[X] Shroudsight: The ability to see through shrouds and disguises and all other kinds of lies
[X] Soonsight: The ability to see flashes of the future
[X] Soulsight: The ability to read a soul like a book
[X] Shroudsight: The ability to see through shrouds and disguises and all other kinds of lies
About the winning riddle, how can Reed's carry stones? I can only think of them being used as barge poles to push barges along. But that's pushing the rocks, not carrying them.
[X] Soulsight: The ability to read a soul like a book
[X] Shroudsight: The ability to see through shrouds and disguises and all other kinds of lies
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I was thinking that a Jotun might count as Outside The Law, but the fact that the riddle-challenge was even a thing means that that's not the case, doesn't it?

I was thinking that a Jotun might count as Outside The Law, but the fact that the riddle-challenge was even a thing means that that's not the case, doesn't it?
I mean, riddle-challenges kind of carry that 'deeper magic from before the dawn of time' vibe, so it's plausible that they work fine on intelligent creatures not normally subject to the law.

Which doesn't mean they have to accept, but if they do, it works. Or so I speculate.
[X] Scrysight: The ability to look far across and far beyond the lands of which you call home
[X] Sundersight: The ability to look at something and gain an understanding of its weaknesses

@DeadmanwalkingXI i think that you attributed a riddle to me that I never wrote
(I have not written anything riddle related that wasn't a copy paste of the hobbit)

specifically I didn't write either of these

#6 (by alexthealright)
Flys without wings,
Quicker with joy,
Slower with boredom,
But ever go forward.
What's this?
Spoiler: answer

#7 (by alexthealright)
It can be hard and it can be soft,
Either see through or not.
Can come from high or low.
What is it?
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[X] Scrysight: The ability to look far across and far beyond the lands of which you call home

EDIT: Switched from soon to scry
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