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No SV, you are the WiFi. I'm pretty sure that this quest title started that rather awkward trend of No SV, you are x.


I'll fix this up later.
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2015 Sufficiently Summer winner: User's Choice. Original Post.


Atypical Netizen
So, after seeing too many harem series, I made a quest.
A lot of IS and it's innumerable derivatives, a lot of Muv-Luv (very Ironic I know), a lot of Knight Run, some Sentou Yousei Yukikaze, mixed together with my personal antipathy for harem series, we get this.

Battle-Action-Harem-Highschool... Side Character Quest.

No SV. You are the waifu.


The year is 2070 Common Era.

Or 58 years Past Impact if you prefer.

It has been 58 years since the old world ended.


The touchdown of the jet on tarmac was soft, computer guided control surfaces and thrusters ensuring the landing was barely noticeable. The magnetic clamps locking down on the body of the plane was not, the flight control computer apparently deciding better sure than sorry.

Military transport jets had few comforts and comfortable seats happened to not be one of them. Absently rubbing at the back of your head, you take a look outside as the jet is guided into the underground hanger, the weak sunlight and dusty Earth replaced by harsh white illumination strips and ceramic tiles.

The safety lights flashes green and you unclasp the safety harness, slam down the armrest to collapse the seat and collect your duffel bag alongside the three dozen odd other passengers. All through the flight, you had been the subject of discreet stares and hushed conversation, a trend that did not change now. As someone sitting in the back of the plane, you had the honour of disembarking first, meaning you could feel the stares boring into your back. You patiently endured it despite the raised hairs on the back of your neck, waiting until the ramp was fully depressed to step off.
It was not because of your looks, you thought you looked rather average. It was not your clothing, you wore the same tracksuit, naval blue with gold trim as everyone else did. It was your gender.

Rather, it was because you were a guy. The other thirty or so passengers were all girls.

Ignoring the stares still drilling into your back, you glance down at your datapad, which was tracing a path towards your room, and make your way through the halls. On the way, you received more stares from the women whom seemed to make up the entire staff of the base, mostly silent and assessing, though a couple burst into giggles as you walked by.

Entering your room, you dump down your bag and take it in. Walls painted a neutral off-white, a single glow strip in the ceiling, a holoscreen currently depicting the outside world and two single beds set on opposite sides of the room, each with a small cupboard set against the head, and an attached bathroom. Your room mate had already arrived, a dress uniform neatly arranged on the bed and a few personal effects on top of their cupboard. For a moment you felt like walking over to peruse the few photos there, but you restrain yourself.

Checking the time, it was another two hours till orientation assembly and with nothing else to do, you flick the holoscreen to news with your datapad and sit down on your bed.

"-the latest report suggest the clean-up operations following the recent Alaskan offensive is proceeding well ahead of schedule. With the destruction of three minor Breaches in a record breaking, lightning fast two week campaign and the elimination of two Type Zero AGs on top of that, our analyst suggest that the Western Seaboard of the North American continent will be completely cleared of hostiles within months."

Footage rolls across the screen in tandem with the voiceover, showing the hulk of an AG battleship, charred and deformed to be barely recognisable after falling out of orbit. Reserve armour units idling under the midday sun next to their air carriers, the small dots of pilots and drivers waiting under the shade cast by their machines. Flashes in the sky lighting up the night sky in tandem with a red glow along the horizon. A shot from out at sea of enormous swaths of smoke rising from the distant shore where hydrocarbon deposits must have been ignited. An ominous spherical shadow, most of the dome hidden by the horizon and distance, of a destroyed Hive, the remaining funnel clouds of an active breach dissipating in the time accelerated footage.

"Marshal of the Armed Forces Arrakesh released a statement earlier today supporting our projections."

A spokesman walks up to a podium, tapping the mike twice to begin a presentation on the screen behind him. You watch on, absently absorbing the news as you wait.

"As always, we begin with the Valkyries units whom made our offensive possible," shots of many faces appeared on screen, all female, "without their remarkable courage in breaking through the frontlines of the Antagonists and destroying the hardened enemy defensive redoubts, as well as their suppression of the Type Zeros Aeon and Sekhmet, our victory, had it come at all, would have been again bloody and eked out over many months."

A brief medal award ceremony was next. The Valkyries, not physically present but projected into the air via holographic technologies, appeared in a row, some stoic, some smiling and waving. Without their weapon systems extended from the interdimensional storage space of the Valkyrie core, they looked like standard light infantry troops in semi powered armour, though the plates were somewhat thinner than even that, giving the illusion of frailty to strongest armour system humanity had.

The medals were awarded and the holograms faded out, leaving the Valkyrie symbol floating in air for a few moment before fading. You absently rub at the patch on your shoulder where the very same symbol was stiched. The texture of the words "UNAF" "AAG1" "VALKS" cradled by the laurel wreath felt strange under your fingers.

You are a members of the United Nations Air Force. As someone compatible with the Valkyrie Cores, you make up a part of humanity's most powerful weapon. The Valkyrie Core integrates and improves upon any technology it is exposed to, from simple wrist watches to nuclear reactors. Initially used for utilities and reconstruction in the wake of Impact, the emergence of the Antagonists rapidly changed the role of Valkyries from civil to military, from wanted to needed.

The only drawback in the Valkyrie cores was that the ratio of compatibility was skewered towards women. Heavily.

Amongst the twenty thousand or Valkyries in service currently, there were less than one hundred men.

That made you part of the 0.5% of the entire force whom was male.

You suppose some of those other guys might have felt proud. You?

The door opens. You glance over, your roommate was staring at you, eyes wide, before they slam the door back shut.

You just felt awkward.


If you have read this far, then you have gotten your first look at the main character of this story.

You will not be playing as him.

Rather, you are playing as one of the side characters.

Your goal is to become a main character and star in your own series.

How you do this is up to you, win the main characters affections, get popular enough to be labelled 'best girl' or save the world, anything goes.


Pick a cliche character:

Pick ONE character to play as.
Then pick ONE subtype for EACH of the other characters: (You can abstain, if no votes are given here, I will pick the subtype.)

[N/A]Main Character (Main character)(NPC)
[]Clueless moron: Neophyte to the whole combat business. Extra moron included.
[]Already retired badass: Had previously had combat experience. Still a moron.

[N/A]The Estranged Childhood Friend (NPC)
[N/A]The annoyed rival: Exasperated that he would come to the front as he is and sees him as a casualty waiting to happen.

[N/A] The other Childhood friend (NPC)
[N/A] Superhuman:

[]The Sibling:
[]Loudly Possessive Tsundere Younger Sister: "I can't believe the idiot is heading off to the front. Without me there, he'll get hurt again."
[]Quietly Protective Older Sister: "I walked into hell to fight demons, but I only paved the way for the one I wish to protect most to follow."

[]The Ojou:
[]Noblesse oblige: One who is in power has a responsibility to those whom are not.
[]Nouveau riche design child: I was made to collect power and save the human race, so I shall, even if I have to drag them kicking and screaming.

[]The Ace:
[]Golden Ace: She has it all, famous pedigree, looks, skills and a caring heart.
[]Broken Ace: She had it all, some would say she still does, but four-score men and half a dozen more, could not ever remake what she was before.

[]The Warrior:
[]The awkward shy girl: B-By the end of the week, I'll have made ten friends!:
[]The monster: Man gives innumerable prayers to Heaven for salvation. Heaven replies with nothing but death to recompense Man. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.

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Character Sheets
Character Sheets:

POST 21 Note: Due to uncertain heading, general skills progression is not currently shown due to pivotal vote. Progression will be updated with Post 22.
Reminder to all; Due to the narrative system this quest now runs on, all numbers are indicative, rather than absolute.

  • The Warrior, the Monster
    Valkyrie Cadet First Year, Anna Sanchez

    • Born in 2054, you came into the world merely three years before the Antagonists became active. Isolated as it was, your town did not even hear of the frantic evacuations that were carried out as the Antagonists swarmed out from Cincinnati and Denver major Breaches.

      In that same year of 2061 as the Denver Major Breach crushed Anchorage, all but pushing humanity off the North American Continent and established the Fairbanks Minor Breach, you found a Valkyrie core and as luck would have it, found yourself compatible.

      For about a year afterwards, you simply went around town, using the frame to offer utilities and repairs, abruptly improving quality of life as plumbing and electricity supply was restored in some parts of the town. Despite the occasional refugees that stumbled in, rambling of aliens, this was the happiest time of your life, especially after finding a few light aircraft allowed you to fly.

      This short golden period, isolated from the outside world, did not last. The Saskatoon Minor Breach was established by the Cincinnati Major Breach in 2062.

      Probing attacks reached the town within the year. Despite the reluctance of the adults to let a eight year old girl fight for them, they soon were forced to by pragmatism as it is shown you are the only one who can take and return strikes on the same level as what the aliens could.

      For a short while, the town rallied, digging defences and reinforcing their homes, and you with them, but the arrival of enemy air units cut such endeavours short, as you were the only one who could drive them from the sky.

      The attacks continued.

      As the attack mounted, so did the casualties and fear. You were soon left as the only one who dared walk in the streets at night. People retreated to their basements, hiding from the sky. The sense of community was fractured by this isolation and the pressure mounted.

      Food became scarce as many farmers from the outer farms fled to the town center, leaving the few hydroponics cells that you had set up, what few people who dared hunt and the fewer still who stayed on their farms as the only source of food.

      The attacks continued.

      You were not sure when it began, but people looked for something to blame, a reason for their suffering. Originally held up as a saviour, you were accused of being a harbinger, some form of demon that attracted the attackers along with the refugees who had arrived more recently. The town fractured further as those who wanted the safety of your presence were set against the ones who believed you were some form of lure. While the arguments ran on, you began patrolling further and further around the outskirts, doing your best to intercept any attacks before the reached the town.

      The attacks continued.

      Casualties still mounted from the ones you missed, slowly chipping away at the remaining humans. You extended your patrols longer and further to reduce the number of those which might have slipped past your net. One day you returned to find several people, refugees whom had sought shelter in the town some years back, lynched and on public display, an offering of appeasement to the attackers. Your longer patrols ensuring less invaders attacked the town only convinced the fringe group that they were justified. The town cracked in two, the refugees and those who supported you against those who now saw you as a reason for the invaders.

      The attacks continued.

      Now beyond the view of the town, you still fought on to protect the town and the people, but you knew that the current state of affairs could not hold, you began looking for the source of these creatures.

      A breach was enormous and obvious, you did not have to search long, but as you returned, you found the town on fire, humans killing humans, finishing in a few days what the invaders had been working towards for seven years. The insane group bore down on those under your protection. Man gives innumerable prayers to Heaven for salvation. Heaven replies with nothing but death to recompense Man. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.

      You put an end to the fighting the only way you knew how.

      You left for the Saskatoon Breach after promising the remaining people of your town that they would be all safe.

      The attacks ceased.

      You were late.

      To the depths of despair, I have been sent.
      No one was saved, and to their graves, perished and dead.
      All on my head.
      Because of me.
      Those I have failed, feel my betrayal.
      The final nail, hammered by me.
    • Durga:
      Generalist frame. Smooth and rounded pure black armoured plates underset with a navy blue layer of flexible composite. A prominent pair of backswept horns emerges from the top of the helmet.

      Surface of frame reconfigurable, capable of shifting mass to reduce damage, taking the place of missing appendages and forming extra appendages if necessary.
      Frame can redistribute mass at high speeds to serve as a zero range melee attack.
      Extremely durable armour plates can resist a moderate amount of damage before failure.

      Heavy Particle Projectors * 4
      (Autonomous or back mounted)
      All purpose, all range, variable power weaponry. Fires in either bursts or continuous. Fires exotic particles as standard to deal damage in a variety of ways. Capable of combining and reconfiguring into different forms to suit the situation at hand. Can function as a point to point communications array. Can function as a scanner illuminator.​

      Melee Halberd, Plasma Lance * 1 (Handheld or emitters on fingertips)
      Melee combat, zero range, moderate power weapon. Output of blade is continuous. Cuts through high temperature and can overcharge to add mass/energy negation principle to blade.​

      Hypervelocity cannons * 2 (Autonomous or vambrace mounted)
      Short range, high power projectile weaponry. Fires in bursts. Deals damage through kinetic energy. Requires ammunition in addition to power.​

      XHEAP Missiles * 260 (Waist mounted racks, 30 per carrier, 60 maximum salvo)
      Short to long range, very high power missile weaponry. Requires ammunition in addition to power.​

      Broad Spectrum Laser (Autonomous or optical ports mounted on multiple frame hard points)
      All range, variable power weaponry. Output is either burst or continuous. Deals damage through EM radiation and radiation pressure. Can function as a point to point communications array. Can function as a scanner illuminator.​

      Broad spectrum sensors:
      Manifests receivers on top of helmet as a pair of horns.
      Allows for a high level of awareness of surroundings. At high Valkyrie compatibility levels, upgrades into Omni-Sensors.​
      Omni-sensors: Allows for practical omniscience down to the elementary level within a small radius. Drastically increases range of standard sensors.​

      Onium batteries: No external components.
      Allows for the additional storage of energy. Can serve as projectiles when charged. Can serve as reactive armour.​
      - Alpha Strike: Allows for an incredibly powerful attack from an energy weapon at the start of a battle against an appropriate target. Currently, only your Heavy Particle Projectors can channel an Alpha Strike without taking component damage.​

      Solar dynamos: Either layered over armour plates or extrudes from surface of frame as a mist.
      Absorbs EM radiation and converts it to energy. Can be used to mitigate a moderate amount of damage from laser weaponry.​

      Energy dynamos: Layered over armour plates.
      Absorb kinetic energy for storage. Can be used to mitigate moderate amounts of damage from projectile weaponry.​

      Medical Module: Manifestation manner unknown. (Integrating. 20 days until process complete.)
      Allows for the fast recovery of physical body and the treatment of the physical bodies of other humans. Requires supplies.​

      Fabrication System: Manifestation manner unknown. (Integrating. 36 days until process complete.)
      Allows for the construction of various objects. Requires mass and energy.​
    • Talent: 0
      Initial Valkyrie Compatibility Rating: 1% (Stat maximum: 2)
      Training multiplier: 1.0

      Valkyrie Core Synchronised Hours: ~78,000 hours.
      Valkyrie Core Combat Hours: ~20,000 hours+
      Current Valkyrie Compatibility Rating: ~100%
      Rating: Peerless
      Stat maximum: 200
      Training Multiplier: 10x

      Points gained for skills per training action: 10

      Social Aptitude: Very not. You're an oddball. What normal people do as part of everyday life may confuse you and vice versa.

      Character Relevance: 12 (Center Cast Character/Shipping Wars)
      • Static Wave:
        Level 2: Upon success roll, remove all available Impeller Field and take minimal frame damage to deal enormous damage and destroy all Higgs Particles at Short range.
        Skill Mastered.

        Blue Wave: Expend all available Impeller and take minimal frame damage to deal very heavy damage and destroying all Higgs Particles in a line at any range.
        0/1050 for Level 1.
        Red Wave: Expend all available Impeller and take minimal frame damage to deal indiscriminate, enormous damage and destroying all Higgs Particles around you at short range.
        0/1050 for Level 1.
      • Mitigate minor damage against a few allies in combat. (Cannot be upgraded)
      • You are extremely capable at dealing with large numbers of minor enemies, your deadliness will grow as the numbers of enemies grow. Grants average competency with any weapon system if skills present do not qualify, excluding Exotic Principle Weaponry.

        90/350 to Level 2.

        Legion of One:
        You are extremely capable at dealing with small numbers of elite enemies, your deadliness will grow as the numbers of enemies fall. Grants increased survivability from from all skills. Does not upgrade Shattered Aegis.
        Requires: Target Rich Environment Level 2:
        Requires: Gate:

        Range: 4/120​
        Precision: 14/200​
    • Weaponry: (Stat Maximum can be capped based on equipment characteristics and suitability to ranges involved)

      Zero Ranged: <100 meters

      Impeller Field: (See Impeller Field Skills)

      Unarmed Frame:
      Precision: 46/50​
      Speed: 50 (Mastered)​
      Efficiency: 37/50​

      Heavy Particle Projectors: Any configuration:
      Precision: 200 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Efficiency: 200 (Mastered)​

      Melee Halberd: Plasma Lance
      Precision: 78/200​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Efficiency: 136/200​
      Hypervelocity Cannons:
      Precision: 50/100​
      Speed: 50/150​
      Efficiency: 50/150​
      Precision: 25 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 50 (Mastered)​
      Efficiency: 25 (Mastered)​

      High Energy Sensor Pulses:
      Precision: 25 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 25 (Mastered)​
      Efficiency: 25 (Mastered)​
      Reactor Plasma Dump: Causes temporary deficit of Power in Valkyrie Frame, can be mitigated with capacitor.
      Precision: 10 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 100 (Mastered)​
      Efficiency: 10 (Mastered)​

      Short Ranged: 100m - 15km
      Heavy Particle Projectors: Any configuration:
      Precision: 200 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Efficiency: 200 (Mastered)​
      Hypervelocity Cannons:
      Precision: 50/100​
      Speed: 50/150​
      Efficiency: 50/150​
      Precision: 50/200​
      Speed: 50/100​
      Efficiency: 50/200​
      Laser systems: All spectrums:
      Precision: 50/200​
      Speed: 50/100​
      Efficiency: 50/150​
      Medium Range: 15km - 100km
      Heavy Particle Projectors: 1*4 and 2*2 configurations:
      Precision: 200 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Efficiency: 200 (Mastered)​

      Precision: 50/200​
      Speed: 50/100​
      Efficiency: 50/200​
      Laser systems: X-Ray and down spectrums:
      Precision: 50/200​
      Speed: 50/100​
      Efficiency: 50/200​

      Long Range: 100km - 600km
      Heavy Particle Projectors: 2*2 and up configurations:
      Precision: 200 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Efficiency: 200 (Mastered)​
      Missiles: Long range, high altitude missiles:
      Precision: 50/200​
      Speed: 50/50​
      Efficiency: 50/100​
      Laser systems: Visible and down spectrums:
      Precision: 50/200​
      Speed: 50/100​
      Efficiency: 50/200​

      Extreme Ranged: >600km
      Heavy Particle Projectors: 3*1 and 4*1 configuration:
      Precision: 50/100​
      Speed: 50/100​
      Efficiency: 50/100​
      Heavy Particle Projectors: 4*2, 5*2, 10*1 configurations.
      Weapon Tactics:
      Target Rich Environment (See Special Modifiers).
      Impeller Field:
      Intrinsic Level:

      Automatic Defense:

      Range: 200 (Mastered)​
      Precision: 200 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Efficiency: 200 (Mastered)​
      The most basic and intrinsic ability of the Impeller Field. Allows to the automatic impelling of any external force registered as harmful to the Valkyrie.
      This skill gates all other skills.

      Precision: ???​
      Speed Efficiency: ???​
      Efficiency: ???​
      The lesser known intrinsic ability of the Impeller Field. At the continuous expense of Impeller Field integrity or Higgs Particle expenditure, enforce the operation of divergent laws of physics. Cost increases with magnitude of divergence. This skill cannot be trained.

      Basic Level:
      Inertial Cancelling:
      Range: 200 (Mastered)​
      Precision: 200 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Selectively cancels or increases inertial mass with Impeller, allowing for allowing for increases acceleration or resistance to acceleration.

      Hardened Impeller Field:
      Precision: 200 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Directs the Impeller to thicken at site of incoming attack reducing damage taken by Impeller.

      Energy Distribution:
      Precision: 200 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Allows the Impeller Field to redirect incoming attacks evenly, reducing damage taken by Impeller.

      Energy Absorption:
      Precision: 200 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Allows for the Impeller Field to store incoming energy rather than releasing it right away.

      Intermediate Level:
      Selective Nullification:
      Precision: 200 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Efficiency: 200 (Mastered)​
      Allows a user to set the Impeller Field to tune itself against a specific damage type, greatly reducing damage from the selected type of damage at the expense of increased damage from all other forms of damage.
      At high Precision, additional types of damage may be specified with the Impeller at reduced effectiveness.

      Layered Impeller Fields:
      Precision: 200 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Efficiency: 200 (Mastered)​
      Allows the creation of multiple layers of Impeller Fields to prevent singular attacks penetrating the entire field at once.

      Partitioned Impeller Fields:
      Precision: 200 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Efficiency: 200 (Mastered)​
      Allows for the creation of Impeller Fields with limited coverage to prevent attacks from harming multiple areas at the same time. Reduces Maximum damage from one attack to a certain level of Impeller and Frame within reason.

      Impeller Field Shaping:
      Range: 200 (Mastered)​
      Precision: 200 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Allows for purposeful shaping of Impeller Field, allowing for the manipulation of objects with the Impeller Field. Extends maximum Impeller Field range.

      Impeller Cancelling:
      Precision: 200 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Efficiency: 200 (Mastered)​
      Use the Impeller to directly attack another Impeller Field or Higgs Barrier upon contact. Interactions between fields generally violent as they cancel.

      Spatial Manipulation:
      Range: 200 (Mastered)​
      Precision: 200 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Allows for the distortion of spacetime, manipulating relative distances between points. At high speed, high precision and high range, this ability can mitigate damage taken or increase damage done.

      Spatial Fixation:
      Range:200 (Mastered)​
      Precision: 200 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Efficiency: 200 (Mastered)​
      At the continuous expense of Impeller Field integrity, enforces the reference frame of the user upon the volume occupied by the Impeller Field. At high precision and speed, this ability can be used to cancel out attacks at reduced cost to the Impeller Field. Required for all Advanced Level Skills.

      Advanced Level:
      Energy Equivalency:
      Precision: 200 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 170​
      Efficiency: 60​
      At the expense of Impeller Field integrity, slow freeform conversion of energy of any type into another form within the Impeller Field. Allows for the direct conversion of energy within the Impeller into work. At high precision, direct conversion between mass and energy is possible. At extremely high precision, speed and efficiency, large scale unshielded units can be directly damaged through converting unit components into energy.

      Closed Space:
      Range: 9​
      Precision: 11​
      Speed: 112​
      Efficiency: 148​
      At the continuous expense of Impeller Field integrity or Higgs Particle expenditure, create a closed, stable space time bubble. Unshielded objects within the closed space will take constant damage, damage taken depends on their relative mass to total mass of closed space. At high precision, storage of unshielded items for prolonged periods of time without damage is possible.

      Range: 55​
      Precision: 162​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Efficiency: 168​
      At the expense of Impeller Field integrity or Higgs Particle expenditure, move mass a large distance instantaneously. At moderate speeds this ability can be used to escape attacks. At high precision and speed, unshielded units can be disassembled with this ability.

      Range: 41​
      Precision: 100​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Efficiency: 32​
      At the expense of Impeller Field integrity or Higgs Particle expenditure, in a moderate radius around the Valkyrie, spatial manipulation effects are prevented. In a large radius, spatial manipulation effects have are slowed and degraded in performance. At high speed, this ability can mitigate some Spatial Manipulation damage. At high precision and speed, this ability can corrode spacetime, freezing and crushing all unshielded matter within the afflicted area.

      Range: 4​
      Speed: 48​
      Efficiency: 2​
      At the expense of Impeller Field integrity or Higgs Particle expenditure, create a spatial tunnel. At high speed, this ability can be used to deflect attacks. At high speed and high precision, this ability can reflect attacks. At high range and precision, this ability can spatially shear an unshielded volume of space from existence.

      Derived Skills:
      Wave Force Manipulation (See Special Modifiers)​
      Many, many others.​
    • A few lonely loaves of bread. Alphabetically sorted by name. Can be gifted out as emergency rations.
      9 pairs of Chopsticks (Confiscated from Setsuna)
      2 Lunch trays (Confiscated from Setsuna)
      3 Paper fan (Confiscated from Setsuna)

      Ceremonial Cutlery.
      Swimming wetsuit.
      Many of serving of food (sufficient for 2300 days at starvation rations)
      A comfortable lounge chair.
      Woolen blankets.
      Pillow * 7
    • Aerospace modelling - 2/10
      The models are cute, I like them.​
      Athletics - 2/10
      Amateur novel writing and literary critique - 2/10
      Architecture - 2/10
      Wow, really nice. Amazing to see what can be built when there are no Antagonists around.​
      Astronomy - 2/10
      The sky is clear of enemies. The stars are pretty.​
      Baking: 2/10
      Ballistics Study/Angry Birds: 2/10
      What. The. Hell.​
      Board Games: 2/10
      Was alright. Didn't see that much of this class.​
      Calligraphy: 2/10
      Not my area of interest really...​
      Cars and Small Scale Models: 2/10
      More cheerful than Aerospace modelling, the model cars are cute.​
      Computer Games Review: 2/10
      …No you don't think so.​
      Swimming: 100/100 (Class Limit Reached)(Skill gained)
      It's pretty fun, not quite as much as flying though.​
      Swimming Elective Class at 100/Innate to Ace level Valkyries:​
      Underwater Movement 1: You are capable of moving underwater without penalties.​
      Cooking: 2/10
      Wonderful yet terrible. You're torn.​
      Crafting: 200/100 (Class Limit Reached)(Mastered)(Innate Skill)
      Tsk, a shameful lack of manners by the members, but interesting none the less.​
      Crafting Elective Class at 200/Innate to Monster Archetype:​
      Artificer: Highest level construction skill. You can understand and recreate anything made by human hands, given the right tools.​
      Dating advice and Matchmaking: 0/10
      Demolitions: 200/100 (Class Limit Reached) (Mastered) (Innate Skill)
      A little lacking in depth, but very useful. Would recommend for others.​
      Electronics: 100/100 (Class Limit Reached) (Innate Skill)
      A somewhat calmer reflection of the Crafting class...​
      Fishing: 50/50 (Class Limit Reached) (Mastered) (Innate Skill)
      Foreign Languages: 50/150
      Difficult. This is a challenge.​
      Gambling: 50/500 (Class Limit Reached) (Innate Skill)
      Aerospace modelling, Athletics, Amateur novel writing and literary critique, Architecture, Astronomy, Baking, Ballistic study, Board Games, Calligraphy and font design, Cars and small scale models, Computer games review, Competitive swimming and water sports, Cooking and Culinary sampling, Crafting, Dating advice and Matchmaking, Demolition, Electronics, Fishing, Foreign Languages, Gambling, Gardening, Golf, Homemaking, Inventions, Jewellery design and construction, Jokes and stand-up comedy, Kayaking and boating, Kinaesthetic, Law, Martial Arts, Modelling, Mu, Noise and Music, Origami, Pets and animal care, Pottery, Questions, Radio, Relaxation, Skating, Statistics and Maths, Space and Spaceships, Trains, Urban Exploration, Videos of various things that are often cute but sometimes rather scary.
    • Projects:

      1. Teach Koujirou and Setsuna to take care of themselves:
      Keep them above Academic standard: Currently true!​
      Get them both to:​
      Junior Valkyrie Third Grade: Both of them are here, and after just one week too. The two will be going places...​
      Junior Valkyrie Second Grade: Not there yet!​
      Junior Valkyrie First Grade: Not there yet!​
      Enlisted Second Grade: Be at least here by Third year!​
      Enlisted First Grade: If you're here by the time you graduate, you're average, congrats.​
      Elite Enlisted: Yukari was already here by the end of first year!​
      Elite: Things will start getting pretty dangerous from here on…​
      Elite First Grade: This is the wall, most can't get further than this no matter what.​
      Ace/300 Level Valkyrie: Shuri is here, she finds it kind of lonely here…​
      Genius (300 Level) Valkyrie: There are only twenty people at this level in the entire world!​
      Peerless: Would it still be called Peerless if two other people gained this level of skill?​

      2. Write paper to allow Valkyries to use Wave Force Manipulation:
      Requires 4 cumulative Levels in skills under Transcendent Offense (Currently at 2: Members of the Twenty Genius Rank Valkyries may use Static Wave Level 1)​

      Possible Avenues of Study

      Impeller Field:

      Derived Skils: Plasma Shaping​
      Derived Skills: Explosive Redirection​

      Extreme Range Combat:​
      Missile MLSI​
      Missile Minefield​

      Group Skills;
      #Group skills are restricted to the average between the highest and lowest skilled of the Synchronised Impeller Field:
      You are unable to access Group Skills at this point in time due to your character archetype.
  • The Main Character, a Clueless Moron
    Valkyrie Cadet First Year, Rokusabe Koujirou

    • Younger brother of Rokusabe Yukari. He could pass as a girl in the female dress uniform. He seems rather friendly to me, despite the fact that apparently the girls in his life hit him a lot. I will make sure I don't. Yukari asked me to teach him until he can protect himself on the battlefield. Rather competitive against his friend Setsuna. He is rather skilled at sleeping. …I think I hurt him… but he's alright now. He doesn't blame me.

      Very interested in hitting things with his sword. Likes... grabbing onto people for something he calls Martial Arts.

      ???: 2/???
    • Kandakara,
      Close combat frame. Thin, elaborately articulated white plates with red highlights and a black underlayer. Helmet with a large clear visor.
      Thruster bands for plasma arc engines wrapped around pauldrons and greaves. Dense thruster arrays on back, forearms, waist and shins.
      Hypervelocity Cannon (Mounted on left vambrace)
      Melee halberd (Capable of overcharge, reconfigurable)
      ??? Surely there is more... there is something very strange about that Valkyrie Frame.
    • Combat: Valkyrie Third Grade?
    • Murakumo: ???
      Zen: ???
  • The Sibling, the Elder Sister
    Valkyrie Cadet Third Year, Rokusabe Yukari

    • She escorted me from Anchorage to the Academy. Older sister of Rokusabe Koujirou, but she seems to serve as an elder sibling to Masaya Setsuna also. Despite only knowing me for a few hours, she trusts me with the protection of two people dear to her. I hope I don't disappoint her, because I don't trust me. Occasionally attacked by laughing fits.

      She has joined the Flight via a mentorship program, serving as a guide for those in our Flight.

      A relatively skilled and patient teacher. She might be having some issues... some of her Wingmates from the senior year have asked if I can help her.
    • Nue,
      All rounder frame. Iridescent green plates with and dark grey mesh. Glyphs and circuit patterns inscribed over limbs.
      Particle Projector (Left Vambrace)
      Laser Port (Right Vambrace)
      Plasma casters * 2 / Plasma Torch * 4 (Autonomous, capable of combination, acceleration enhancement)
      Missiles (Back mounted rack)
      Melee halberd (Impeller whips. Long metal lines channelling her Impeller Field)
      Cannons, Variable Munition Launchers * 2 (Back mounted or Autonomous)
      Raitei: (Custom built lightning weapon, integrated over plates)
    • Elite Valkyrie
    • "Finishing Move; Ultimate Secret Technique; Thunder Emperor!" Deal moderate to severe damage whenever she attacks a target many times consecutively.
  • The Ojou, The Price of power is responsibility
    Valkyrie Cadet First Year, Aleksandra Marianne Cambridge.

    • Our Flight leader. She prefers to be called Sandra I believe. I met her in the Simulator on my first day with Shuri Kravala. She's very forward and seems quite enthusiastic about piloting. It appears that she has had experience with Valkyrie frames before arriving at the Academy but not any of actual combat. She seems to know Shuri quite well and admires her piloting ability. Appears to try and keep Shuri in check occasionally and she can actually hold onto Shuri's reins when she feels like it. She's very... intimate in greeting people.

      Her looks make me a little jealous. Never feel envy!

      She is also an Undersecretary of Humanitarian Affairs of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, and is very dedicated in settling refugees into comfortable homes if possible. She seems to take her responsibilities seriously indeed.

      She knows about some of my past and my capabilities. I... think I would now trust her to put me to good use.

      She also owns a jet! Her own jet!

      Her history: She is the daughter of a highly placed UN official. A few years ago she was in Mombasa Arcology when it was attacked, it looked like she met Shuri there. Just last year, she was involved in a kidnapping Incident in 2069. There's a lot of classified details around that.
    • Albion,
      An all rounder frame. Angular red plates edged with white and a deep blue under layer. Her helmet has a large backswept tail behind it, giving the helmet a aerodynamic look like a tear drop. Standard thruster arrangements on back, ankles and wrists.
      Plasma Caster * 2 (Mounted over vambraces)
      Melee halberd, unknown type
      Cannons, Variable Munitions launcher * 2 (Shoulder mounted)
      Missiles (Back mounted rack)
    • Junior Valkyrie Third Grade
    • Hair flips.
  • The Ace, the Broken Ace
    Valkyrie Cadet First Year, Shuri Kravala.

    • I met her in the Simulator on my first day with Sandra M. Cambridge. She has taken some form of injury that is currently severely inhibiting her ability to pilot. In spite of that, her skill is exceptional, even if her style is a bit exaggerated. Appears to be left handed. She seems rather serious with piloting as I am, but does not appear to like me? Maybe. Very… intent on training, too much so for some. She makes good points about training. Currently she seems much more relaxed compared to how she was when I first talked to her with her Flight.

      She knows about the Ginnungagap project. I think anyway.

      She doesn't seem very enthusiastic about teaching. Her performance varies greatly. It's strange, she seems to underachieve in general whenever Sandra is not around. Her injuries are being fixed, they seem to be getting worse.

      Her history: She was formerly part of the Pakistani military and served with their detachment on the frontlines. It didn't appear to be a positive experience. She faced down two Type Zeros, Hou-Yi and Medusa, during her service, alongside a close brush with a third, Kronos. It was not long after that she started a short retirement from the frontlines, but still was involved in the same kidnapping incident as Sandra last year. Some more things happened, but they're very secret.
    • Konark,
      A close quarters frame. Angular and jagged plates coloured bright gold, subtly different shades of gold trace out decals and crimson under layers. Dense thruster arrangements on back, waist, forearms and calves.
      Particle projector * 2 (Right vambrace mount, capable of overcharge and combination.)
      Melee halberd * 2 (Handheld, capable of combination)
      Plasma torches * 6 (Waist mounted, acceleration enhancement)
      Missile Rack (Back mounted)
      Plasma Weapon (Back mounted)
    • Ace pilot.
    • Teleport:
      Range: ?​
      Precision: 80?​
      Speed: 80?​
      Efficiency: 70?​

      Range: 10?​
      Precision: 100?​
      Speed: 100?​
      Efficiency: 50?​

  • The Estranged Childhood friend
    Valkyrie Cadet First Year, Masaya Setsuna.

    • Though I did not believe it at first, it appears that she is a long time friend of Rokusabe Koujirou. She has a bit of an excitable personality, and I'm honestly not great with these types. I hope that does not manifest as sloppiness on the battlefield. Yukari has also asked me to protect her until she can protect herself. She has moments where she can be surprisingly genuine, though the don't appear to last long. Seems to slightly resent people who protect her. Rather focused on self improvement and defeating the antagonists when not engaged in her rivalry with Koujirou. She's actually rather practical and wordly. Has some martial arts ability, seems to specialise in kicks.

      Really, really loves fried foods.
    • Kosenjoubi,
      Long ranged frame. Elaborate, nearly ceremonial, red frame with golden highlights, her helmet had a wide clear visor, showing almost all of her face. Standard thruster arrangement clustered around her back, ankles and wrists.
      Zero range plasma caster (Wrist and ankle mounted, serves primarily as thrusters)​
      Cannons, Variable Munitions Launcher *2 (Hip mounted)​
      Plasma caster * 2 (Back mounted)​
      Missile racks * 2 (Leg mounted)​
      Melee halberd (Left Vambrace mounted)​
    • Junior Valkyrie Third Grade
    • ???
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List of GM Posts, hail Xon
Valkyrie Frame Durga

Spin offs:
Jemnite: (Not really a spin off) Teaching Quest
Kaizuki: (Actually a spin off quest) Anna Gaiden [BAHHSCQ Spinoff]
Kaizuki: (Round two!) Anna Gaiden
Kellogo: (Sorta a spinoff) Under the Open Sky (CWMGQ Sidequest)
Alivaril: (The Worm crossover #bigOnSV) Calibration (BAHHSCQ/Sanctioned) Crossover

Episode List: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 100

Timeline by Kaizuki

GM Posts (Updated sporadically)
Most GM Posts courtesy of @EmpirePlayer
On Valk Cores: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 4
On What a Valk looks like: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 4
On Higgs and Sims: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 5
On Type-0s, Impeller on Impeller Action and Anna's Combat Style:Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 5
On 300 Frames, Sims and Equipment Breaks: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 6
On Anna's Starting Stuff and Backstory: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 10
On Leaving Earth and Improving Valk Equipment: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 10
On Combat Outlook and Importance of Impeller Fields:Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 13
On Levels of Skill and Ability: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 15
On The 300 Suits: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 17
On The 300 Suits Part 2: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 18
On The 300 Suits Part 3: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 18
On Valk Quirks and Synch: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 20
On Network Diving: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 27
A Little Bit on Everything: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 30
A Little Bit on Everything Part 2: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 35

Classification, Impeller, some answers about mechanics...: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 54
Character Relevance Table: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 60
Sims, Valk Cores and additional processing power: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 76
Roads not taken: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 81 & Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 81 & Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 91
Athletics: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 97
More sim stuff: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 100
Impact and Valkyrie frames: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 106
Beginnings: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 112
Valkyrie Storage and Improvement Capabilities: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 113
Stealth and AG appearance: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 127
Little bit of everything 3: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 145
Simulated Valkyries: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 152
Valkure no idoru!: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 153
The Months after First Contact: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 235
Explanation for the World map: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 251
History of Armstrong Lunar Base: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 253
Particle Projectors: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 339
Valkyrie Cores and Valkyrie Frames, the title fight!: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 345
Valkyrie Frames and Complexity, what goes into putting stuff into your frame: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 416
Impeller Fields and defending against attacks: Original - Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 431
On UN Army Infantry for a few posts: Original - Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 432[/spoiler]
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Ignore this
[X]Already retired badass: Had previously had combat experience. Still a moron.

[X]Loudly Possessive Tsundere Younger Sister: "I can't believe the idiot is heading off to the front. Without me there, he'll get hurt again."
Last edited:
[X]Already retired badass: Had previously had combat experience. Still a moron.

[X]The Ojou:
[X]Nouveau riche design child: I was made to collect power and save the human race, so I shall, even if I have to drag them kicking and screaming.

Let's oppress some people.
[X]Already retired badass: Had previously had combat experience. Still a moron.
[X]Already retired badass: Had previously had combat experience. Still a moron.
Guys, guys, remember, you're playing a side character. If you're fine with playing anyone and just want the MC to be a vet, then your votes are okay, otherwise, you might be missing the point of this character select.
[X]The Ace:
[X]Golden Ace: She has it all, famous pedigree, looks, skills and a caring heart.

Let's start from top!

*more interested with fellow waifu*
[X]The Warrior:
[X]The monster: Man gives innumerable prayers to Heaven for salvation. Heaven replies with nothing but death to recompense Man. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.
[X]Clueless moron: Neophyte to the whole combat business. Extra moron included.

[X]Broken Ace: She had it all, some would say she still does, but four-score men and half a dozen more, could not ever remake what she was before.
[X]The monster: Man gives innumerable prayers to Heaven for salvation. Heaven replies with nothing but death to recompense Man. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.
[X]Already retired badass: Had previously had combat experience. Still a moron.

[X]Quietly Protective Older Sister: "I walked into hell to fight demons, but I only paved the way for the one I wish to protect most to follow."

[X]The Ojou:
[X]Nouveau riche design child: I was made to collect power and save the human race, so I shall, even if I have to drag them kicking and screaming.

[X]Golden Ace: She has it all, famous pedigree, looks, skills and a caring heart.

[X]The awkward shy girl: B-By the end of the week, I'll have made ten friends!:
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Hahaha, first post and I think I've screwed up with vote choices

Due to understandable confusion, please structure your vote thusly:

[X]Character you want to play as
-[X]Character subtype.

[X]Subtype for other characters.
[X]Subtype for other characters.
[X]Subtype for other characters.
[X]Subtype for other characters.

So like this then?

[X]The Warrior:
-[X]The monster: Man gives innumerable prayers to Heaven for salvation. Heaven replies with nothing but death to recompense Man. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.

[X]Clueless moron: Neophyte to the whole combat business. Extra moron included.
[X]Quietly Protective Older Sister: "I walked into hell to fight demons, but I only paved the way for the one I wish to protect most to follow."
[X]Noblesse oblige: One who is in power has a responsibility to those whom are not.
[X]Broken Ace: She had it all, some would say she still does, but four-score men and half a dozen more, could not ever remake what she was before.
So like this then?

[X]The Warrior:
-[X]The monster: Man gives innumerable prayers to Heaven for salvation. Heaven replies with nothing but death to recompense Man. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.

[X]Clueless moron: Neophyte to the whole combat business. Extra moron included.
[X]Quietly Protective Older Sister: "I walked into hell to fight demons, but I only paved the way for the one I wish to protect most to follow."
[X]Noblesse oblige: One who is in power has a responsibility to those whom are not.
[X]Broken Ace: She had it all, some would say she still does, but four-score men and half a dozen more, could not ever remake what she was before.
Yep, this is preferable since then I know exactly what you are going for.

Everybody, if you only have a single subtype vote, I will treat that as a vote for that character and the subtype, but otherwise an abstain vote for everything else.
[X]The Warrior:
-[X]The awkward shy girl: B-By the end of the week, I'll have made ten friends!:

[X]Clueless moron: Neophyte to the whole combat business. Extra moron included.
[X]Quietly Protective Older Sister: "I walked into hell to fight demons, but I only paved the way for the one I wish to protect most to follow."
[X]Noblesse oblige: One who is in power has a responsibility to those whom are not.
[X]Golden Ace: She has it all, famous pedigree, looks, skills and a caring heart.
Yep, this is preferable since then I know exactly what you are going for.

Everybody, if you only have a single subtype vote, I will treat that as a vote for that character and the subtype, but otherwise an abstain vote for everything else.
When you say Broken Ace you mean the type that say war and broke on the inside right? Not "Is such a genius they no longer understand humans, if they ever did"
[x]The Sibling:
-[x]Loudly Possessive Tsundere Younger Sister: "I can't believe the idiot is heading off to the front. Without me there, he'll get hurt again."

There will be fire. There will be blood. And there will be us, standing in the center of the cataclysm, laughing and chanting praises to our Onii-chan.

[x]Clueless moron: Neophyte to the whole combat business. Extra moron included.
[x]Noblesse oblige: One who is in power has a responsibility to those whom are not.
[x]Golden Ace: She has it all, famous pedigree, looks, skills and a caring heart.
[x]The awkward shy girl: B-By the end of the week, I'll have made ten friends!
[X]Already retired badass: Had previously had combat experience. Still a moron.

[X]Loudly Possessive Tsundere Younger Sister: "I can't believe the idiot is heading off to the front. Without me there, he'll get hurt again."
[X]Nouveau riche design child: I was made to collect power and save the human race, so I shall, even if I have to drag them kicking and screaming.
[X]Broken Ace: She had it all, some would say she still does, but four-score men and half a dozen more, could not ever remake what she was before.
[x]The awkward shy girl: B-By the end ofthe week, I'll have made ten friends!
[X]The Ojou:
[X]Noblesse oblige: One who is in power has a responsibility to those whom are not.

[X]Clueless moron: Neophyte to the whole combat business. Extra moron included.
[X]Quietly Protective Older Sister: "I walked into hell to fight demons, but I only paved the way for the one I wish to protect most to follow."
[X]Broken Ace: She had it all, some would say she still does, but four-score men and half a dozen more, could not ever remake what she was before.
[X]The monster: Man gives innumerable prayers to Heaven for salvation. Heaven replies with nothing but death to recompense Man. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.

Ojou laugh intensifies.
[x]Clueless moron: Neophyte to the whole combat business. Extra moron included.

[x]The Sibling:
-[x]Quietly Protective Older Sister: "I walked into hell to fight demons, but I only paved the way for the one I wish to protect most to follow."

[x]Nouveau riche design child: I was made to collect power and save the human race, so I shall, even if I have to drag them kicking and screaming.

[x]Broken Ace: She had it all, some would say she still does, but four-score men and half a dozen more, could not ever remake what she was before.

[x]The awkward shy girl: B-By the end of the week, I'll have made ten friends!:
[x]Clueless moron: Neophyte to the whole combat business. Extra moron included.

[x] The Warrior
-[x]The monster: Man gives innumerable prayers to Heaven for salvation. Heaven replies with nothing but death to recompense Man. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.