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EX 98: Preparations

There's so much you have yet to learn about him. Apparently, he's a part of Yumi's family, but apart from that, you know frustratingly little about the man. In your mind, that makes him a risk.

...According to that logic, Yumi herself is a risk, too. She's new. She's...

You shake your head, focusing on your current task of readying a sleeping area for everyone. Kuzunoha is just in the other room, attempting to get power down here.

You're practically done here, so you should check on him and see his progress. You enter the room, and see him kneeling down next to...?

There's a black cat sitting next to him. It reaches over with its paw, and--?!

"Be careful, Raido!" The black cat warns, "That's gonna end up shocking someone!"

Kuzunoha sighs, "I'm just keeping it there for now. I know how to wire these kinds of things."

"Well, tell me next time!" The cat replies, "I thought you were gonna be as careless as your dad was! Jeez, he couldn't wire a light safely to save his life!"

"When have I ever been careless, Gouto?" Kuzunoha shoots back, "And don't say anything about the Ashrah incident."

"What about when Odin wanted to raze Tokyo, and you said you'd fight him one on one to stop him?" Gouto counters quickly.

"Odin requested I duel him solo." Kuzunoha reiterates, "And for the record, I still bested him."

"Bah! That was all thanks to a few lucky hits!" Gouto laughs, "That's like saying you're good at slots!"

"Gouto, I'm not having this discussion with you." Kuzunoha states.

"Because you know I'm right!" Gouto turns around proudly, "Now, I'm gonna--"

You lock eyes with the cat.

Gouto stares at you.

Kuzunoha also stares at you.

"...Homura." He greets you.

"Kuzunoha." You greet back.

"How long were you standing there?"

"Too long."

"I see."

An air of awkward silence fills the basement.

"Can we keep this between us?" Kuzunoha asks.

"That you talk with a cat?" You respond.

"Yes." He admits.

"You have my word."
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Nov 27, 2023 at 10:19 PM, finished with 9 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] "Thanks Homura. The short and sweet of it is that the demon had aquired a very murderous magical girl, who has good reason to hate me, and is offering their services for the upcoming fight. If it were just me at risk I'd be more willing to agree, but since I'm not... I think we should at least have a vote on if we're willing to trust them."
    [X] "Thanks Homura. The short and sweet of it is that the demon had acquired a very murderous magical girl, who has good reason to hate me, and is offering their services for the upcoming fight. If it were just me at risk I'd be more willing to agree, but since I'm not... I think we should at least have a vote on if we're willing to trust them."
    -[X] "Especially considering Eris is the Greek goddess of strife and discord, if I remember the beginning of that story with the city of Troy right... it's be a long while since I heard it."
    [X] "Thanks Homura. The short and sweet of it is that the demon had acquired a very murderous magical girl, who has good reason to hate me, and is offering their services for the upcoming fight. If it were just me at risk I'd be more willing to agree, but since I'm not... I think we should at least have a vote on if we're willing to trust them."
655: The Vote
[X] *Pats the Homu* "Thanks."

You sigh, smiling. "Thanks, Homura. I'd appreciate it." You turn to Kazuya, "The short and sweet of it is that a demon has... "Acquired" a murderous Magical Girl who has a good reason to hate me. The demon is offering her services to me in the upcoming fight."

Kazuya audibly blinks. "I see. Well, it sounds to me like she's trying to strengthen relations with you."

"Like other countries do?" You ask.

"Precisely." Kazuya nods, "What was your answer to the demon?"

"I didn't make one yet." You reveal, "If it were just me at risk, then I'd be less hesitant. But I'm not alone in this, so I wanted to run it by everyone else first."

"I see." Homura crosses her arms, "But you must be aware that the others will say no, yes?"

"Yeah, probably," You shrug, "But I wanted to have a vote on if we should trust them or not."

"I don't know what's going on, so I don't really have a say in this. I'll wait out here." Kazuya points to the living room with his thumb.

Homura nods, stepping into the dining room. You follow, dreading the arduous task of explaining...


"Hm." You hum.

"That's it? Just a simple "hm"?" Gabriel crosses her arms at you, "No cunning plan, no stab in the back? Just "hm"?"

"Yup." You lean back, stroking Amy gently, "Gabriel, my vengeance against that golden pissant was already taken. I'm essentially out of a job."

"Do not refer to--?!"

"I wouldn't, if that were truly a god I could serve." You snap, "Ever since that thing got into power through the Vacant Throne, I refused it. The rest of you--"

"What do you mean "got into"?!" Gabby snaps right back, "He was always our ruler!"

"He might have ruled you, but that golden idol was not my ruler." You growl, "And let's end that discussion there."

Gabby huffs, puffing out her wings dramatically. Neither of you speak for some time.

Finally, you decide to break the ice. "Back to your problem, if you want into this world so badly, you could always ask."

"The girl you mentioned?" Gabby seems to have mostly calmed down.

"Yes, but do try to be careful!" You stress, "She's already dealing with one of his."

Gabby nods.


"...And that's what brings us to the vote." You look over the table at everyone, "What's your guys' verdict?"

"No!" Sayaka instantly blurts out, "That girl tried to kill us!"

"B-But she'll be under Eris' control!" Madoka retorts, "So she can't hurt us, right?"

"She might try to use her screwed up magic to get us killed, though!" Kyoko shoots back, "I'm with Blueberry on this."

"Madoka, your compassion is refreshing. I'm a little hesitant to trust her, though..." Mami admits.

"Aren't you guys forgetting something?" Oriko says with a disappointed look.

"Forgetting what?" Shoji asks, clueless to Oriko's power.

Oriko motions to herself, "I could look into the future, and I'll try to check if she'll betray us."

Everyone is silent for a moment.

[] ?????????????????????????????????
I mean it is an option, but Eris may be able to actually stare back like the fiends did.

So it may actually be a double edge sword.
Sure, but in the unlikely hypothetical she wasn't going to betray us, would she have a problem with us learning that by divination?
Sure, but in the unlikely hypothetical she wasn't going to betray us, would she have a problem with us learning that by divination?
Gods are petty son of a bitches, especially greek ones.

Do anything they may find offensive and they will try to smite you for the rest of your miserable life.

Which not beliving the Word of the goddess of Chaos may do.
[X] "Weren't you still having problems seeing me, even with the changes? Or do you have a way around that?"
-[X] "Also, let's not forget what happened with Matador."
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[X] "Weren't you still having problems seeing me, even with the changes? Or do you have a way around that?"
-[X] "Also, let's not forget what happened with Matador."
[X] "Weren't you still having problems seeing me, even with the changes? Or do you have a way around that?"
-[X] "Also, let's not forget what happened with Matador."
[X] "Weren't you still having problems seeing me, even with the changes? Or do you have a way around that?"
-[X] "Also, let's not forget what happened with Matador."
[X] "Weren't you still having problems seeing me, even with the changes? Or do you have a way around that?"
-[X] "Also, let's not forget what happened with Matador."
I just realized that I have the opportunity to create the funniest scene in this quest.

If the usual PMMM girls watch Dante get stabbed, they'll probably all react poorly.

Just imagine how they'll react when he just ignores it and keeps fighting.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Nov 29, 2023 at 12:23 AM, finished with 11 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] "Weren't you still having problems seeing me, even with the changes? Or do you have a way around that?"
    -[X] "Also, let's not forget what happened with Matador."
    [X] "Weren't you still having problems seeing me, even with the changes? Or do you have a way around that?"
656: The Vote, Part 2
[X] The Matador Incident.

"That's a good idea, but you still can't see me in your visions, right?" You ask Oriko, "Or do you have a way around that?"

"It's quite simple, really." Oriko leans in her chair (simply to crack her back), "All I have to see is Victoria, yes?"

"Oh, my Oriko is soooo smart!" Kirika cheers, hugging the seer.

"Precognition seems to be a useful power." Homura admits.

"Wait, what about what happened with Matador?" You huff, "How he just... Did that to you and all!"

Oriko opens her mouth, but closes it. "...That's a good point." She sighs, "Also, considering she's in Eris' employ, she may react poorly to being doubted."

"Greek gods are quite fickle in that regard." Mami agrees, taking a sip of tea.

"Ooh, can Yuma have some?" Yuma asks quietly. Mami obliges happily.

"Wait, you know Greek mythology?" Kyoko turns to the veteran Magical Girl, "You never struck me as a mythos buff."

"It never really came up in conversation." Mami shrugs, "Plus, it's just a hobby of mine."

"I liked the Hercules movie!" Nagisa blurts out, trying to be involved in the conversation.

"Oh, yeah! That's a good one!" You nod, "But personally, my favorite movie is--?"

"We are getting off topic." Homura nearly growls, "How should we approach Eris' offer?"

"My vote's still no." Kyoko says offhandedly.

"S-So's mine!" Sayaka reaffirms her answer...


...Wait, is she...? No, she's totally blushing! It's hardly noticeable, but...!

"I..." Madoka trails off, looking at her lap, "...I'm gonna keep my answer."

"Well, it isn't exactly wise to go against a god, especially the Greek ones..." Mami sighs, "...So I must agree with Madoka."

"If she tries to hurt anyone, I'll use magic!" Nagisa proudly announces.

"That's great." Homura states, staring blankly at Nagisa, "What's your vote?"

"...Abstinence!" Nagisa almost yells, "I'm not gonna vote, but I'm gonna stop her if she tries to hurt you guys!"

Personally, you're just surprised she knows what "Abstinence" means.

"...Yuma isn't gonna vote either." Yuma meekly adds.

"Kirika also isn't going to vote, because she's incredibly bias to me." Oriko says calmly, "Ah, but I vote yes."

"Of course you would." Homura mutters to herself. Then, she says louder, "I do not want Victoria around me."

"...So, we're tied, huh?" You ask to everyone rhetorically.

"Just waiting on you." Kyoko says, trying to get Mami's attention. "Yo, pass me a cup!"

[] ?????????????????????????????????????
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Yeah, so about the vote.

Yeah seems we will go with it, on the other hand it doesn't mean we cannot alter the deal on a way that Victoria may be a non factor on our main attack.

She really wants to kill stuff, so maybe we could offer her to be the first one on the attack lines alongside either some of the more veteran demon summoners on the outskirts of the city, that way we don't have to worry for colateral on her side and have an eye on her, while also being part of the welcoming comittee.
[] "I vote for accepting on the condition that Victoria stays where we can monitor her and away from anyone her fear aura works on."

I feel like this needs to be reworded a bit, but this is roughly what I think we should do.
some of the more veteran demon summoners on the outskirts of the city, that way we don't have to worry for colateral on her side and have an eye
In terms of vets, if you count Yumi, we have Hitonari, Kuzunoha, Kazuya, and Yumi iirc, unless you want Yumi's Grandparents to fight too. We don't exactly have extra people to spare on the outskirts of the city. At least, that was my impression when we discussed tactics earlier.

We have already cut out the involvement of the PMMM cast as well as Kohaku into the same place so I don't count them among our forces.
I mean, Hitonari by all accounts is a monster due to the fruit on Strange journey and a military trained man.

If something he should be perfect to watch over Victoria on the outskirts and give us a head ups with Arthur about what the cult is bringing to the fight.

We have still 2 days before they come iirc so it is still time to prepare may as well booby trap as much as we can and let them face reality that they just declared war so that they may as well know that they will be facing everything from the book.
[X] Vote to ask Eris to join herself. After all, if you want a job done right...

I wonder how many of the other girls would change their vote to pro-Victoria just to avoid dealing with a goddess of discord, lmao
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