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[X] "Do you wanna talk about it? Even if you don't want to talk to me specifically about it, keeping things bottled up isn't good for you either. No matter how much it hurts coming out."
-[X] Sit down next to him.
[X] "Do you wanna talk about it? Even if you don't want to talk to me specifically about it, keeping things bottled up isn't good for you either. No matter how much it hurts coming out."
-[X] Sit down next to him.
[X] "Do you wanna talk about it? Even if you don't want to talk to me specifically about it, keeping things bottled up isn't good for you either. No matter how much it hurts coming out."
-[X] Sit down next to him.
[X] "Do you wanna talk about it? Even if you don't want to talk to me specifically about it, keeping things bottled up isn't good for you either. No matter how much it hurts coming out."
-[X] Sit down next to him.
Fun Facts 13: Lightning Returns
(Fun fact about me: I've only played two FF games, and have completed neither.)

1. Sayaka's favorite color isn't blue, surprisingly. It's yellow.

2. Gabriel like to brush not only her own hair, but others' as well! She especially likes it when she can get into a rhythm.

3. It was easy for Kyoko to get in the mindset to hunt demons because of her upbringing. If only Father Sakura could see her now...

4. Neither Dante or Vergil can budget money, let alone save any. Dante really misses Morris right about now.

5. If someone were to attempt to read Nightmare's mind, they would be able to glean exactly three words from it: "Friend", "Host", and "Kill".

6. Mami is currently practicing making paper cranes in between Witch hunting and cooking. Most of them are crumpled, but she's getting better.

7. Gouto would like Amy. ...After a while.

8. Sometimes, if Yuma begins thrashing in her sleep, Shadow will become a sort of weighted blanket. Even if he could talk, he'd never admit it.

9. Madoka likes chocolate-dipped strawberries! Homura, of course, knows this. It "just so happens" that she likes to make them.

10. Cerberus would, without fail, try to chase Shadow. It may be for the best that they've yet to meet.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Dec 1, 2023 at 10:51 PM, finished with 8 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] "Do you wanna talk about it? Even if you don't want to talk to me specifically about it, keeping things bottled up isn't good for you either. No matter how much it hurts coming out."
    -[X] Sit down next to him.
    [X] "Do you wanna talk about it? Even if you don't want to talk to me specifically about it, keeping things bottled up isn't good for you either. No matter how much it hurts coming out."
    [X] Hug him. Obviously
659: The Dam.
[X] Therapy Session.

As you think about what to say next, you find yourself sitting beside Kazuya. Then, you try to speak. "Do you... Wanna talk about it?" You ask, "I mean, even if it's not me specifically, you should try to not bottle things up. It's not healthy for anyone, no matter how much it'll hurt to talk about it--?"

(CHR ROLL: 17+8)

"You sound like Yuka." Kazuya interrupts quietly, "She used to say the exact same thing. To be honest, so did my mom."

You wince at the word "mom". "I... Sorry, I didn't--?"

"This was your idea. You don't get to backpedal." You can't tell if he's making a joke or not... "But you're right. I should talk about this to someone." He takes a deep breath, looking out over the water, "I lost my mother when I was eighteen. She was..." He digs his fingernails into his palm, "...Slaughtered by a demon. Then, it used her face to lure me into a false sense of security."

You... Don't know what to say. So, you don't say anything.

"My friends at the time..." He tries to calm himself, "...They told me to "not think about it". How could I not?" He asks rhetorically, "That was my mom, and now she's..." He takes an unsteady breath, "A while later, I met Yuka. She was... Everything to me. She was diligent, friendly, she watched out for me constantly, and she... Completed me." Kazuya puts his hands up defensively, "I know, it's cheesy to say, but that's the truth. There was no flaw of her's that I couldn't cover, and she excelled where I was lacking. Even when the others left to follow their own twisted ideals, she was there."

You sit there in silence, taking in Kazuya's story. You stare ahead, unsure of how to respond.

"...That leads us to now. She's... Gone. And just like that, I'm back to the beginning. Just me and my demons."


"Takeshi was the name of one of my former allies." He explains, "That's what irked me then. I thought that it would happen again, just with a new coat of paint. I guess that's what's got me so..." He struggles to think of the word.

[] ?????????????????????????????
[] "Agitated? Irritated? I think I can get it. I lost my mom to supernatural stuff too."

Full disclosure? idk

[X] "Perturbed? I... I can kinda understand. You probably don't know this, but my hometown had a big gang war while I was in highschool. Just to be clear, I wasn't a part of any gang. But I uh... didn't exactly 'stay in my lane' so to speak. So when I moved here, I was hoping for a place that well... Didn't have all of that."
Last edited:
[X] "Perturbed? I... I can kinda understand. You probably don't know this, but my hometown had a big gang war while I was in highschool. Just to be clear, I wasn't a part of any gang. But I uh... didn't exactly 'stay in my lane' so to speak. So when I moved here, I was hoping for a place that well... Didn't have all of that."

feeling anxiety or concern; unsettled.
[X] "Perturbed? I... I can kinda understand. You probably don't know this, but my hometown had a big gang war while I was in highschool. Just to be clear, I wasn't a part of any gang. But I uh... didn't exactly 'stay in my lane' so to speak. So when I moved here, I was hoping for a place that well... Didn't have all of that."
[X] "Perturbed? I... I can kinda understand. You probably don't know this, but my hometown had a big gang war while I was in highschool. Just to be clear, I wasn't a part of any gang. But I uh... didn't exactly 'stay in my lane' so to speak. So when I moved here, I was hoping for a place that well... Didn't have all of that."
[X] "Perturbed? I... I can kinda understand. You probably don't know this, but my hometown had a big gang war while I was in highschool. Just to be clear, I wasn't a part of any gang. But I uh... didn't exactly 'stay in my lane' so to speak. So when I moved here, I was hoping for a place that well... Didn't have all of that."
-[X] "Instead, it's getting out of hand: now there are two of them 'all that's."

There, a vote that isn't for the previous threadmark. Oops.
[X] "Perturbed? I... I can kinda understand. You probably don't know this, but my hometown had a big gang war while I was in highschool. Just to be clear, I wasn't a part of any gang. But I uh... didn't exactly 'stay in my lane' so to speak. So when I moved here, I was hoping for a place that well... Didn't have all of that."
[X] "Perturbed? I... I can kinda understand. You probably don't know this, but my hometown had a big gang war while I was in highschool. Just to be clear, I wasn't a part of any gang. But I uh... didn't exactly 'stay in my lane' so to speak. So when I moved here, I was hoping for a place that well... Didn't have all of that."
Kazuya's past isn't exactly a happy story, is it?

I will begin work on the update when I can. Thank you for your patience.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Dec 2, 2023 at 9:04 PM, finished with 7 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] "Perturbed? I... I can kinda understand. You probably don't know this, but my hometown had a big gang war while I was in highschool. Just to be clear, I wasn't a part of any gang. But I uh... didn't exactly 'stay in my lane' so to speak. So when I moved here, I was hoping for a place that well... Didn't have all of that."
    [X] "Perturbed? I... I can kinda understand. You probably don't know this, but my hometown had a big gang war while I was in highschool. Just to be clear, I wasn't a part of any gang. But I uh... didn't exactly 'stay in my lane' so to speak. So when I moved here, I was hoping for a place that well... Didn't have all of that."
    -[X] "Instead, it's getting out of hand: now there are two of them 'all that's."
660: "I Don't Know How To Be Alone Anymore."
[X] *Adjusts Monocle* "Perturbed, dear Kazuya?"

"Perturbed?" You finish his thought. When he nods, you continue, "I kinda understand, actually. You probably wouldn't know this if you were just visiting, but my hometown... Uh..." You bounce your leg, trying to think, "...The local gangs had a very physical disagreement over the "territory" during highschool."

"Gangs?" Kazuya repeats, "Like, the Yakuza?"

"Pretty much. Mostly just small fries trying to stake a claim, you know?" You explain more, "Now, I wasn't in any gangs, but I have a nasty habit of "not staying in my own lane". That's why, when I moved out here..." You gesture in front of you with both of your arms, "...I kinda hoped to "get away" from all of that."

"Looks like we were both cheated out of growing up." Kazuya jokes dryly.

"You can say that again." You chuckle.

Kazuya looks at the still water in the pond, "...I think you would've liked Yuka."

"You think so?" You ask, looking at him...

...He's struggling to hold himself together. "She was kind. Always put others before herself. And she talked enough for the both of us." He breathes in, "...She was the only person I could ever rely on besides myself. And now that she's gone, I... I don't know how to be alone anymore."


[] ...
[X] "Well then, we just gotta make sure we keep livin' then won't we? For the people we've been forced to leave behind, and the people we'll meet tomorrow. That way, you'll never truly be alone. We'll fight together, in spirit if nothing else. It's a bit corny, but those kinds of unbreakable bonds are what mean everything to me."

My initial idea. Might change it after I get some sleep.
[X] "Well then, we just gotta make sure we keep livin' then won't we? For the people we've been forced to leave behind, and the people we'll meet tomorrow. That way, you'll never truly be alone. We'll fight together, in spirit if nothing else. It's a bit corny, but those kinds of unbreakable bonds are what mean everything to me."
[X] "Well then, we just gotta make sure we keep livin' then won't we? For the people we've been forced to leave behind, and the people we'll meet tomorrow. That way, you'll never truly be alone. We'll fight together, in spirit if nothing else. It's a bit corny, but those kinds of unbreakable bonds are what mean everything to me."
Does anyone have a usable fusion chart? I want to know when I can make my boi Makami.
We're primarily using the Strange Journey fusion calculator
The calculator:

List of Demons - Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux Fusion Calculator

Search obtainable demons from Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux by stats and resistances.

Makami's page:
[X] "Well then, we just gotta make sure we keep livin' then won't we? For the people we've been forced to leave behind, and the people we'll meet tomorrow. That way, you'll never truly be alone. We'll fight together, in spirit if nothing else. It's a bit corny, but those kinds of unbreakable bonds are what mean everything to me."
-[X] It's hugging time.

Combining the first 2 votes.
[X] "Well then, we just gotta make sure we keep livin' then won't we? For the people we've been forced to leave behind, and the people we'll meet tomorrow. That way, you'll never truly be alone. We'll fight together, in spirit if nothing else. It's a bit corny, but those kinds of unbreakable bonds are what mean everything to me."
-[X] It's hugging time.
[X] "Well then, we just gotta make sure we keep livin' then won't we? For the people we've been forced to leave behind, and the people we'll meet tomorrow. That way, you'll never truly be alone. We'll fight together, in spirit if nothing else. It's a bit corny, but those kinds of unbreakable bonds are what mean everything to me."
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