But mostly, I'm just unsure of what we'd really need Soulsight for beyond healing Aki's soul.
Soulsight will definitely give us a fair bit of insight into the people we look at with it...who they are and what they're about
I suppose so. That's not really enough of a draw for me to pick Soulsight over Sundersight, though. Unless we learn spells that can interact/target it, I suppose? I imagine some would be helped by Soulsight?
*throws up quietly in the corner*
I mean, Heklr doesn't have odr, and is also a Jotun. I really don't see trolls or giants doing anything to him - if there are even any in the area to begin with - given that Imperial said the Jotun are to the giants as the Aesir are to humans, not to mention how the Foemen would even be able to pursue a guy that seemingly lives underwater/can walk on water.
There's the Pursuer, I suppose, but I don't really know enough to say how he'd fare against it. But as it stands, Heklr doing the Disclosure feels like it'd be much more dangerous for us than it would be for him.
Soul-targeting spells seem like Bad Juju outside of healing. I wasn't necessarily arguing for it, just noting use cases.
Soulsight will definitely give us a fair bit of insight into the people we look at with it...who they are and what they're about. Sundersight might do some of that in terms of their weaknesses, too, though.
I suppose so. That's not really enough of a draw for me to pick Soulsight over Sundersight, though. Unless we learn spells that can interact/target it, I suppose? I imagine some would be helped by Soulsight?
Soul-targeting spells seem like Bad Juju outside of healing. I wasn't necessarily arguing for it, just noting use cases.
I mean yeah, there's that too. I don't think it'd be nid per say but, like the Seeress said, I imagine it'd lead to us getting chased out of town by a lynch mob very quickly.
Shame that Shroudsight wouldn't be automatic, as otherwise I'd support that as much as I do Sundersight.
We're probably in the last third of the story as things stand, but do people think a yearly trading expedition like this one each summer would be a good idea?
I.. personally would like a balance between high-key high-stakes events (such as this event, or the Vestfold) and low-key low-stakes events.We're probably in the last third of the story as things stand, but do people think a yearly trading expedition like this one each summer would be a good idea?
can someone explain to me why people think Halla's story is at its end? she's still young, has lots of room to grow, a great deal of adventures to do, and has no actual reason to believe she's gonna die soon. why do people think that's the end of the story?
We need a bit of time off, I think. Not only me but several other people mentioned they wanted to chill out for a bit and focus on the slice of life stuff a bit more. Especially in the leadup to Vestfold and then likely the War (which will both be action heavy).
So I think we take one year off from expeditions. We'll still be doing stuff...we advance to Second Realm in there and will be exploring what that means, plus we need to work out some local issues, talk to a bunch of people, visit the Heart of the Hading. All that kind of thing, but no actual long distance travel while we get our homefront situation squared away, do some training, figure out how all our new abilities actually work, and take a bit of a breather. This trip was just a lot and I think we need a break before heading straight into more excitement on this level, never mind Vestfold which is gonna be way more high octane and exciting than this was by all indications. Like, orders of magnitude more eventful.
And, the year after that, we probably do need to head to Vestfold for a wide variety of reasons. We can put that off one year to catch our collective breath, but not much more than that.
After the Vestfold Trip, we'll see where things stand, and the War will definitely change things whenever that happens, so planning that far out is probably not wise, but I think we do need a year off from major expeditions.
I.. personally would like a balance between high-key high-stakes events (such as this event, or the Vestfold) and low-key low-stakes events.
Without the latter we run a real risk of burnout on both sides of the quest.
Now where that balance is, is a question in of itself.
I could be convinced to do yearly expeditions more easily (even this coming year) if we could cut down on the extraneous variables better...the actual trade and mercenary work for Alfred, taken on its own, would be fine as a yearly trip I think, it's all the surrounding stuff that makes it a bit much. Both in terms of risk, but also in terms of screentime.
Like, from a pure screentime perspective that trip took about a month of real-world time whereas with minimal combat we can go through an entire year in a week or two. I don't think I want less than 1/3 of this Quest's screentime to involve our home, family stuff, and the kids, y'know? If our trading trips were more like half that length I'd be much more inclined to do them yearly.
Which is not to say trips are entirely off the table, but there needs to be some balance there.
The upcoming war is very risky, and that's likely only a handful of years off. That said, I'm inclined to agree...I feel like if she survives the war, getting Halla to the age of 40 should be something we can actually do and should 100% aim for rather than taking too many unnecessary risks. We want the kids to all be grown up when she eventually dies, if we can arrange it.
She'd definitely keep going on trade and mercenary expeditions during that time, naturally, as well as continuing to advance her cultivation understanding and experiments, so it doesn't need to be uneventful by any means...to say nothing of the likely unresolved Drysalt situation or a lot of other possibilities.
We shouldn't just assume she'll die soon and act like it's inevitable. That's a good way to make for a self-fulfilling prophecy. We can keep her alive a good long while with some luck and patience and should do our level best to do so.
Once a year expedition on the same scale as what we expected this trip to be would be good, yes.To be clear, when I'm talking about a yearly trading expedition, I did not necessarily mean something on the scale of the grand adventure this turned into.
I mean something a bit more along the lines of what we thought this was going to be going in - we pootle around, do a bit of trading, see some cool stuff, and maybe do a mercenary contract for Alfred or someone. And I agree, I'd like Halla to live a long life and be as successful as we can make her - but I think regular expeditions are probably a good thing for that?
This one is probably a bit of an outlier for various reasons, but even so, the growth we've gotten from it has been considerable, and that's likely to help keep us alive in the long run.
To be clear, when I'm talking about a yearly trading expedition, I did not necessarily mean something on the scale of the grand adventure this turned into.
I mean something a bit more along the lines of what we thought this was going to be going in - we pootle around, do a bit of trading, see some cool stuff, and maybe do a mercenary contract for Alfred or someone. And I agree, I'd like Halla to live a long life and be as successful as we can make her - but I think regular expeditions are probably a good thing for that?
This one is probably a bit of an outlier for various reasons, but even so, the growth we've gotten from it has been considerable, and that's likely to help keep us alive in the long run.