That reminds me of a funny note in a British study on the intellectual habits of the non-intellectual classes a while ago, which naturally included reading the Bible. Some people still didn't find it straightforward to parse, and hadn't picked up on the Gospels being different POVs of the same events, instead interpreting them as happening sequentially like it's Groundhog Day lasting for several years that Jesus has to repeat for some reason. :thonk:

Given the age of the setting, how is there anyone who doesn't? 🤔The kings and cultivation masters might live x10 years, but any sort of offshoot bloodline is going to spread around real widely among normal people with 10x the normal generations and intermarriages.
For what it's worth, I expect the gods are True Norse Cultivators who have achieved ascension (presumably following Odin's path, allied with the Vanir path) rather than a different class of beings, what with the interbreeding and all. Same with Jesus, and I would be curious if the Da Vinci Code theory of bloodline descendants of Jesus is correct here.

So, tactics.

The Sentry's probably got something to give warning if they're under attack, I'd bet that's what's on their pendant. He's reasonable seasoned, but on the level of an ordinary 20 year old, which is decent but probably inferior to our crew on a one to one basis, especially Gabriel.

We still don't want to take them lightly of course. We absolutely want to watch for anything like the Glue Traps or the Scorpions, but I don't think those would go to a relatively expendable bandit group.
We could try to have Stig put arrows in him, if he hits and the amulet neither wards nor gives alarm Stigs runed bow may stun the guard so hard the guard can't call alarm.
turning 7 vs 8 into (7 vs 1 + 7 vs 7) sounds good. Especially if we can do something smart about the 7 vs 7 instead of just having a massive brawl.

Also cave opening...
confined spaces + explosions does sound uncomfortable. (For the ones suffering the explosion, that is)



I think I figured out a use for the Oil!

If we had enough of it, we might be able to infuse a good suit of mail with it while we're crafting it! Innate Fire Resistance would be a heck of a trick to put into a hauberk.
Maybe soak leather armor in it?
Or we could upgrade our smithy with it. Good isolation -> less heat loss -> better iron heating.
Hmm, we want to move in fast then.

Here is the Plan.

[X] Plan: Shock and Awe
-[X] Max out Combat Pool (33 Orthstirr)
-[X] (15d) Attack x5 (Honed Power Chops - 2 Orthstirr Each)
-[X] (9d) Defend x3 (Reinforced Sidesteps - 3 Orthstirr Each)
-[X] (5d) Intercept (Honed and Reinforced Hefty-Halter Chop - 5 Orthstirr)
-[X] Reinforce Shield on our Armor for 3 Orthstirr (6 Layers)
-[X] Ember-Winged Cloak to position (12 Orthstirr)
-[X] (16d) (Honed Leaping Cleave) (4 Orthstirr)
-[X] Contingencies: Reserve Halting Vortex to stop any big nova attempts on us or Aki's Murderbirb, or to suppress any Bullshit that might happen on the way, (4 Orthstirr each)
--[X] You and Aki's crow move in from above. Us using Ember-Winged Cloak, and Aki's murderbirb using its murderbirb powers.
--[X] Stigr and Joarr attack just prior to us using their bows, attempting to distract or otherwise pin the sentry.
--[X] Halla descends using Leaping Cleave in tandem with Aki's Crow.
--[X] Clean up the Sentry while Abjorn, Sten, and Gabriel move past and disrupt and damage the Bandits as much as possible before they can get their act together. Join them once we're done.

The point is "Halla and Aki's Sword-Raven, as the ones with the highest mobility, move in and tie up the sentry, covered by Stigr and Joarr, our heavy melee crew takes advantage of us tying them up to muscle in and cause as much Trouble as possible for the bandits inside while we mop up." Gabriel and Abjorn are absolute fucking units, and I don't think Sten is much worse--and Forgefire taken into combat apparently has great Combat Engineering applications.

I'm guessing we don't need to micro to warn them of the potential of the Scorpions and the Glue Traps, right?

Also, we really got to work for that Skyfire kenning too, and if you can go Full Dragoon Mode, always do it
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(Beaconlight is now Mastered!)

This should be Refined

-[X] Max out Combat Pool (33 Orthstirr)

We also want max out Hugr, Tactics, Composure, Scouting, and Wildcraft (-21 Orthstirr) as those could easily come up mid-combat (in fact, Tactics comes up every turn). And maybe Barb-Tongue (-3 Orthstirr) and Silver-Tongue (-4 Orthstirr) as well given how some combats go.

-[X] (9d) Defend x3 (Reinforced Sidesteps - 3 Orthstirr Each)

Sidestep does not use dice. Like Halting Vortex it just counters an attack, it just has a much narrower scope of attacks it works on.

Fixing those (and noting we use EWC if necessary to avoid the downside of Leaping Cleave) would look like this:

[X] Plan: Shock and Awe (v 1.1)
-[X] Max out Combat Pool (-33 Orthstirr), Max out Hugr, Tactics, Composure, Scouting, Wildcraft, Barb-Tongue, and Silver-Tongue (-28 Ortshtirr)
-[X] (20d) Five 5d6 Attacks (Honed Power Chops -2 Orthstirr Each)
-[X] (0d) Defenses
-[X] (9d) Intercept (11d6 Honed and Reinforced Hefty-Halter Chop -5 Orthstirr)
-[X] Reinforce Shield on our Armor for 3 Orthstirr (6 Layers) (-3 Osrthstirr)
-[X] Ember-Winged Cloak to position, including using it with Leaping Cleave if necessary to avoid being damaged mid-leap (-12 Orthstirr, -18 Orthstirr if needed to adjust Leaping Cleave mid-leap)
-[X] (16d) (17d6 Honed Leaping Cleave) (-4 Orthstirr)
-[X] Contingencies: Use Sidestep on any physical attack it applies to (-2 Orthstirr) and Halting Vortex on attacks it doesn't or to stop any big nova attempts on us or Aki's Murderbirb, or to suppress any Bullshit that might happen on the way, (-4 Orthstirr each)
--[X] You and Aki's raven move in from above. Us using Ember-Winged Cloak, and Aki's murderbirb using its murderbirb powers.
--[X] Stigr and Joarr attack just prior to us using their bows, attempting to distract or otherwise pin the sentry.
--[X] Halla descends using Leaping Cleave in tandem with Aki's Raven.
--[X] Clean up the Sentry while Abjorn, Sten, and Gabriel move past and disrupt and damage the Bandits as much as possible before they can get their act together. Join them once we're done.
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Wow, that dwarf has got the right of it. Our family is impressive. Turns out we're related to Sigurd himself.

The second thing you notice is that it feels like if you hadn't used odr to fuel the trick — or used more of it — you could... enhance the effect? Is that the right way to put it? It feels like you can increase how much damage it deals.

I don't get the first part. From what I can tell, adding odr to Kindle-Spinner would let us increase the damage of it, but does the beginning suggest that using Kindle-Spinner without odr would do more damage if we only used a single point of odr, or something along those lines?

@Imperial Fister, do we have a frame of reference of how strong Joarr is? Does he compare to Stigr in terms of skill?

[X] Plan: Shock and Awe

@Alectai, could we use Magnify-Sight trick to see what the runes on the amulet say?

[X] Plan: Shock and Awe (v 1.1)

Just saw Deadman's post, my bad about the @ Alectai. Anyway, I'll ask Deadman the same question.
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[X] Plan: Shock and Awe (v 1.1)

We already used Magnify-Sight trick.

That being said, is that supposed to be 5 4 D attacks or the other way around @DeadmanwalkingXI ? Because 5 5 d attacks is 25 dice.
Hmm can Odr be put in the Hugr stat since it was just infused into Hamr? Cause having our Hugr dice for crafting double from a 1d6 to a 2d6 would be amazing.
Hmm can Odr be put in the Hugr stat since it was just infused into Hamr? Cause having our Hugr dice for crafting double from a 1d6 to a 2d6 would be amazing.

I imagine it's any stat if we can do Hamr. Which means, I think, we invest at least 3 into Hugr and Fylgja next turn (upping them to two levels of Odr Infusion each), plus however much we put into Hamr (minimum 2, but plausibly more).

And it doesn't directly increase our dice pool just makes us need less Orthstirr to hit max, though it does seem to improve other stuff...maybe Capacity for Hugr and probably Fylgja Endurance for our Fylgja.
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Hmm can Odr be put in the Hugr stat since it was just infused into Hamr? Cause having our Hugr dice for crafting double from a 1d6 to a 2d6 would be amazing.

It's turn level stuff, but now that we know it can be done, we should invest in getting Infusion 3 on all of our core Attributes. There's just too many benefits and the cost is affordable.

my calculation is that it'll be 6 Odr for Hamr, 7 for Hugr, and 7 for Fylgja, total expense of 21 Odr, -10 for our Cutivation, bringing our total held to 15--which is still a fair sum.

In exchange, that's 2 more Endurance, and we reveal what the Odr Perks for Hugr and Fylgja are. My be is that it's a Capacity Boost and another Endurance Boost respectively, but I could be wrong. If there's anything we want to push to 4 though (Which is expensive, but still doable), it'd be Fylgja, to see if there's a Milestone for having Odr Infused to 4 there as well.
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@Imperial Fister, sorry for the second ping, but shouldn't we have Toki Thunsson listed as a friend?

Hmm can Odr be put in the Hugr stat since it was just infused into Hamr? Cause having our Hugr dice for crafting double from a 1d6 to a 2d6 would be amazing.

Double? I mean, yeah, but functionally all it does is reduce the orthstirr needed to max it out, right?
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Yeah, long story short, Odr Infusion is great because it reduces how much Orthstirr we need to max something out, but that's already a relatively small percentage of our total pool. It's more attractive for its secondary benefits, like the extra Endurance, and whatever is included from the other stats.

In the long run, Odr is absolutely game breaking, but we don't generate nearly enough to reach that point at present. We can get Rank 4 Infusions without too much drama, but going above that is going to be the Long Game. Much better to find more stuff to grow in our soul.
Yeah, long story short, Odr Infusion is great because it reduces how much Orthstirr we need to max something out, but that's already a relatively small percentage of our total pool. It's more attractive for its secondary benefits, like the extra Endurance, and whatever is included from the other stats.

As I just edited in above, it probably increases the Fylgja's Endurance as well (since that's based on the Fylgja's either that, Fylgja Capacity, or both), and for Hugr...maybe Capacity? That'd be pretty cool if so. We'd definitely be back in the land of 'never worrying about capacity' in that case since that'd be +6 Capacity (from our owl) from getting three levels of Odr infusion.
As I just edited in above, it probably increases the Fylgja's Endurance as well (since that's based on the Fylgja's either that, Fylgja Capacity, or both), and for Hugr...maybe Capacity? That'd be pretty cool if so. We'd definitely be back in the land of 'never worrying about capacity' in that case since that'd be +6 Capacity from getting three levels of Odr infusion.

Notably, it does play into the "Cultivators probably live longer lives." The Fates can't just strike you randomly dead one day just because your Time is Up, so much as "If your Time is Up, it's because something's going to roll in to end your life."

The threshold for something killing you becomes abnormally high when you start including Odr into the mix, which probably means you live longer just as a matter of averages. The Fates need to be plausible after all, we saw what happens when something implausible gets questioned.

So something killing you young is harder if you've got the same Endurance as someone with Hamr Fucking 10, for instance. If you end up in over your head, that's still not a good place to be, but it gives you a bit more wiggle room to squeak out a path to survival, which might make all the difference.
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This should be Refined
I don't get the first part. From what I can tell, adding odr to Kindle-Spinner would let us increase the damage of it, but does the beginning suggest that using Kindle-Spinner without odr would do more damage if we only used a single point of odr, or something along those lines?
I worded it weird, but you can use odr to fuel a trick like you would orthstirr. You can also add odr to the trick to increase its damage + effects. You can do both at the same time, I just worded it awkwardly.
@Imperial Fister, do we have a frame of reference of how strong Joarr is? Does he compare to Stigr in terms of skill?
He's okay, killed a bandit during the attack on his house. He's here to get some orthstirr cause he's, like, 15.
@Imperial Fister, sorry for the second ping, but shouldn't we have Toki Thunsson listed as a friend?
Good point, I'll add it in.
Is it possible to put more odr than required into a trick?

Probably. Based on orthstirr, each additional orthstirr adds +1d6 to the Trick...each Odr seems to count for 4 Orthstirr, so using it that way would get hefty dice benefits. That's very unlikely to be worth it under the circumstances though given how rare and valuable odr is compared to orthstirr. Spending odr on tricks is almost certainly just not worth it all things considered.

I dunno what it would do if you spend multiple odr to enhance the effects instead, since we don't really know what even one orthstirr does there. That usage is probably more worth thinking about...but not vs. small groups of bandits like this, IMO.
I worded it weird, but you can use odr to fuel a trick like you would orthstirr. You can also add odr to the trick to increase its damage + effects. You can do both at the same time, I just worded it awkwardly.

Ah, okay. So if we used orthstirr + odr to fuel a Firebomb-Strike, it'd do more damage than normal? And for something like Emberwing-Cloak, I imagine it'd let us go further, or it'd be faster? Is there a limit to how much odr we can put into a trick?