What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Nov 2, 2024 at 5:19 PM, finished with 37 posts and 17 votes.

  • [X] Plan: The Correct Saint of Pilots
    -[X] Yes
    -[X] Title: Oldest Sister
    -[X] Veneration Period: 69th day of the standard year
    -[X] Schedule:
    --[X] The Day of the Oldest Sister is a day where Automata are given maintenance and decorated in celebration of their importance to the Federation's ongoing function. Machine spirits are supplicated and spoken to with friendly words in recognition of the miracle of the Mother of the Machine Spirit. At twilight, air shows take place across the Federation, glorifying the Thules and the Space Force more broadly for their never-ending vigilance and sacrifice in protecting the Glimmerling Federation. These events specifically celebrate the derring-do and skill of pilots, and speeches are given to the virtues of loyalty, discipline, kindness, steadfastness, stalwartness, and viciousness against Ruin. It's also the time of graduation ceremonies for pilots in training, whose ceremonies are folded into the broader event. Smaller religious ceremonies happen afterwards, where the clergy can preach of the importance of respect and kinship among people, and the importance of healthy outlets to needs. Unofficially it's considered especially good luck to consort with a Thule during the holiday. Thules rarely need to pay for a drink during the Day of the Oldest Sister.
    [X] No
316.M43 - Oldest Sister
When the decision reaches the newest Saint of the Droman Creed, it is not met with joy and conviction, confusion and anxiety, but with Thule-6969 HRMHVR, or "Oldest Sister" as her official title now is, hiding in her room, underneath blankets, and utterly refusing to come out of it.

She had, in her long life, expected death in combat or death in old age, either or with no in-between, and had thought to leave behind a history of diligent service and honorable conduct in the field of battle to serve as another example of exemplary duty like those pilots she looked up to in her youth and in the moments she wavers when doubts beset her.

She had not expected to be bestowed with a miracle that turned the Siblings assigned to her into functional sentient and sapient people and to have the Star-Mechanicum begin with the construction of shrines dedicated to her aboard her home while the Clergy of the Creed enshrines a day of worship of their newest "Saint" and her deeds, the bravery of her sister-siblings and their deeds, alongside those of the Automata of the Federation.

It took Brother Fren breaking down her door and physically dragging her out the doorway so that she could stop hiding and face the music head-on. Even if the music was several weeks of consecrations, paperwork, holy rituals, paperwork, prayers, paperwork, canonizations, paperwork, and paperwork.

Did she mention the paperwork?

Turns out a lot of people were interested in using her name and likeness to produce items of faith and entertainment, like icons, pictures in prayer beads, images on candles and on shrines, words in books, speeches, lessons, appearances in shows and movies, before congregations and before graduating years of cadets.

In the coming years, when the entire drum and hubbub began to lose its luster, the last one would retain is energy, that nervous bubbling in her stomach that settled the moment she stepped from behind the curtains to the podium and looked at the thousands of her siblings, sister, brother, other, and beyond, standing at attention and staring at her with awe and conviction brimming in their eyes as they looked at the oldest Thules that lived, and she could begin with one word that proclaimed them something they knew they were, but made it real.

"Pilots," she would say, and all other words after that were insignificant to them, just noise that could not compare to the weight of that singular word.

In other fields, another overhaul for the Star Navy occurred, as the economic capabilities and military-industrial output of the Glimmering Federation had vastly outstripped the previous arrangements and classifications. In its stead, another system, capable of fully utilizing the might of the Glimmerlings in the coming wars against the Cult of the Titan Symphosium, Cult of the Gore-Sworn Duelists, and the Sect of the Feculant Maggot. Though the war against the first Cult would be aided thanks to the Mashan Temple Authority and Shipwright's Grove bordering them, the latter two would be fought alone in the case of the Duelists and perhaps united with the Van Zandt Free Duchy.

But the question remained; what would the fleets used to fight against them look like?
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] (Write-In)

You can build ships worth 2.200 Points per Action.

Destroyer = 1 Point
Frigate = 2 Points
Light Cruiser = 4 Points
Heavy Cruiser = 8 Points
Grand Cruiser = 20 Points
Battleship = 100 Points (+25 Points per Length Category above 20.000m.)

Light Freighters = 2 Points
Heavy Freighters = 10 Points

Example Plan:
Military Fleets

500 Points per SBG, 2.000 Points for an Armada.
Support Fleets
50 Points per SBG, 200 Points for an Armada.
Battleship = 100 Points (+25 Points per Length Category above 20.000m.)
OOf, battleships be expensive.

Also, is that size increase worth it? The Virgo cost twice as much as a regular battleship for less than 50% more internal space. Going for pocket battleships, that cost half as much but are more numerous, seems a better plan.

Example Plan:
Military Fleets

500 Points per SBG, 2.000 Points for an Armada.
Support Fleets
50 Points per SBG, 200 Points for an Armada.

I don't understand the example...

None of this adds up to 2200...
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Expensive? That's incredibly cheap considering it's 2.200 points per action, imagine how many battleships/armadas we could make with 5 of them and all our military boosting Songs.

We're going to absolutely drown the Sector in gigantic fleets unless I'm mistaken about some of the mechanics here.
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You can build ships worth 2.200 Points per Action.

Destroyer = 1 Point
Frigate = 2 Points
Light Cruiser = 4 Points
Heavy Cruiser = 8 Points
Grand Cruiser = 20 Points
Battleship = 100 Points (+25 Points per Length Category above 20.000m.)
100+25*[categories above 20m],
For Vigro that is 4 categories above 20m
2.200 Points per AP.
We could build 11 Virgo for 1 AP.
Virgo-Primus Fleet Carrier
-Length - 28.000m
-Width - 6.000m
-Acceleration - 1 Gravity
-Armor - Deus Pattern Armor
-Shields -Five Refutation-Pattern Void Shield
-Weapons - 50x Light Lance Turrets/8x Ultra-Heavy Hangars (2x Fighter, 2x Interceptor, 2x Bomber, 2x Rad-Bomber (Total: 576x Fighters, 144x Interceptors, 144x Bombers, and 96x Rad-Bombers))
-Equipment - Pure Lenses/Armored Lifepods/(Standard) Ship Shrines/Strict Pilot Training/Veteran Pilot Gene-Lines/Armored Bridges/(Standard) Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Automated Fighter Re-Arming Procedures/Harsh Crew Training/Improved Internal Security Systems/Lattice Hulls/Enhanced Strategium/Lance Scattershot Lens/Augmetic Security Department/Lens Cogitation Matrix Lattice/Elite Crews/N'Nonmiton Squadron/Arcane Lenses/Paw and Claw/Temperature Controls/Living Warp-Machines
Also is vital that out fleets are really fucking high quality

Like the mashan and shipwrights may hold the numbers

But starchild in the warp,our cost effectiveness is insane
I know there would be other issues blowing it up in our face, but can you imagine if we had a 5 AP doomstack of that aimed at the opening warprift?
Expensive? That's incredibly cheap considering it's 2.200 points per action, imagine how many battleships/armadas we could make with 5 of them and all our military boosting Songs.

We're going to absolutely drown the Sector in gigantic fleets unless I'm mistaken about some of the mechanics here.
Our ship building capacity is gigantic yeah. I'm just referring to the point cost vs design capability stuff.

The battleships are absolutely worth it when you exploit their 90% discount on DP thing.

A virgo costs 200 points, mounting 8 ultra heavy hangars. We assumed that would let us absolutely spam strikecraft, but it doesn't really do that. It carries 960 strikecraft.
Our good old Libra carries can carry 96 strikecraft, but only costs 4 points.

Now, the Libra is nowhere near as survivable, and it's crew is not as great. But we could make a grand cruiser Carrier with the same skill, and build 10 of those for every Virgo, getting several times as many craft in the air, I think.

Ultimately, battleships live or die by their 90% discount on 1 DP weaponry, I think. So something like the Ultra Heavy hangar, which is just a scaled version of the small hangar, not a special superweapon like the Heavy Tetratek, for example, can't help but disappoint.

They both do. 550 Points per SBG+Support Fleet equalling to 2.200 Points total.
Oh right, we're supposed to add military and support together like that. Vertically, not horizontally.
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[] Plan: The Grand Armada
-[ ] Armada Flag Formation
--[ ] 4x Virgo-class Fleet Carriers (-800 Points)
--[ ] 2x Additional Battleships (Hercules-class will go here): (-400 Points)
--[ ] 12x Phoenix-class Arc Cruisers (-240 Points)
--[ ] 16x Lepus-class Grand Cruisers (-320 Points)
--[ ] 6x Delphinus-class Commissary Freighters (-60 Points)
--[ ] 6x Columba-class Logistics Freighters (-60 Points)
--[ ] 6x Aquarius-class Fleet Tenders (-120 Points)
--[ ] 4x Cancer-class Assault Cruisers (-32 Points)
--[ ] 10x Taurus-class Troopships (-20 Points)

These are the cores that we build fleets around, then we add various other fleet components to the murderball as needed to achieve our desired endstate. It's a little over 2,000 points by my count, but that's why we get a little excess production and I couldn't find something cleaner to put here.

So it takes our production a single AP equiviliant to produce a Grand Armada, but we get 6 Battleships, 28 Grand Cruisers, 4 Assault Cruisers, and all the components we need to support and prosecute war among the stars, stretching our supplies considerably why having exactly enough warp-lift to move the entire fleet where it needs to be. To bulk up, we add other formations accordingly, like lego bricks.

Also, the main difference between a Libra and a Virgo aside from sheer mass and having ten times the strike craft? The Virgo can bitchslap anything that tries to headcap it, it's built to loom ominously alongside a squadron of Libras and serve as their Deterrence against something trying to decapitate them like the Flyssas did, because it has such hilarious close in weapons potential that anything short of another Capital Ship getting into range of its secondary batteries is going to evaporate in short order.
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2 AP's and we would esentially match the 13 battleships the chaos forces tried to sent us last time
[] Plan: The Grand Armada
-[ ] Armada Flag Formation
--[ ] 4x Virgo-class Fleet Carriers (-800 Points)
--[ ] 2x Additional Battleships (Hercules-class will go here): (-400 Points)
--[ ] 12x Phoenix-class Arc Cruisers (-240 Points)
--[ ] 16x Lepus-class Grand Cruisers (-320 Points)
--[ ] 6x Delphinus-class Commissary Freighters (-60 Points)
--[ ] 6x Columba-class Logistics Freighters (-60 Points)
--[ ] 6x Aquarius-class Fleet Tenders (-120 Points)
--[ ] 4x Cancer-class Assault Cruisers (-32 Points)
--[ ] 10x Taurus-class Troopships (-20 Points)

These are the cores that we build fleets around, then we add various other fleet components to the murderball as needed to achieve our desired endstate. It's a little over 2,000 points by my count, but that's why we get a little excess production and I couldn't find something cleaner to put here.

So it takes our production a single AP equiviliant to produce a Grand Armada, but we get 6 Battleships, 28 Grand Cruisers, 4 Assault Cruisers, and all the components we need to support and prosecute war among the stars, stretching our supplies considerably why having exactly enough warp-lift to move the entire fleet where it needs to be. To bulk up, we add other formations accordingly, like lego bricks.

Also, the main difference between a Libra and a Virgo aside from sheer mass and having ten times the strike craft? The Virgo can bitchslap anything that tries to headcap it, it's built to loom ominously alongside a squadron of Libras and serve as their Deterrence against something trying to decapitate them like the Flyssas did, because it has such hilarious close in weapons potential that anything short of another Capital Ship getting into range of its secondary batteries is going to evaporate in short order.

Let's break the support elements out of the armada formation and make them into separate fleet elements. That way we can build two armadas, one for defense and another for attack, but only build long-range support for one of them.

We should honestly design more battleships. They're going to be the core of our fleets going forward. I want to design a smaller battleship crammed to the gills with long-range equipment and stealth gear for deep strike that drops mines and contagion bombs and occasionally deletes an enemy shipyard with a heavy carronade.
Grand Cruisers are massively cheaper than Battleships, and almost as good outside of the ability to insanely concentrate force, I still think they should be the brunt of any Flag Formation.
A virgo costs 200 points, mounting 8 ultra heavy hangars. We assumed that would let us absolutely spam strikecraft, but it doesn't really do that. It carries 960 strikecraft.
It carries 960 active strike craft. The thing is, the Libra? That's its complement. Once those run out, they're out. The Virgo? Fuck you, wipe the slate five times and you still get to tangle with 960 active strike craft.
@HeroCooky do you want us to redesign the SBGs/LRADs in addition to the armada setup?

As I see it we can currently setup a few different formations:
1. The armada core - what Alectai has above. Battleships and Grand cruisers meant to fight equal weight ships. ~2200 point cost.
2. SBGs. Heavy cruisers and below optimized to fight general enemies. ~550 point cost.
3. LRADs. Long-range, built to take out smaller enemies from long range. ~550 point cost.
4. Anti-piracy fleet. Heavy on destroyers & frigates. ~275 points.
5. Deep strike support ship. Commissary and repair ships built to keep a fleet supplied on long-range missions. ~275 points.
6. Evacuation fleet. Built to evacuate planets. ~125 point cost.

Then later as we design ships targeted against certain enemies we build specialized formations against them. Our current build is pretty much an all-purpose/anti chaos build, but we can design and build an anti-nid formation later now that we have the rules.

Thoughts? This means we can upscale our fleets a bit to nicely fit into the 2200 point build allotment.
It carries 960 active strike craft. The thing is, the Libra? That's its complement. Once those run out, they're out. The Virgo? Fuck you, wipe the slate five times and you still get to tangle with 960 active strike craft.

Ok. Just to be clear, how would our ships stack up to say, the imperium's ships. We can build battleships (they can't any more). I'm not expecting anything close to the Gloriana-class but in general how are we doing?
[] Plan: The Grand Armada - Holy 5 edition
-[ ] Armada Flag Formation
--[ ] 3x Virgo-class Fleet Carriers (-600 Points)
--[ ] 2x Additional Battleships (Hercules-class will go here): (-400 Points)
--[ ] 15x Phoenix-class Arc Cruisers (-300 Points)
--[ ] 15x Lepus-class Grand Cruisers (-300 Points)
--[ ] 10x Delphinus-class Commissary Freighters (-100 Points)
--[ ] 10x Columba-class Logistics Freighters (-100 Points)
--[ ] 5x Aquarius-class Fleet Tenders (-100 Points)
--[ ] 5x Cancer-class Assault Cruisers (-40 Points)
--[ ] 25x Taurus-class Troopships (-50 Points)
-[] Support fleet
--[] 25x Auriga-Class Emergency Response Freighter (-50 Points)
--[] 10x Canis-Minor Class Bulk Transport Hauler (-100 Points)
--[] 6x Canis-Major Class Bulk Transport Liner (-60 Points)

The total point cost is 1990 for the Armada flag and 210 for support staff, Auriga-Class has medic stuff and focus on pacification of conquered planets, while Canis classes carry the supplies for that and stuff to evacuate people from the warzones
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Delphinus-Class Commissary Freighter
- 12.000m
-Width -4.000m
-Acceleration -2 Gravities
-Armor - Thin Double Hull
-Shields - Two Arrays
-Weapons - Unarmed
-Equipment - 3x Luxurious Crew Quarters

Columba-Class Logistics Freighter
-Length - 12.000m
-Width -4.000m
-Acceleration -2 Gravities
-Armor - Thin Double Hull
-Shields - Two Arrays
-Weapons - Unarmed
-Equipment - 3x Arboretums
Those two seem in need of rework, I mean columba is good to help with food in the fleet and I guess Delphinus could be used for vacations for the crew, but the lack of other stuff like cathedrals and anti-sabotage stuff
@HeroCooky how detailed is your design of Maggot Sect? I'm asking because the Nurgle cult with emphasis on fecundity aspect and machines gives me an interesting mental image I'd like to develop for an omake, but if you have a specific vision for them, I don't want to butt in.