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oh these are WOLFpeople, heavy emphasis on the wolf part. i was picturing them as more typical anthro-wolves a lá furry style.
Still working on the update, so have a picture I found in the interwebs of what a healthy Lupus looks like, minus the claws/oversized hands, paint, glowing eyes, and no clothing.
(Btw, a human adult goes to just about under their shoulders.)
Embed works poorly due to cloudflare, had to go to pcgames de to see it. Still cool picture
Now that I think about it, has the sex market already responded to the Lupus demand (adapted condom) and the demand for Lupus (Lupus themed sex toy and porn)?
If not we could be the first in the breach and make a lot of money, we just have to find a way to make molds of Lupus genitals.
Embed works poorly due to cloudflare, had to go to pcgames de to see it. Still cool picture
Should be fixed now.
Now that I've done that... damn. Big wolf daddy yes yes.
Oh so it Monsterfucking with a capital M
Now that I think about it, has the sex market already responded to the Lupus demand (adapted condom) and the demand for Lupus (Lupus themed sex toy and porn)?
If not we could be the first in the breach and make a lot of money, we just have to find a way to make molds of Lupus genitals.
Least horny posters. :V

And I don't think wolf people qualify as "Monsterfucking" targets, you need to go to Mothra levels of monster to get somewhere.

As for the adaptation, not really in a way toward the Lupi, but a way toward the sapiens, in Guangchou far more than other places, especially in the demand for Lupi themed toys. A lot of assumptions are being made, especially for novels/comics dealing with Lupi/Sapien romance/one-nighters, but demand is unlikely to go down in the future.
CausalityCircle said:
I'd been imaging it as like people with dog ears for some reason, this is much better
Did...did half the thread not look at the picture I posted, at the end of the post where they appear and directly after? :???:
Durandal: You know, it's kind of a shame that all the battleroids on these ships are based on vanilla humans instead of something more suitable for this situation like say the Lupi, evidently the extra body volume allows it's designer to get ... creative with integrated systems.

Like, have you seen some of the schematics I dug up!? It looks like frigging Digimon cosplay, only those plasma casters are definitely not panted cardboard. Hell I even thought up a way to mitigate the crippling heat issues so it won't become a literal hot dog after a few seconds of firing, it involves ahh never mind the details of my flawless workaround will melt your brain like the vanilla ice cream that makes up most of its mass. I suggest you do something less mentally strenuous like say killing the Pfhor while I run some simulations to see how much time I can save if I had my Lupi battleroid.

I'm projecting it to be somewhere around very much and definitely.
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1982 - H1 - Congress of Humanity - The Story So Far
-[X] [Questions - Congress]
--[X] What's the history of the Nazi genetic engineering project?
--[X] How much effort (in terms of resources and person-hours) was used to create the Lupi?
--[X] By what process was the genetic engineering accomplished? Nobody has even mapped the human genome yet, for crying out loud.
--[X] What ancillary technologies and techniques were developed to make the process possible?
--[X] Why canines? Why hybridization? Why not just enhance human physiology directly?
--[X] How many Lupi are there?
--[X] Is West Germany going to guarantee them the same rights as all its human citizens?
The din of the auditorium was at once a deafening clamor of noise and yet oddly quiet for the several hundred people within, with hundreds more on the sidelines, above, and behind, camera crews and photographers jostling even now with journalists of all stripes for spots to document the conference. The global broadcasts began hours before the start of the conference and before the arrival of the politicians, soldiers, and scientists who would be answering the questions of the world and its people. Yet, that hadn't stopped hundreds from taking and giving interviews, what they thought would happen, giving calls to action for one position or another, and a thousand things more, some related to the topic at hand, yet most were not, as people used the opportunity to jostle on the geopolitical stage for deals, statements, and pushing their agendas in one way or another.

For Onishi Uma and her team, this chaos of pre-conference activities revolved around projecting the image of Guangchou as an emerging leader of electronic production and a bastion of sapient rights, alongside showcasing the vision of the nation for a better world united under social equality, scientific progress, and prosperity for all. It was hard to guess how many people would be swayed by their efforts, but if even one person was, she would book it as a success in her view; the Revolution never happened in one day, after all. Yet, it also meant that she had to field questions from predominantly Western journalists more concerned with the Iron Tigers than the social, scientific, and economic advantages brought to the countries that had joined together to form the Cybernetic Pact. Regrettably, especially those reporters from NATO countries, had begun simply calling the Iron Tigers "Mecha," an abbreviation of "Mechanized Armor."

That the new generation of the Iron Tigers was being called 'Steel Leopards' had probably not helped cement that name for the First World. Nonetheless, fielding those questions was second nature to her, as the Capitalist Nations somehow always found fault in the Communist ones sending people the means to free themselves but never even bothered to talk about or mention the various massacres and atrocities committed by capitalist forces in the name of capital.

Yet, all those hours before the conference spent talking had made the wait bearable until the whole thing would officially begin at precisely 13 o'clock. This led to Onishi sitting in her assigned seat, microphone before her, and various attaches surrounding her with a multitude of documents and papers everywhere in controlled and organized chaos, as several dozen people walked onto the stage, among them President Karl Carstens, Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, and the Minister of Defence Hans Apel, followed by a gaggle of scientists and other people Onishi could only recall due to the various papers and photographs depicting them being given to her when she had arrived. Then, the flash and noise of cameras began to rev up as people started to quiet down, eager to receive answers to a thousand different questions, and the conference started in earnest.

Dr. Ludwig Steiner stood before the assembled mass of political power and journalistic might, the most collected concentration of hard and soft power he had ever had to stand in front of, and he could only look back at his twenty-three-year-old self standing before five professors as he defended himself and his work, thinking that this would likely be the most stressful day in his entire life. Oh, how wrong he was, and how good those days were, because this? This was decidedly the third most stressful day in his life. The first was racing his daughter to the hospital when she had impaled herself on a knitting needle when she was four, and the second would either be when he gave his wife the yes, or when he stood before a Lupus for the first time. He hadn't decided yet, and he was sure that if he made the wrong one, his wife would add another day to this consideration.

Taking a breath, Ludwig began the conference with his role in the play after all the necessary showmanship had been done, starting the entire thing by beginning at the start of it all. Or the beginning they had been able to uncover, the "scientists" in the complex had been less than forthright with information, and more than one had done their best to destroy what they could, if not in machinery, then physical documentation.

With the hum of a projector somewhere above him, he began as pictures and documents began to be projected onto the wall behind him, high enough to be seen but not high enough that he couldn't point at things he needed to point at.

"As far as we know," he began to the murmur of the entire too-full room, the attention of a suggested two to three billion people now listening to his words, with far fewer looking at the photograph behind him depicting seventeen men with the caption: '1874.' "This project pre-dates the Nazi regime by at least half a century, proven by various records and photographs recovered from the laboratory, with an unknown amount of time being worked on before 1874, this one depicting the earliest form of the group who would eventually create the Lupi. They called themselves 'The Society of Biological Rationalism,' founded on the principle of studying human biology to dispel myths, pre-conceptions, and 'the irrational superstition of race' that, ironically, led to them publishing a letter that utterly rejected the then popular and accepted notions of human biology, calling the assumption that African people felt less pain utterly ridiculous, that Jewish people were the masterminds behind a world-wide conspiracy laughable alongside several dozen other theories they dragged through the mud as they should," Ludwig spoke, ignoring the look an aide gave him to keep him on topic. With a click, the picture behind him changed to the document; what burned snippets had survived with highlighted portions. "It shouldn't be surprising that this letter was ignored, despite the surprisingly thorough and detailed notes published alongside them. Details and documentation regarding the next twenty years are very spotty, not helped by the destructive actions taken by the "scientists," he couldn't help himself and sneered at the notion of considering these men as men of science "when the army moved to capture them and liberate their works. The group's focus had floundered after the failure of establishing themselves in the scientific consensus, with some leaving and others entering the group over the years. Yet, one member joined the group in 1886, which would see them walk down the road to the creation of the Wolfsmenschen."

With a click, the projector changed to show a young man, between his waning twenties and early thirties, with slicked-back black hair, no beard, and an elaborate monocle over his left eye. Beside him stood another version of the same man, with '1939' under the picture, near ancient and with grey hair. "This man has only ever been identified as "Dr. Schugel," a moniker that we have yet to confirm, as no documentation regarding the man, or his doctorate, exists. Perhaps time or effort has managed to cover his past, but what is important is that he entered the society with a thesis focused on the benefits and potential usages of "grafting" various species together to create viable hybrids." With another click, another slide showed various plants that bore different fruit on opposing sides, flowers with multi-colored and shaped petals, and trees of diverse species mixed into one, growing taller in a series of photographs. "Initially, this practice was focused on the botanical side, mainly for the various benefits the combination and hybridization of crops could achieve, with an eye toward greater prosperity for humanity by eliminating hunger." More slides followed as Ludwig spoke, images of crops changing followed by sketches of imagined endproducts of the effort, each fantastical yet surprisingly grounded in their aim. "While his research showed promise, he stopped pursuing this ambition in 1893, on the 7th of August; his recovered diary revealed that he had a "prophetic dream" regarding the future."

The projector clicked again, and the hall erupted in murmuring, hundreds of people looking at the sketches behind Ludwig in surprise. He couldn't fault them, as they were shockingly similar to how the Lupi looked, if more bestial and more...unrefined, he guessed was the right word. Alongside them were more sketches showing plans or ideas regarding more hybridizations; these focused on multi-limbed humans, with other, more muscular or shaped individuals besides the depicted Wolfsmensch.

"At this point," Ludwig continued into the still ongoing murmur,
several people having already pressed the buttons to be allowed to speak. He ignored them as he had been instructed to do; they would either have their questions answered within his presentation or be able to ask any follow-up questions afterward. "The mental health of this Dr.Schugel begins to deteriorate if his diary can be believed, as he began to turn the society he had entered to help humanity into nothing more than a bank and shield for his sudden obsession, acquiring animal corpses and living specimens by the dozens, then hundreds, finding assistants and people that were brought into the fold of the subverted society, and who themselves committed nauseating experiments in their newly acquired goal of grafting not merely plants, but animals together. Unsurprisingly, these efforts were abysmal failures, with any attempt at performing any successful xenografting procedure ending at either the total rejection of the attached limbs or the eventual death of the tortured animals as their new non-functional "limbs" began to turn necrotic."

Pictures followed as Ludwig talked, turning the hall into a lightning storm in miniature, image after image depicting the madman's torture victims in detail, living, dead, vivisected, dissected, reassembled, attached to electrodes, every possible way one could commit sins against innocent beings in the name of progress. And those were the sane ones; Ludwig had seen all the evidence found and hadn't eaten any meat since then. If there had been any party in Germany that wanted to outlaw all meat consumption, they would have had his vote had they had an election that month.

"Yet, their efforts weren't for naught, as they managed to rapidly progress biology, discovering basic blood types in 1898, fully mapping them in 1901, alongside fully mapping their human counterparts in 1902, before they would make another discovery a year after they ceased their fully animal-only experiments." This time, the hall stood silent momentarily as the following picture showed a colored sketching of a helix every person knew, annotations scribbled densely on the edges of the image, some highlighted and put underneath. 'Building blocks of life?' Was Miescher beyond even us?' 'STUDY IMMEDIATELY!!!' 'Create better detection methods as soon as possible!' 'How were we so blind?!' Some groups were now talking among themselves, a few even loudly asking questions into the hall. Ludwig ignored them, preparing to drop the bomb that would turn the hall into pure chaos. "The discovery of the connection of DNA as a building block and blueprint of all life changed their entire method, away from life trials with surgery, to attempts at manipulating, changing, and altering DNA itself at a base level, alongside studying and mapping it fully." Ludwig took a breath, a momentary pause in time, several seconds stretching into eternity for the world. Then he opened his mouth and shattered the illusion.

"They would broadly succeed in that goal in 1936-" There was no silence anymore. Everyone was shouting now, from politicians to scientists, with journalists and reporters talking over themselves to be the first to deliver that news to humanity. At the same time, Ludwig stood, unmoving and unfaced by the sharp verbal assault suddenly directed at him.

It took President Karl Carstens and Chancellor Helmut Schmidt several minutes to calm the gathered people down, promising that all questions would be answered in time if only people would listen first and ask later once they had been given the information necessary to understand everything in the broadest sense. Then, finally, when adequate silence returned, both men looked at Ludwig and nodded, giving the metaphorical reigns back to him.

"As I said, They would broadly," he deliberately emphasized the word broadly, "succeed in that goal in 1936. With the help of a machine and process created by the French biologist Philippe Baillieu, they managed to alter the coat of a mouse from white to a riot of neon colors," the click echoed in the hall, showing the mouse, now immortalized before the press of an entire planet, nibbling on a strawberry, "after it had been born. Then, using the 'Baillieu Scissors,' this success of gene editing was used to perform the next step: acquire funding...and subjects." He paused for a second, taking another shaky breath. This part had sickened him. All that, just because... "They approached the Nazis with their technology, securing an audience with Hitler. What we know of their conversation is that they promised him a German population free of disease, of ailments derived from age, and the creation of the Übermenschen he so desired, all according to his designs. He accepted."

The slide clicked again, showing several men in coats alongside Nazi officers and Hitler himself shaking hands with Schugel. Notes annotate the others, though they were dead, in the USA, USSR, or rotting in prison for all eternity. Underneath the picture, another notation showed '1936 - Baubeginn von Installation Kruskos.'

"The projected resources poured into this project cumulate to an estimated 18% of Germany's then yearly GDP of industrial products in the first three years, dropping to less than 4% in 1945. What we know of their research efforts at that time focuses on human experimentation on unwilling participants, mainly political dissenters. However, Jews, Romani, Homosexuals, and other people who would otherwise be sent to concentration and extermination camps were also included. The images from the experiments and plain torture they subjected these people to were not deemed safe for release, as they are nightmare-inducing, caused two suicides from those assigned to identify those depicted in them so their families may be given a chance at peace, tenuous as it now may be, and are vile in the extreme. Those who still wish to review them can request a full copy of all pictures recovered from my colleagues at the end of the conference; you cannot miss them; they will receive your requests at a marked stand."

Ludwig paused here, taking a quick few sips of water before continuing. "Some of you may have realized that the creation of Übermenschen does not require them to be covered in fur or mixed with clearly canine DNA. The reason for that is simple: Schugel and his now-called 'Sonderkommando Untermensch,' named so to confuse enemy spies in the event of detection, were nothing more than a way to acquire the means by which they could achieve their actual goal: the creation of a new human species. What little they managed to accomplish in the time before the fall of the Nazi Regime was nothing more than corpses and seven unviable hybrids sent as a demonstration forced by Hitler in 1943 onto the island of Utisra off the coast of Norway, which had been liberated by a resistance movement. Unfortunately, there are no documents regarding the outcome, the fate of the seven hybrids, or the resistance members. Even the Norway government has no records of the event, with investigations on Utisra still underway."

"When the Nazi Regime fell, Installation Kruskos remained a secret due to the group's effort, burning and deliberately bombing what archives they knew held actionable data of their existence, with further disinformation seeded to obfuscate their location. An effort that succeeded, as nobody knew they existed until 1977." A rumble of shouted questions rang through the hall at that admission, questions studiously ignored by the panel of people facing what could realistically be called the judgment of humanity. "During the time from the end of the Nazi Regime and until the storming of the Installation, the scientists working within managed to, over the decades, perfect their methods, leading to them decanting the second generation of Homo Lupus before they were permanently shut down a few years later. This generation, the second, took them several years to create, as the first one is utterly sterile," Luwdig spoke over the growing din, unfazed and somewhat drained by the memories of learning all this in the first place, now out in the open for all to see. "An escaping defector managed to alert the authorities to the existence of this group, alongside details of their detainment methods, leading to the hesitation to stop them when they were uncovered, as any attempt to storm the facility could have resulted in a second, but this time utterly permanent genocide perpetuated by the German people, unwilling as it may be, due to the scientists choosing to destroy the Wolfsmenschen capable of reproduction, as they had planned to do to the first to harvest genetic and biological data for a third generation. And that is the truth as we know it," he finished, sitting down again.

"You may now ask questions," the Chancellor spoke, and the hall erupted into utter chaos.

It took nearly half an hour after the presentation to begin having any semblance of order; people screaming over themselves, arguing, threatening, and generally doing everything but reacting and acting in a manner befitting the history they were writing. Still, Onishi mused that perhaps that was precisely the reaction they should have and the one she should have. Instead, she just...stopped. It was too much to take in, too many things to suddenly rearrange inside her head, too many sharp turns in history, and too many whiplashes for her to accommodate...but she managed to unfreeze herself from her internal crisis when order returned, and questions began being fielded.

Naturally, Onishi had already indicated that she had questions, but she had no doubt that she would need to wait until hers were answered; political considerations alone enforced that, but the wait ensured that she could right herself and project the image she needed to project. It also struck several dozen questions for this panel from her list, the big ones answered in the presentation, alongside smaller ones she had been given or asked herself over the years, such as the projected lifespan of the Lupi (unknown, but thought to be similar to sapiens), their diets (human-like, but with a higher amount to accommodate their bigger bodies), psychology (as human-like as they could determine. Onishi wondered if they were complimenting themselves with that question, or the Lupi), and some more, until she was allowed to speak.

"I only have two questions left that haven't been asked and answered by others before me," she began, knowing that her words would echo down history, even if only in dissertations of students studying this period. "Those are: How many Lupi are there? And will you guarantee them the same rights as all your citizens?"

To her surprise, Chancellor Helmut Schmidt answered and not the President. "There are 984 Wolfsmenschen that we know of in Germany as of the latest counting. 78 are sterile First Generation, and 906 are of the Second Generation. Furthermore, the Second Generation has 468 females and 438 males. As to your second question," he spoke, folding his hands as he looked into her eyes before looking into the room. "Article 1, Paragraph 1 of our Constitution: Human Dignity Shall Be Inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority. They are people, crafted or not, and they shall be safeguarded by the full force of our country's laws and its armed forces." A murmured hush fell over everyone as the implied threat and open declaration once more spoken ran through everyone before yet more questions were fielded and answered for the rest of the day, and the day after, until all had had their turn, with even select media fielding questions. But all that didn't matter when the fifth day since Onishi had arrived rolled around.

This time, the Lupi would answer questions directly.

Their appearance was...Onishi didn't know how to describe it; words seemed to fail the sight before her. They were...different than she had thought, yet so heart-wrenchingly familiar in a way that she couldn't begin to grasp, their motion and behavior so human-like yet subtly off in a way that neither seemed threatening nor indicative of abuse as she had thought it would be. And, under an utterly silent mass of spectators, the female one walked up and began to speak.

"Hello," she said in the voice of a young woman no older than twenty, "this is Markus," she continued, gesturing to her male counterpart, "and I am Tanya. A pleasure to meet you. We are here to answer your questions."
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It's full blown Schugel. I fully expect Guangchou to finish off the quest by vanquishing Being X.
So like, the higher ups in Guangchou know that that something is UP with all this right?

First it was the knowledge that went into the Iron Tigers, and now full on genetic engineering? And both were literally decades ahead of time.

The only thing that could be going through Jungmin's head right now is, "There is no way this happened naturally."

This will of course leave people wondering whether Schugel's 'prophetic dream,' actually was one. And looking through whatever files they have on if it had occurred twice.
Yeah you're proudly right, since if it was really Tanya she would have liberated the lupi a lot sooner because she wanted an easy life and not as a test subject.

Tanya would have tried only if she had a significant advantage. Maybe she was reincarnated without magic and being "1 among equals" ability wise does not help when you grow up basically in total slavery as an experimental material, maybe you are even a Trojan Horse somehow just by unidentifyable genetic failsafes since nobody knows how they work, well nobody who will talk in any case.

And that is the truth as we know it," he finished, sitting down again.

Thats the point, they do not know if future consequences involve a kind of pollution of the genepool of the whole of humanity somehow, cutting of many different paths when they leave their cradle in the future!

Conclusion: They have to find out whats going in that DNA asap and reassure everyone they do all they can to save the New-Humans from radical elements from all sides while researching their Samples to find out if something is hidden that could hurt everyone.

Let the SuperComputer crunch the shit out of it, North Korea, Future savior of the New Humans through Superior Computationalpower :D

Also a nice holy mission for the "state religion" or how the Big Players would coin it "the opium for the masses". Save the victims of mad scientists who tried to do good and ended up being evil by being expedient and led by 1 madman out of control.
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They called themselves 'The Society of Biological Rationalism,' founded on the principle of studying human biology to dispel myths, pre-conceptions, and 'the irrational superstition of race' that, ironically, led to them publishing a letter that utterly rejected the then popular and accepted notions of human biology, calling the assumption ... that the Jewish people were the masterminds behind a world-wide conspiracy laughable...
In all fairness this was something plenty of people already knew; even many anti-Semites didn't think for a moment that there was a worldwide Jewish conspiracy. Especially since this predates The Protocols of The Elders of Zion being forged by the Czars. I'm not sure there even was widespread belief in a global Jewish conspiracy before the Czars made it up.

This time, the hall stood silent momentarily as the following picture showed a grainy photograph of a helix every person knew, annotations scribbled densely on the edges of the image, some highlighted and put underneath. 'Building blocks of life?' Was Miescher beyond even us?' 'STUDY IMMEDIATELY!!!' 'Create better microscopes as soon as possible!' 'How were we so blind?!' Some groups were now talking among themselves, a few even loudly asking questions into the hall.
Among them, how the hell did they manage that? The shape of DNA isn't something you can work out with an optical microscope; molecules don't hold still and are shorter than the wavelengths of light you'd use to study them with. This would have taken either Herr Doktor Madscientist having another "it was revealed to me in a dream" moment, or the society making a rather ahistorical pivot from surgical and anatomical studies to X-ray diffraction techniques in molecular physics and chemistry, two quite disparate fields with no overlapping skill sets.

My money's on an "it was revealed to me in a dream," followed by directed research.

"The projected resources poured into this project cumulate to an estimated 18% of Germany's then yearly GDP of industrial products in the first three years, dropping to less than 4% in 1945.
[eyebrows rise]

That's enough extra to materially impact the war. Especially given how much of Germany's initial advantages depended on an early war mobilization effort giving them full-scale industrial production of weapons their enemies were still spooling up production of in 1939.

It took nearly half an hour after the presentation to begin having any semblance of order; people screaming over themselves, arguing, threatening, and generally doing everything but reacting and acting in a manner befitting the history they were writing. Still, Onishi mused that perhaps that was precisely the reaction they should have and the one she should have. Instead, she just...stopped. It was too much to take in, too many things to suddenly rearrange inside her head, too many sharp turns in history, and too many whiplashes for her to accommodate...but she managed to unfreeze herself from her internal crisis when order returned, and questions began being fielded.
Honestly I think the 'freeze' reaction is probably better, if only because it makes it a lot easier for people to ask the ones who already have the information for more information, instead of deciding what they're going to do first and then getting mad at reality for disagreeing with them about the likely results. :p
In all fairness this was something plenty of people already knew; even many anti-Semites didn't think for a moment that there was a worldwide Jewish conspiracy.
TBF, they are using it to make fun of people, a la "If you think X about Y, then you likely believe Z too, you dumb hick!"
Simon_Jester said:
Among them, how the hell did they manage that?
That's a leftover from an editing pass, it should be a sketch. Will edit it once I am back home.
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