Are you sure about that? It looked pretty one or the other to me!

Edit: I'll roll the dice on that. thanks for the input, and fixed.
That's only for the context of one turn. EG, if you have diplomacy things you want to do Right Now, you can throw AP into there to represent using your existing infrastructure, but you can't also be dismantling-slash-rebuilding said infrastructure at the same time, because it would be the same people doing it.
Here's the WOG
Also, we really need to invent Communication Technologies.

Since we apparently don't have the tech to communicate on our own craftworld:
you're losing a lot of work-hours to basically having to drive to a different country to go check someone else's records or have a coordination meeting. universal air transit makes that a lot less of a DEAR LORD for you than it would be for, say, modern Earth, but imagine if an EPA office in San Francisco had to put a dude on a plane to London, then wait for him to get back, every time they needed to check the FDA's records for something. It is... Significantly less than optimal, let's say.)

Eldar could probably use telepathy before the fall... We could probably make Grav based communication tech.
Seven sons has Aresh-Vul, whose council he most values; each has been of great import in the ruling of Vau-Vulkesh. Tall and Copperhaired Geal-Vad Halfhand, the Mariner, is eldest, and his father's strong right hand—for all that his own was lost in battle with the minions of the Soul-Thirster during their escape. Reaf-Vad the Minstrel, Tall and dark of hair, serves often now as his father's conduit to the Harlequins, for not infrequently did this second son consider joining with the servants of the Laughing God to ply his skill with song in the days before the Fall. Light-haired Ceil-Vad the Hunter, third son of Aresh-Vul, favored murdered Kruronos and is among the most clever of them; and rarely is he apart from his brother Seil-Vad the Dark, quickest to anger and harshest of Aresh-Vul's sons. Fifth of his sons is Aryad-Vad, who resembles his father greatly and was himself a priest of Vaul, who too is often found in company with his immediate elder brothers, often tempering Seil-Vad's anger with quick wit and cleverness.
His youngest are the twins Fanr-Vad and Fenr-Vad, who are often overlooked, but in these fallen days their sharp wisdom has been invaluable to their father and his people.
Hero role speculation:
Geal-vad - leader, navy
Reaf-Vad - harlequin liason, craftworld morale officer
Ceil-Vad and Seil-Vad - warriors?
Aryad-Vad - Artificer?
Fanr-Vad and Fenr-Vad - Intelligence/Diplomacy?
Are needler/spike longer range than shuriken? Seems like better aerodynamics should help.
yes. better Aerodynamics and the fact that their isn't cartridge issues to consider the munitions can be the ideal size and shape for forward propulsion.

It occurs to me that rather than trade them exotics, Ulthwe would offer much for the secret behind the needlers limitless ammo to apply to their shurikens, or just needlers in general.

Perfect Grav Hybrid weapons are probably something most other Aeldari aren't going to push for, so they'll also serve as a tech exchange in the end.
[] Action Plan: Nerds of the Past, Present and Future.


We know how to repair engines. It's an engineering problem, and we are an innovative, industrial craft world. Scrying runs into issues when you get too specific. It is not the sort of thing where a seer can look into the past and learn glean the bonesinger expertise dependent information on our engines construction. Such knowledge should be worthless anyways since one of the issues is specifically that blessings and Psychomaton lost to us were a key part of it's original functionality.

Your scrying out a plan to adjust our allies military, which we don't have quite that level of authority for, with Kaeros watching?

Fea-Eresh's doom is to burn. When and by whom is a subject with a thousand thousand variations. It could happen this turn it could not happen for more than 50 turns. Their particularly potent seers haven't had luck narrowing it down.

Allied force deployments

We are in a lull. Having accomplished a 1 in 8 billion success we have neutralized Beil-tan the same turn we completed rescuing Meros, and Chaos needs time to build up towards any sort of retaliation, so we presently face no threats of a military nature. This will proceed I assume for several turns. Possibly a few decades. Further more, none deployed forces are already guarding our craft world by default. Our only deployed forces as of the start of turn 5 are 9 capitol ships, 36 escorts, and a single Zahr-Tann line fleet.

Meros defense is over, we won this round, as Grimtusk acknowledged. Their currently in the process of making there way slowly north Eastward towards our slice of the Galactic North, which you can see in maps.

The line fleet is over Fea-Eresh , so it is already defended. Fea eresh is already at capacity for the number of convoys which can render aid. There is nothing further we can do about this matter. In all likelihood it will conclude before we can take the time to arrange for another craft world to move them. That ship has flown. Though, if we are safe for several turns, Fea-eresh should be the same.

Nacretinei requires an AP contact option, too effectively coordinate our fleets with theirs int the search. We can prep a fleet to join when that is done. It's advisable that you include at least a heavy fleet & line fleet to and 10 warhosts, as odds are decent they'll be under attack and their craftworld possibly already boarded when we find them..

Just assign fleets for general regional webway scouting. Their fleet commanders are professionals and don't need that degree of micro managing on such a simple task.

The government doesn't need to make armor for civilians. Civilian void suits already exist because we are peaceful. Their a bit out of date because of fall, but their perfectly functional for what their needed for, no matter how much they complain about missing space elf streaming equivalent. If our civilians need such a thing it will come up in stewardship or bonesinger.
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[X] Plan: The Dawn of a New Day

This plan has one or more actions related to the Nacretinei, so that's what I was most concerned about.
[X] Plan: The Dawn of a New Day

I like this plan. I especially like that it at least starts on the engines. From what I noticed most people are just ignoring them saying that for now we are mostly safe and we have time.
But those who focus on the "get out of dodge" function of engines are missing the most important function of them and what was the main function of Craftworlds before the fall. From the Lexicanum on Craftworlds.
Prior to the Fall, Craftworlds were vast trading ships, effectively, whole self-contained communities housing hundreds of Eldar families. Trading missions could take the Craftworlds thousands of light years beyond Eldar civilisation, separating the community from its homeworld for centuries.
With our size I don't know if we could use the Webway to get to all interesting sites. But if we could travel to Fea-Eresh for example then how long would the evacuation take? If our large freighters just needed to move in system to transport the biomass then it would significantly cut down on the time it takes.
Another is any potential large salvage operations. We have a lot of empty shipyards. And if we can move any salvaged hulls into them it will be a lot easier to either dismantle them or repair them. If we somehow become allied with humans I can see us using our unused shipyard capacity to either repair their ships (either with the aid of their engineers or if we learn enough about their tech) or just transporting large amounts of hulls from any ship graveyards to their docks.
And there is also the potential of salvaging a lot more resources when we salvage a planet or if we find a destroyed craftworld.
I am sure there are a lot more uses for what is basically a mobile planet acting as a trade ship that has extensive industry onboard. But the keyword is mobile.
Bit late now to change plans so many people have voted for, but it might have been cool to tow the wrecks to our craftworld (after searching for bombs/traps) for salvage of samples any interesting tech, and then offer the rest to that nearby human polity that's fighting orks.

So they'd do better at fighting those orks.
With our size I don't know if we could use the Webway to get to all interesting sites. But if we could travel to Fea-Eresh for example then how long would the evacuation take? If our large freighters just needed to move in system to transport the biomass then it would significantly cut down on the time it takes.
I would like to investigate non webway, non warp FTL technology down the line.

And probably just a turn or two for fea eresh. the bottleneck is probably the webway gate on the craftworld. But if Vau Vulkesh was orbiting Fea Eresh, it would just be a question of flying ships directly.
I would like to investigate non webway, non warp FTL technology down the line.
The biggest problem with using the warp is that a certain chaos god has a claim on our souls. So if we can unravel that part of the curses then use our technical expertise to create really good gellar fields and add wards on top of that I don't see a problem of warp travel for a craftworld. Altansar did survive inside the Eye of Terror.
On that note I wonder if Maugen Ra will come to our Craftworld when we start fielding what is basically power armor for his Dark Reapers.
The biggest problem with using the warp is that a certain chaos god has a claim on our souls. So if we can unravel that part of the curses then use our technical expertise to create really good gellar fields and add wards on top of that I don't see a problem of warp travel for a craftworld. Altansar did survive inside the Eye of Terror.
On that note I wonder if Maugen Ra will come to our Craftworld when we start fielding what is basically power armor for his Dark Reapers.
We already have subcomponents of the technology. Psyscopes can do spacebending stuff, and so can the firing mechanism of the point singularity projector.

Altansar did not have a good time. We really don't want to try our luck. Warp travel is still unreliable, and two of the gods hate us very personally.

As for the Maugan Ra part, he should still be on Altansar. Maybe their fate can be averted completely now that the major craftworlds are going to start organized spelunking in the eye.
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I like this plan. I especially like that it at least starts on the engines.
From my point of view, the problem is any plan that makes an only token investment in repairs is a plan that's getting the repairs done more slowly than one that invests in expanding our industry.

We've got ~50 AP of repairs to get done before we're going anywhere, which is to say if we have time to do anything but repairs we have time for enhancing industry to give us more AP which can then be invested in doing repairs to better effect than AP spent on repairs now.
Well, it almost certainly doesn't matter, but I might as well vote for my own plan:

[X] Plan Basic Industry
- [X] Stewards
-- [X] Move Existing Councils (5 AP)
-- [X] Manage Diplomatic Affairs (2 AP)
- [X] Bonesingers
-- [X] Enhance Industry x 2 (6 AP + 2 x Forge of Vaul)
-- [X] Armour Foundry - Voidguard Warsuit (2 AP)
-- [X] Weapon Forge - Sunblaster Rifle (2 AP)
-- [X] Weapon Foundry - Light Rending Blade (2 AP)
-- [X] Develop Basic Grenades (1 AP)
-- [X] Continue ship repair (1 AP)
-- [X] Continue ship refits (1 AP)
- [X] Seers
-- [X] The Eye of Tzeentch (10 AP)
- [X] Seekers
-- [X] Grav-Gun Hybridization
--- [X] Perfect Hybridization (6 AP)
-- [X] Reverse-engineer Haywire Weapons
--- [X] Scrambler Fields (6 AP)
- [X] Warriors
-- [X] Organize Troops (2 AP)
-- [X] The Burden of Command (1 AP)
-- [X] Chassis Militization x3 (6AP)
-- [X] Develop Refit Profiles (1 AP)
-- [X] Send the 15th Scout Fleet to scout the wreckage in the Kronite system.
-- [X] Prepare to deploy forces to look for and potentially rescue Nacretinei while coordinating with their allies:
--- [X] 3rd Heavy Fleet, 4th Line Fleet, 3rd, 5th, 7th, Scout Fleets, 1st Transport Fleet
--- [X] 1st-10th Battle Hosts, 15th-30th Line Host, 1st-4th Armour Assault Hosts, 1st Siegebreaker Host
--- [X] Send 1 Combat Brig, 26 War Ketchs, and 5 Nettle Class Destroyers
--- [X] Grand Warcasting Circle, 3rd Heavy Militia, 1st, 4th, 5th Militia

[x] Plan The Power of Industry

Plus a preference vote

So, key reasons to go for this. I think it's more important to get our basic industry and production running rather than part finishing one of the engine projects and trying to make ourselves better at Scrying, which I think we shouldn't be doing much of anyway given the existence of Tzeentch's Curse, which makes it at best a double edged sword.

I also think we should keep on pushing as hard as possible on the Curse of Tzeetch while it's still weak, and may have taken a recent knock from the events at the Aeldmoot.

Also importantly, I suspect that us Scrying anything related to Nacretinei is a mistake. It'll probably alert Kairos that we care about them, so quite likely paints a giant target on them as I think he'd screw with them purely to spite us, so I think there's a fair chance it's actively counterproductive, and will hurt rather than help.

As for the Warriors, I think we should start militarising all our vehicles as soon as possible. It might take ages, so we should start ASAP.
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I like this plan. I especially like that it at least starts on the engines. From what I noticed most people are just ignoring them saying that for now we are mostly safe and we have time.

A part repaired engine is useless though. Making a start doesn't achieve anything, only finishing does.

Scheduling something for later does not mean it's being ignored.
My preference continues to be "more industry is better," but Alratan's plan is at least building a significant number of gear production lines, so I'll back it too.

[x] Plan The Power of Industry

[X] Plan Basic Industry
[x] Plan The Power of Industry

[X] Plan Basic Industry

Honestly the singular investment in expanding our production capabilities in the winning plan is beyond silly.
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My preference continues to be "more industry is better," but Alratan's plan is at least building a significant number of gear production lines, so I'll back it too.

On consideration, I think it's competitive to do EI actions two at a time to maximise the benefits of applying the Forge.

Having more Forges/Foundries also makes it easier to justify future purchases of EI, as each EI we get has a higher short term return as it increases the production of the existing foundries.

As for the Maugan Ra part, he should still be on Altansar. Maybe their fate can be averted completely now that the major craftworlds are going to start organized spelunking in the eye.

Depending on which source you credit, while the Eldar who would become Maugan Ra was born on Altansar, as a child his parents left the Craftowlrd, taking him with them, until he was left (orphaned?) in a Webway Realm and raised by a community of scholars who lived there, growing up to be their caretaker until they died, until he was eventually found and recruited by Jain Zar and Asurmen as they explored the Webway looking for other survivors of the Fall in regions of the Webway adjacent to the Crone Worlds. He only returned to Altansar after he'd become a Phoenix Lord.
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On consideration, I think it's competitive to do EI actions two at a time to maximise the benefits of applying the Forge.
I guess?

EI takes an additional 1d2 turns to complete; the Forge reduces completion time by 1d3 turns each use. That's, on average, more than sufficient; 3d2 is only slightly higher than 2d3 on average.

But Mechanis recently clarified how overflow works for EI, so I suppose there's no need to try and catch the remainder.