Her being a viking-weeb with a possibly cursed Katana is just funnier, even if we could potentially make her a better type of sword. Especially when combined with her personality of being serious and reserved.

She's just such a good pick for being an edgy weeb.
Yes but to be properly edgy she needs to dual-wield her cursed katana.
Possibly with a demon-possessed longsword?
My only issue with this is that this means we can't give the convert-sword to Christian Asgeirr.
A bow does 1 damage, before Tricks. The bolt thrower does 6. I think we're sticking with the latter. We may buy plans off the dwarves and make an improved version, in theory, but we're not swapping it out, I don't think.

Rate of fire on the bolt thrower is certainly lower, but we have Tricks for that and it's a backup weapon anyway, I'd rather have Big Damage than a better rate of fire. Besides which, bows are not generally metal, so she'd be capped at Superior quality...it really just wouldn't be that ridiculous a bow, IMO.

Wow I knew the bolt throwers had higher base damage but I didn't realize the difference was so steep. I had this image in my head that we could make this insane super bow with bladed arms and the hand guard so you could do other tricks with it and some enchanted quivers for the rapid fire and ammo recovery. Make it be potentially really versatile like Halla's other weapons.

But yeah Big Reliable Damage is better. Especially since it's a backup weapon in the end.

As for the metal bow thing, I've seen functional bows made out of truck leaf springs. In the likely event Halla and Sten couldn't replicate that there was rune shenanigans, "may this iron be as supple as the strongest yew wood" or something.
High-quality lowercase-s steel is an excellent bow material. It's gotta be the good stuff though or it'll snap and you'll have half a bow through your eyesocket.

Edit: steel used by the historical Norse definitely not good enough.
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I'm honestly leaning towards one of the twins right now, though Eyvor and Sigurdr are possible as well.

All of them have a bunch of cool stuff about them, personality included. And the built in twins/triplets thing providing a ready made adventuring party is very tempting, especially with the triplets, as they'd have Bjorney with them.
Exactly. Bjorney is not a man and does not have to adhere to the conduct expected of norse men. He can counsel caution when no-one else dares for fear of odrengskapr.

I think bears born in the Norse system use a variant on Norse cultivation. They certainly have Hamr and we know that animals under the Carolingian system use basically the same mechanics as humans.

There are certainly ways in which they differ, but I'm not sure if avoiding Odrengskapr is one of them. That said, counseling caution can be drengskapr, depending on circumstances. A dreng goes into things prepared and ready, not half cocked...making a whole plan for revenge is the dreng thing to do, not flying into a rage and trying immediately.
I mean, I am greatly suspicious that this isn't normal market price, the price he offers is massively inflated. either out of respect to our father, or because of some other reason.

as for Steelfathers, yeah. its a Blackhand thing, and its probably unjustified in the most part? I mean, some steelfathers are massive A holes(Erikaer) but though becoming a Steelfather is bad, it doesn't mean all of them are bad people. many of them probably don't even know of the enemy, or didn't know before they became steelfathers at least. they are not exactly servants of the enemy
I mean, I am greatly suspicious that this isn't normal market price, the price he offers is massively inflated. either out of respect to our father, or because of some other reason.

This may be above market price, but I suspect it's not an order of magnitude above market price, so we were gonna make a tidy profit here no matter what.

as for Steelfathers, yeah. its a Blackhand thing, and its probably unjustified in the most part? I mean, some steelfathers are massive A holes(Erikaer) but though becoming a Steelfather is bad, it doesn't mean all of them are bad people. many of them probably don't even know of the enemy, or didn't know before they became steelfathers at least. they are not exactly servants of the enemy

Per IF most Steelfathers are cowards. They've done this whole thing just to escape dying, they are afraid of death. That's not something I feel the same way about Blackhand seems to, but at the same time, I don't think him finding that pathetic is entirely unjustified.

There are, of course, exceptions to that.
Blackhand is not morally un-questionable, and his hatreds totally can blot out good sense. I mean, even our Father called out how he was for a long time a cruel and even violent father, when he held a Kenning of such a nature. And Solrun thought he was gonna kill her for having kids with Ironjaw, for a brief moment. Dudes got his own moral issues.

Steelfathers seem to mostly be people who got some level of power and then panicked at the thought of losing it. That's not a terrible thing in and of itself, so long as they're not huge assholes with their power. By and large Iwan doesn't seem like a bad guy - his town is abundant, he seems fairly generous, and generally doesn't seem like a bad Jarl.

It's still probably Not Great that he's ruler Forever, but at least he's not a terrible asshole and ruler Forever.
Blackhand is not morally un-questionable, and his hatreds totally can blot out good sense. I mean, even our Father called out how he was for a long time a cruel and even violent father, when he held a Kenning of such a nature. And Solrun thought he was gonna kill her for having kids with Ironjaw, for a brief moment. Dudes got his own moral issues.

This is not quite correct. When he had Dreadfire as a Kenning, he had a bad temper, but Steinarr did not say he was cruel or violent...the two are different things, I assure you. It's possible he was, it's hard to say given the brief bit we heard on the subject, but saying 'he was for a long time a cruel and violent father' is definitely assuming facts not in evidence.

Which is not to say Blackhand didn't have moral failings...he literally killed Hasvir, a good dude, in exchange for seidr tutelage. Like, he was a hitman. To say nothing of Solrun's worry as you bring up. But saying he was a cruel and violent father is not necessarily accurate to what we know of him. I'd say what evidence we have is actually against that, though it's admittedly fairly sparse.
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I mean, I am greatly suspicious that this isn't normal market price, the price he offers is massively inflated. either out of respect to our father, or because of some other reason.
Is 'horribly out of touch' an option? ;P
This is not quite correct. When he had Dreadfire as a Kenning, he had a bad temper, but Steinarr did not say he was cruel or violent...the two are different things, I assure you. It's possible he was, it's hard to say given the brief bit we heard on the subject, but saying 'he was for a long time a cruel and violent father' is definitely assuming facts not in evidence.

Which is not to say Blackhand didn't have moral failings...he literally killed Hasvir, a good dude, in exchange for seidr tutelage. Like, he was a hitman. To say nothing of Solrun's worry as you bring up. But saying he was a cruel and violent father is not necessarily accurate to what we know of him. I'd say what evidence we have is actually against that, though it's admittedly fairly sparse.
Blackhand was an absent father for most of his children—Steinarr being the sole exception, besides Steingrim. It wasn't intentionally cruel, but it was cruel nonetheless.

He has absolutely no problems with killing in any capacity. He'd burn down an orphanage after barring the doors if that was what it took to gain hotter fire.

He thinks that enthralling people is wrong, but not the practice of slavery in of itself.

Blackhand is a complex character, but he is not a *good* person. He is a poor role model and he would tell you that himself!
Blackhand was an absent father for most of his children—Steinarr being the sole exception, besides Steingrim. It wasn't intentionally cruel, but it was cruel nonetheless.

He has absolutely no problems with killing in any capacity. He'd burn down an orphanage after barring the doors if that was what it took to gain hotter fire.

He thinks that enthralling people is wrong, but not the practice of slavery in of itself.

Blackhand is a complex character, but he is not a *good* person. He is a poor role model and he would tell you that himself!

This is all more or less what I expected, yeah. My impression of Blackhand was always that he was murderous and amoral with anyone he didn't know personally...I just also got the impression that he wasn't actually abusive with those he was close to. A somewhat different thing. The absentee parent thing definitely makes sense as well, though.

Like, the summation I always had in my head was something like 'good friend, bad enemy, shitty romantic partner since he often wasn't around, not someone you want to piss off'.
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