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651: Open Eyes
[X] "I'm betting on her dad."

You sigh in acceptance, "Yeah, that... Makes sense." You shake your head, "I don't have a definite on whodunnit, but I've got a suspicion on her father. Who should be on his way." You add quickly, "B-But it's best to be sure, so take your time!"

"Her father?" Grandma asks, "What kind of parent would do this to his own daughter?" She points to Kohaku.

"The kind that's in a cult!" You answer, "The kind who...!" You trail off as you notice Kohaku's face twisting into a grimace.

Slowly, her eyes open, and she begins to push herself up, stopping to hold her head. "...Yumi? What... Where...?"


You don't even realize that you've embraced Kohaku until you feel her tap on your shoulder rapidly. You pull away, and see her catch her breath.

"Yumi?! Where am I?!" Kohaku scrambles to recall what happened to her, "I was at your apartment, right? Where are Yuma and Nagisa? Is Shoji okay?"

"Slow down!" Grandma places her hand on your friend's shoulder, "You've been unconscious for a bit. Don't push yourself."

"I passed out...?" Kohaku repeats, her breath slowing, "...Oh. I... Suppose I should explain now, huh?"

"I just said not to push yourself." Grandma sighs, forcing her to lay back down, "I'll get you some water. Yumi, let the poor girl get her bearings before you ask her about... That." She insinuates.

Without waiting for a response, Grandma shuffles off to the kitchen. Kohaku tries to get up...


...But stops, wincing loudly as she lays back down, holding her head.

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652: Appearance.
[X] "Go to bed." - Morgana

"Woah, hey!" You put your hand on her shoulder, "Just take it easy, okay? Grandma figured out what happened, but she'll...?"

Kohaku stares at the ceiling, not focused on anything. "So, you know."

"...Know what, exactly?" You ask, worrying for your friend.

"My curse." She whispers, "Placed because I... Hurt someone."

"Kohaku, are you feeling okay?" You lean a little closer.

She sighs, her eyes beginning to water, "...No! I-I hurt someone, someone who trusted me, who laughed with me, and... Father...!" Kohaku takes a shakey breath, "...Did this to me...! Everywhere I hide, no matter how far away I get...!"

You keep silent, but gently squeeze her shoulder.

"...I hear him. Whenever I speak, whenever I think, he's there. Mocking me, screaming at me to...!"

"What can I do to help you?" You ask suddenly, determination flaring in your voice.

"I don't know--!"

"The caster of the curse must perish." Your blood freezes as you realize that the voice who just answered...

...Is not Grandma.

You whip your head to the side, instinctively drawing Dawn. There, just in front of the TV, is a certain winged demon.

"Eris?!" You blurt out, holding Dawn in between you and her.

"Calm yourself." She scoffs, staring at Dawn, "I am not here to initiate conflict with a human. I simply sensed a powerful curse, and decided it was worth my precious time to investigate."

Grandma steps to your side (after placing Kohaku's water on the stand next to the couch). "I suppose this isn't your demon?"

"You "suppose" correctly, mortal." Eris confirms, staring down at you, "Now then, I am sure you have many questions for me, Red One."

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653: The Dealing...?
[X] "What... Is your quest?

"Well, my first question should be pretty obvious, but what's your goal?" You ask, eyes never leaving Eris.

Eris sighs, "Isn't it obvious? I am a goddess, cast down into a lower form. I want a new presence, and all of the strength that comes with it."

"New...?" You mumble to yourself, shaking your head, "And how exactly are you going to do that?"

"Why do you think I took the mortal girl?" Eris responds as if it's obvious, "She's strong enough to do my bidding, but not harm me. She's smart enough to battle effectively, but not to see her own wickedness. She has motivation..." Eris, for the first time since you've met her, smiles at you, "...And she is blinded by it. I can manipulate her with little effort. A fitting position for her, no? Out of one manipulator's grasp and into another."

"Well then, what brings you to us?" Grandma asks, backing up to guard Kohaku better.

"Two main reasons, frail one." Eris raises her finger, "First, I was curious about the curse that involves your poor friend behind you. Second, I wanted to commend you, Red One, as well as offer my mortal's services to you for a moment."

"Why would I...?!"

"She is skilled at... Mortal to mortal conflict." Eris explains, "And she is bound to me now. She cannot do anything but my will. A being like that would be helpful in the coming days, would it not?" She shrugs, "Furthermore, it would allow for... Reintroductions. What say you, Red One?"

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654: Taking Her Leave.
[X] "Doesn't she want me dead?"

"Forgive me for being hesitant to trust someone who I know for a fact wants me dead, but I need to know how exactly you intend to help." You tell Eris, trying to be as polite as you can be.

"How am I going to help?" Eris sighs, shaking her head, "Why, in the only way that matters. My acolyte will assist you in slaying your enemies when they rally at your gates." She raises her hand, a confused look on her face, "How else would you have her aid you?"

You blink. Well, it's good to have confirmation.

"Trouble making your decision?" Eris asks, "Understandable. You mortals only have the one life, so you must be cautious with it. Take the coming days to decide, and relay your answer to that..." She points to your pocket, "...Odd slate. I will wait until your answer to make any moves. Just don't take too long." She warns, before disappearing from sight.

You grimace, shaking your head. "It's always something..." You huff, stomping around the living room, "...Damnit, I'm gonna need to tell everyone about this." You turn you your couch ridden friend, "Kohaku, I--"

"You don't need to explain, Yumi." She cuts you off, "I get it. Demon stuff. Go get it done, I'll be here when you get back."

You nod, leaving Kohaku in the care of Grandma. You let out a sigh of frustration, realizing that there isn't anything you can do in this scenario anyways. You should just focus on what you can do. Speaking of which, you...


"Kazuya." You nod at him as he enters the living room, sword drawn. Homura comes in behind him, holding some sort of shotgun. "Homura."

"Yumi." Homura replies, "You handled that well."

"I didn't yet, but thanks." You look back to the kitchen door, "How much of that did you understand?"

"A little." Kazuya admits.

"A fair bit." Homura states, "I'm sure I could assist in your explanation, if you wanted me to."

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655: The Vote
[X] *Pats the Homu* "Thanks."

You sigh, smiling. "Thanks, Homura. I'd appreciate it." You turn to Kazuya, "The short and sweet of it is that a demon has... "Acquired" a murderous Magical Girl who has a good reason to hate me. The demon is offering her services to me in the upcoming fight."

Kazuya audibly blinks. "I see. Well, it sounds to me like she's trying to strengthen relations with you."

"Like other countries do?" You ask.

"Precisely." Kazuya nods, "What was your answer to the demon?"

"I didn't make one yet." You reveal, "If it were just me at risk, then I'd be less hesitant. But I'm not alone in this, so I wanted to run it by everyone else first."

"I see." Homura crosses her arms, "But you must be aware that the others will say no, yes?"

"Yeah, probably," You shrug, "But I wanted to have a vote on if we should trust them or not."

"I don't know what's going on, so I don't really have a say in this. I'll wait out here." Kazuya points to the living room with his thumb.

Homura nods, stepping into the dining room. You follow, dreading the arduous task of explaining...


"Hm." You hum.

"That's it? Just a simple "hm"?" Gabriel crosses her arms at you, "No cunning plan, no stab in the back? Just "hm"?"

"Yup." You lean back, stroking Amy gently, "Gabriel, my vengeance against that golden pissant was already taken. I'm essentially out of a job."

"Do not refer to--?!"

"I wouldn't, if that were truly a god I could serve." You snap, "Ever since that thing got into power through the Vacant Throne, I refused it. The rest of you--"

"What do you mean "got into"?!" Gabby snaps right back, "He was always our ruler!"

"He might have ruled you, but that golden idol was not my ruler." You growl, "And let's end that discussion there."

Gabby huffs, puffing out her wings dramatically. Neither of you speak for some time.

Finally, you decide to break the ice. "Back to your problem, if you want into this world so badly, you could always ask."

"The girl you mentioned?" Gabby seems to have mostly calmed down.

"Yes, but do try to be careful!" You stress, "She's already dealing with one of his."

Gabby nods.


"...And that's what brings us to the vote." You look over the table at everyone, "What's your guys' verdict?"

"No!" Sayaka instantly blurts out, "That girl tried to kill us!"

"B-But she'll be under Eris' control!" Madoka retorts, "So she can't hurt us, right?"

"She might try to use her screwed up magic to get us killed, though!" Kyoko shoots back, "I'm with Blueberry on this."

"Madoka, your compassion is refreshing. I'm a little hesitant to trust her, though..." Mami admits.

"Aren't you guys forgetting something?" Oriko says with a disappointed look.

"Forgetting what?" Shoji asks, clueless to Oriko's power.

Oriko motions to herself, "I could look into the future, and I'll try to check if she'll betray us."

Everyone is silent for a moment.

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656: The Vote, Part 2
[X] The Matador Incident.

"That's a good idea, but you still can't see me in your visions, right?" You ask Oriko, "Or do you have a way around that?"

"It's quite simple, really." Oriko leans in her chair (simply to crack her back), "All I have to see is Victoria, yes?"

"Oh, my Oriko is soooo smart!" Kirika cheers, hugging the seer.

"Precognition seems to be a useful power." Homura admits.

"Wait, what about what happened with Matador?" You huff, "How he just... Did that to you and all!"

Oriko opens her mouth, but closes it. "...That's a good point." She sighs, "Also, considering she's in Eris' employ, she may react poorly to being doubted."

"Greek gods are quite fickle in that regard." Mami agrees, taking a sip of tea.

"Ooh, can Yuma have some?" Yuma asks quietly. Mami obliges happily.

"Wait, you know Greek mythology?" Kyoko turns to the veteran Magical Girl, "You never struck me as a mythos buff."

"It never really came up in conversation." Mami shrugs, "Plus, it's just a hobby of mine."

"I liked the Hercules movie!" Nagisa blurts out, trying to be involved in the conversation.

"Oh, yeah! That's a good one!" You nod, "But personally, my favorite movie is--?"

"We are getting off topic." Homura nearly growls, "How should we approach Eris' offer?"

"My vote's still no." Kyoko says offhandedly.

"S-So's mine!" Sayaka reaffirms her answer...


...Wait, is she...? No, she's totally blushing! It's hardly noticeable, but...!

"I..." Madoka trails off, looking at her lap, "...I'm gonna keep my answer."

"Well, it isn't exactly wise to go against a god, especially the Greek ones..." Mami sighs, "...So I must agree with Madoka."

"If she tries to hurt anyone, I'll use magic!" Nagisa proudly announces.

"That's great." Homura states, staring blankly at Nagisa, "What's your vote?"

"...Abstinence!" Nagisa almost yells, "I'm not gonna vote, but I'm gonna stop her if she tries to hurt you guys!"

Personally, you're just surprised she knows what "Abstinence" means.

"...Yuma isn't gonna vote either." Yuma meekly adds.

"Kirika also isn't going to vote, because she's incredibly bias to me." Oriko says calmly, "Ah, but I vote yes."

"Of course you would." Homura mutters to herself. Then, she says louder, "I do not want Victoria around me."

"...So, we're tied, huh?" You ask to everyone rhetorically.

"Just waiting on you." Kyoko says, trying to get Mami's attention. "Yo, pass me a cup!"

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657: Dinner Bell!
[X] *At Victoria* "Stay."

"I vote for accepting--"

"What?!" Sayaka interrupts, "But she--!"

"C'mon, think about this!" Kyoko shouts, "If she's running loose, she'll end up killing someone!"

"Yumi, you...!" Homura begins, restraining her emotions, "...Weren't finished talking. Go on."

"As I was saying..." You sigh, staring at Sayaka, "...I will vote to accept Eris' deal, but only on the condition that she is placed somewhere we can monitor her, and where she won't catch anyone in her fear aura."

"That makes much more sense." Homura nods, "Well then, I suppose that's it."

"This is gonna bite us, I can feel it in my gut." Kyoko huffs, "But we lost, fair and square."

Sayaka looks a little deflated now (emotionally, not physically), "...Don't expect me to play nice with her."

Mami claps once, "Having Eris as an ally, however temporary, will be much better than having her against us. I for one would rather not see what a goddess of chaos and strife can do if she's angered."

"Goddess, schmoddess..." Kyoko grumbles, arms crossed, "She's a demon. There ain't nothing holy about her."

"Moving along." Oriko interrupts the conversation before it can devolve into an argument, "We should begin our preparations for the coming days as soon as we are able. Such as--?"

"After dinner?" Grandma pokes her head into the room, "I made spaghetti per your Grandpa's request!"

You blink, "Wait, it's already dinnertime?!" You ask in astonishment, "How long have we been--?"

"Ooooh, that smells good!" You hear Grandpa yell from the other room, "Trust me, kid, you're gonna love it!"

"Well, we're already here...!" Kyoko smiles, leaning back in her chair.

Grandma ducks back into the kitchen, and just then, Grandpa appears, followed closely by Arisu. She bows to you before taking her seat. Grandpa, of course, sits in his usual spot, rubbing his hands.

...You're still missing both Kohaku and Kazuya, though. Should you...?

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658: Kazuya
[X] "She awake?"

You discreetly get up, and poke your head out of the dining room. Grandma spots you from the kitchen, and you try to get your point across by nodding in certain directions...

(CHR ROLL: 8+8)

"Yumi, use your words, please." Grandma requests plainly.

You clear your throat, "Sorry. Is Kohaku--?"

"Awake?" Kohaku finishes, "Yeah. I'm awake."

"Oh, okay!" You step out fully, "Are you gonna eat with us?"

"...No." Kohaku decides, "I'd rather eat out here. Thanks for the offer, though."

"Okay, just checking!" You give her a thumbs up, "I'll go get Kazuya real quick!" You point your thumb to the backyard.

Grandma nods, and you slip away into...

...Kazuya is sitting at the edge of the pond, simply staring at the water. He looks deep in thought, as if concocting the solution to some great mystery in a solemn silence.

You, like a bull in a china shop, decide that silence is made to be broken. "Kazuya, dinner's ready!" You call to him in a rather subdued voice.

"I'll be in soon." He replies, not turning to look at you. "Start without me." His voice is somehow even more quiet than it usually is.

"You sound troubled, bud." You walk closer, stopping by his side, "Something on your mind?"

"Nothing immediately pressing." He tells you, "Just reminiscing about someone."

(INT ROLL: 17+8)

He's obviously bullshitting you. His face doesn't say "I'm reminiscing". He looks... Almost depressed, if you had to put words to it.

Should you talk to him? There isn't anyone else around, so maybe he'll open up!

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659: The Dam.
[X] Therapy Session.

As you think about what to say next, you find yourself sitting beside Kazuya. Then, you try to speak. "Do you... Wanna talk about it?" You ask, "I mean, even if it's not me specifically, you should try to not bottle things up. It's not healthy for anyone, no matter how much it'll hurt to talk about it--?"

(CHR ROLL: 17+8)

"You sound like Yuka." Kazuya interrupts quietly, "She used to say the exact same thing. To be honest, so did my mom."

You wince at the word "mom". "I... Sorry, I didn't--?"

"This was your idea. You don't get to backpedal." You can't tell if he's making a joke or not... "But you're right. I should talk about this to someone." He takes a deep breath, looking out over the water, "I lost my mother when I was eighteen. She was..." He digs his fingernails into his palm, "...Slaughtered by a demon. Then, it used her face to lure me into a false sense of security."

You... Don't know what to say. So, you don't say anything.

"My friends at the time..." He tries to calm himself, "...They told me to "not think about it". How could I not?" He asks rhetorically, "That was my mom, and now she's..." He takes an unsteady breath, "A while later, I met Yuka. She was... Everything to me. She was diligent, friendly, she watched out for me constantly, and she... Completed me." Kazuya puts his hands up defensively, "I know, it's cheesy to say, but that's the truth. There was no flaw of her's that I couldn't cover, and she excelled where I was lacking. Even when the others left to follow their own twisted ideals, she was there."

You sit there in silence, taking in Kazuya's story. You stare ahead, unsure of how to respond.

"...That leads us to now. She's... Gone. And just like that, I'm back to the beginning. Just me and my demons."


"Takeshi was the name of one of my former allies." He explains, "That's what irked me then. I thought that it would happen again, just with a new coat of paint. I guess that's what's got me so..." He struggles to think of the word.

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660: "I Don't Know How To Be Alone Anymore."
[X] *Adjusts Monocle* "Perturbed, dear Kazuya?"

"Perturbed?" You finish his thought. When he nods, you continue, "I kinda understand, actually. You probably wouldn't know this if you were just visiting, but my hometown... Uh..." You bounce your leg, trying to think, "...The local gangs had a very physical disagreement over the "territory" during highschool."

"Gangs?" Kazuya repeats, "Like, the Yakuza?"

"Pretty much. Mostly just small fries trying to stake a claim, you know?" You explain more, "Now, I wasn't in any gangs, but I have a nasty habit of "not staying in my own lane". That's why, when I moved out here..." You gesture in front of you with both of your arms, "...I kinda hoped to "get away" from all of that."

"Looks like we were both cheated out of growing up." Kazuya jokes dryly.

"You can say that again." You chuckle.

Kazuya looks at the still water in the pond, "...I think you would've liked Yuka."

"You think so?" You ask, looking at him...

...He's struggling to hold himself together. "She was kind. Always put others before herself. And she talked enough for the both of us." He breathes in, "...She was the only person I could ever rely on besides myself. And now that she's gone, I... I don't know how to be alone anymore."


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