Yeah, but it means the attack on his Sanctum is going to happen and then we're immediately going to go to the Headman with the evidence and follow that up with our Assault. There's not going to multiple months between them, it'll probably unfold over the course of days--if not hours.

If we alert him, certainly. If we're careful and get evidence without him being aware we can take a bit more time and maybe lure him into coming to defend himself in court, which would be ideal as it would separate him from a lot of his resources.

And, for the record, attacking the sanctum seems a great way to wind up dead in a magical explosion with no evidence to show for it. We want to sneak in and steal evidence, and that's a whole different thing.
More importantly, I have a cunning plan.

We do not, specifically have to be the ones taking on the Bandits now, do we?

We know Horra fears Steinarr more than anything else, the closest thing he has to being safe is the fortress he's turned his Farm into. So what happens if Steinarr's venting some bad temperment on some Acceptable Targets that are still somewhat adjacent to him?

He's going to keep his head down, and stay in his hall. He knows if Steinarr thought he was there, Steinarr would be on top of him--so he knows he's probably not made, but he's going to keep his head down until he's absolutely secured his dominance.

Which means he's not leaving his Hall. If he thought he was ready to take Steinarr down, he'd have baited him into an attack by now, which tells me that he doesn't feel ready for that yet.

Which means we have time to try and disarm the spells on his Sanctum and infiltrate it, then bring the Evidence down on him before he knows we're onto him. Effectively using his fear of Steinarr as a cloak while we line him up for the kill.

There's no such thing as a Spell that cannot be undone, and this buys us some time to work on it. He'll be on guard--but in an abstract sense of lying low as opposed to expecting an imminent overwhelming assault. Ideally, by the time he knows he's been made, we'll have him in checkmate.

But ultimately, I just feel the risk of following him into a tight, enclosed space and being stuck there until he decides to leave is too great.
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We know Horra fears Steinarr more than anything else, the closest thing he has to being safe is the fortress he's turned his Farm into. So what happens if Steinarr's venting some bad temperment on some Acceptable Targets that are still somewhat adjacent to him?

I was much more on board with Steinarr handling bandit camps by himself or with minimal backup before the Scorpions got mentioned. With those I'm a lot less sanguine. Assuming the bandits have them, of course, but I think we have to assume that they do until proven otherwise.
I was much more on board with Steinarr handling bandit camps by himself or with minimal backup before the Scorpions got mentioned. With those I'm a lot less sanguine. Assuming the bandits have them, of course, but I think we have to assume that they do until proven otherwise.

Scorpions aren't really something you can set up quickly and easily, and knowing about them defangs a great deal of their threat, especially given how Steinarr is known for Dynamic Entries. They're effectively light siege pieces that you have to set up in advance, not shoot and scoot with.
I will say that you can send Abjorn to handle the court case on his own/with Steinarr/Sten/others, which frees up a season for visiting. That does mean, however, that you're relying on Abjorn to handle it.
Scorpions aren't really something you can set up quickly and easily, and knowing about them defangs a great deal of their threat, especially given how Steinarr is known for Dynamic Entries. They're effectively light siege pieces that you have to set up in advance, not shoot and scoot with.

I mean, I'd expect them to have them set up to defend their camp. Possibly with blankets/tarps over them for basic stealth. Steinarr could theoretically wait until some leave their camp and pick them off, but that's definitely not gonna get all of them.

I will say that you can send Abjorn to handle the court case on his own/with Steinarr/Sten/others, which frees up a season for visiting. That does mean, however, that you're relying on Abjorn to handle it.

Noted. We can do that if necessary, but I think the issue is more 'Is collecting evidence at Horra's place and then taking it to the Headman a single Visit, or does that take two Visits, one for each of those two things?'

That's the heart of the disagreement on action economy, I think. @Imperial Fister can you give us a definitive answer there?

Do we even have any legal experts at hand?

I get the impression everyone has some basics, but I don't think we have an expert, no.
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[X] Dive in after him
Is this somewhat dangerous, sure. However, I am a whole lot more concerned about our time limit than about the risk given our low suspicion.
Oh right, I remember the Seeress saying that Horra blocked the place off from Seergaze. Would that also have a blinding effect on our Fylgja?
Oh right, I remember the Seeress saying that Horra blocked the place off from Seergaze. Would that also have a blinding effect on our Fylgja?

If it did, we couldn't see the tree at all, since we're looking at it through our Fylgja right now. Like, if she could see the tree she would've directed us to it, so she can't even see the tree with Seergaze. Which means whatever blinds that is already not working on us looking through our fylgja.

Logically, I think that while it wouldn't be the same visit, it wouldn't require waiting for the next season to roll around. That's what sending Abjorn is for.

Check. That makes sending others something we'd prefer to avoid but can do if we need to.
Think of using Seersight as viewing it through a satellite vs your fylgja being a telescope. You can fool a satellite, can't really fool a telescope, though you can fool the human eyes behind it.
[X] Call it a day and go home

Check. That makes sending others something we'd prefer to avoid but can do if we need to.

...Don't we need a male Norse as part of the evidence-gathering process anyway? I mean, if a woman's testimony is inadmissable in court, is it enough for Abjorn to say "My wife says she saw Horra with dark magic in his sanctum through her Fylgja", or does Abjorn have to go to the sanctum himself?
Are women's testimony inadmissible in court to prevent people like the Seeress from airing out people's dirty laundry?
...Don't we need a male Norse as part of the evidence-gathering process anyway? I mean, if a woman's testimony is inadmissable in court, is it enough for Abjorn to say "My wife says she saw Horra with dark magic in his sanctum through her Fylgja", or does Abjorn have to go to the sanctum himself?

Abjorn can indeed say that and then be murderously angry if anyone calls Halla a liar, I think. Like, with men the only ones able to testify them doing it for their wives if probably the expected thing. However, Halla can also probably manage to get her own testimony heard through force of personality if she's there...the time we were told we couldn't was the troll thing, and that was explicitly because a woman testifying on top of a troll doing so was just a bit too much. Like, it sounded like it's technically against the rules for women to testify, but not enough that we can't do it if we avoid other irregularities (especially with our pretty high Drengskapr).

But also, the idea is to get physical evidence and present that if possible, not merely our word. Like, we're still giving our word that we found this physical evidence in Place X, but the evidence helps. We can also literally take them to the place and offer to do so, which is fairly compelling.

Are women's testimony inadmissible in court to prevent people like the Seeress from airing out people's dirty laundry?

Nah, she can just do that loudly in public if she feels like it. It's just normal sexism.
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[X] Call it a day and go home

...because facing a sorceror in his sanctum when you're at a fraction of your power is dumb. If he figures out that our fylgia is there, we're good as dead, because we can't leave until he voluntarily opens the door again, and the owl alone doesn't have nearly enough power to take him down.
[X] Call it a day and go home

This place is probably boobytrapped to hell. I think we've learned more than enough, though.