrunu, and be a sub-species of humanity with highly toxic skin due to absorbed metals and very slow metabolisms, capable of utilizing radiation weapons with ease. They'd also have a severely stunted emotional mentality and independent capability, preferring to follow orders.
We were right on that and it would have been straight bonuses. Oh the Abhumans were the second choice Frozen Hearts? okay, I could see that... wait they didn't have any clockwork parts? just highly toxic skin, very slow metabolisms, and using Radiation weapons' with no issue... yah that implies post nukes or just Death world kind... oh shit so stunted emotional mentality and independent capability so more or less just followers. Not part per say but definitely a path or tech tree to help them regain their initiative. given this I think Pasts was the better choice with the Dirut.

Thule-6969 HRMHVR, both the oldest living Thule in Federation History and ranked as the 27th best pilot in its entire recorded history, has become the center of much attention from the Star-Mechanicum and the Child's Clergy due to a hotly debated Miracle of hers; the ability to fully awaken the Machine-Spirits of the Siblings.

Without fail, all Siblings assigned to her become fully capable of what can only be described as total sentience and sapience, devoted to her in ways only second to the Machine God, their souls shining brightly within the Warp in love and loyalty to her and her alone. Even if they are utterly silent and do not communicate with others, they complete any task she gives them without delay to a fault.
Damn the 27th best pilot in the history of the Federation? pretty good and would be the source of many arguments and talks considering the different specs of the strikecraft used. Still surprised to see just what made 6969 a Saint Candidate..... Oh that was the miracle....Fully Awakening the Machine Spirits, which would be similar to AI (BuT Don'T WorRy its TotaLlY noT Ai GUys!), is a big deal and the fact that she managed to awaken them and have them devoted to her Second to the Machine god with love and loyalty. Like damn that is impressive and would change the abilities of her Siblings, like no words needed for the Siblings to do her commands.

And without fail, all Siblings that are no longer assigned to her cease to exist in such a state, leading to the Star-Mechanicum refusing to re-allocate any Siblings to or away from her, with excessive resources dedicated to repairing and maintaining those two that have been permanently assigned to her person.

For the Star-Mechanicum, She is a Saint, and her ascension to Saint is already a foregone conclusion, to be hallowed and canonized in the scriptures, urging the Clergy of the Creed to follow their logic, so that She can take her rightful place as Primus Inter Pares among the hallowed and the saintly just below the Prophet of the Star Child.
That right there is the miracle and how it only comes from her and needs interaction with her, else the siblings' Machine Spirits go back to slumbering and never reach the same degree. Because of this it makes sense the Star-Mechanicum views her as a saint already for this and prepped everything for the canonization. However this is just the Star-Mechanicum.

But for the Clergy of the Creed, such a matter is far from concluded, as character witnesses do not paint her as one who fulfills the criteria to become either Venerable or Blessed, with plenty to point to her being as far from a Saint as possible. In her youth, she was violent and sexually frustrated to the point she had separate harassment and assault claims made against her, no matter the issues in her creation leading to problems with her brain chemistry, with plenty of brawls, drunken periods, indulgences in vices from gambling to wrath, lust to greed, in her long life. To many, especially the Orthodoxy, she is as flawed as any person can be, and her virtues; loyalty, discipline, kindness, steadfastness, stalwartness, and viciousness against Ruin, are not enough to make them walk over established Doctrine, Miracle or not.
Yup that was my main worry there. The clergy does not agree 6969 met the qualifications due to her early years and actions with not much worth speaking of for being a saint until far past the Rejuvant treatment that gave her the agelessness, though even then it was in a binge of drugs, alcohol, and moping around. So she was a problem child with a record, and for those in the Orthodoxy it is not enough for them to accept her as a Living Saint, even with the Miracle. and now we have to convince them.

You can't ask your yet-unborn-deity everything. What's next, what to put on the grocery list? :V
.... I mean, we have been asking him about things and it could go many ways. Who knows what lies on the trip to the Grocery store and what actions we do there can effect things?

I mean, I was doing groceries while chapter dropped and there was promotions 5 for the price of 1, for jello, so yes.
LOL the timing, well done. The Star Child speaks to you and says 'you should get jello'.

[] Yes
-[] Title: Big/Oldest Sister
-[] Veneration Period: 69th day of the standard year
-[] Schedule:
--[] Official celebration: People decorate their chosen automata in the fact clothes and do or take them to maintenance in the days leading to the holiday. There is silence for 55 minutes for fighter pilots who gave their lives for Starchild. People who acknowledge that no one but Starchild is perfect, and that's okay, as long as we work to better the galaxy and ourselves. The pilots make a parade where the graduating classes of pilots have a chance to show off.
--[] Unofficial celebrations: There is a lot of one-night stands, and thule often get stuff for free during the celebration (as long as it is reasonable).

Sidenote: but the most unperfect saint is such a middle finger to Slaaneash that I want to see its reaction to what in starchildless history would be another of her champions becoming a Saint
Not bad and a good title for a Thule Saint. and I like the veneration period and 'unofficial' celebration of it because of course this happens with the Thules and how 6969 was.

"You need more vegies my child,there is a discount in thay alley"-star kid
pfffft I could see this happening and it being a thing. You'd be surprised where some people sell.

Spent a little time wondering "How can I make the Hercules even more degenerate"

The answer? Shuffle things around so I can add a Shatterprow and Fangs of Dew onto it, because it wants to be charging at the target anyway due to the Starlance and the Charging Revenant Song. Shatterprow makes it nigh invincible to the forward arc, and Fangs of Dew + Shatterprow mean that if it collides with anything, that thing likely ceases to exist in short order. Might even be something we can achieve by the time we design it if having the Black Claw plus the Virgo gives us at least the basic Battleship grade stuff at white rank.
.... that is fucking horrendous! I LOVE IT! I think its worth getting those two things if we can fit it in, the Star Lance needs us to go fast, which is why it was placed on destroyers.... will this actually work now that I think about it? it was mentioned before that high Gravity would help a lot with the damage. Regardless adding in the Fangs of Dew would help a lot since it would give us a reason to head straight for the enemy and ram them, Shatterpow would help and we'd see how it preforms. I really all lines up to have the Hercules be a absolute monster for a short time given its speed boost and the mass it would have during it, problem comes after.

Honestly think we should be more like the Black Caw with the Mixture of weapons of light ones and the medium and heavies.

Oh yeah, I forgot about Magos Caine. It's been a few centuries. Did she finally roll too many natural 1's and get popped? Or did she just fuck off to one of the cultist factions and drag them down with grandstanding and incompetence. I bet it was the Khorne idiots, that's why they've got so little territory.

I do look forward to taunting her with our necron tech and our DaoT expiditions. "If you'd only chosen to side with us way back when you'd be up to your eyes in the kind of technology to make Mars rusty with jealousy! Nyah!"
She's still around, it just took so long at Voxx Primus because of all those nat 1's, other than that we don't know where she is or what she has been doing at all.

We kinda are done with the Necron tech now, though we are getting more DOAT expeditions and we are getting stuff from it. Depends on what and the effect it has. We'll see how the Dirut shake things up.

The second I had the idea to make your Void Automata Vulture Droid Expies from Star Wars.
Fair enough, if they were Vulture Droid Expies it was the nautral conclusion to reach.

A genuine Living Saint, and not merely a "Saint" will have that. Teeln, Prophet of the Star Child, is a Living Saint, and he is basically a mind-boggingly large wing in the Warp covering the entire Glimmering Federation that holds all souls that wish to await the birth of the Star Child instead of fueling its creation/birth.

Big E makes singular combatants his Living Saints.
The Star Child makes Eldritch Heroes Within Your Comprehension theirs.
Yah, checks out, we went hard into Iconoclast and choose Quality including what Teeln did, which gave people a choice and an afterlife to wait for the birth of the starchild. that is very much bigger then just appearing to help battles where all seems lost. It seems the saints we make are... rather interesting ones like Theodore of the pack and what 6969 can do. I would think that because of this and her status as a living saint we give 6969 twice the siblings a thule is normally assigned.

Just finished updating your Void Ship Construction information, and Cheesus Crust. Your Virgo-Primus Fleet Carrier basically looks at your current SBGs, coughs, and then continues through the debris field.
Hahaha, damn. its that bad? I guess the extreme range does pay off since it has light lances for days with the Kil'drabi helping mange the heat sink and releases sniping the SBG, sending so many strikecraft at long range with the best Aces we have and can take a beating. or just take the hits with the shields and armor like its nothing. Still nice to hear that.

Also shows how a big deal battleships are and how it is to build them.

And reward the yeeni explorers with a new ship, so this time they can retrieve old one pleasure barges! C'Tan shards! Nothing is beyond their grabby paws!
PFfft, you know what? keep the meme and jokes going, they could find those things in all likelhood.

Turns out that the Necron timer is not them finding us, but getting so lost that the Yeeni drag their ship in as another throphy.
Necron: Who is towing us?!
Yeeni: Wooh more free Green Ships.
I can see it, and them being towed to the rest of their ships. Maybe the Necron would employ the Yeeni to find the rest of thier ships.... and then get into a war when the Yeeni steal other Necron Dyansty's ships and give it to them.

It's slow as hell, massive, dotted in tiny laser turrets and filled with Vulture droids.

That's a Lucrehulk, not a Venator.
.... Oh my god it IS a lucrehulk. all we would need to do is slap on a few Rotary Heavy Plasma Cannons and it would be one fully.

1. hey QM what was ever with the World Engine over in Macabre? No chance to study or interact with that? or was that a Write-in thing to do?
Well if that's the case, then replace the Destroyer with a Frigate which costs 2 points. I would even argue to remove a Commissary Freighter so we can fit in more ships for a bigger protective detail.
We could have a Scutum Frigate instead of a Mine-Layer Destroyer?
Yeah, agree. Removed a commissary and that made room for a Leo and a Libra. That should be enough guard dog for the logistics ships.

She's still around, it just took so long at Voxx Primus because of all those nat 1's, other than that we don't know where she is or what she has been doing at all.
Booo. Well, she sucks at being the big bad then.
Wait how the hell did I miss this!? I looked at the tech tree there? did I not scroll down?
Result of my write-ins.
And Cooky originally forgot to add these to "Black Cats' Claw" but fixed that when I reminded her.
damn this needs five choirs to operate though and that can stack up pretty fast. Still worth it but depending on the next few turns, we may not have the take to sink in that much to get.
Its not 5 Choirs.
Its 1 Choir with the 5 Psykers sitting in different structures orbitting the sun
Interestingly, with SBGs of 4 Leos, 8 Libras, 6 Scorpios, 3 andromedas, 8 Crux's and 4 Lupuses that comes out to 120 points, or 18 SBGs per action. fun!
...ooooookay, I looked at the wrong kind of SBG to calculate your points, because I ended up with ~480 per SBG and multiplied it by 4.

...it's too late to change it by now, so you'll get to deal with force limits instead.
1. How stealthy is this ship? It's a battleship, yes, but it has every stealth equipment. I'm hoping it mostly looks like just a piece of space rock to most people, and it never intends to come closer than heavy cannonade range to most things.
2. With Paw and Claw, Luxurious Crew quarters, Arboretums and the Medium Manufactory, is this ship completely stealth-sufficient?
3. I tried to make it extremely strategically mobile and able to warp away from any force it can't take by putting on Living Warp-Machines, The Celestial Orrery, Sanctum of the Steam and Micro-Warp Jump Engines. Do those combo? Is there any way to enhance that capability?
4. Are there other weapon loadouts that would work well for a raiding setup?
1. Like a large asteroid at first glance. Anything more than "Passive Medium-Alert Level Awareness" will reveal it at least halfway to its intended target. Also, once combat starts it stays uncovered until it Warps out of the system.
2. Kinda, it still needs fuel and spare parts in case of combat.
3. They synergize, but this thing is more a Raid Leader than an Independent one, attacking those places your ordinary raiders can't touch.
4. Kopesh Pods are prime Raider weapons. Large alpha strikes, detachable dead-weight, can be loaded down with them without triggering Cramming like other weapons, etc. Spinal Lances too, as they don't require supplies and run on energy instead of munitions.
Question: wouldn't we also get whatever ground forces that the Black Cat Company had? I doubt they only had just the navy if they put in the work to have dozens of troop transports
You would. Added.
we have been asking him
*Whacks with neswpaper* Them. The Star-Child is Non-Binary.
...ooooookay, I looked at the wrong kind of SBG to calculate your points, because I ended up with ~480 per SBG and multiplied it by 4.

...it's too late to change it by now, so you'll get to deal with force limits instead.
Yeah, I think our current SBGs are too small, especially b/c it would be unfair to have you put in the work for over a dozen SBG names per action.
...ooooookay, I looked at the wrong kind of SBG to calculate your points, because I ended up with ~480 per SBG and multiplied it by 4.

...it's too late to change it by now, so you'll get to deal with force limits instead.
Uh. We can still change it? I've got a spreadsheet of all the fleet types and costs and can tweak it pretty easily.

I did think something about this was too good to be true but I assumed it was just Void Infrastructure 16 plus the Agenda being nice.

You could also drop the number of points we have down to 1000 or so and then we'd build 5 SBGs per action and need to spend 2 actions for one Flag Armada.
Last edited:
Uh. We can still change it? I've got a spreadsheet of all the fleet types and costs and can tweak it pretty easily.

I did think something about this was too good to be true but I assumed it was just Void Infrastructure 16 plus the Agenda being nice.

You could also drop the number of points we have down to 1000 or so and then we'd build 5 SBGs per action and need to spend 2 actions for one Flag Armada.
Yeah, the latter would be better. Drop it to a thousand then, if you'd be so kind.

Also, Luftwaffles, if you catch up to here, please post the reason why you seemingly clicked your way through over one-thousand two-hundred pages of this Quest. I am afraid.
Last edited:
Yeah, the latter would be better. Drop it to a thousand then, if you'd be so kind.

Also, Luftwaffles, if you catch up to here, please post the reason why you seemingly clicked your way through over one-thousand two-hundred pages of this Quest. I am afraid.
Cool. Done. SBG/LRAD/Invasion Fleet/ Logistics Fleet/Evacuation fleet are now all 200 points, so we can build 5 of them in any combination with one action.

The Flag Armada is 2000 points, so it costs 2 actions to build one.

I've also been getting a bunch of pings from them, including of long-lost arguments I'd completely forgotten about.

I would still like it if we could raise the count of SBGs to 55 ships in total (counting Andromedas). It just feels right.
The math just doesn't work out. Maybe if I upcosted them all to 250, but I think it's too late to change the math.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Nov 3, 2024 at 1:58 PM, finished with 44 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Plan: The Endgame Fleet
    -[X] TFA - The Flag Armada (2000 points, 49 ships, 5 Choirs for 5 pathfinder ships)
    --[X] 6x Virgo-class Fleet Carriers (-1200 Points) (will get split out into different classes of battleship once we design them)
    --[X] 16x Phoenix-class Arc Cruisers (-320 Points)
    --[X] 17x Lepus-class Grand Cruisers (-340 Points)
    --[X] 5x Aquarius-class Fleet Tenders/Pathfinders (-100 Points)
    --[X] 5x Cancer-class Assault Cruisers (-40 Points)
    -[X] SBG - Standard Battle Group (200 points, 44 ships, 4 Choirs for 4 pathfinders)
    --[X] 2x Lepus-class Grand Cruisers (-40 Points)
    --[X] 5x Leo-class Vanguard Cruiser (-40 points)
    --[X] 11x Libra-class Light Carrier (-44 points)
    --[X] 10x Scorpio-class Light Cruiser (-40 points)
    --[X] 4x Andromeda-class Pathfinder Ships (-16 points)
    --[X] 8x Crux-class Heavy Frigate (-16 points)
    --[X] 4x Lupus Torpedo Destroyers (-4 points)
    -[X] LRAD - Long-Range Attack Division (200 points, 50 ships, 5 Choirs for 5 pathfinders)
    --[X] 2x Phoenix-class Arc Cruisers (-40 Points)
    --[X] 5x Pegasus-Class Command Cruiser (-40 points)
    --[X] 14x Hydrus-Class Rad Cruiser(-56 points)
    --[X] 5x Andromeda-class Pathfinder Ships (-20 points)
    --[X] 10x Scutum-Class Shield Frigate (-20 points)
    --[X] 10x Sagitarrius Lance Frigate (-20 points)
    -[X] Logistics Fleet (200 points, 22 ships, 2 Choirs for 2 pathfinders)
    --[X] 9x Columba-Class Logistics Freighter (-90 points)
    --[X] 9x Delphinus-Class Commissary Freighter (-90 points)
    --[X] 2x Andromeda-class Pathfinder Ships (-8 points)
    --[X] 1x Leo-class Vanguard Cruiser (-8 points)
    --[X] 1x Libra-class Light Carrier (-4 points)
    -[X] Invasion Fleet (200 points, 93 ships, 9 choirs for 9 pathfinders)
    --[X] 9x Andromeda-class Pathfinder Ships (-36 points)
    --[X] 80x Taurus Troopships (-160 points)
    --[X] 4x Lupus-class Torpedo Destroyer (-4 points)
    -[X] Evacuation Fleet (200 points, 33 ships, 3 choirs for 3 pathfinders)
    --[X] 3x Andromeda-class Pathfinder Ships (-8 points)
    --[X] 6x Canis-Major Class Bulk Transport Liner (-30 points)
    --[X] 10x Canis-Minor Class Bulk Transport Hauler (-60 points)
    --[X] 14x Auriga-Class Emergency Response Freighter (-22 points)
-[X] TFA - The Flag Armada (2000 points, 49 ships, 5 Choirs for 5 pathfinder ships)
--[X] 6x Virgo-class Fleet Carriers (-1200 Points) (will get split out into different classes of battleship once we design them)
--[X] 16x Phoenix-class Arc Cruisers (-320 Points)
--[X] 17x Lepus-class Grand Cruisers (-340 Points)
--[X] 5x Aquarius-class Fleet Tenders/Pathfinders (-100 Points)
--[X] 5x Cancer-class Assault Cruisers (-40 Points)
A typo, the flag armada uses 10 choirs, 5 for pathfinders and 5 for the Fangs of Dew on the Cancer-class.

Fangs of Dew - The Fangs of Dew are modeled upon a theoretical Song crafted by Fang Dew, a Yeeni with a penchant for puns and self-grandeur. They are similar to prows in that they are purely a contact weapon, yet differ in one aspect: they summon aetherical fangs around the prow of the ramming ship, further, and much more drastically, increasing damage against enemy hulls. (Requires a Choir to operate.)
Cancer-Class Assault Cruiser
-Length - 5.000m
-Width - 800m
-Acceleration - 4 Gravities
-Armor - Thick Bulwark Hull
-Shields - Three Lattices
-Weapons - Heavy Boarding Hangar/Heavy Prow Ram
-Equipment - Armored Lifepods/Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Harsh Pilot Training/Veteran Pilot Gene-Lines/Hardened Prow/Prow Spur/Fangs of Dew/Augmetic Security Department/Micro-Warp Jump Engine
Voting is open