Voting is open
Also I just thought of something, how much did China actually influence us before dying?
I only came in a few turns ago, but the impression I got is that it's less direct influence and more the constant understanding that our survival depended on China liking us, so we could never deviate from the Chinese program in ways they cared about. That's less of a concern now that we have CyPac and the Soviet nuclear umbrella, but having a non-hostile China remains a critical foreign policy requirement that out of necessity will colour everything we do.

I mean, we're about to embark on a land war in Asia for crying out loud. That's about as far from the things we actually want to do as possible, but we cannot afford for China to not like us, so we're going to have to suck it up and prop up the warlord we like instead of allowing the country to collapse properly and be free to be the top Comintern dog.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Apr 24, 2023 at 2:52 PM, finished with 31 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Managing Expectations
    -[X] Infrastructure
    --[X] Found the Ouvry (+3 Reputation) (Bonus: + 1 PttF = +1 Total)
    -[X] Light Industry
    --[X] Pharmaceuticals Plant (+2 Reputation) (Bonus: + 2 Focus + 1 PttF = +3 Total)
    --[X] Expand Medical Imaging Plant (+0 Rep) (Bonus: +2 Electronics + 2 Focus + 1 PttF = +5 Total)
    --[X] Auto-Serology (+0 Rep) (Bonus: + 2 Electronics + 1 Automation + 2 Focus + 1 PttF = +6 Total)
    -[X] Generic Appliance Factory (+2 Reputation)
    -[X] Agri-, And Aquaculture
    --[X] Expand Crop Breeding Programs (+4 Reputation) (Helpful) (Bonus: +1 PffF = +1 Total)
    -[X] Political
    --[X] Healthcare Reform (Sub-Vote) (-7 Reputation) (-9 People's Opinion) (Bonus: + 2 Focus + 1 PttF = +3 Total)
    --[X] Brain Drain Time! (+4 Reputation)
    ---[X] Thailand (Easy - +5 Reputation if successful)
    -[X] Secret Projects
    --[X] Develop Native Supercomputer (Mega-Project - 3/3 Actions) (-8 Reputation) (-6 People's Opinion) (Bonus: +2 Electronics + 2 Focus + 1 PttF = +5 Total)
    -[X] CyPac
    --[X] Military Intervention - Benin (Optional: Volunteer Forces) (+2 Reputation)
    ---[X] Optional: Dispatch forces.
    --[X] Military Intervention - West Saharah (Optional: Volunteer Forces) (+2 Reputation)
    -[X] Wei Jungming - (RP)
    --[X] Personal Action: PRESENTATION!
    --[X] Personal Action: You need more friends, loser.
    --[X] Lover Action: Go trekking with your wife in the beautiful wild environment of guangchou.
    [X] China: Secure, Contain, Protect
    [X] Commiewood:Greeting Dish
    [X] Plan: the quest for fun
    [X] Infrastructure
    -[X] Build A Monument Within The Capital
    --[X] A Natural Park/Space/Building (Sub-Turns) (+/-??? Reputation/People's Opinion)
    ---[X] Permaculture Gardens - Mixed-use agricultural/recreational spaces that yield both local produce for the city's population and pleasant spaces to relax and take in nature.
    -[X] Create New Housing (Helpful)
    --[X] Use Large-Scale Energy Efficient Housing (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion) (+2 Reputation)
    -[X] Improve Medical Infrastructure (Helpful) (-3 Reputation)
    -[X] Durable Goods Libraries (-2 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
    -[X] (WRITE-IN)Ask your researcher to look for methods to help people with reduced mobility/perception by adapting the infrastructure or by means of tools that would be provided to them.
    [X] Light Industry
    [X] Pharmaceuticals Plant (+2 Reputation)
    [X] Social
    -[X] Vaccination Campaign (Disease - malaria) (Extremely Helpful)
    --[X] Native Production And Doctors (-5 Reputation)
    -[X] Begin Public Sanitation Programs (Helpful)
    -[X] Rationalize the Language (Mega-Project - 0/5 Actions) (+2 Chinese Opinion) (-5 People's Opinion)
    [X] Political
    -[X] Leader Pushed Developments
    --[X] Create a Commission for the Upkeep and Conservation of Guangchou's Natural Spaces anf Habitats for the Workers Health and Enjoyment (Helpful) (-1 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
    -[X] Populists & Internationalists
    --[X] (Gay) Immigration Propaganda (-3 Reputation) (-1 Chinese Opinion)
    --[X] Brain Drain Time! (+4 Reputation)
    ---[X] Thailand (Easy - +5 Reputation if successful)
    -[X] CyPac
    -[X] Military Intervention - Mozambique (Optional: Volunteer Forces) (+2 Reputation)
    -[X] Fuck The US of Middle North A - Cuba (Trade and Aid) (+4 Reputation)
    -[X] Fuck The US of Middle North A - Nicaragua (Show the world what the US is sponsoring) (+7 Reputation)
    -[X] Economic Cooperation - Tanzania (Promised Industrial Aid)
    -[X] Wei Jungming - (RP)
    --[X] Personal Action:Create your with your advisers and apply a personalized learning program for you.
    --[X] Personal Action:Go sailing on a boat along the coast and in the bay with your family to fish, scuba dive, learn to sail and have fun.
    --[X] Lover Action: Go trekking with your wife in the beautiful wild environment of guangchou.
    [X] China: Secure, Contain, Protect
    -[X] Loyalist areas of operation will be covertly fortified ahead of time and staffed by reliable personnel.
    -[X] Representatives will be sent to Tibet to negotiate for its support of the Loyalist cause in exchange for post-war independence (and generous developmental aid from CyPac).
    -[X] A few squadrons of Anatas plus a few Taos will be moved to Vietnam ahead of time on 'training exercises' for CyPac.
    -[X] The Chinese fleet moored in Guangchou will be resupplied for interdiction of sea based smuggling routes and shore support.
    -[X] When the balloon goes up, the Guang and Soviet air forces will move in from the north, east, and south and shoot down every enemy plane they come across. They have the technological edge here, and establishing air dominance will be a huge boost to the effectiveness of the allied forces assisting the Loyalists.
    -[X] A no fly zone will be established that will make it harder to smuggle shit into the country by air. Patrolled by Soviet and Guang aircraft on the coast once the initial air campaign winds down, with the aid of our AEW&C aircraft.
    -[X] Soviet armored columns will reinforce loyalist forces on the ground, providing the bulk of the infantry, tanks, and IFVs.
    -[X] Guangchou will provide combined arms IT units for use in urban and hazardous terrain and logistic support.
    -[X] The first priority of the ground campaign is to secure the coastline in order to make smuggling supplies by sea more difficult and hopefully degrade the logistics of the NLA and Warlord forces in the interior.
    -[X] The second priority will be to seize and maintain control over key industrial and agricultural sites to both fuel the loyalist war effort as well as minimize the humanitarian crisis.
    -[X] The bulk of Guanghou's contribution of non-IT military personnel will go towards securing and maintaining refugee camps for those displaced by the fighting. The language is closer to Mandarin so they'll have an easier time of this than the Soviets.
    -[X] Vietnamese forces will move to reinforce Loyalist forces in Yunnan province, where their experience in guerilla warfare will hopefully be useful to closing off the Burma road which is absolutely going to be used to try to smuggle weapons and equipment to the NLA and Warlords in order to prolong the conflict.
    -[X] The overall allied strategy is to prevent foreign influences from prolonging the conflict, and supply loyalist forces so they end up as the last ones standing. Securing the peace will take some serious work later, but that can wait until the war is won.
1982 - H1 - Congress of Humanity - Arrival
[X] Plan: Inhumanism
-[X] [Who will be sent?] Onishi Uma & Co.

-[X] [Meet-Up] CyPac/USSR/(India?), East Germany, West Germany, USA
The first impression in Germany Onishi Uma got was that, despite it being talked up by everyone and her wife included, the Mile High Club wasn't anything to write home about. Way too cramped. She preferred space to actually move and do things that weren't guaranteed to end with her muscles cramping and making her feel like she had to put in thrice the effort for half the effects. And they needed to be silent too. That ruined things a bit for her. What are you even doing if you don't get a noise complaint the morning after? Certainly not-

Moving on.

The first impression of Germany Onishi got (that was actually relevant to the country) was that you could say what you wanted; when the Germans did something, they certainly didn't half-ass any of it. Ever since touching down, she had been figuratively drowning in a sea of security and police personnel, hundreds of the uniformed officials securing everything in the airport alone, a speculated two-thousand standing guard and keeping the various protestors, visitors, and sight-seers from simply charging at the highest echelons of humanity arriving to meet in a meeting that would chart a path forward for not one, but two species now conjoined in fate and home alike.

It was also a testament to the Germans that they managed to pull this kind of event off within a mere two years after the reveal of the Lupi. Organizationally, that pace was glacial for something of that magnitude; politically, though? Blindingly fast, almost enough to induce whiplash in those politicians more used to even the simplest tasks taking months to be completed, not to speak about any vote in the UN usually taking place a whole year during which it was being thoroughly debated.

Though, in the end, all that didn't matter all that much to Onishi, as her wife and she had gotten a place to sleep, a schedule to roughly keep to, and a way to communicate the current happenings back home and receive instructions if something had changed. For the love of her life, this meant a whole week of being able to tour Germany at her leisure, incognito, and kept safe by bodyguards. For Onishi, it meant she had two days before the Congress would start in earnest, days she intended to use to their fullest. It also meant that she would then have two days of mind-shattering revelations happening, first by a panel of scientists, soldiers, diplomats, and dignitaries (alongside Chancellor Helmut Schmidt) answering questions about the whole...well, absolute clusterfuck that was the entire situation, while informing them about the finer details. And all that would then be topped off by multiple Lupi being also there to answer any questions from the world and humanity.

Onishi Uma glanced at the thick folder packed with microscopic writing that contained all the questions she had been ordered to ask, both the panel and the Lupi, before sighing as she looked at the other, much thicker, folder that held her orders for the first two days. She would have all her hands full talking to all the various dignitaries, diplomats, and assorted people of interest, wasn't she?

Then again, only a few meetings would be of interest to others and to history. Her conferences with the diplomats of the CyPac, the USSR, East and West Germany, and the USA would be the ones remembered, for they were the ones that captured one's imagination.

Onishi Meets The World
[][CyPac Meeting] (Write-In: What do you want to do/achieve/ask/hash out?)
[][USSR Meeting] (Write-In: What do you want to do/achieve/ask/hash out?)
[][East Germany Meeting] (Write-In: What do you want to do/achieve/ask/hash out?)
[][West Germany Meeting] (Write-In: What do you want to do/achieve/ask/hash out?)
[][USA Meeting] (Write-In: What do you want to do/achieve/ask/hash out?)

AN: I sat before a blank page for nearly two weeks due to the utterly cold opening with little to write on you gave me. Suffer as I have and give me something to work with, won't ya?!

PS: I'll also be moving apartments on the 16th of next month, so expect drastic update slowdowns around that time.
Moving sucks. Hope it goes pretty painlessly for you.

So, here's the original plan for reference:
[X] Plan: Inhumanism
-[X] [Who will be sent?] Onishi Uma & Co.

She did a good job with the Iwo Jima, and I want to see more of her.
Obviously we'd send along a retinue of lawyers, biologists, ethicists, etc.

-[X] [Meet-Up] CyPac/USSR/(India?), East Germany, West Germany, USA

I don't want to overwhelm HC, so I'm limiting the number of folks we talk to.
First off, CyPac, the USSR, and possibly India (I think they're likely to stick with the Reds, but we won't get to that until the China part of Laogai) are gonna hash out a bunch of stuff ahead of time in order to present a united front.

We're also going to talk to East Germany to see if they've been able to uncover anything about the situation - it's long odds, but maybe there was a side lab or some records kept in East Germany before the Soviets captured it.

West Germany we have to sound out on what happened and what they plan to do? We're particularly interested in what they intend to do with all the ancillary bioscience - are they going to horde it for themselves, or is the medical technology going to be shared?

The USA I mostly want to talk to to see what their diplomats want out of this whole mess, so that we're not caught too off guard.

-[X] [Questions - Congress]
--[X] What's the history of the Nazi genetic engineering project?
--[X] How much effort (in terms of resources and man hours) was used to create the wolf people?
--[X] By what process was the genetic enegineering accomplished? Nobody has even mapped the human genome yet, for crying out loud.
--[X] What ancillary technologies and techniques were developed to make the process possible?
--[X] Why canines? Why the hybridization? Why not just enhance human physiology directly?
--[X] How many Wolfsmen (this is shorter, I'm using this) are there?
--[X] Is West Germany going to guarantee them the same rights as all its human citizens?

-[X] [Questions - Wolfsmenschen]
--[X] What was their life growing up?
--[X] What do they think about the world they've entered into? What about the world have they been exposed too?
--[X] What do they (or at least the representatives present) want out of all this? What justice, what reparations? How can we help you right now?

Ok, other people suggest some questions here.

-[X] [Are Homo Lupus Human?]
--[X] That is the wrong question. The better question is: why does it matter?

Why should they be human? What right does this assembly have to decide what is and is not worthy of dignity and respect, like some Victorian aristocrat-scholar measuring skulls? Because that's what this definition is really about: drawing lines in the sand and saying that you're not a person if you don't fit our expectations.
What if we create sapient computer programs? Or little green men from space come by to say hi? Or humpback whales turn out to be sapient? Are we gonna have a little skull measuring party every time a new form of sapient life comes around?

To quote Amorous Intent:

>> If we do not exclude the inhuman, transhumanists say, they in their alien mindsets will visit upon us such horrors that have never been seen by white man, only perpetrated by him.

This line fucking slaps.

-[X] [Ban/Condem Sapient Gene Creation]
--[X] No, genetic engineering is a tool that can be used for tremendous good - this attempt to ban the technology is nothing but another attempt to enclose and restrict the means of production in order to maintain the status quo as it serves those already in power.

PS. HC, I am going to have to reach for the spray bottle if you're saying that something like Homo Lupus is repeatable without an absolutely hilarious, multiple-Manhattan-project sized investments into genetic research. I am willing to suspend suspension of disbelief through a combination of Setting Weirdness, luck so good it counts as divine intervention, and the sort of war crimey research we can expect from the Third Reich, but anything more is too much.

[][CyPac Meeting] (Write-In: What do you want to do/achieve/ask/hash out?)
Hmmm. We got a decent human rights agreement here didn't we? Or are least, not something super regressive. We want to make sure that we're on the same page so far as the why does it matter if someone is human or not line. Real important that we can have a United front here imo.
[][USSR Meeting] (Write-In: What do you want to do/achieve/ask/hash out?)
Want to make sure that they're not going to oppose our agenda? Not sure how on board they're going to be. The ussr is pretty Russian/imperialist, and racial tension is just as much of a problem there as it is in the us, right? Only in a more siloed off way with the internal republics. Feel like in that context we can probably get them to at least not oppose us on the grounds that it will probably annoy the us.
[][East Germany Meeting] (Write-In: What do you want to do/achieve/ask/hash out?)
Want to figure out if they have any awareness of this, i guess?
[][West Germany Meeting] (Write-In: What do you want to do/achieve/ask/hash out?)
Figure out how willing they are to sell/make open the tech involved? What public opinion is like internally etc.
[][USA Meeting] (Write-In: What do you want to do/achieve/ask/hash out?)
Want to figure out how fucked Reagan's stance is on this.
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[][West Germany Meeting] (Write-In: What do you want to do/achieve/ask/hash out?)
Figure out how willing they are to sell/make open the tech involved? What public opinion is like internally etc.
Is this question going to be what it would take to acquire the tech, or whether they have any intention to sell it?
Because I don't think we are going to find much use for creating new species.
Is this question going to be what it would take to acquire the tech, or whether they have any intention to sell it?
Because I don't think we are going to find much use for creating new species.
Of plant/fish though. Gmo crops could help with our foods security issues
They've somehow done... something to affect major genetic alterations. That tech is valuable for a whole slew of applications. We can make yellow rice, engineered yeast for hormone production, exo-woumbs, possibly even lab grown organs depending on how good at stem cell stuff they got.

AN: I sat before a blank page for nearly two weeks due to the utterly cold opening with little to write on you gave me. Suffer as I have and give me something to work with, won't ya?!

PS: I'll also be moving apartments on the 16th of next month, so expect drastic update slowdowns around that time.

I don't want to overwhelm HC, so I'm limiting the number of folks we talk to.
First off, CyPac, the USSR, and possibly India (I think they're likely to stick with the Reds, but we won't get to that until the China part of Laogai) are gonna hash out a bunch of stuff ahead of time in order to present a united front.
We're also going to talk to East Germany to see if they've been able to uncover anything about the situation - it's long odds, but maybe there was a side lab or some records kept in East Germany before the Soviets captured it.
West Germany we have to sound out on what happened and what they plan to do? We're particularly interested in what they intend to do with all the ancillary bioscience - are they going to horde it for themselves, or is the medical technology going to be shared?
The USA I mostly want to talk to to see what their diplomats want out of this whole mess, so that we're not caught too off guard.
Moving sucks. Hope it goes pretty painlessly for you.

So, here's the original plan for reference:

[][CyPac Meeting] (Write-In: What do you want to do/achieve/ask/hash out?)
Hmmm. We got a decent human rights agreement here didn't we? Or are least, not something super regressive. We want to make sure that we're on the same page so far as the why does it matter if someone is human or not line. Real important that we can have a United front here imo.
[][USSR Meeting] (Write-In: What do you want to do/achieve/ask/hash out?)
Want to make sure that they're not going to oppose our agenda? Not sure how on board they're going to be. The ussr is pretty Russian/imperialist, and racial tension is just as much of a problem there as it is in the us, right? Only in a more siloed off way with the internal republics. Feel like in that context we can probably get them to at least not oppose us on the grounds that it will probably annoy the us.
[][East Germany Meeting] (Write-In: What do you want to do/achieve/ask/hash out?)
Want to figure out if they have any awareness of this, i guess?
[][West Germany Meeting] (Write-In: What do you want to do/achieve/ask/hash out?)
Figure out how willing they are to sell/make open the tech involved? What public opinion is like internally etc.
[][USA Meeting] (Write-In: What do you want to do/achieve/ask/hash out?)
Want to figure out how fucked Reagan's stance is on this.
Reagan wants his ultra patriotic mole people to battle the underground communists that are stealing Americas oil and coal to make effigies to Karl Marx! - a regular day in the White House with president Reagan.
[][CyPac Meeting] (Write-In: What do you want to do/achieve/ask/hash out?)
Sound out an international body of standards in order to categorise and regulate the quality of CyPac exports, ensure traditional local produce is recognised as such (regional cheese varieties.etc) and generally make sure that the things being traded are what they say they are. (Closest comparison OTL would be the EU's food standards and related trade stuff. Who is ready to be the largest regulatory body on the planet in terms of soft power?)

[][USSR Meeting] (Write-In: What do you want to do/achieve/ask/hash out?)
Soothe over any paranoia regarding CyPac if possible. Ask them what East Germany has uncovered or knew about the current situation. Surely the Red Army found something when they took Berlin? Try to agree sustainable fishing and whaling practices in the Pacific (Invite Japan & relevant nations to that one.) & tell them that we're going to be laying it on thick to the Americans so they hopefully calm down somewhat in the Pacific.

[][East Germany Meeting] (Write-In: What do you want to do/achieve/ask/hash out?)
How in the ever loving flip was this missed and how many of the scientists involved escaped to the United States?

[][West Germany Meeting] (Write-In: What do you want to do/achieve/ask/hash out?)
Explain everything, ethical frameworks, just, everything. Also, we want to help teach them. There is more to the world than Germany abe we anre firmly of the belief that diversity of education can only broaden the mind. And we are very politely ignoring the number of people in Germany who retained their positions in a new uniform after the reich surrendered or how much it would damage relations between the public of Western Europe and the Germans. We don't want to do anything like this but frankly we are worried about how a rogue element may influence these children.

[][USA Meeting] (Write-In: What do you want to do/achieve/ask/hash out?)
Calm paranoia, set up a private meeting with the American delegate to explain our nation's thoughts of the US. The Spanish-American war and the subsequent puppetry of the Philippines, the occupation of Panama and the economic and political domination of small pacific island states prior to the world wars and during the interwar period has indicated a trend in US foreign policy away from their original ideals of not being a colonial power like the Europeans towards a worrying, to us, display of acting like a colonial or imperial power while espousing that you are not. It is our belief that this trend is based not so much of a coherent foreign policy so much as the politician of the day's needs to placate the domestic audience with tangible foreign policy displays that assert the strength of the American Republic (note, use the word that infers falsehood so it translates as 'false republic cum empire'). Due to the eroding of the founding ideals of anti-imperialism over the decades, combined with how we are surrounded to the north (Korea), north-east (Japan), south-west (Taiwan), south-east (Philippines) and have open ocean to the east and (gesture at China dividing) to the direct west. We're worried. Our government has for more than two thousand years taken it's structural cues from China, the largest bastion of communism nearby is the USSR who is a key ally thanks to ideology and the positioning of those who have decided they are ideological opponents. We wish for peaceful coexistence and freedom from the imperialism that so bedecked the colonial era, hence CyPact.

Yeah so my thoughts on this re: the US are to take them aside and have a quiet word that frankly, we'd like peace but we can't trust you or the Europeans due to the colonialism thing so we're trying to push back against new imperialism such as debt traps or resource right domination and land grabs by corporations using bribes with CyPac instead of by starting civil wars. Unless you think that the institutions that inherited assets in Morocco, Algeria, Egypt.etc won't try and exploit the hell out of the people just because they can. (Appeal to the US alphabet agencies tendency to screw over their allies economically.)
[][CyPac Meeting] (Write-In: What do you want to do/achieve/ask/hash out?)
Sound out an international body of standards in order to categorise and regulate the quality of CyPac exports, ensure traditional local produce is recognised as such (regional cheese varieties.etc) and generally make sure that the things being traded are what they say they are. (Closest comparison OTL would be the EU's food standards and related trade stuff. Who is ready to be the largest regulatory body on the planet in terms of soft power?)

[][USSR Meeting] (Write-In: What do you want to do/achieve/ask/hash out?)
Soothe over any paranoia regarding CyPac if possible. Ask them what East Germany has uncovered or knew about the current situation. Surely the Red Army found something when they took Berlin? Try to agree sustainable fishing and whaling practices in the Pacific (Invite Japan & relevant nations to that one.) & tell them that we're going to be laying it on thick to the Americans so they hopefully calm down somewhat in the Pacific.

[][East Germany Meeting] (Write-In: What do you want to do/achieve/ask/hash out?)
How in the ever loving flip was this missed and how many of the scientists involved escaped to the United States?

[][West Germany Meeting] (Write-In: What do you want to do/achieve/ask/hash out?)
Explain everything, ethical frameworks, just, everything. Also, we want to help teach them. There is more to the world than Germany abe we anre firmly of the belief that diversity of education can only broaden the mind. And we are very politely ignoring the number of people in Germany who retained their positions in a new uniform after the reich surrendered or how much it would damage relations between the public of Western Europe and the Germans. We don't want to do anything like this but frankly we are worried about how a rogue element may influence these children.

[][USA Meeting] (Write-In: What do you want to do/achieve/ask/hash out?)
Calm paranoia, set up a private meeting with the American delegate to explain our nation's thoughts of the US. The Spanish-American war and the subsequent puppetry of the Philippines, the occupation of Panama and the economic and political domination of small pacific island states prior to the world wars and during the interwar period has indicated a trend in US foreign policy away from their original ideals of not being a colonial power like the Europeans towards a worrying, to us, display of acting like a colonial or imperial power while espousing that you are not. It is our belief that this trend is based not so much of a coherent foreign policy so much as the politician of the day's needs to placate the domestic audience with tangible foreign policy displays that assert the strength of the American Republic (note, use the word that infers falsehood so it translates as 'false republic cum empire'). Due to the eroding of the founding ideals of anti-imperialism over the decades, combined with how we are surrounded to the north (Korea), north-east (Japan), south-west (Taiwan), south-east (Philippines) and have open ocean to the east and (gesture at China dividing) to the direct west. We're worried. Our government has for more than two thousand years taken it's structural cues from China, the largest bastion of communism nearby is the USSR who is a key ally thanks to ideology and the positioning of those who have decided they are ideological opponents. We wish for peaceful coexistence and freedom from the imperialism that so bedecked the colonial era, hence CyPact.

Yeah so my thoughts on this re: the US are to take them aside and have a quiet word that frankly, we'd like peace but we can't trust you or the Europeans due to the colonialism thing so we're trying to push back against new imperialism such as debt traps or resource right domination and land grabs by corporations using bribes with CyPac instead of by starting civil wars. Unless you think that the institutions that inherited assets in Morocco, Algeria, Egypt.etc won't try and exploit the hell out of the people just because they can. (Appeal to the US alphabet agencies tendency to screw over their allies economically.)

This is not the time or place to form a standards thing. That's a CyPac action.

Soothing USSR paranoia is likewise not really the thing to do at this particular conference. And asking them if the Red Army found something would have been done back at the Laogai Conference. Susptainable fishing - look, focus: genetically engineered wolf people.

Why... would Germany ever give us the time of day with this educational proposal?

The US was always a colonial power? It started by colonizing it's own interior? Like, we don't want to play nice with them. Their existence is kind of a continuous threat to everything we've built up. We are enemies, there's neither ideological nor geopolitical common ground for us to come together around.
The US was always a colonial power? It started by colonizing it's own interior? Like, we don't want to play nice with them. Their existence is kind of a continuous threat to everything we've built up. We are enemies, there's neither ideological nor geopolitical common ground for us to come together around.

why do you hate the us

you know technically in real life anything you said also described the soviet union to the tee including homophobia and lack of concern for the environment with entire eastern Europe being the colony of the soviet union.
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why do you hate the us

you know technically in real life anything you said also described the soviet union to the tee including homophobia and lack of concern for the environment with entire eastern Europe being the colony of the soviet union.

The difference is that we're nominally allied with the Soviets, and have levers we can push on to influence them.

Nether is true for the US.

Playing nice with them just comes across as:

[ ] Blow hot air about peace and international cooperation it the direction of the US while we're shipping guns to anti-US forces across the world.
Here's a tentative plan based on my earlier rambling. I have no idea what to put in a lot of these sections! Just threw in the first thing that came to mind.

[] Plan: Universal Rights for Persons
-[x][CyPac Meeting] (Write-In: What do you want to do/achieve/ask/hash out?)
—[x] Ensure a united front on the issue of personhood: all 'human' rights should be applied to any sentient/sapient individual. Humanity is not required for personhood, etc.
—[x] Work on a collective proposal to release genetic engineering technology to all nations in the interests of relieving world hunger.
-[x][USSR Meeting] (Write-In: What do you want to do/achieve/ask/hash out?)
—[x] What is the USSR's stance? If it doesn't line up with ours, push for it to be compatible.
—[x] Push for them to not oppose or endorse the CyPac proposal unless/until the US opposes it. Let them save face by being pragmatic kingmakers if they aren't wholly on our side.
-[x][East Germany Meeting] (Write-In: What do you want to do/achieve/ask/hash out?)
—[x] Ask if they have any knowledge of these experiments, can share any info with us.
-[x][West Germany Meeting] (Write-In: What do you want to do/achieve/ask/hash out?)
—[x] Propose trade deals, electronics/etc for tech used for genetic modification
-[x][USA Meeting] (Write-In: What do you want to do/achieve/ask/hash out?)
—[x] Are they even going to meet with us??
—[x] Frame accepting the new species as people in terms of living up to the ideals of the Declaration of Independence, etc. Really rub their nose in how awful their track record is on human rights and how this is a chance to start over fresh.
It's an advanced strategy created by only the most capable of politicians called brazenly lying.
What's to lie about? We have our stance and we aren't going to compromise on it so that's that. They can go along with our position or be the bad guys. CyberFemme is right imo, we shouldn't play softball with these guys. We're a tiny island nation that exists under the USSR's nuclear umbrella, and we have a bit more weight due to pulling CyPac together, but we're not in a position where we can dictate foreign policy for anybody else, let alone the US, but trying to be conciliatory to them at this point is a bit too harsh of a 180 to not be laughed off. much...wasted...time.
In my defense, as the kids say in their maimais; I forgor 💀

Well, damage's done, at least this gives me more time to write. :p
why do you hate the us
'Cause they hate you?

My gamer, the US of middle north A is a colonizing, genocidal, imperialistic, and capitalistic power with a massive history of human rights violations, and supression/restriction/breaking of political freedoms and civil rights against massive portions of its own population. And that is in OTL, TTL US(of middle north)A is even worse!
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[X] Plan: Useless LesbianGM
-[X][CyPac Meeting] CyPac, the USSR, and possibly India are gonna hash out a bunch of stuff ahead of time in order to present a united front. This would have been done back at the Lake Laogai Conference, so HC can probably skip it?
-[X][USSR Meeting] As above.
-[X][East Germany Meeting] Talk to East Germany to see if they've been able to uncover anything about the situation - it's long odds, but maybe there was a side lab or some records kept in East Germany before the Soviets captured it.
-[X][West Germany Meeting] West Germany we have to sound out on what happened and what they plan to do? We're particularly interested in what they intend to do with all the ancillary bioscience - are they going to horde it for themselves, or is the medical technology going to be shared?
-[X][USA Meeting] See what their diplomats want out of this whole mess, so that we're not caught too off guard.

Just reposting what I first wrote for the plan. :p
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[x] Plan: Useless LesbianGM
I feel real silly, I even reposted this at the start but clearly didn't read/comprehend it :facepalm:
I mean, I hate the Current US and I'm one of the idiots who lives in it!
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