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Not only that we gain the "we attempted to talk to them" high ground.
I doubt America is going to even agknowledge us. And even if they did, they probably only gonna gin on along and very very a xenophobic and bigoted rant about us and communism.
If we were pre-CyPac, sure.

We're not just some irrelevant Chinese puppet anymore, we're a mover and shaker now. We may not be a first rate power like Germany or the USSR, but we're definitely in the "probably should pay attention to them" category.
1982 - H1 - Congress of Humanity - Before The Drop
-[X][CyPac Meeting] CyPac, the USSR, and possibly India will hash out a bunch of stuff ahead of time to present a united front. This would have been done back at the Lake Laogai Conference, so HC can probably skip it?
-[X][USSR Meeting] As above.
-[X][East Germany Meeting] Talk to East Germany to see if they've uncovered anything about the situation - it's long odds, but maybe there was a side lab or some records kept in East Germany before the Soviets captured it.
-[X][West Germany Meeting] West Germany, we must figure out what happened and what they plan to do? We're particularly interested in what they intend to do with all the ancillary bioscience - will they horde it for themselves, or will the medical technology be shared?
-[X][USA Meeting] See what their diplomats want out of this whole mess so we're not caught too off guard.
The air was far different here than in New York. Perhaps that wasn't that surprising, seeing as Onishi was in another country altogether, but it wasn't merely the taste and smell of the air around here; it was the charge and feel of it too. In the UN, there was an air of holier-than-thou mixed with the seriousness of it being a meeting place of all nations of the world. Here, in Germany? Less a meeting place where things would slowly meander in the ebb and flow of worldwide politics and more a conference that would decide things for humanity within the next week, even if people didn't act upon the things decided here. That governments weren't the only ones represented here didn't hurt the feeling of a bustling and charged conference either, as everything from religious representatives to NGOs mingled with politicians and reporters, the latter everywhere like a swarm of locusts.

Yet, for Onishi, those things were more akin to distractions, as she had meetings in large and private planned and crammed into every minute of the time before the Congress would begin in earnest to ensure no last-minute changes were needed for either her people's allies in the Cybernetic Pact or made by the side of the USSR. She had hoped to gain some time with the Indian representatives too, but they had been too busy dealing with various representatives of NATO and the US to do more than assure her that they would not suddenly decide to base American nukes out of their cities. However, sacrificing any free time had enabled her to secure several meetings with those the Great Leader had placed priority on so that they could plan for the future without having to stumble across what decisions would be made on their sides.

Her meeting with the East Germans had been...unusual, as they appeared tense and anxious from the start, though she could sense that they weren't all that happy that Guangchou had been the one able to rise on the geopolitical stage due to the breakthroughs in electronics and computers made from the discovered Laufpanzer program by Nazi Germany. She couldn't blame them for that, as it had been quite the upset, especially as it had led to the realization of automated centralized planning becoming ever more real and achievable within her lifetime. But the questions and probing regarding the Lupi had yielded little, as they had been aware that there had been a "Bio-Augmentation Program" that was being funded, yet believed it to be nothing more than one of the few dozen other Wunderwaffen projects being undertaken at the time and abandoned like all others. That the scraps of documents they had regarding it also talked about literally grafting parts of animals onto humans as one solution hadn't helped endear them to the idea that it was real or could ever be successful. Though they did share that they uncovered several more crimes against humanity done by the regime because of their efforts, nothing of technical worth was discovered.

The meeting with West Germany proved to be...she'd like to say condescending, but they acted far too cagey for it to be an intentional snub, especially as the duo meeting with her were made of politicians from Die Pinke Partei. Most of her questions regarding what had happened to even allow this to happen were reflected to the later portions of the Congress, as well as their plans on what would be done in the future, speaking about how "this is a highly complex topic that requires more than a few weeks of debate to adequately discuss." In other words, they were floundering and were having screaming matches behind closed doors when they didn't have public screaming matches in the open. But she did manage to get them to open up about the ancillary bioscience required to create the Lupi and their intentions regarding them. They weren't intending on hoarding the medical advancements made. The problem here wasn't any lacking willingness to share the progress made in nearly every field; the problem was that their experts had begun looking through the notes, documents, machinery, and experiments and returned with a clear-cut: "We do not even understand the tools they made to build the tools so that they could build the entire thing." West Germany didn't need to block any attempt to share the technology, not because they were confident that nobody else could use the information, but because they were in desperate need of aid to decipher and make sense of it themselves. An internationally overseen commission to work through the technologies wasn't exactly Onishi's dream or the solution she had hoped for. Still, any amount of bureaucratic-nightmare-stricken worldwide cooperation was better than a pure NATO/First World-based initiative that the people of the world would need to claw out of their vaults and grasp, scrap by scrap.

In contrast to her meetings with the two sides of Germany, her meeting with the diplomat sent by the USA was the direct opposite of politeness. Oh, sure, the man didn't say that "she was an immoral whore that dealt with demonic things, and she would burn in hellfire for all eternity for her sins against mankind and the glory of the One True God Mammon," but she could sense the bullshit and fake smile from a mile away. And she sat in the same room as him, no farther away than a few meters, so she was pretty confident that the veiled insults and utter blocking of a productive talk were intentional and only not said outright due to people likely watching him. So that was a bust.

AN: Interim update because of RL stress. Send help or a bullet, I'll accept both.
Damn it. Forgot to talk to the UK and France. Especially France given their thing is an independent foreign policy from the goals of the US and strategic autonomy and they have citizens nearby. (French polynesia)
Our tech does seem like it'd be helpful for that kind of thing. So I could see that being a viable option for sure.

The Human Genome project would benefit from supercomputer time and frankly an international commission would be good because there's a lot of good that can come out of the ancillary bioscience.

I've been thinking of building a biomedical research center, a sort of twin to Minxiang, when we have the actions free.
Still working on the update, so have a picture I found in the interwebs of what a healthy Lupus looks like, minus the claws/oversized hands, paint, glowing eyes, and no clothing.
(Btw, a human adult goes to just about under their shoulders.)
C: *is imagining that guy as, like, a librarian or something*
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