If I made a Patreon, would you subscribe to it? (Not locking anything behind it like EX Chapters)

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  • I have no money (me too tbh).

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[X] You've had a long day of attempts to eat you... time to turn the tables. Om the nom. Let the others do the infodumping for once.
[X] You've had a long day of attempts to eat you... time to turn the tables. Om the nom. Let the others do the infodumping for once.

"Om the nom" sells me on this one ❤️
[X] You've had a long day of attempts to eat you... time to turn the tables. Om the nom. Let the others do the infodumping for once.
663: Back Talk
[X] "You guys info dump, I'm hungry."

You know what? It's been a long day for you. You've had two separate entities try to eat you, an open war to prepare everyone for, and you've just about had it with today!

The others can interact with each other without your say so! You'll just be here, eating your spaghetti!

Your uncle looks at you, "...You're quiet." Raido remarks, taking a small bite of spaghetti.

"Raido, she's had a stressful day." Grandma leaps to your defence, "Let her eat."

"We've all had a rough day." Homura interjects, "Personally, I appreciate a little silence." (That's Homura code for "Shut up".)

"I must agree." Oriko nods, calmly gathering another bite, "Did you add anything to this sauce? It tastes... Sweeter than the sauce I buy at the market."

"That's a secret!" Grandma smiles, "But thank you for the compliment."

Raido uncomfortably shifts in his chair, "...I've got our "bunker" ready. Just need to stock it with--"

"Got some water bottles in the closet, and canned food in the kitchen." Grandpa cuts him off, "Oh, and if you need it, there's a whetstone under the--?"

"Do the grocery stores around here accept Macca?" Kazuya asks, "I can pitch in if they do."

"Macca is demon money, right?" Sayaka asks, trying to commit it to memory, "I always get Macca and yen confused. Like one time, I handed the clerk--"

"Classic Blueberry Blunder." Kyoko grins.

Mami sighs, "Please don't tease dear Sayaka, Kyoko. Everyone makes mistakes."

"Except Oriko!" Kirika blurts.

"Especially Oriko." Homura retorts.

"True." Oriko agrees, taking another bite of spaghetti, "I was initially poised to be your enemy."

"Oh, right." Kirika looks at you, "How's your back, anyhow?"

[] ???????????????????
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[X] "Homura and Mami gave it a once over, so it got healed up."
-[X] If anyone asks for clarification, "Oh, I got in a tussle with them the day I moved in. It was actually the evening before I got dragged into all the demon stuff actually, cause that night I got Dawn, my gauntlet, and contracted Pixie in my dreams."
--[X] "Although, I know the Jack Bros. back at the apartment take both Yen and Macca, so a visit there could be worthwhile."
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[X] "Homura and Mami gave it a once over, so it got healed up."
-[X] If anyone asks for clarification, "Oh, I got in a tussle with them the day I moved in. It was actually the evening before I got dragged into all the demon stuff actually, cause that night I got Dawn, my gauntlet, and contracted Pixie in my dreams."
--[X] "Although, I know the Jack Bros. back at the apartment take both Yen and Macca, so a visit there could be worthwhile."

I'm assuming Jack Frost and Pyro Jack are still at our apartment building.
"We've all had a rough day." Homura interjects, "Personally, I appreciate a little silence." (That's Homura code for "Shut up".)
What's with this part?

Raido uncomfortably shifts in his chair, "...I've got out "bunker" ready. Just need to stock it with--"

[X] "Homura and Mami gave it a once over, so it got healed up."
-[X] If anyone asks for clarification, "Oh, I got in a tussle with them the day I moved in. It was actually the evening before I got dragged into all the demon stuff actually, cause that night I got Dawn, my gauntlet, and contracted Pixie in my dreams."
--[X] "This was also before I became stab-proof."
---[X] "Back on the topic of money, I know the Jack Bros. back at the apartment take both Yen and Macca, so a visit there could be worthwhile."
[X] "Homura and Mami gave it a once over, so it got healed up."
-[X] If anyone asks for clarification, "Oh, I got in a tussle with them the day I moved in. It was actually the evening before I got dragged into all the demon stuff actually, cause that night I got Dawn, my gauntlet, and contracted Pixie in my dreams."
--[X] "This was also before I became stab-proof."
---[X] "Back on the topic of money, I know the Jack Bros. back at the apartment take both Yen and Macca, so a visit there could be worthwhile."
[X] "Homura and Mami gave it a once over, so it got healed up."
-[X] If anyone asks for clarification, "Oh, I got in a tussle with them the day I moved in. It was actually the evening before I got dragged into all the demon stuff actually, cause that night I got Dawn, my gauntlet, and contracted Pixie in my dreams."
--[X] "This was also before I became stab-proof."
---[X] "Back on the topic of money, I know the Jack Bros. back at the apartment take both Yen and Macca, so a visit there could be worthwhile."
[X] "Homura and Mami gave it a once over, so it got healed up."
-[X] If anyone asks for clarification, "Oh, I got in a tussle with them the day I moved in. It was actually the evening before I got dragged into all the demon stuff actually, cause that night I got Dawn, my gauntlet, and contracted Pixie in my dreams."
--[X] "Although, I know the Jack Bros. back at the apartment take both Yen and Macca, so a visit there could be worthwhile."
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--[X] "This was also before I became stab-proof."
Wait isn't the 'stab-proof' thing already a given cause it's a gauntlet thing?

Edit: Also, I don't mind it, but I don't really like this added thing cause it sounds like bragging and we know that there are bypasses now, like with Vergil. Ergo, not entirely accurate.
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[:V] "It could use a massage, I guess, it's been a long day."

[X] "Homura and Mami gave it a once over, so it got healed up."
-[X] If anyone asks for clarification, "Oh, I got in a tussle with them the day I moved in. It was actually the evening before I got dragged into all the demon stuff actually, cause that night I got Dawn, my gauntlet, and contracted Pixie in my dreams."
--[X] "This was also before I became stab-proof."
---[X] "Back on the topic of money, I know the Jack Bros. back at the apartment take both Yen and Macca, so a visit there could be worthwhile."

Though, it would be a good idea to clarify that it wasn't Homura or Mami who we got in the tussle with.
[X] "Homura and Mami gave it a once over, so it got healed up."
-[X] If anyone asks for clarification, "Oh, I got in a tussle with them the day I moved in. It was actually the evening before I got dragged into all the demon stuff actually, cause that night I got Dawn, my gauntlet, and contracted Pixie in my dreams."
--[X] "Although, I know the Jack Bros. back at the apartment take both Yen and Macca, so a visit there could be worthwhile."
Shoji, sitting in the corner, eating his food:

Kirika: Hey how's your stab wound?

Kirika, again: YOU KNOW, *Gets megaphone* FROM WHEN I STABBED YOU!
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Dec 6, 2023 at 10:11 PM, finished with 9 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] "Homura and Mami gave it a once over, so it got healed up."
    -[X] If anyone asks for clarification, "Oh, I got in a tussle with them the day I moved in. It was actually the evening before I got dragged into all the demon stuff actually, cause that night I got Dawn, my gauntlet, and contracted Pixie in my dreams."
    --[X] "Although, I know the Jack Bros. back at the apartment take both Yen and Macca, so a visit there could be worthwhile."
    [X] "Homura and Mami gave it a once over, so it got healed up."
    -[X] If anyone asks for clarification, "Oh, I got in a tussle with them the day I moved in. It was actually the evening before I got dragged into all the demon stuff actually, cause that night I got Dawn, my gauntlet, and contracted Pixie in my dreams."
    --[X] "This was also before I became stab-proof."
    ---[X] "Back on the topic of money, I know the Jack Bros. back at the apartment take both Yen and Macca, so a visit there could be worthwhile."
664: Gouto
[X] "It's good, no thanks to you."

"Homura and Mami gave me a once over, so it got pretty healed up." You tell her, twirling your fork in your spaghetti.

"Um, not to interrupt, but it was just Homura who helped you." Mami corrects you, "I was keeping watch while she worked."

"Ah, yes. Our first meeting." Homura quietly reminisces, "That marked the end of my sense of normalcy."

"What happened to your back?" Shoji asks, leaning back in his chair to get a better look at your back.

"Oh, yeah! You weren't here yet!" You clear your throat, "I had a bit of a tussle with these two when I first got here." You say, pointing to Oriko and Kirika, "That was before I even had my first demon, actually. That same night, I got my--?"

"I'm sorry, they attacked you?" Raido cuts you off.

"Yeah?" You answer, "But now, we're friends."

Raido stares at you in confusion for a moment.

Grandma shrugs, "That's our Yumi."

"She's always been like this?" Kyoko asks, chuckling.

"Anyhow, back on the topic of money," You cleanly move along to the next topic, "Jack Bros. General Store accept both yen and Macca! A trip there could be worthwhile!"

"Maybe, but I doubt they stock food." Kazuya interlaces his fingers on his lap, "I'll head there on the way home."

"I might visit as well." Raido adds, "Might have some interesting wares."

"Raido, sir?" Madoka begins, getting your uncle's attention, "May I, um, pet your cat?"

Raido shrugs, "If he lets you."

Madoka nods, reaching under the table. "He's soft!"

You look to the cabinet where he once resided, then under the table. Sure enough, he managed to get under there without you noticing.

The black cat's back arches as Madoka pets it. "His name is Gouto, right?"


The voice that answered was not your uncle's.

[] ??????????????????????????????
[X] Talking cat? I should probably be surprised, shouldn't I? Does anyone else have any other bombshells they want to drop?
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