What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

  • Total voters
I mean, Titans are Titans, they're useful no matter how big they are.
Right, but building a fleet capable of taking offensive action against the Cults seems more important than building a titans for a ground war against the Slaaneshi cults that we don't have a plan for.

I'm not against building titans, but I think I'd prefer to pump out some fleets first to take the war to the cults, then maybe in like 4-5 turns we pop Cry for the Future and build a Deux Machina to ensure that when it comes time to throw down we come out on top.

In titan vs. titan combat it's go big or go home, and we have a pile of knights and Lamenters to handle anything smaller than a titan.

Edit: I'm cogitating where to get a good sketch. Anybody got a good design for a Deus Machina or Momentus that I could use as the basis to farm out for a drawing? I'm not familiar with titan weaponry.
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Booo. Well, she sucks at being the big bad then.
don't tempt fate, we haven't seen her at all and could be working on something in the other powers or the cults. you never know how she coudl force us to stall or abandon our plans. Like if she did some such to make the Dutchy collapse or cause an outbreak in the Shipwright's grove. she can force us to waste actions fixing things she broke.

Result of my write-ins.
And Cooky originally forgot to add these to "Black Cats' Claw" but fixed that when I reminded her.
Oh really? those were from write-in's? what ones were those? and thanks man it paid it.

reminder people, do write-ins or just ask/pose the question, you never know what could happen.

Its not 5 Choirs.
Its 1 Choir with the 5 Psykers sitting in different structures orbitting the sun
Oh my bad, misunderstood it, honestly not bad at all and worth the extra choir if that's the cost to set it up.

*Whacks with neswpaper* Them. The Star-Child is Non-Binary.

also misspell, should be newspaper.

Ar.... are they as well armed as the rest of our troops?
uhhhh I REALLY hope not sinc-

FUCK. okay we now have mercenaries armed as we arm our normal forces but not any templars I think. We are going to have to deal with that and either demobilize the mercs or see which ones we can translate into standing SAG's and which ones will remain mercs and use them to support the Watch Tower Confederacy or the Shipwright's grove. Always tricky handling mercs.

Also, Luftwaffles, if you catch up to here, please post the reason why you seemingly clicked your way through over one-thousand two-hundred pages of this Quest. I am afraid.
Hahahaha. okay as someone who did the same but didn't know NEARLY as much warhammer 40k lore and was confused early on and just read what I knew and continued on, its understandable. This quest you have done is amazing and the options before allowed options I wish we took, the Sisters of battle or the FUCKING GRAND CRUISER SKELETON, yah that threw me for a loop, but I do understand why the thread went full on iconoclast and I think we did better for it. Add to that how things progressed and the other things like the Pykana with melodies and songs, giving the Lamenters another chance.

Also I believe their reason was the same as mine, wanted to know the context and reason for those choices and they couldn't stop reading once they did. I have stayed up all night reading a random story or quest I found on SB or SV out of nowhere when i had no plan on bringing an all nighter. it just happens.

With the end of the decade, so too comes the end of peace.

For some, that peace is metaphorical, as the forges of the Federation begin to roar to the drumbeat of the navy and Lamenters. For the first; ships without numbers, thousands slated to be constructed in the coming decades and centuries, with most expected never to see the ports of their creation again after they set out against the Cults of the Sector. For the latter; it is a season of recruitment and growth, with two hundred Scouts entering the ranks of the Chapter every five years, veterans of peaceful years assigned to their newly-created Companies, now able to fill out half of the available capacity to move them within the Fleet of the Lamenters, and expected to be filled within ~73 years at the current rate of growth. That this rate will increase far before that should not go unmentioned.
Yahhh end of peace as we spool up the industries as war and they know what is too come and the numbers and metals we need for it. and how we are currently planning expeditions for these ships to be beyond our borders and supply lines, relying on the support ships. Oh yah the Lamenters upping recruit and preparing for the losses that will be incurred and training up recruits now to be ready in time and dear lord that is bloody terrifying! the idea all ships capable of carrying the Space Marines Companies will be filled in 7 turns? the Lamenters will go full force.

For others, the end of that peace comes with literal thundering guns, contact made between the Symphosium's scouts and that of the Mashan Temple Authority and the Shipwright's Grove, their respective navies setting out to curtail the Cult's dreams of expansion as both nations change their economies into one suited for generational wars.
Well shit they finally made contract, the Mashan Temple Authority always have seemed ahead and an top of things and considering we gave them warning about the chaos cult making contact with them and the direction that along with war-time economy being prepared they should be able to block and stunt their advance pretty well. plenty of time of build up and the Shipwright's Battleship along with build up... we just need to make sure that southwest empire doesn't expand too fast and hit them.

SPEAKING OF WHICH, guys can we please take expanding south to start taking Sub-sectors? we should be able to take them rather easily with our current size and helps stop the Khrone cult from expanding and that southwest one.

And yet, for a few, so vanishingly few, it is not the end of peace but the beginning of one. The Dirut, brought from their homeworld, turned into nothing more than a monument to Humanity's Sins of unbridled creation beyond reason, settled into the Federation, taking up homes in distant space stations and secluded corners of planets rarely explored and rarer visited. Within their new homes, bound in wire, brass, and wood, frames foreign and all-too-well remembered for what they inflicted and represented, they shed their bodies for those they desire. Soon, there is no ticking, tocking, ticking clockwork in their chests...only the thrum of their organic hearts, their species eternally bound into shells of metal by the curses inflicted by the Dark Age of Technology. But still...they can bear children on their own, once a curse, now a blessing, and when the first of the new generation to be born is safely placed in the vessel they cannot survive without, a name is etched upon their frame.

Yahhhh the Dirut are a Monument to Humanity's Sins with what was done to them, a living reminder but it is good that for them it is the beginning of a peace and that they are rebuilding.... I want to ask HOW THE FUCK CAN THEY HAVE KIDS?!

Also Hebrew for Hope. it is fitting.

[] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Write-In Sub-Sector)
Works of generations started today.
(Gain: A Consecrated Sub-Sector.)
..... Excuse me? what? Consecrate Sub-sectors? that speeds up a lot of things and lets us do Holy Sub-sectors now but the FUCK happened to allow that? we only just did 6969 as a living Saint, was that what did it? is this the effect that was done because we made her a Saint now instead of waiting?

Current Warp Tremors: [Medium - Decreasing].
whelp it went down so it may be worth it to do Cry for the Future for ONE turn and just speed up the military so we can send it out or swap gears to something else. I still want to get or Titan Legio done before the Military boost ends but this could let us get more stuff or allow us to work on the Military and still do other things.

-[] Clockwork Toys (0/1)
(Gain: Increased Happiness.)
Oh neat, small thing that uses the clockwork tech for innocent fun, instead of the horrors that were done.

[] [Military] Fleet Construction - (1.000 Points per Action)
(Add 50% Progress to another choice when taken.)
-[] 5x Nomadic Fleet Upgrades [Automatic] (0.0/1)

Chose Names for Fleets: Hydralisk, Necrolisk, Kraken, Gorgon, Gryphon, Wyvern, Dragon, Cyclops, Kraken, Phoenix, Scylla, Chimera, Garuda, Enfield, K'uk'ulkan, and Anansi.
See Informational - Military Forces for Fleet Compositions/Point Values.
(Gain: Fleets.)
huh, hmmmm should we do more Nomadic fleets? its an easy one but hmmm. Also love the names for the Fleets. always loved the naming scheme.
and it is a 1,000 points per action, that is very chunky compared to how it was before. I do think we should keep designing a few more designs and producing the ones we have now.

[] [Military] The Ancient's [Bone-Mender Temple/Jubilant Den/Circus De Meniue]
We should keep doing expeditions.... maybe. it IS DOAT stuff but at the same time it seems to be a gamble depending on what we choose as the reward and if it needs build up or spool up time. at the very least we have a new site.... a Circus... alright. I would say we go to the first site Bone Mender an see if we can grab some Medical stuff.

-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Once-Forgotten-Joy' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Thrum-Of-The-Journey' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Illuminators-Of-The-Road-Not-Traveled' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Bastion-Of-Pathways' (49/50 Ship Capacity)

-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Trade-Guardians' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
Holy shit the amount of ships in a nomadic fleet here. I guess the sheer size of the new Battlecolonies makes it need more ships for their fleets but also that they can maintain it and have enough choirs for them they don't need to worry about it. Still love the names of the fleets too.

Now drop these into 40k and see what happens.

Msk'fa: Comfort, Revenge, and Retribution.
Dirut: Peace, Clockwork, Candle, Time, Sunset, and Dawn.
....AHHHHHHHHHHH, damn it I see can see many song combos done with these alone and then how songs people normally mess together. and we didn't haven't even done the Revenant, the Last Secret melody, the last Kil'drabi one, and the Irrita ones. oh dear, we need to chip away at the melodies again....

Still both species melodies really does speak to what happened and their stories along with how those melodies would be viewed or seen.

also did anyone ever do as the QM asked and gathered up a thing of all the past turns we did melodies or songs so the QM can roll the dice?

[] [Chapter] Lament's Legion (0/1)
(Gain: ...
Warning: Does not Auto-Complete.)

[] [Chapter] Brothers For The Barge (0.5/?)
They must be ready for battle and barge.
(Gain: The Lamenters gain 4 Companies per Turn.)
Just a remind we have to do the AP for the legion building AND its around ten turns of spooling up time. you want a Legion? you HAVE to plan in advance and do it way back, you CANNOT do it the turn you need it and expect it ready to be ready in a few turns.

that said we will have enough for manning the Battle Barge just fine in about five turns, not sure what happens after that.

AN: No, the Dirut are not Jewish, I just think the words are neat, and have fallen a bit into a Jewish Song Rabbithole lately. They got bangers. :V
Oh I didn't even notice that, didn't know the word at all. if the songs are bangers give the sauce?

Added the Ancient Site.

That's called "Declaring An Emergency."
90% of my reading is done during public transit and lunch, so I mostly read in Reader Mode. So not really. :<
Oh that was the Circus one right? go figure it would be. Oh can we do that? I am always iffy on it due to things but I guess a 'hey the cults have grown too big and are fighting our allies, we don't have enough ships so I am Declaring an Emergnecy to build those ships quickly and fight Chaos' is a good as reason as any. So fair enough

I don't do that, I do my best to read the pages and discussion in the pages before updates and don't use reader mode at all

Ramming typically requires a lot of speed, as you want to make contact with the enemy. The Hercules is perfect for squaring up against opponents of equal weight, but anything lighter and you won't be able to catch them for a ramming attack unless your fleet sets up such opportunities. It can be done, just a matter of personal taste at play here, I'm afraid to tell.
Ah so its a subpar build due to not having the speed? makes sense and it does take out parts of the design for that. it might be worth having but it is rare.

-[] Weapons - 3x Ultra-Heavy Rotary Plasma Macrocannon Turrets/2x Ultra-Heavy Rotary Plasma Macrocannon Batteries/60x Light Macrocannon Turrets (-28 DP)
While I'm glad to see more heavy weapons, really? just gun battleships again? no lances, no torpedos? don't we have the crusade doctrine that kinda makes it doable to include two weapon types? like seriously at least place a mix of light macros and light lances. mix and match some.

HerCooky: "I dunno, it is nice, but not to my personal taste. Good job designing it though."
Alectai: "What if I put bunny-ears on the ship?"
HeroCooky: "You son of a lovely mother, I'm in."
HAH, how to bait the QM and the Glimmering Federation slang there.

It does make invading ships with that an uncomfortable experience for Cultists, and makes Daemons less tanky.
Oh sweet, that's a good boost and every little bit helps. Seriously small advantages are what can turn a certain defeat into a narrow victory.

Every single one of our ships has shrines on it - including the support ships. They're not intended to be anywhere near the fighting. Basically they serve as a mobile "home port" for the fleet to return to and take some time between battles to recover from. They're not supposed to be exposed to corruption and if they are then the resources of the entire fleet are there to help them deal with it.
Oh I remember we standardized Ship Shrines and I'm just worried about tripling down on things instead of making a mix of ships that aren't monofocused on one thing. like make mini ones that have a mix that can help relieve pressure off the main ones while still having the Luxury Crew Amenities and Hydroponics.

I mean, it's possible that their fancy Titan is actually a Deus Machina and thus we're fucked anyway unless we have one of our own.

But I can't think of a cool design that would be sufficient for it T_T Even getting the Valiant was kind of hard, and while I've seen some awesome Titan reference images here and there, we're not allowed to use reference images, has to be bespoke.
Yah, its hard to find ones that are good. we try to scouring any contacts or servers to find any artists who can try to draw them. just a matter of finding one or using another frachise's type. Like I don't know Mech Warrior or Armored Core when building your mech, take a screen shot and add 'imagine it bigger and not able to boost but basically this'

Notable Wargear:
-Power Swords are standard Equipment.
-Force Swords are available in abundance.
-Gravity-Weapons for Sergeants and Specialist Squads.
-Ubiqutous Plasma Weaponry.
-Ebon Glass Power Armor (Equivalent to the Mark XIII.)
--Ichor Power Armor (Equivalent to the Mark X.)
--Jump-Packs are available in abundance.
-Soothing Warcaskets (Primitive Dreadnoughts) for heavily injured Marines.
--Limited Jump-Pack compatibility.
-Yeeni War-Bike Auxilliary
-Sun-Shriek Atmospheric Interceptors
-Moon-Dive Atmospheric Tactical Bombers
-Stellar-Constellations Atmospheric Troop-Transporters
I was checking this just to check on the lamenters and wow things got added. Power and Force swords were already known and are normally rare for space marines and all 34 companies of our Lamenters have the Power Sword as Standard Equipment and all Librarians have a Force Sword. Now though we have Gravity Weapons for Sergeants and Specialist squads! which to be fair sounds right for normal space marines chapters to begin with but given the amount of companies we have and we can make and produce them as needed means higher amount of Grav-weapons then normal and those are big force Multipliers. Ubiqutous Plasma Weaponry is a given considering our upgrades and R&D more powerful and reliable. Oh shit Mark X (Ichor) power Armor and then Mark XIII (13, Ebon Glass) Power Armor. Damn they got a big Upgrades.

Jump packs are in abundance so plenty of assault packs, the Warcaskets for the heavily injured Marines... wait those things have use Jump Packs?! oh PLEASE tell me we can keep them for the Dreadnaughts, because that would be amazing and funny to pull off. Like imagine seeing a Dreadnaughts Jump Packing right at you. Also ... Yeeni War Bike Auxiliary? oh shit so the Yeeni are taking to the field to support the Lamenters? or it is a Yeeni made War-Bike used by Auxillaries?

Also having Interceptors, tactical Bomber, and Troop Transporters. good additions.

1. How do we go about folding the mercs into our SAG's or finding out which ones will stay and which ones will stay mercs? I assume the mercs we will have to hire on retainer so they don't just wander and getting rid of the Mercenary crew Detriment. By the way is having the merc crew just a higher experienced and trained crew but one that demands more accommodations and luxuries?
2. QM, explain! how do Dirut have children? I do understand we did our best to fix them and they have more organs like a heart again instead of the clockwork tech but still. how does one have children when they are a bunch of organs inside a metal frame?
3. What upgrades were done for the Mark 13 Power Armor QM? and can we get a description or what is notable about the Lamenter Strikecrafts like the Sun-Shriek, moon Dive and Stellar Constellations?
4. So QM how would grade the Lamenters on a equipment level with their notable wargear against the standard Space Marine Chapters. and how they are with their current fleet?
I'm not against building titans, but I think I'd prefer to pump out some fleets first to take the war to the cults, then maybe in like 4-5 turns we pop Cry for the Future and build a Deux Machina to ensure that when it comes time to throw down we come out on top.

In titan vs. titan combat it's go big or go home, and we have a pile of knights and Lamenters to handle anything smaller than a titan.
I dunno, I feel like you're dismissing any Titan that's not the biggest possible size and you're falling into the same brainworms that the Imperium has. While a Deus Machina would undoubtedly be powerful, we don't necessarily need it, or even really need the same to beat one on the ground. As for the Slaaneshi Titans, I have doubts that it is a Deus Machina Titan since the one we saw in that vision the Star-Child gave us was in the weight class of a Warlord Titan which is definitely not a Deus Machina, at most it's an Magnificus, probably around a Immensa Immensus, and it is possible for a couple Warhound Packs to take down a Warlord.

And even if we are fighting the Khornate cult next turn, Titans are still Titans and can help rock their shit.
I dunno, I feel like you're dismissing any Titan that's not the biggest possible size and you're falling into the same brainworms that the Imperium has. While a Deus Machina would undoubtedly be powerful, we don't necessarily need it, or even really need the same to beat one on the ground. As for the Slaaneshi Titans, I have doubts that it is a Deus Machina Titan since the one we saw in that vision the Star-Child gave us was in the weight class of a Warlord Titan which is definitely not a Deus Machina, at most it's an Magnificus, probably around a Immensa Immensus, and it is possible for a couple Warhound Packs to take down a Warlord.

And even if we are fighting the Khornate cult next turn, Titans are still Titans and can help rock their shit.
I was asking the QM and its more a Warbringer Titan when I asked about it. around the same size but recall this was a while ago and it was only a scene of one concert. they could have more and its best to be prepared. I agree we don't need the Deus Machina but please let us fill out the screening elements of them. build the Grandis and Modeste Immensus, plus give how things are I don't expect more then another turn or two of designs and Fleet production before we can assign some AP to the Titan Legio building and launching a crusade to send a few fleets to check the progress of the cults.
[X] Plan: We Build a Fleet to Strike a Blow Against Chaos different
-[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Amratur Subsector)
-[X] [Free] Choir Assignments:

--[X] New choirs: In order: New systems, new fleets, Steam Valves until 250, then all spare into Dutiful Spirits.
-[X] [General] Research:
---[X] New Generation Ground Vehicles (0/1)
---[X] Experimental Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development II (0/1) Bonus AP

-[X] [Military] Fleet Construction - (Flag Armada Nova) x2 - 10 choir cost
-[X] [Military] Fleet Construction x2 (Agenda Bonus + Heartbeat of Industry, +600 point bonus = 2600 points = 13 fleets)
--[X] 9x SBGs (Hydralisk, Necrolisk, Kraken, Gorgon, Gryphon, Wyvern, Dragon, Cyclops, Kraken) - 32 Choirs
--[X] 1x LRAD (Zeta) - 5 choirs
--[X] 3x Logistics Fleets (Mermaid, Cherub, Nymph) - 6 choirs
-[X] [Military] Design New Voidship Classes - (second agenda bonus)

--[X] [Battleship] Hercules-class Battleship
--[X] [Temple Ship] The Last Word

Changed diplomacy to Research because it's more useful to our people instead of Duchy by wasting time on lending Choirs
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[X] Plan: We Build a Fleet to Strike a Blow Against Chaos different
-[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Amratur Subsector)
-[X] [Free] Choir Assignments:

--[X] New choirs: In order: New systems, new fleets, Steam Valves until 250, then all spare into Dutiful Spirits.
-[X] [General] Research:
---[X] New Generation Ground Vehicles (0/1)
---[X] Experimental Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development II (0/1) Bonus AP

-[X] [Military] Fleet Construction - (Flag Armada Nova) x2 - 10 choir cost
-[X] [Military] Fleet Construction x2 (Agenda Bonus + Heartbeat of Industry, +600 point bonus = 2600 points = 13 fleets)
--[X] 9x SBGs (Hydralisk, Necrolisk, Kraken, Gorgon, Gryphon, Wyvern, Dragon, Cyclops, Kraken) - 32 Choirs
--[X] 1x LRAD (Zeta) - 5 choirs
--[X] 3x Logistics Fleets (Mermaid, Cherub, Nymph) - 6 choirs
-[X] [Military] Design New Voidship Classes - (second agenda bonus)

--[X] [Battleship] Hercules-class Battleship
--[X] [Temple Ship] The Last Word

Changed diplomacy to Research because it's more useful to our people instead of Duchy by wasting time on lending Choirs
Do we want to activate Grand Design to get some really good vehicles? Warp Tremors are decreasing and it doesn't have much effect if it's only for one turn, and we've been stuck with our first generation tanks for... a while if we're finally getting new ones with all our tech I want them to be absurd.
Do we want to activate Grand Design to get some really good vehicles? Warp Tremors are decreasing and it doesn't have much effect if it's only for one turn, and we've been stuck with our first generation tanks for... a while if we're finally getting new ones with all our tech I want them to be absurd.
That's good idea but i'm not sure how to assign Choirs so I will change a little bit
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[X] Plan: We Build a Fleet to Strike a Blow Against Chaos different again
-[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Amratur Subsector)
-[X] [Free] Choir Assignments:

--[X] New choirs: In order: New systems, new fleets, Steam Valves until 250, then all spare into Grand Design
-[X] [General] Research:
---[X] New Generation Ground Vehicles (0/1)
---[X] Experimental Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development II (0/1) Bonus AP

-[X] [Military] Fleet Construction - (Flag Armada Nova) x2 - 10 choir cost
-[X] [Military] Fleet Construction x2 (Agenda Bonus + Heartbeat of Industry, +600 point bonus = 2600 points = 13 fleets)
--[X] 9x SBGs (Hydralisk, Necrolisk, Kraken, Gorgon, Gryphon, Wyvern, Dragon, Cyclops, Kraken) - 32 Choirs
--[X] 1x LRAD (Zeta) - 5 choirs
--[X] 3x Logistics Fleets (Mermaid, Cherub, Nymph) - 6 choirs
-[X] [Military] Design New Voidship Classes - (second agenda bonus)

--[X] [Battleship] Hercules-class Battleship
--[X] [Temple Ship] The Last Word
Changed diplomacy to Research because it's more useful to our people instead of Duchy by wasting time on lending Choirs
How so? Seriously. We can't beat all the Chaos cults by ourselves. Like it or not, diplomacy with the Duchy is needed to be able to present a united front against the massive Nurgle cult which is almost like 10 times our size. Plus they (the Nurgle Cult) built at *minimum* 13 daemon battleships and attendant fleets over a century ago. They likely have a bunch more now.

We need the Duchy to be able to tarpit the Nurgle cult and hold the line against them.

Each sub-sector that falls to the Chaos forces makes our situation worse.
How so? Seriously. We can't beat all the Chaos cults by ourselves. Like it or not, diplomacy with the Duchy is needed to be able to present a united front against the massive Nurgle cult which is almost like 10 times our size. Plus they (the Nurgle Cult) built at *minimum* 13 daemon battleships and attendant fleets over a century ago. They likely have a bunch more now.

We need the Duchy to be able to tarpit the Nurgle cult and hold the line against them.

Each sub-sector that falls to the Chaos forces makes our situation worse.
Khorne and Nurgle cults have ships not just Nurgle and "They likely have a bunch more now" Is questinable. Chaos is notorious for lack of resources and logistics. Even Imperium barely builds Battleships and you saying that Nurgle cult likely have "bunch more" is very unreliable.
We going to fight nurgle cult either way and lendig a choir to Duchy won't change it much and I would prefer have an uprgrade to millenium old designs than helping Duchy just a little bit more.

Plus they (the Nurgle Cult) built at *minimum* 13 daemon battleships and attendant fleets over a century ago.
That is funny. Cults don't build anything. Either stealing from Imperium or asking Dark Mechanicum.
Khorne and Nurgle cults have ships not just Nurgle and "They likely have a bunch more now" Is questinable. Chaos is notorious for lack of resources and logistics. Even Imperium barely builds Battleships and you saying that Nurgle cult likely have "bunch more" is very unreliable.
We going to fight nurgle cult either way and lendig a choir to Duchy won't change it much and I would prefer have an uprgrade to millenium old designs than helping Duchy just a little bit more.

That is funny. Cults don't build anything. Either stealing from Imperium or asking Dark Mechanicum.
The QM has outright stated that the Nurgle cult has VI 16 and can and have built battleships and have enough production to provide them to the Slaanesh cult:

Yeah, the Nurglites. Who do you think gave the Snussies the Nurgle Daemon BBs?
Is it possible to create an anti-Chaos fleet using the Temple Ships? Will Psychic Choirs be buffed if assigned to a Temple Ship with [Oasis of Hymns] and [A Drop of Divinity]? Will the effects of [Phalanx Aengium] be buffed if used by 5 Temple Ships?
Is it possible to create an anti-Chaos fleet using the Temple Ships? Will Psychic Choirs be buffed if assigned to a Temple Ship with [Oasis of Hymns] and [A Drop of Divinity]? Will the effects of [Phalanx Aengium] be buffed if used by 5 Temple Ships?
Pretty sure that the Phalanx Aengium has a steep efficiency penalty for using it on bigger ships. Enough that the Dutchy completely gave up on putting it on anything larger than a light cruiser (I think, it might have been even more harsh than I remember).
so the Yeeni are taking to the field to support the Lamenters? or it is a Yeeni made War-Bike used by Auxillaries?
Yeeni Go Vroom. :3

Fun Fact; I've been rolling "Affinity" for your various Xenos and the Lamenters, and the little yeens consistently score above 15 on a D20. So Yeeni Go Vroom Indeed. :3
Weaving_Dreamer said:
1. How do we go about folding the mercs into our SAG's or finding out which ones will stay and which ones will stay mercs? I assume the mercs we will have to hire on retainer so they don't just wander and getting rid of the Mercenary crew Detriment. By the way is having the merc crew just a higher experienced and trained crew but one that demands more accommodations and luxuries?
2. QM, explain! how do Dirut have children? I do understand we did our best to fix them and they have more organs like a heart again instead of the clockwork tech but still. how does one have children when they are a bunch of organs inside a metal frame?
3. What upgrades were done for the Mark 13 Power Armor QM? and can we get a description or what is notable about the Lamenter Strikecrafts like the Sun-Shriek, moon Dive and Stellar Constellations?
4. So QM how would grade the Lamenters on a equipment level with their notable wargear against the standard Space Marine Chapters. and how they are with their current fleet?
1. You don't, they are now part of the Federation as per your deal of incorporating them. Mercenary Crew is basically "We expect either good pay or medium pay and luxuries." This comes at no cost to crew stats if demands are met, they are equal to standard Fed Crews.
2. When one blob of organs likes another blob of organs very much, the stimulate their reproductive organs in the right way to induce a pregnancy that results in another, but smol, blob of organs. Hope that helps. :>
3. I'm saving that for combat, but grav-tech got included.
4. Gear: "Brother, what?"
Fleet: "BROTHER; WHAT?!"
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I have an idea. Not sure how good it is, but, couldn't we just make a large number of regular (non choir) scout ships to get our scouting efficiency up to 100% for the first 2 distance markers? Simply have it so that there are more ships out scouting systems at the same time and use the Celestial Orrery equipped scouts to use their Choirs to quickly gather the Circinus' info and transmit it up the chain. Perhaps have 4 Circinus attached to every Pyxis. @HeroCooky, how much would that increase our scouting efficiency?
Has chaos conquered every nonmajor humans and aliens while the glimmerring federation was busy building up and dealing with a warp portal?