FATHER QUEST - A Cartoon Network: Villains Victorious CK2-Style Quest Cross Over

[x] Plan: Operation R.I.P.O.S.T.E.D.

Ok look I only argued against him because he looks bad to a lot of people in-universe, we know he isn't doing his thing for... untoward reasons, still probably traumatizing children but still. Other than that I have no issues with Spankulot. Strong, reasonably intelligent. Probably great martial, intrigue, and maybe even Occult.
I'll be honest, I'm not surprised that not talking to Spanky would have resulted in bad things.

He's a bonafide threat when he gets going, he knows us personally and thus a veritable wealth of information to anyone who snaps him up, and quite frankly he's far too useful to be left in jail. Either he'd break out on his own or someone would bail him out and possibly use him against us.
I can get people not wanting him on the team but refusing to talk to him at all was a literal ticking time bomb that could screw us up and then some.

He's not a problem that goes away because people don't want to deal with it, it won't magically get resolved because we don't want to think about it. It'll stew and then explode at the worst possible moment.
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Maybe another king is about to recruit him or end him. He is powerful and maybe just maybe someone is not just targting father, but pretty much any occult players that are for grabs. ala work for me or else!

he also could get his Another carge i mean targeting kids with spanks is a big NONO, and i wouldnt be suprised if there is a big mob, wanting to end him or just pass all his life on prison.
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I doubt it'd be all that easy to end a vampire that can ignore a good deal of the regular weaknesses and has enough telekinetic power to crumple giant robots with a wave of his hand.

Also, all the anti-KND people... you guys do know that they're pragmatic enough to make use of adults and teens if suited... and he's joined the KND before to attack adults, right?
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I believe more so it wasn't that they weren't interested in them. More so that they didn't factor into immediate problems that we had starting out.
[x] Plan: Operation R.I.P.O.S.T.E.D.

Also...Maybe have Hank switch to shadowing the talk? Maybe.
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Nah, Hank got a flame full of villainy during the interview. Give him a bit of a break so as not to see just how dirty villainy has gotten. Plus, if his trait procts, we won't have to waste two Father Personals to Hire Folks

Although he does have an action to look into the legality of The Guild, perhaps that could be something he can do in the future, and mess with them legally?
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You know, if we can get the specs of the Sheep ray, we could use in theory to create a new source of energy.

Combine it with research in 2x4 tecnology, and Knd hamster power and in theory we could get a nice Combo of energy.

or we could create our own badniks ala Dr eggman..... just saying lol
You know, if we can get the specs of the Sheep ray, we could use in theory to create a new source of energy.

Combine it with research in 2x4 tecnology, and Knd hamster power and in theory we could get a nice Combo of energy.

or we could create our own badniks ala Dr eggman..... just saying lol
This implies the US Military knows why it works.

Also, in theory Eggman is in the setting. In theory. Sonic Boom is Tier 2 and OK KO is tier 1. The question is if the QMs use it.