[X] Plan: A Sunny Day To Eat Planets
We also need to develop new land vehicles in the future, those models we have must be very obsolete by now.
Definitely. Given that we've finally seen the level of danger our neighborhood is, we need to build up our military and military infrastructure by a lot.
Done.Can you add something along these lines? I'm not sure if it'll work, but it's worth a try?
--[ ] If possible, can we put the remaining half point from Mechadendrite into Food Production, with Chik-an bonus getting us to Food Production VII
If that is the route then we are going to have to address the shit show that is the "Do Not Enter" Sector. I don't want to be doing a Campaign against Chaos with that....thing to our backs.Definitely. Given that we've finally seen the level of danger our neighborhood is, we need to build up our military and military infrastructure by a lot.
Though I'm wondering if we'll be able to build up enough military within like 10 turns to go murder the Khornates and then set up a defense line against the Nurglites while we prep some way of banishing Daemonworlds.
I did this math a bit earlier - symphony actions don't count themselves and mechadendrite actions don't count themselves. If we do mechadendrite & have the symphony running then we get:If that is the route then we are going to have to address the shit show that is the "Do Not Enter" Sector. I don't want to be doing a Campaign against Chaos with that....thing to our backs.
Edit: I was also doing General actions math with our new symphony and it's kinda nuts with Mechandrite.
Because as long as we do Gen actions it goes insane.
Because 3 AP Gen actions gives 1 and a half mechandrite actions and 1 and a half Symphony action.
Doing a symphony general action means that we get both another symphony action and a mechandrite general action.
Doing the two above actions as general actions means that we get a symphony actions and a mechandrite action...okay someone stop me. This is an infinite loop. Someone break it. What the fuck just happened? I am wrong here I am pretty sure because if I am not wrong shit is broken
Something to keep in mind here is that each of those dots is a sub-sector. Ranging from like 5-20 planets. 4000 lamenters can crush a couple planets. But dozens? They'll get bogged down and picked off. This is what people build battleships for. I don't disagree that we should expend, but I think this is a great time to get really good quality stuff while our neighbors are relatively friendly.Man, depending on how long it takes for us to build up our military and open the way to the Chaos forces in the south east, we could damn well be able to outright steamroll the Chaos gits there with the Lamenters as our Spearhead.
Lamenters are at 27 companies and they will add a new company eveyr turn for as long as their current action takes to complete.
If we prep for a Crusade against the south east Chaos forces and set the go time as 10 turns from now, if the Lamenters don't stop building up we'd be throwing a Crusade spearheaded by almost 4000 Space Marines at them.
There really isn't that much that can stop something like that easily, if that is we build up our fleet and supporting ground forces to match.
I think getting The Penitentia Rite will help with this. We're going to need more than our 5 Divine Beasts if we're going to be fighting established multi subsector Chaos cults.I mean, Space Marines were always meant to be shock troops and elites that help carry the attack but not the main force holding the ground or that sustains it. Also I think we will be seeing something that would check our Space Marine Advantage, I mean with the chaotic cults that just a given in the form of Daemons, Greaters Daemons and the like with some Titans thrown in.
Got a question for @HeroCooky. Is the current Known Sub-Sectors map showing Storlar Sector in full (in much better scale than the previous map) or are we not able to see even the edges of the neighboring Sectors yet.
The reason I'm asking is because the giant rift through the middle of the map that nearly bisects it is named the Storlar Gulf - both the North and South parts. So I'm wondering if HeroCooky has changed it so that full Sectors are more representative of what that sort of sized area would have system wise that the previous map. That and the fact that there isn't any markings to determine what sectors each subsector is in.
Worth noting that we can accelerate the process by taking Chapter action. A single action would give them two decades' worth of growth.Man, depending on how long it takes for us to build up our military and open the way to the Chaos forces in the south east, we could damn well be able to outright steamroll the Chaos gits there with the Lamenters as our Spearhead.
Lamenters are at 27 companies and they will add a new company eveyr turn for as long as their current action takes to complete.
If we prep for a Crusade against the south east Chaos forces and set the go time as 10 turns from now, if the Lamenters don't stop building up we'd be throwing a Crusade spearheaded by almost 4000 Space Marines at them.
There really isn't that much that can stop something like that easily, if that is we build up our fleet and supporting ground forces to match.
I would really like to see if we can pump actions into Consecrating our worlds en mass.Worth noting that we can accelerate the process by taking Chapter action. A single action would give them two decades' worth of growth.
Noosphere Unity very conveniently gives us a +0.05 research bonus, and it's only one action.If we managed to get our research bonus up a little higher (so at least 1.05) most likely with heavy industry X, then we'd trigger another symphony action and get this:
You can use it on 0.5 Actions.@HeroCooky so the .5 action from Devouring Mechandrite doesn't carry over but is it possible for us to use it on something else.
Yes. One Ap per World.Can we Invest AP to sacred sand more worlds?
Does a subsector being sanctified increase our resistance to warptremors (even if only slightly)?
It did not, because it shows Sub-SECTORS, not individual worlds.the Map didn't take into account the terraformed worlds by the Irrita
1. What "Hidden Orders" for what "Black Crusade"? The threat mentioned was a Slaaneshi Chaos Band (Literal) showing up to rock your shit (Literal) before stage-diving out of there (Literal). But they'll fuck you up for that too, I guess.1. QM is the black crusade going to have a hidden order from she/he who thrists when they see our forces, notice the shit we have, realize we are Iconoclasts and worship the StarChild who mogged love from their boss? I feel like that hasn't been forgotten.
2. QM what role with the personification of the black Ash as an haughty Ojou-sama who has the skills to back it up have in the Federation's NunReverse HaremGroup? and how would it go if it was like Braun with its part seduction/part 'to the winner go the spoils' type of duel?
3. QM how do you picture this going with the Federation Nun and whatever the Shipwright was personified as? And is it dobable?
4. also did the Shipwright Grove take our warning seriously or just a 'ehhh sure we'll an eye out if it you say so'' similar to how a child says their parent to put them at ease?
Tied.So just out of curiosity who has bigger population, we or the grove?
You are severly misunderstanding how honor/duel-bound Knight Houses are. They'll abide by the results of the duels, but they will also up the ante. Which is why its going to end in a big-ass rumble you'd better have some spicy Knights or a Titan for. Or luck, that too.@HeroCooky I have a question about the auto duel action. Wouldn't the Black Ash Clan catch on to what we are doing and start resisting us? Or would they just accept being absorbed by us if they lost the duel?
No (1), Little (2), Yes (3).@HeroCooky if we offered to Consecrate a world of the Shipwright's Grove's choice, (1) would they accept, (2) how positively would it affect our relationship, and (3) would we be able to use the free Consecrate action on it?
The (rather: most of the) Storlar Sector in better scale.Got a question for @HeroCooky. Is the current Known Sub-Sectors map showing Storlar Sector in full (in much better scale than the previous map) or are we not able to see even the edges of the neighboring Sectors yet.
1. I'm planning on doing so today.1. We don't know much about the Watchtower Confederacy. I'm not sure I want to request a full dossier on them, but can we get a bit more information? I specifically want to know about fleet strength compared to ours. Can we just run them over with our dumptruck?
2. Similar-ish question for The Croaf Hegemony. Our last report is out of date by now, but they had a fleet of ~80 ships then. I assume there's more now, but I'm curious if we could take them or if we need another military upgrade first.
3. What's up with Irridanus? Did consecrating the full holy sub-sector do anything special? Just make it extra-anathema to chaos and protect our little moth-people real well?
4. Speaking of the Mothomes, they should be fully integrated as of a few turns ago. Can we update them from a Protectorate to Kin? What kind of action is that? I don't remember the constitutional convention schedule but surely we're overdue.
Guys could we use it on the infantry tech?