Are needler/spike longer range than shuriken? Seems like better aerodynamics should help.
yes. better Aerodynamics and the fact that their isn't cartridge issues to consider the munitions can be the ideal size and shape for forward propulsion.
It occurs to me that rather than trade them exotics, Ulthwe would offer much for the secret behind the needlers limitless ammo to apply to their shurikens, or just needlers in general.
Perfect Grav Hybrid weapons are probably something most other Aeldari aren't going to push for, so they'll also serve as a tech exchange in the end.
[] Action Plan: Nerds of the Past, Present and Future.
We know how to repair engines. It's an engineering problem, and we are an innovative, industrial craft world. Scrying runs into issues when you get too specific. It is not the sort of thing where a seer can look into the past and learn glean the bonesinger expertise dependent information on our engines construction. Such knowledge should be worthless anyways since one of the issues is specifically that blessings and Psychomaton lost to us were a key part of it's original functionality.
Your scrying out a plan to adjust our allies military, which we don't have quite that level of authority for, with Kaeros watching?
Fea-Eresh's doom is to burn. When and by whom is a subject with a thousand thousand variations. It could happen this turn it could not happen for more than 50 turns. Their particularly potent seers haven't had luck narrowing it down.
Allied force deployments
We are in a lull. Having accomplished a 1 in 8 billion success we have neutralized Beil-tan the same turn we completed rescuing Meros, and Chaos needs time to build up towards any sort of retaliation, so we presently face no threats of a military nature. This will proceed I assume for several turns. Possibly a few decades. Further more, none deployed forces are already guarding our craft world by default. Our only deployed forces as of the start of turn 5 are 9 capitol ships, 36 escorts, and a single Zahr-Tann line fleet.
Meros defense is over, we won this round, as Grimtusk acknowledged. Their currently in the process of making there way slowly north Eastward towards our slice of the Galactic North, which you can see in maps.
The line fleet is over Fea-Eresh , so it is already defended. Fea eresh is already at capacity for the number of convoys which can render aid. There is nothing further we can do about this matter. In all likelihood it will conclude before we can take the time to arrange for another craft world to move them. That ship has flown. Though, if we are safe for several turns, Fea-eresh should be the same.
Nacretinei requires an AP contact option, too effectively coordinate our fleets with theirs int the search. We can prep a fleet to join when that is done. It's advisable that you include at least a heavy fleet & line fleet to and 10 warhosts, as odds are decent they'll be under attack and their craftworld possibly already boarded when we find them..
Just assign fleets for general regional webway scouting. Their fleet commanders are professionals and don't need that degree of micro managing on such a simple task.
The government doesn't need to make armor for civilians. Civilian void suits already exist because we are peaceful. Their a bit out of date because of fall, but their perfectly functional for what their needed for, no matter how much they complain about missing space elf streaming equivalent. If our civilians need such a thing it will come up in stewardship or bonesinger.