I quite like it. I think if we hit the point where we wind up using it we're in deep trouble, just because this seems likely to escalate from here if we don't win.
oh certainly. its our last desperate one. narratively too it fits best as the last riddle. but its better to have a last ace in your sleeve and not need it, then not have any Ace and die cause you couldn't deal with him

that said, if he makes this one and maybe the next, its likely time to use it. I am not sure how many riddles we can make. given how those riddles go, we don't wanna stretch our wits and luck too far before we get one wrong
I think our final desperation move would be a riddle which is obvious, but forces Heklr to do disclosure if he answers it correctly. Kind of a "do you really want to blow us both up?" gambit.
he will likely refuse to accept it then and just kill us. we should likely only do it if we have no other choice at all. that trick riddle has a better chance of getting us out
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Fire eye'd when waking,
I set wise me to preparing,
and foolish boys to nattering.
Who am I?

The sky.

Red sky at morning, sailors take warning.
Also a dig a Bo, for his earlier behavior.
I think our final desperation move would be a riddle which is obvious, but forces Heklr to do disclosure if he answers it correctly. Kind of a "do you really want to blow us both up?" gambit.

I mean, Heklr doesn't have odr, and is also a Jotun. I really don't see trolls or giants doing anything to him - if there are even any in the area to begin with - given that Imperial said the Jotun are to the giants as the Aesir are to humans, not to mention how the Foemen would even be able to pursue a guy that seemingly lives underwater/can walk on water.

There's the Pursuer, I suppose, but I don't really know enough to say how he'd fare against it. But as it stands, Heklr doing the Disclosure feels like it'd be much more dangerous for us than it would be for him.
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Just checked the thread and discovered that we're deep in a riddle contest. I figured I'd throw my own hat in the ring. @DeadmanwalkingXI
One rightly hated
From a tale neither young nor old
Despite that a victor
Albeit perhaps by half of what's told
Who am I?

The Prodigal Son

The second line refers to the New Testament, where the parable originated. The first and third lines refer to the answer being one who found redemption, which really doesn't narrow it down all that much.

The fourth line is the key. Most tellings of the Prodigal Son have both the Dutiful Son and the Father forgiving the ungrateful sot. However, if you read closely you'll notice that only the latter offered forgiveness. Whether or not the former did as well is up for interpretation, despite most retellings being on the side of forgiveness.
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Riddle Duel Final
"I grow a fluffy beard but have no mouth,
No shield but stand in a phalanx with my kin,
Guarding the road of roads,
I am so weak a child can slay me,
Yet I can lift men and heavy stones,
Who am I?"

"The answer is branches, sticks, and all manner of tree limb," Heklr declares as confident as can be. "Branches of trees grow beards of leaf, sticks stand with their likewise unshielded kin, fences guard roads and are often made of sticks and twigs, twigs fall easily to the strength of children's fingers, ladders exist and are made of branches while sleds can lift stone to far away lands."

'We've got him.'

"Incorrect," you smile with a cocky crescent, "the answer is 'reeds'."

Heklr freezes. His face remains unchanging, his body stagnant as the chains of fate bind his limbs together.

Face blank with his voice flat and unnaturally direct, he looks you dead in the eye as the slightest spark of recognition passes behind them, "You've won and will go free this day, but the right of the strong is still mine to wield. You'll see me again, even if only at the end of days."

He turns on the spot and descends inexistent stairs into the seabird-filled waters below the ship.

As he vanishes beneath the waves, a faint sense of a woozy spell passes over you as you stumble. Your head pounds as you double over the lip of the ship. You taste breakfast again as your eyes screw shut.

By the time you recover, you find yourself the center of the universe—if the way that your men stare at you is anything to go by.

You try a smile. They try to return it.

You all fail.

(+40 Orthstirr)
(Heroic Feat: Dueled a Jotun in Riddling and Won. +9 Orthstirr a Year)
(Muna: Piercing the Veil. You pierced the veil covering Iceland, which means that you must have some kind of Seersight, right? Grants limited access to a type of Seersight)
Pick 1:
[ ] Scrysight: The ability to look far across and far beyond the lands of which you call home
[ ] Soonsight: The ability to see flashes of the future
[ ] Soulsight: The ability to read a soul like a book
[ ] Sundersight: The ability to look at something and gain an understanding of its weaknesses
[ ] Shroudsight: The ability to see through shrouds and disguises and all other kinds of lies


AN: Well would you look at that, you won ;P

Anyways, I suppose I get to read all the silly spoilers and decoy messages you folks have left for me.

No moratorium.
Well. Good job everyone.

Ominous parting words from a god, and interesting to learn that there is some sort of magical veil over Iceland. Also, that is some fat Orthstirr income.

Honestly for Halla, I feel like Sundersight is best. She's a Fighty Girl, so being able to Fight Gooder is useful.

[X] Sundersight: The ability to look at something and gain an understanding of its weaknesses
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[X] Sundersight: The ability to look at something and gain an understanding of its weaknesses

That's the one that really jumped out at me, yeah.
[X] Soonsight: The ability to see flashes of the future

precog sounds amazing, especially if the Enemy tries anything like the farm ambush again.
I know she just got a new kenning, but beating a Jotun at anything in front of a crowd has to have earned her another one.

[X] Sundersight: The ability to look at something and gain an understanding of its weaknesses
Holy shit Halla did insanely well, she managed to pull one over on a god. The Kenning she'll get from this will be epic.

[X] Soulsight: The ability to read a soul like a book
Seems like a great way to learn about people.
[ ] Sundersight: The ability to look at something and gain an understanding of its weaknesses
[ ] Soonsight: The ability to see flashes of the future

Mystic Eyes of Death or Sharingan
Honestly both would be pretty good for Halla

Edit: I was convinced
[X] Shroudsight: The ability to see through shrouds and disguises and all other kinds of lies
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[X] Soulsight: The ability to read a soul like a book
[X] Shroudsight: The ability to see through shrouds and disguises and all other kinds of lies
I like all of them
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[X] Soulsight: The ability to read a soul like a book
[X] Shroudsight: The ability to see through shrouds and disguises and all other kinds of lies
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[X] Soulsight: The ability to read a soul like a book
Seems like a great way to learn about people

I like the idea of Halla developing the same sight as Aki. She carries pieces of everyone she loves so why not this? :)
AN: Well would you look at that, you won ;P
What did your friends/family that you roped in for help think of the riddles?

[X] Shroudsight: The ability to see through shrouds and disguises and all other kinds of lies

Sunder sight makes it easier for us to hit harder but we can already learn how to do that, it just takes time. Getting a passive way to beat a variety of disguises and lies is much more powerful. To try and train that manually, we would need to train up at least a good half dozen different skills which still may not work against a unique enemy skill that is easy to break through once spotted but super hard to detect in the first place.