What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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314.M43 - The Oldest Living Thule
Thule-6969 HRMHVR, both the oldest living Thule in Federation History and ranked as the 27th best pilot in its entire recorded history, has become the center of much attention from the Star-Mechanicum and the Child's Clergy due to a hotly debated Miracle of hers; the ability to fully awaken the Machine-Spirits of the Siblings.

Without fail, all Siblings assigned to her become fully capable of what can only be described as total sentience and sapience, devoted to her in ways only second to the Machine God, their souls shining brightly within the Warp in love and loyalty to her and her alone. Even if they are utterly silent and do not communicate with others, they complete any task she gives them without delay to a fault.

And without fail, all Siblings that are no longer assigned to her cease to exist in such a state, leading to the Star-Mechanicum refusing to re-allocate any Siblings to or away from her, with excessive resources dedicated to repairing and maintaining those two that have been permanently assigned to her person.

For the Star-Mechanicum, She is a Saint, and her ascension to Saint is already a foregone conclusion, to be hallowed and canonized in the scriptures, urging the Clergy of the Creed to follow their logic, so that She can take her rightful place as Primus Inter Pares among the hallowed and the saintly just below the Prophet of the Star Child.

But for the Clergy of the Creed, such a matter is far from concluded, as character witnesses do not paint her as one who fulfills the criteria to become either Venerable or Blessed, with plenty to point to her being as far from a Saint as possible. In her youth, she was violent and sexually frustrated to the point she had separate harassment and assault claims made against her, no matter the issues in her creation leading to problems with her brain chemistry, with plenty of brawls, drunken periods, indulgences in vices from gambling to wrath, lust to greed, in her long life. To many, especially the Orthodoxy, she is as flawed as any person can be, and her virtues; loyalty, discipline, kindness, steadfastness, stalwartness, and viciousness against Ruin, are not enough to make them walk over established Doctrine, Miracle or not.

The Question Now Is, Was She Declared A Saint Regardless?
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] Yes
(Title, Veneration Period, and Schedule required.)
[] No
(69 does not become a Saint.)
To be honest, I'm annoyed that when we had to choose how to spend our AP, this was presented the same way as every previous Saint option, but after we vote for it we're told "no, actually this is very questionable and you need to decide whether to go through with it or throw that AP away".
Hey StarChild should I shoot my shot with this Yeeni or nah?
Starchild: *assumes the question will escalate like the "prayer for Yeeni boyfriend"* *foams at mouth, rips off one of Tzeentchs tentacles to bludgeon Slaneesh to death with*
Khorn: *Suffers priapism at that sight*

In her youth, she was violent and sexually frustrated to the point she had separate harassment and assault claims made against her, no matter the issues in her creation leading to problems with her brain chemistry, with plenty of brawls, drunken periods, indulgences in vices from gambling to wrath, lust to greed, in her long life. To many, especially the Orthodoxy, she is as flawed as any person can be, and her virtues; loyalty, discipline, kindness, steadfastness, stalwartness, and viciousness against Ruin, are not enough to make them walk over established Doctrine, Miracle or not.
If the sins are all in her youth and she has turned her life around, that should be a sign of redemption, that she bettered herself and became a saint.
@HeroCooky, is it as it sounds, that her questionable behaviour is all in her past?
To be honest, I'm annoyed that when we had to choose how to spend our AP, this was presented the same way as every previous Saint option, but after we vote for it we're told "no, actually this is very questionable and you need to decide whether to go through with it or throw that AP away".
Let's be honest here, there is a 0% chance you will vote for "No" here. So the actual vote is what her title and embarassing celebrations will be.
@HeroCooky, is it as it sounds, that her questionable behaviour is all in her past?
Mostly. She still drinks and is a pervert, but not terminally.
[] Yes
-[] Title: Big/Oldest Sister
-[] Veneration Period: 69th day of the standard year
-[] Schedule:
--[] Official celebration: People decorate their chosen automata in the fact clothes and do or take them to maintenance in the days leading to the holiday. There is silence for 55 minutes for fighter pilots who gave their lives for Starchild. People who acknowledge that no one but Starchild is perfect, and that's okay, as long as we work to better the galaxy and ourselves. The pilots make a parade where the graduating classes of pilots have a chance to show off.
--[] Unofficial celebrations: There is a lot of one-night stands, and thule often get stuff for free during the celebration (as long as it is reasonable).

Sidenote: but the most unperfect saint is such a middle finger to Slaaneash that I want to see its reaction to what in starchildless history would be another of her champions becoming a Saint
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So why put "No" instead of adding a bit of guidance in the vote options for the Sainthood?

You kinda just wasted time there.

Because the "Guidance" is literally just "Title, Party, Time of Party" like for the other Saints.

And apologies for being tired and still writing two nice fluff pieces. I shall endeavor to write a novella next time.
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Becuase the "Guidance" is literally just "Title, Party, Time of Party" like for the other Saints.

And apologies for being tired and still writing two nice fluff pieces. I shall endeavor to write a novella next time.

Honestly, I'm just excited to see what we get in the endgame of Stebelicht, we're down to less than 90 doots left after all.

Actually, on that note, were there any major problems with our Ship Designs in this slate? Did we manage to avoid Cramming or any major headaches?
[] Yes
-[] Title: Big/Oldest Sister
-[] Veneration Period: 69th day of the standard year
-[] Schedule:
--[] Official celebration: People decorate their chosen automata in the fact clothes and do or take them to maintenance in the days leading to the holiday. There is silence for 55 minutes for fighter pilots who gave their lives for Starchild. People who acknowledge that no one but Starchild is perfect, and that's okay, as long as we work to better the galaxy and ourselves. The pilots make a parade where the graduating classes of pilots have a chance to show off.
--[] Unofficial celebrations: There is a lot of one-night stands, and thule often get stuff for free during the celebration (as long as it is reasonable).

Sidenote: but the most unperfect saint is such a middle finger to Slaaneash that I want to see its reaction to what in starchildless history would be another of her champions becoming a Saint
How about:
Eldest Sister, the Redeemed Awakener
And apologies for being tired and still writing two nice fluff pieces. I shall endeavor to write a novella next time.
Saying you're tired, then posting an overcompensating "apology" that has nothing to do with the actual situation?

Relax. This isn't YouTube. This is a quest. The solution comes with a lot less emotional bandwidth: If you know from experience that something's not going to be used… don't make it.
Saying you're tired, then posting an overcompensating "apology" that has nothing to do with the actual situation?

Relax. This isn't YouTube. This is a quest. The solution comes with a lot less emotional bandwidth: If you know from experience that something's not going to be used… don't make it.
Oh come on.
Let Cooky have a little fluff update where we make a little funny fluff for a character. Also, I think Cooky said that they wanted to do a an-update-per-day quest, so the "...don't make it" bit is extra rude.
Oh come on.
Let Cooky have a little fluff update where we make a little funny fluff for a character. Also, I think Cooky said that they wanted to do a an-update-per-day quest, so the "...don't make it" bit is extra rude.
If you do care about creators, don't enable bad behavior. Don't join them in misrepresenting what is being said, stay on topic.
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